Sunday, March 22, 2015

1st period 3/23-3/27

Due by Friday 3/27 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The title of this Article is "Why Congress is having trouble Governing".
    This article was published on March 24,2015

    This article consist of the government having a lot of drama there is an issue well "exposing cleavages"because some republicans want to increase the spending in military. There trying to do this to strengthen there hand against Obamas health care law they fear if this don't happen then it will be 2013 all over again . My reaction to this article is why are they trying to stop Obamas help care all because he's leaving office. Why is there such an issue for the health care that help people?My opinion is I feel the government are attacking the people. Why are they trying to give money to the military and we are not even able to satisfy the needs of the schools? Kids are not getting the proper education. I connect this to the event I attended on March 24 and the man running for mayor was saying how we need money to fund schools and everyone is talking but no one is doing anything. This is a valid issue and needs to be solved before they decide to give more money to the military.

    Irwin, Neil. "The New York Times." Why Congress Is Having Trouble Governing. Neil Irwin, 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

    1. Irwin, Neil. "The New York Times." Why Congress Is Having Trouble Governing. Neil Irwin, 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.


  3. Article Title: Boehner weighs in on Bergdahl, slams Obama prisoners swap

    Article date: Wed March 25, 2015

    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was captured by

    ISIS, for five years, after running away from his duty in Afghanistan. He was tortured, beaten, and threatened by the terrorist. Fortunately, he regained his freedom when President Obama decides to trade the four most dangerous men with ISIS. However, he is being sentenced to military prison for life. The U.S. Military is indicting him for desertion and misbehavior.

    The president is also in trouble with the legislatives. He overstepped boundaries, as a president, by not letting the legislatives know what his plan was. Which was to trade the four men from ISIS group with Bowe Bergdahl. I believe Obama’s decision was not a very wise decision at all. Also, if Bowe would have stayed at his position, this whole situation would never have happened. However, I do not believe he should be sentenced to life, he suffered consequences.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Bardner, Eric; Barbara, Starr, and lavandera, Ed . “ Boehner weighs in on Bergdahl, slams Obama prisoners swap.” Wed March 25, 2015. (Wed March 25, 2015)

  4. Article title: Obama administration official defends Bergdahl trade despite charges.
    Article date: March 26, 2015
    Last year, the U.S. traded 5 Taliban leaders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. The White House Communications Director defended this decision, because he and the entire U.S. wants to bring home as many soldiers as they can, and if exchanging prisoners is what must be done, it must be done. Sgt. Bergdahl still will face trial for his situation.
    I think this is interesting but could be ineffective, especially when the exchange is uneven, such as how 1 person is exchanged for 5. In the end, an American soldier is returning home but we are releasing 5 Taliban leaders technically. This could prove to be dangerous in the future (especially with the emergence of ISIS), where these same Taliban leaders could return to their prior ways. I have mixed emotions on prisoner exchanges, though it is very intriguing.
    Griffin, Jennifer. "Obama administration official defends Bergdahl trade despite charges." Fox News. March 26, 2015.

  5. Article title: Officials: US poised to slow troop drawdown in Afghanistan, will keep more troops into 2016

    Article date: March 16, 2015

    In this article, the author speaks about officials of the United States trying to keep troops until the 2016 fighting season. They would like to keep them there to keep an eye on al quaida. At first they were considering to send yhe troops home, but the US militant leaders believe that they still have business there. Everyone is curious as to if the white house will allow it. That's what this article was about. My reaction towards this article was a little heart clenching. Me as an regular American civilian I would know how it feels not to have your family coming home. I think that US officials are being selfish in not giving them a break and letting them come home with their family.
    I chose this article because it shows the selfishness of the United States. They can't even send troops home to let them get a simple break. I think my opinion is the same as the families of people who are in the military, they just miss them.

    Associated Press. "Officials: US poised to slow troop drawdown in Afghanistan, will keep more troops into 2016 ". March 16, 2015. (March 26, 2015).

  6. Article title: Officials: US poised to slow troop drawdown in Afghanistan, will keep more troops into 2016

    Article date: March 16, 2015

    In this article, the author speaks about officials of the United States trying to keep troops until the 2016 fighting season. They would like to keep them there to keep an eye on al quaida. At first they were considering to send yhe troops home, but the US militant leaders believe that they still have business there. Everyone is curious as to if the white house will allow it. That's what this article was about. My reaction towards this article was a little heart clenching. Me as an regular American civilian I would know how it feels not to have your family coming home. I think that US officials are being selfish in not giving them a break and letting them come home with their family.
    I chose this article because it shows the selfishness of the United States. They can't even send troops home to let them get a simple break. I think my opinion is the same as the families of people who are in the military, they just miss them.

    Associated Press. "Officials: US poised to slow troop drawdown in Afghanistan, will keep more troops into 2016 ". March 16, 2015. (March 26, 2015).

  7. Article Title: Bucks mother arrested for alleged child abuse
    Article Date: March 26,2015

    A women abused her 23 month old baby , leaving her with a broken jaw, lined fractures in her skull, and several burns. It took the police 8 months to arrest her. She pretended to have ovarian cancer by shaving off her hair and eyebrows. Reichards mother reported that the infant has been being abused her injuries were very crucial, including a broken thigh bone and ruptured eardrum. She tried to blame it on the infants father , but during the investigation there was no way all of the infants injuries could have came from the father of he only had her for a few days.

    My reaction to this is that she was wrong for abusing a baby and leaving her with several critical injuries. As a mother you are suppose to provide love, affection, and protection to your child not harm or danger. My opinion is that she should be thrown in jail because this is a crime. Also, she faked a serious health condition she needs to do some time. My connection to this is when I watched Daddy's little girls, their mother and boyfriend were abusing the girls and their finally got tired of it and gained full custody of his girls. Both the mother and boyfriend was arrested.

    Finely, Ben. "Bucks mother arrested for alleged child abuse." March 26,2015. March 27,2015)

  8. Article Title: DEA agents sex party: Agents behaving badly overseas
    Article Date: March 26, 2015

    The justice department's inspector general revealed in a report that drug enforcement agents attend sex parties. These parties are believed to be paid for by drug cartels. Federal agents violated the rules of their jobs by having sexual intercourse with prostitutes overseas and not being investigated properly. The DEA and FBI are being criticized as they did not cooperate when they first began investigations. The agents involved were not given any disciplinary action against them.
    This article is important because DEA agents were not penalized. Everyone was aware of what these agents had done. I think that the agents involved the sex party should be fired. I believe that this isn't the first time that something like this has happened. This effects the country that it happened in as well as America. The country involved is affected because they now know that they can continue with prostitution. It affected America by making itself look bad because they did nothing to the agents that committed these acts.

    Perez,Evan"DEA agents sex party: Agents behaving badly overseas"
    Cnn 26 Mar 2015
    (26 Mar 2015)

  9. Article Title- Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on Arizona death row, has murder case tossed
    Article Date- March 24,2015

    Debra was spent 22 years on death row. They said her and two other men killed her son for an insurance payout. The judge rule that Debra was innocent. She is the second woman that was taken off from death row. The detective said Debra confessed on the murder but the detective record shows misconduct and lying under oath. The other two men that was accused are still on death row.

    The son had went to the mall to see Santa Claus and he wanted to go back to so one of Debra roommates took him. The roommate called saying Chris had disappeared. The roommate and his friend drove the boy out of town and shot and killed him. They received the death sentence. The end result is that Debra charges was dropped and the other two men are still on death row.

    Ahmed, Saeed and Botelho, Greg."Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on Arizona death row, has murder case tossed." 25 March 2015. (27 March 2015)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Article Title: Foreign Relations Chair: "I knew nothing" about Cuba talks

    Article Date: January 4, 2015

    Senator Robert Menendez had spoken on Obama’s recent interactions with Cuba and North Korea. Menendez also reports that he was never a part of the talk about taking the country of Cuba off the terrorist list. Although, he believes it was a good decision he still thinks he should have been included in the decision. When I first heard that the U.S. made friends with Cuba I was astonished. I wouldn’t have thought they would have done that in a while because they have been on the terrorist list for a long time. My opinion is that they did the right thing by taking them off the list. Not only are they taking them off but they are also thinking about adding North Korea due to their most recent actions. I don’t think there is a connection I can make to this but there is a lot to be learned from. Something that can be learned is that you should always know what's going on around you. I feel as though the senator should have known that they were taking action about this because it was going on for a year.

    Bradner, Eric. "Menendez Hits Obama on North Korea, Cuba -" CNN. Cable News Network, 4 Jan. 2015. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

  12. Article Title: "New Bergdahl letter outlines torture"
    Article date: Thursday, March 26,2015

    Bowe Bergdahl was charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. Bergdahl's attorney stated that Bergahl had been tortured; chained on all fours. They don't want to be not guilty and let go on honorable discharge. The reason for this is because he said his health was bad because of malnourishment. They are saying the President Obama violated the law by not telling congress about the trade between Taliban and the U.S. Until now it has been in the hands of General Mark Milley.

    I think that President Obama should have let congress know because they could us checks and balances. Checks and balances were made to maintain balance and avoid these accusations. Congress can veto the president when it comes to international trade. A connection to this article is all past discussions about ISIS and a reminder that a solution is still in process. ISIS has made many attempts to take other American territories.

    Bradner, Eric."New Bergdahl letter outlines torture."CNN. 27 March 2015 27 March 2015)

  13. Article title: NCAA 'concerned' over Indiana law that allows biz to reject gays
    Article date: Thursday March 26, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum): Indiana is now allowing store owners to away gay customers. Their govener Mike Pence says it's due to the right of their religious freedom. Indiana also was not one the go for same sex marriage. So this is not a surprising trend for the state. But some people including the NCAA is worried how this will affect future generations. They are also saying that this bill is going to challenge local law that stops discrimation. Jason collins the first openly gay NBA player spoke out againist this injustice. I believe that this bill is wrong and should have never made on the govener's desk. I do not think this will become a law. I choose this because it had to do with the gov't and the rights of others.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access): Bradner, Eric. "NCAA 'concerned' over Indiana law that allows biz to reject gays." CNN. ( Friday March 27, 2015)
