Sunday, March 15, 2015

1st period, 3/16-3/20

Due by Friday 2/27 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article Title: Sheldon Silver's lawyers criticize U.S attorney
    Article Date: February 25,2015
    This article consisted of Mr. Silver a democrat who is a speaker at the State Assembly was arrested and charged with wire fraud and extortion under the color of official right. At the federal court Mr. Silver pleaded not guilty the charges included indictment he was convicted for 4 billion dollars of corrupt payments he has been the speaker for The Assembly for nearly two decades. My reaction to this article is just wow why did they not convict him earlier why now a lot of questions have raised in my head about this because he was 71 and now you decided to arrest him. My opinion on this article is this case should be thrown out it is pointless let the man be and continue to do his speeches for the Assembly jail will do him no goo at 71. My connection is to the 6th amendment the jurors did not fairly decide on the case the lawyer even demanded that they do a disclosure for the jurors who convicted Mr. Silver.
    Weiser, Benjamin. "Sheldon Silver’s Lawyers Criticize U.S. Attorney." The New York Times. The New York Times, 24 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.


  2. Article title: Why we’re guilty in abuse of women

    Article date: March 16, 2015

    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Women all around the nation are crying for justice. For years they have been treated as unequal compared to men. India are one of the main discriminatory country in the world. Women are being raped and mistreated from the people that holds their Country together. Their Government believes that women rights should be restricted because he believes they have no place in politics.

    The documentary called “India’s daughter”, reveals the hatred between the men towards the women in India. This is horrifying to see what they do and how they undermine them . Unfortunately, this kind of things does not only happened in India. This is current in the U.S. The U.S. tries to solve other country’s problem, but won’t solve their own. These kinds of behavior can lead to protest all around the world.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:Schreiner, Phoebe. “Why we’re guilty in abuse of women.” . March 16, 2015. (March 16, 2015

  3. Article title : The Supreme Court Identify Crisis on Voting Rights.
    Article date : March 7,2013
    Shelby County V. Holder. The voting rights of holder was not upheld therefore he tries to take it to higher court with the fifteenth amendment by his side. The voting rights act. Was the fire of the argument and led people into a world if distrust. The states were suppose to follow the guidelines of their own state or county rules. The Supreme Court used and old case to relate to this case if South Carolina v. Katzenback . The fifteenth amendment protects people civic rights in voting although holder lost the case.
    I feel that people are always trying to make sure they are not being ripped off. The courts are very protective of what is there so they took it to higher levels in order for it not to be a big problem. I think that in order for poem to know if there rights are being upheld then one should do research upon what they are protecting their self from . Also I believe that if a court case falls in the grey area than they should strictly follow the amendment guidelines as well as the law to support them in always.
    This connects me to real life and scenarios that could happen to me. Even though I have no face to face connection. I think if times were we go to mrs.lynn if we're in trouble and she has to show the school rule book and point out all the things of the bad reasons we are down in the office. Then she informs us of the consequences that we brought ourselves in. The student always try to protect one self just like holder.
    Greenhouse, Linda. " The supreme Court Identify Crisis on Voting Rights. the New York times. MARCH 19,2015. . March 19th,2015

  4. Article Title: On race, Philly Police Department still behind
    Article Date: March 16, 2015

    Summary: This article speaks about changing policing so that they can gain the legitimacy and trust of the citizens. The police departments has have a troubled history when it comes to diversity because it either not enough blacks in the force or not enough whites in the force. There were three lawsuits filed by african americans police. Data thats is presented can not change the police’s mindset or effectiveness of how training is going, but they can change the race and gender part. In regards to officer Robert Wilson the third policing can be a dangerous job.

    My reaction to this is they need to do something with the police system because it seriously messed up. They have so many police officers who aren't punished when crimes are being committed and the diversity in the departments is very uneven. My opinion is that the president of the police department needs to make the change. If he doesn't make the change the system will get worse. My connection to this is the ferguson case that police officer was let off and he committed a serious crime. “ On race, Philly Police Department still behind”. March 16, 2016. (March 16, 2016)

  5. Article Title- U.S Targets Shabab Unit in Somalia
    Article Date- March 13,2015
    Summary- The united states fired at a member of a group called, Shabab by airstrikes because they believe this member assisted on an attack of a mall in kenya a few years ago. Officials begin to investigate if the members of this group were targeted while being attacked by the u.s. According to officals the united states and shabab been attacking each other for years over economic sanctions. Past year the governor has been improving it's effort towards defeating this group and achieved of killing shabab' leader.
    Reaction- confused because if this group were attacking kenya what do the united states have to do with this. Opinion- I think the united state is gaining enemies by involving they're self with another country problem. Connection- I chose this article because it stood out to me that the united states achieved in defeating this group while both countries been sending off threats to each other in the past years
    Cooper,H.''U.S Targets shabab united in somalia.''NYTIMES.March 13,2015. (15 March 2015).

  6. Article Title: "Obama aims to clamp down on federal student loan servicers"
    Article Date: March 10, 2015

    President Obama is issuing a presidential memorandum. In this memorandum the President plans to help current and former college students keep up with their student loans. President Obama used his executive authority to help those with low incomes be able to have easier repayments of their loans by taking out an amount that fits their monthly incomes. President Obama also plans to review federal agencies to see rather new government rules should be put in place to make sure that student loan servicers aren't taking advantage of students. This is important because a lot of people are going to college now. A lot of people in America have low incomes so it is important that they know what is going to happen in regards to their student loans. This is also important because I plan to go to college and I know that there is a possibility that I will have to take out a student loan. I feel that this is a good thing because some people have a hard time finding jobs when they first get out of college. Meaning that they will have an even harder time trying to repay the debt of their loans. I think that President Obama made a good decision by making this his presidential memorandum. A lot of people will appreciate it because college is becoming a bigger thing in today's society.

    Press,Associated"Obama aims to clamp down on federal student loan servicers"
    Fox News 10 Mar 2015
    (19 Mar 2015)

  7. Article title: U.S. to train 750 Ukraine troops as Russian aggression continues
    Article date: March 20, 2015
    The U.S. is planning a very interesting move. It was well known that Russia has the power to take over Ukraine and have been threatening to move in for awhile now. The U.S. is trying to do whatever it can to prevent Russia from going into Ukraine. Fortunately, they are going to train about 750 Ukraine troops for any sudden Russian invasion. The U.S. military has stated that Russia has been jamming the airspace near Ukraine for awhile now. This must be some kind of sign. Regardless, the U.S. will try to do whatever it can to stop a Russian invasion, and training 750 Ukrainian troops is one way. This is a very interesting article. I did a current event awhile ago on Russia trying to get into Ukraine and what the U.S. should do. They are now moving a step forward and getting the Ukrainian troops prepared for anything unexpected. While the training of these troops is good for Ukraine, it makes one wonder if the U.S. should even spend time training troops for another country when the troops of the U.S. military could always train more and get better.
    Tomlinson, Lucas. "U.S. to train 750 Ukraine troops as Russian aggression continues" Fox News. March 20, 2015.


  8. Article Title:Obama: 'No excuse' for violence against Ferguson police
    Article date: March 13, 2015

    President Obama speaks out on the shooting of the two officers from Ferguson,Missouri. He thought it was ok for them to have a peaceful protest due to all the things that's happening in Ferguson then the protesters got violent resulting into two police officers getting shot. The police officers recovered from the shooting they received medical attention that they needed and was released from the hospital the next morning. Obama wants these criminals caught they should never get away with killing police officers. They need to find the people that did this because it's not right what they did.

    I choose this article because I seen how it was about Ferguson,Missouri. I know how so many horrible things been happening there so I thought I should read what's going on now. Also, because it was an interesting article to read about. I like how Obama spoke on this it shows he cares about what happens in Ferguson,Missouri. Also, because it relates to what happens in Philly too their is a lot of officers getting shot just like the last story about how the police officer dead from being shot in Game Stop.

    Jaffe,Alexander ."Obama: 'No excuse' for violence against Ferguson police." 13 March (March 20,2015)

  9. Article title:

    2. Article date:

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)

    4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access

  10. Article Title: "Obama regrets not closing Guantanamo on the first day in office"
    Article Date: March 18, 2015
    Obama regrets his decision to close Guantanamo prison. This prison holds more than 120 inmates. Obama close Guantanamo prison because he had a bipartisan agreement, which is when two opposing parties make an agreement to not close it. Critics of the prison state that inmates are being used by terrorist in the Middle East. Their plan is to slowly decrease the populations down to about 50 to 60 prisoners.

    I think Obama should take his time as he is doing. This will give him time to find a plan B. I think that they should drop the bipartisan and replace it with agreeing to close down Guantanamo prison. This is connected with the checks and balances and the fact that Obama is yet again limited to his power as the President. Almost like the change fo immigrants and changing the policy.

    Jaffe, Greg. "Obama regrets not closing Guantanamo first day in office." The Washington Post. 18 March 2015 March 2015)


  11. Article title:Ohio court awards wrongly imprisoned man over $1 million

    2. Article date:March 20, 2015

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum). Ricky Jackson a man who was sentenced to death for a killing that he did not commit has spent thirty nine years behind bars will get more than $1 million from the state for wrongful imprisonment. A court ruled Thursday that they he was innocent and freed him. He was one of three men sent to death row in 1975 after being convicted of aggravated murder. They accused him of slaying a businessman outside a corner store in Cleveland. Cuyahoga County relied on the testimony of a 13 year old boy to convict Jackson and two brothers who were Jackson's best friends. Based on the testimony that Vernon lied in 1975. The judge freed the charges against the three men.The Court ordered the state to pay Jackson $1,008,055 for the nearly 39 years he spent in state prison. When Jackson was freed in November he was believed to have served the longest sentence for someone wrongfully convicted. I believe that the state should of played him more because he spent most of his life in jail. I would Want at least 10 mill for that long. I never experience something like this before in my life.

    4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access

    Fox news / date access 3/20/15

  12. Article Title :More U.S Troops Seen Staying in Afghanistan
    Date: March 19, 2015
    This article was about Obama having to keep American combat troops in Afghanistan to fight. This has been one of the longest wars that America has been in. Obama made a promise to American troops home by the end of his term. This is going to be hard because there has been a rise in terrorist attacks over the last couple of years. I really don't mind Obama leaving some of the troops their to combat Afghanistan to fight the Taliban, foreign extremist, and ISIS. I feel bad for the families of the troops but they are needed to help other countries learn out tactics to fight. People are mad at Obama for not keeping up with his promise but things are changing & new threats are being proposed, so I'm glad he chooses to keep some there. He also has the right to handle this because he is in control of this under his branch which is the executive. Also, he knows whats right he's been in the government for a long time now and knows the system. If he does not take action now imagine how many people would get hurt, just like with the Holocaust, many people died. By the time America came to help hundreds of thousands of people died. This is why I'm glad Obama knows to take action.


    This article is about Robert Dust, who is getting charged with first degree murder. in his case it involves the judicial branch. Investigators are looking back in 1982, for the cold case file of Susan Berman. During the questioning Robert said that he has not killed Susan Berman , but in jail he has admit to killing Susan Berman. he thought it was a violation of his rights because doing question he was not arrested. it only came out that he was arrested and read his Miranda rights but did not ask for a lawyer. my reaction to this article is that if you're going to do a story, then stick to your story. you're innocent until proven guilty, but if you're going around saying that you did do it. that's evidence against you and that will make you go to jail. if Robert would have not said anything unless his lawyer dealt with the responsibility to keep his freedom. Robert would have been a free man right now. that weighs now he cannot be convicted of a crime two times so he could have been said that he has killed Susan Berman. Remind me of the time when in till was kill two white man. They did not say anything to interfere with your case. This reminds me of the time Emmett Till was kill two white man. They did not say anything to interfere with your case. But after they did admit doing the wrongful act.

  14. Article title: Hillary Clinton's 2016 wild card: The Fed

    Article date: Thursday March 19, 2015

    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) : In the 2016 Presidental race Hillary Cliton is planning to run in, now has more problems on her plate. Democrats need an economic turn around due the rising unemployment rates. This issuse is a very big debate within the entire government. For the government to make up the loss, they would have to increase prices on everything and and interest rates. Although this would be a tradgedy for those in middle class or lower. No one has any idea what is going to happen becasue this has never happened. I believe this this will be a great problem for the african american community which make up majority of the unemployed people. This will also make it alot harder for those trying to get out of the slomp they are in now. I choose this because in 2016 I will be voting and I wanted to know what issues are on the rise and who would make the better canidate. Hopefully this problem is solved quickly.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access): Lee, MJ. "Hillary Clinton's 2016 wild card: The Fed." CNN. Thursday March 19, 2015. (Friday March 20, 2015)
