Sunday, February 22, 2015

5th period, 2/23-2/27

Due by Friday 2/27 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. White House to request permission to fight ISIS

    February 12, 2015

    Everyday that passes, ISIS grows stronger and smarter. Our president, Barack Obama want to do something about it. President Obama wants to send a request to take a fight to ISIS stop them. However Congress won't give him permission. Since the president has to get permission from Congress to send an army somewhere he couldn't do what he wanted. He argued with Congress back and forth about exceptions to the rule.

    I think the president is going about this the right way. He is going through the proper channels and is thinking about our people. Its possible ISIS might grow so big that they might take over take over the ways of traveling in the Middle East and travel to other places like here in the U.S.

    Jeffe, Alexandra and Walsh, Deirdre. " White House to request permission to fight ISIS." CNN. 5 February 2015. (22 February 2015)

  2. Title: ISIS issues guidelines for sex slavery
    Article Date: Thursday December 11, 2014

    Thousands of Iraqi citizens were forced out of their homes due to the terrorist group ISIS. Many of the women are sold for sex to offering buyers. In early November many ISIS militants posted on Youtube videos of these heinous crimes. ISIS has created pamphlets of what they deem their woman to be property.ISIS uses this tactic to hinder the opposing countries.

    Women can be the person inflicting the pain too.The group usually targets pre teens because they did not go through puberty yet.There has not been any further notice of how the group view these young adolescents as eligible for rape. Many believe that this should not come as a shock because of the ISIS brutal tactics earlier in the year. Others on the other hand believes that this is sick and that their tactics may have gone too far.

    This can be related to Nazism and how the extremist group molested jews in their concentration camps . I think this is erroneous because they are torturing females for their sadistic pleasures.When I first read this it made me sick to my stomach because they are picking on the weak. Who can't even defend themselves. This also is a form of slavery which is why I chose this article because it relates to civics.

    News, CBS. “ISIS issues guidelines for sex slavery.” CBS News. 11 Dec 2014. Feb 2015)

  3. Title:Kerry downplays Isis threat to Americans at Senate hearing.By: fox news on Feb, 2015 at 5: 34. Date access:Feb 26 2015.
    This article was about the Secretary of State who says that we are living in a period of less daily threats to Americans and the world, but Secy Kerry says thats this is going bad and that isis is damien more ground every daythats this is going bad and that isis is gaining more ground every day richer and stronger and that the people should not pay attention to him. The president and the White House I think that the history of all of us having the same mindset years back it's going to be what will stop the ISIS from killing people but actually the problem is that Isis group think it is their responsibilityto kill anyone who is not part of the twisted way of Islam.the administration is making no impact on no way Isis is growing bigger because they grow stronger and we grow weaker ass compared to them, and because there are new weapons being introduced very soon Isis is going to gain more power and the US is going to feel threatened to buy more weapons which is not going to make the problem any less my opinion I am completely confused as to what is going on right now because it seems,is seems that the mall what does americans get the more dangerous this whole situation because it seems that the more weapons we get the more dangerous this whole situation becomesand my reaction when I read this articlewhat is shocked reaction because I thought that I since we're taking care but apparently they hadn't. And this is really unbelievable.

  4. Title:Kerry downplays Isis threat to Americans at Senate hearing.By: fox news on Feb, 2015 at 5: 34. Date access:Feb 26 2015.
    This article was about the Secretary of State who says that we are living in a period of less daily threats to Americans and the world, but Secy Kerry says thats this is going bad and that isis is damien more ground every daythats this is going bad and that isis is gaining more ground every day richer and stronger and that the people should not pay attention to him. The president and the White House I think that the history of all of us having the same mindset years back it's going to be what will stop the ISIS from killing people but actually the problem is that Isis group think it is their responsibilityto kill anyone who is not part of the twisted way of Islam.the administration is making no impact on no way Isis is growing bigger because they grow stronger and we grow weaker ass compared to them, and because there are new weapons being introduced very soon Isis is going to gain more power and the US is going to feel threatened to buy more weapons which is not going to make the problem any less my opinion I am completely confused as to what is going on right now because it seems,is seems that the mall what does americans get the more dangerous this whole situation because it seems that the more weapons we get the more dangerous this whole situation becomesand my reaction when I read this articlewhat is shocked reaction because I thought that I since we're taking care but apparently they hadn't. And this is really unbelievable.

  5. Article Title- The name of this article is , The supreme Court allows Texas abortion clinics to re open for now.
    Article Date- This article was published on February 27th 2015.
    Summary- Basically this article is about how abortion clinics are now opening back up in Texas which means they were closed before. My opinion on this article is that the supreme court can help get abortion clinics open.basically supporting that... When they're schools in Pennsylvania that are being shut down for having less financial growth etc. I honestly don't agree with abortions I understand it is a million and one reasons why others think otherwise but I disagree and don't think that money should be used for that. I connected this article to everyday life. Things like that happens in other states too; not just Texas. My reaction towards this article was that's unfair I was mad. Because I don't support abortion and I don't believe in them so I think everything the supreme Court doing in Texas is wrong.

    Mears,Bill ."Supreme Court allows Texas abortion clinics to reopen for now." 14 October. (February 26,2015)

  6. Article Title: U.S. Government Bond Prices Fall
    Article Date: February 26, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Today on thursday the Government sold out for the first time in a while. Bills on overspending has gotten out of hand. Anxiety and interest rates have gone up. There has 29 billion dollars worth of treasury. The bond market has been going up since November 2013. My reaction to this is why have they been spending billions of dollars in bonds. My opinion on this is that it is there fault for using all this money. My connection to this is that you can relate this to civics is that it has to do with the Government.
    Zeng. Ming. "U.S. Government Bond Prices Fall" February 26, 2015 26, 2015)

  7. Article Title: Crowded Field of Philadelphia Democratic Mayoral Candidates
    Article Date: February 18, 2015
    Summary: The year the race for democratic mayors in Philadelphia the field is pretty full. Nelson Diaz, a student activist at Temple University plans to run for mayor, making him the first Latino mayor. In addition, City Council Jim Kenney, PGW executive Doug Oliver, former State Senator Anthony Williams, District Attorney Lynne Abraham, Minister Keith Goodman, and former State Senator Milton Street have all joined the democratic mayoral race. All of the candidates have similar plans for the city of Philadelphia. Whether it is the generation of funds for the public school system to the generation of job opportunities each candidate is focusing on one of the two. Each candidate has similar plans for the city of Philadelphia. The fact that so many democratic individuals are running for the spot as mayor is actually surprising. Personally, I want to see what each individual has to bring to the table and how they can improve the city. The city has appeared to be in shambles as far as budgeting, thus I think each candidate has something valuable to bring to the table. Ultimately, this democratic race should be an interesting race to follow.
    Citation: Odom, Vernon. "Crowded Field of Philadelphia Democratic Mayoral Candidates." 6abc Philadelphia. 18 Feb. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.

  8. FCC approves sweeping Internet regulation plan, Obama accused of meddling

    February 26,2015

    This article involves President Obama and Fcc. President Obama proposed regulations on how Americans should use the Internet. The commission voted 3-2 on a proposal that remained unknown until their final vote. The proposal plans to bar service providers from "fast lanes" that could hurt smaller internet businesses. The commission chairman believes it could guarantee a network that will not be effected.
    I think that even though the group that voted for the proposal outweighed the group against it I believe that it was to close of a vote for the commission to enact this proposal. Even though it's believed to not have an effect on smaller Internet businesses I think it still will cause the bigger companies will only get bigger and better and will out do the smaller ones. I feel that some businesses won't be able to benefit from it. I also feel that the way people use the internet will change. With new regulations people are going to use the Internet less because they feel like their rights are being violated because they can't do the things that they were able to do before.

    Press,Associated"FCC approves sweeping Internet regulation plan, Obama accused of meddling" 26 Feb 2015 (26 Feb 2015)

  9. Article Title: ISIS militant ‘Jihadi John’ identified, U.S. officials say

    Article Date: This event happened Thursday February 26, 2015.

    What happened in this event was that U.S officials were investigating to find out if Jihadi John was Mohammed Emwazi. U.S. officials talked to CNN and found out more research was done to find his identity. British and London police were questioned about Emwazi, asking if this was really him in ISIS videos holding hostages. Both London and British police declined it was him due to human rights and a Muslim advocacy group. Mohammed was born in Kuwaiti then moved to the UK. That is where he grew up and went to school. Over those years he was detained while going on a safari trip which made him start to become interested in terrorism. He also joined an association for citizens who felt like they were being harassed by police. I am actually happy the man behind all of this was found and now he can get the penalties he deserve if caught. I think the U.S. should arrest him and sentence him to death because he could be a main leader of ISIS. Taking him from the group may put the other members in confusion. I chose this article because the man who the U.S. has been trying to identify for many months is finally known. Now that the U.S. knows who he is he can hopefully be stopped from future beheading and holding citizens from other countries hostage.

    Spark-Smith Lauren, Fantz Ashley, and Shoicent E. Catherine. “ ISIS militant ‘Jihadi John’ identified, U.S. officials say.” February 26, 2015. (February 26, 2015)

  10. Article title: The article is titled, Government and Marriage: An Increasingly Toxic Mix.
    Article date: The article was updated February 26, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) Texas has a constitutional ban on gay marriage. This leads up to the article about a gay couple named Sarah and Suzanne who wanted to get married but couldn't in Texas. They didn't want to be known married in one state and not the other. They wanted to fight against the Texas law. The news became controversial and it made the United States Supreme Court make a resolution, while the Texas Supreme Court did not argue back with the decision.
    America is still struggled for a stable answer on that. I don't understand it, because gay marriage draws so much media attention, so for it to be easier to deal with it should not be banned in any state. The gay community may increase because they are not scared to prove to the world who they really are and they should have the liberty too, since religions do that also. Many people may not like it, but sometimes people's opinions don't count in certain circumstances. Let the people express themselves and give them rights to do so!

    Wilhelm, Heather. " Government and Marriage: An Increasingly Toxic Mix".
    REAL CLEAR POLITICS. 26 February 2015. "" (26 February 2015)

  11. Article Title: US Congressman seeks federal ban on traffic cameras
    Article Date: Feb. 26, 2015
    Ed Perlmutter, a member of Congress, wants to get rid of traffic cams. These traffic cams are the ones taking pictures of motorists violating laws. He argues that the cams don’t add safety and is therefore a violation of rights. Motorists say that this is a violation of due process and is unconstitutional. These cams have also been glitchy and not working also. If passed roads will take away these cams if it is used to make revenue.
    I think that this is a good issue especially for new drivers such as teens. This concerns me because I plan on driving soon so this would be interesting to find out the outcome. I hope that this does get passed because I feel as though I’m being violated when it takes a picture of the car I’m in. I can connect this to the current lessons we are learning in Civics with rights. We talked about due process and rights being violated or not.
    Bigelow, Pete. “US Congressman seeks federal ban on traffic cameras”. February 26. February 27.

  12. The title of the article is
    This Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage -- Now, His State's Economy Is One of the Best in the Country .
    The article date is February 24,2015.

    This article is about a governor in Minnesota, who had the guts to tax rich people ( billionaires etc). The governor name is Mark Dayton. Governor Mark also increased minimum wage. As a result, Governor Mark help his economy out a lot. In 2008, Minnesota's minimum wage will be raised to $9.50 an hour. Oh my, I need to move to Minnesota!! The day Mark stepped foot until the office up until now, he managed up increased tax and the unemployment rate.
    He is pushing forth to equal pay for woman !! My reaction too reading this article was surprising. This article brighten my morning because finally Im reading about something good and effective in out nation that doesn't involve Obama. I chose this article because I could not believe what the title stated. I think Governor Mark Dayton should run for President of the United States in the near future because this man clearly has a mission. A mission to decrease the unemployment rate and raise taxes so that our government wont fail.

    "This Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage -- Now, His State's Economy Is One of the Best in the Country." The Huffington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2015. .

  13. Article title:More Cubans head for U.S. After policy change rumors
    Article date:Monday January 5,2015
    This article is about how cubans move toward the US by sea because they hear of a policy change rumor on the "dry foot" policy that the U.S. has made. Many Cubans fled to america because they hear of this which is not exactly true according to the U.S. government. Ever since December 16 which is when the United States and Cuban become friends rather than staying enemies the Cubans coming to America illegally increased by 235% and now that the Cubans hear of this policy change it will increase more. The U.S. is worried that this will create smugglers and criminalized people to come from Cuba to here and the resulted in increased security on the coastal lines. This problem is also benefitting for some of the Cubans who stay and make a profit off of building boats for the Cubans who want to leave.The Cubans also put themselves at dangerous risk because if the high todes of the sea.

    My reaction to reading this article was that i was surprised because I wasn't aware if this happening. I think that the cubans don't have to do this because the united states and cuba are on good terms and that they should just be patient a little more because the U.S. My connection to this is that this could create problems in the U.S. and increase violence and that could affect me.

    Diego,Javier"More Cubans head for U.S. after policy change rumors"cnn.January 5,2015. 27,2015

  14. Ray Rice’s wife slams his punishment violence against her
    Setp. 16, 2014
    Janay Rice, Ray Rice’s wife, slammed the media by standing by her husband side. After Ray Rice being suspended and fired from the team, Ranay called the day a nightmare. His wife said she now feels like she's mourning the death of her closest friend. She said no one no one knows how much pain the media cause trouble in her family. She also said her family will continue to grow. In March, a grand jury indicted Ray Rice on a charge of third-degree aggravated assault, and a simple assault charge against Janay Rice was dropped. Ray Rice plead not guilty to all chargers. The Ravens refused to let Ray Rice back onto the team. There was no sound on the tape of what was said. But Ray Rice wife spit and punched him, and then the attack started.
    Ashley Fantz, Josh Levs and Catherine E. Shoichet, “Ray Rice’s wife slams his punishment violence against her.” CNN. Setp. 16, 2014.

  15. Article Title : The title of this article is Prominent Bangladeshi-American Blogger Avijit Roy Killed.
    Article Date: This Article was written on February 27, 2015.

    This article is about Bangladeshi-American blogger who was attacked for his blogs on the streets of Dhaka. Him and his wife were both attacked. Roy was was struck in both his shoulders and head. The year before threats were made for him to be killed if he came back by an Islamic activist. Individuals who have strong feelings about their religions have killed 12 other people. Him being an outspoken individual on the thought of religion is what made him and his wife a target. My reaction to this story was raged. This is a shame. I can believe but it's sad that someone has the anger built up in themselves to want to kill one for speaking freely.

    The fact that individuals are being killed, although they should have the right to say and speak how they feel freely. I think that no matter where one lives they should be able to speak and give thought on however they feel. I understand people feel strong about their religions though. My connection to this is the guys who i believe are Muslim or Buddhist who make protest on Chestnut Street or 15th Street in Philadelphia on their religion. Their are many times where those men go back and for math but they never make physical contact with someone because of their beliefs.
    Cook, Lonzo. "Blogger Avijit Roy Killed." February 27, 2015. (27 Feb 2015)

  16. Title: Inside the Rise of Isis
    Article Date: August 7, 2014

    Since the rapid rise of the extremist group Isis the Obama Administration designated that the US will strike air attacks around the Isis headquarters.They made this decision because of Isis annexing different parts of Syria and Iran. People believe that Isis just started. However, Isis actually branched apart from it's founding group called Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is most famous for the first US terrorist threat on 9/11 when two planes two crashed into the World Trade Center towers.Hence the thought of Air strikes. Also Isis will never stop because they believe in using violence in order to gain control and power.

    When I first read this article it made me think of America's progress in trying to stop the rise of terrorist ever since that fatal September day.I'm actually just like the rest of the US citizens are scared of US facing another terrorist threat. I want to see what happened if the Obama Administration would ever go through with the attacks. Would it be as bad Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs and start a World War 3.

    Collins, Robert. " Inside the Rise of ISIS." PBS. 7 Aug 2014. (27 Feb 2015)

  17. Article Title: Alaska becomes latest state to legalize marijuana us
    Article Date: This article was published in 2015

    Marijuana is being legalized in Alaska and this is a big issue especially because it's a big popular drug around the world. The government states that they have basically gave into what everyone is doing , such as other states where Marijuana is legal. But there are certain laws that Alaska still wants their citizens to follow , such as people can't have more than one ounce of Marijuana. Also people cannot have more than four ounces of Marijuana in the possession of their homes. They don't want people getting carried away with the Marijuana use.

    I was very surprised when I read this article, just for the simple fact that in the U.S Marijuana is illegal and the authority really make a big deal out of it. If you are caught with any possession of Marijuana you can be arrested. Also if you are caught smoking it but don't have any possession of it you will be fined for smoking it. If you are caught with it in school you will immediately be expelled. These are all things that made me think that while Marijuana is a big deal and for Alaska to legalize it that's very shocking to me.

    I think that Marijuana should be legalized around the world because I don't believe it's a harsh drug. It's a very minor drug and it can't hurt you. As a matter of fact it can help you more than it can hurt you, because it's becoming a medicine for pain. I can connect to this article because I grew up around people that smoked Marijuana.

    Botelho,Greg. "Alaska becomes latest state to legalize marijuana us." CNN. 2015.

  18. Article:This Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage -- Now, His State's Economy Is One of the Best in the Country
    Article date: February 24, 2015
    Summary: When someone you are close to, such as a old friend from high school or a someone apart of your family posts a something on a social network or tweet about taxing people with a lot of money wages make things bad for pros with jobs not getting enough money hurts business they should go to the website.
    Mark Dayton was in office January 2011, as governor gave a $6.2 billion dollars and a 7 percent for people without jobs Pawlenty, the Republican candidate for the presidency da first true had to governor in an more updated time. Pawlenty gave his self confidence on not highering state taxes. the most he ever did to give a new revenue was make more tax on cigarettes. Making it 75 cents a pack. In 2003 and late 2010, when Pawlenty was at in charge of Minnesota's state government, he made it to give more money such as 6,200 more jobs so we can get more money
    Citations: Gibson, Carl. This Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage -- Now, His State's Economy Is One of the Best in the Country. Huff Post. 24 February 2015.

  19. Article Title: FCC votes to classify internet as a public utility

    Article Date: February 26, 2015

    Summary: This week The Federal Communication Commission has set rules for internet providers making it impossible to for internet providers to control the speed of their internet download speeds. The FCC stated that it was unfair for providers the regulate the quality and speeds of something that is not owned. Many internet providers rebuttled that this law will hurt their profits. The internet should be even and its a surprise that these rules were not put in place in the beginning. Many people do not know that the internet does not have an owner. The internet is a public good just like your neighborhood library. It wasn’t meant to have restriction not including explicit content.

    In my opinion it is unfair what these cable companies are doing. People are paying extreme prices for low quality of internet. With these new regulations its almost as if your pockets have been given a blessing. Now you can pay an affordable price and know you will be receiving a good quality of internet. My connection to this is from my experience with comcast. The more you pay the more you get. This would lower my households monthly bill leaving more money in our pockets.

    Pramuck, Jacob “FCC votes to classify internet as public utility” 2/26/15 (2/26/15

  20. Article Title: U.S. reconsidering 2016 Afghanistan troop withdrawal, defense chief says
    Article Date: February 21, 2015

    On a Saturday, February 21, President Barrack Obama has voiced his concern for the troops in Afghanistan. He at first believed they should stay, but recently changed his mind. What sparked this change was the devastating events occurring in the center area of Asia. He believes that it would be help the country because it will keep Afghanistan from attacking us. However, this is not the case. Congress sees the other side of it. They think that the troops should be attacking and defending us against ISIS. the argument between the two is expected to rise in the next week.

    I feel that troops should be defending us against ISIS. It would help us. They cannot attack if we block them. Afghanistan is not worrying about attacking us either. Also, we get to help others and defend them too.
