Saturday, February 7, 2015

1st period, Extra Credit 2/9-2/13

Due by Friday 2/13 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Bahsil

    Article Title: Foreign Relations Chair: "I knew nothing" about Cuba talks

    Article Date: January 4, 2015

    Senator Robert Menendez had spoken on Obama’s recent interactions with Cuba and North Korea. Menendez also reports that he was never a part of the talk about taking the country of Cuba off the terrorist list. Although, he believes it was a good decision he still thinks he should have been included in the decision. When I first heard that the U.S. made friends with Cuba I was astonished. I wouldn’t have thought they would have done that in a while because they have been on the terrorist list for a long time. My opinion is that they did the right thing by taking them off the list. Not only are they taking them off but they are also thinking about adding North Korea due to their most recent actions. I don’t think there is a connection I can make to this but there is a lot to be learned from. Something that can be learned is that you should always know what's going on around you. I feel as though the senator should have known that they were taking action about this because it was going on for a year.

    Bradner, Eric. "Menendez Hits Obama on North Korea, Cuba -" CNN. Cable News Network, 4 Jan. 2015. Web. 08 Feb. 2015.

  2. Article Title: Judge who Imposed almost $1M sanction defends action
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    The Philadelphia judge is charging lawyer Nancy Raynor for violating court orders. He has put 1 million sanctions on her. She perhaps violated the courts orders in May other cases. She was accused of consistently changing her story around. She challenged the sanctions that were given to her. One of the cases that Raynor violated was a case in which a smoker died of lung cancer. The judge then ordered a new trail. They retried the case that cost them 1 million dollars. Attorneys said they have never seen sanctions like these as long as they been working. After that, Raynor still decided to violate court orders.

    My reaction to this is why would she violate the courts orders. I don't understand if you have a good enough job you shouldn't violate their orders. She gets paid well enough , more than a usual worker and she decides to do something so stupid. She has so much to live and the thought of her actions making her lose her job is horrid. My opinion to this is she should have not done this at all. She could have found different ways to defend her client. She too intelligent to do something so dumb. Raynor should have been more cautious. My connection is when I was watching this movie and the lawyer was lying to save his client. He then lost his job.

    Mondics , Chris. "Judge who Imposed almost $1M sanction defends action." February 5, 2015. February 6, 2015)

  3. Article Title: President Obama Requests War Powers For Global Fight Against ISIS
    Article Date: February 11, 2015

    President Obama informed the public that he is "ready" to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria. He is also confident that the U.S. military will succeed in destroying the terrorist group. The President has acknowledged that this will be no easy task but he still believes the U.S. military can get the job done. One thing's for sure, there is no shortage of confidence, as even Vice President Joe Biden has stated," ISIL is going to lose." Even though the fight against ISIS has been ongoing since August of last year, President Obama says that they will take it a step further by showing "no mercy" in destroying this group.

    I am glad to hear this news but am still kind of dumbfounded that it would take this long to announce something with this much magnitude. I understand that the threat of ISIS has consistently grown over time, but after a month or two, it was noticeable that something had to be done to stop them. Not to neutralize them, but to completely stop them. I do believe that President Obama always had this mindset but I do feel that it is a little too late to take affirmative action such as to declare an effort to stop them. Regardless, this is great news to hear, as news just keeps getting worse when ISIS is mentioned.

    Dwyer, Devin. "President Obama Requests War Powers For Global Fight Against ISIS." ABC News. February 11, 2015. 11, 2015)

  4. Article title: The title of this article is, “Girl, 11, charged with murder of 2-month old baby.”
    Article date: The date of this article is February 10, 2015.
    This article is about an 11 year old girl who brutally beat a 2 month old toddler to death. The story goes as followed. The mother of the girl decided to give the baby’s mother a break from taking care of the newborn. The mother of the girl told police that she took a nap, and her daughter took the newborn upstairs to her room. The girl was said to had returned about 45 minutes later telling her mom that something was wrong with the baby. The mom went upstairs to find that the infant was unconscious and unresponsive. She called the ambulance and later found out that the baby had massive injuries to her brain, liver and kidneys. The baby had passed away during surgery. The girl is now being charged with murder and is being held in a juvenile detention center.
    My reaction to this article is that I am very shocked that anyone could do something like that to an infant. I also just want to know why the mother took a nap and left an 11 year old girl to take care of the young child. My opinion on this article is that I feel like the mother should have never left the girl alone with such small child because I wouldnt have done that. The reason I chose this aticle is because I heard about this story on the news but never knew all the details.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Smith, Melodi.. “Girl, charged with murder of 2-month old baby.” CNN. February 10, 2015. (February 12, 2015)


  5. Article Title: Triple killing may not be a hate crime
    Article date: February 13,2015

    A man was accused of shooting three students in the head over a parking spot. All three of the victims were Muslim. The families think this man should be charged with a hate crime. Even though they think its a hate crime they have to find evidence to prove if that's true. If they find out he had hatred towards this religion the criminal justice system will make them to prove it. Chances are Hicks will not be accused with a hatred crime.

    I chose this article because it's sad that this man shot three students in the head over a parking space. I don't think this man should be charged with a hate crime because they don't have enough evidence to say if he had hatred towards Muslims. I think he should receive life in prison or the death penalty because what he did was wrong. He should really get the death penalty since he killed three students that can never get their life back. Therefore, he should pay the price of what he did.

    O'Mara,Mark."Triple killing may not be a hate crime." 13 February (February 13,2015)
