Sunday, February 22, 2015

1st period, 2/23-2/27

Due by Friday 2/27 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article title: Homeland Security Chief worried about Al-Shabaab Mall Threat
    Article date: February 22, 2015
    Somali based militants have threatened shopping sites in the West Coast including the Mall of America in Minnesota. The U.S. Homeland Security Chief in Washington D.C. is taking this threat seriously and is taking precautionary measures against this threat and urged all people in the West Coast, especially those in the Mall of America area, to be careful. The U.S. government of security is looking into this serious matter.
    I think this is outrageous on the part of the extremists. It seems that the act of terrorism is getting worse as every day goes by. It's really just sad. The government has been trying to do whatever it can since George Bush's presidency and it is still an ongoing dilemma. However, the U.S. Homeland Security is doing the right thing by boosting its defense and keeping everyone on its toes.
    Dunham, Will and Yukhananov Anna. Homeland Security Chief Worried About Al-Shabaab Mall Threat." YahooNews. February 22, 2015. (February 22, 2015)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Article title: Italy fears ISIS invasion from Libiya

    Article date: This took place on Febuary 17 2015

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection:this article is about how ISIS are threatening people again. Italy is thinking about sending there military but others feel that this is not a time for military intervention. However, in the meantime they have police to protect them from terriost they have special police for this job. Another issue is with the oil company, Italy has tried hard to protect there assets, but the foreign ministry has ordered all Italy nationals to leave libiya. But people still continue to run oil companies. My reaction is I don't understand why oil is a problem that's something people use everyday, but im furious with ISIS they keep doing stuff any no one is doing anything to them. Why is no one doing anything is ISIS not willing to compromise or something because they need to be stopped. My opinion is we need to go to war with ISIS Something has to be done and done quick. They are a strong army I agree but we came become strong as well. I connect this to when I wrote an article about how Obama was saying things about ISIS and then I said they had to be stop and what did we do noting and now they are not stopping they are still threatening people.

    Nadeau, Barbie Latza. "Italy Fears ISIS Invasion from Libiya." The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.


  4. Article Title: Supreme Court allows Texas abortion clinics to reopen for now
    Article date: October 14,2014

    Texas Supreme Court had shut down several clinics due to fact they provided abortion. Now the Supreme Court enforced the law by allowing abortions. They will be operated like regular hospitals. They made 13 health clinics close down after the ruling. Health clinics sued Texas due to the shut downs of the abortion centers. The law is not allowing abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy.

    I chose this article because I think the Texas Supreme Court was wrong for banning abortion. Only say they shouldn't have banned it because women who only get raped should allow to receive one but other than that you shouldn't be allowed too. I'm personally against abortion but I don't think they should have took it away the could have just made the rules harder to get an abortion. It was wrong to take away women rights in having an abortion. Supreme Court could have prevented this by not closing all then clinics down causing this to go to court.

    Mears,Bill ."Supreme Court allows Texas abortion clinics to reopen for now." 14 October. (February 26,2015)

  5. Article Title: Obama Meets With Trayvon Martin’s Parents on Third Anniversary of His Death

    Article Date: February 26th 2015

    Today, President Obama met with Trayvon Martin’s parents for the third year after his death. Trayvon Martin was an unarmed black teen who was killed by George Zimmerman who wasn’t convicted of murder. During this meeting, President Obama touched on subjects concerning race and the United States working as a whole. He stated that the progress America has gotten was through hard work. He also spoke on why we have Black History Month and the importance of it. Adding on to the talk on Black History Month, President Obama also spoke about the march in Selma with MLK in 1965 promoting racial equality.

    I think that this is important for the President to be speaking on. I say this because as a country we are focusing on other countries issues when we still have issues of our own. I think that him talking about this is good and I feel happy about this because he is acknowledging the US and keeping the core problems in his mind. I chose this article because this was briefly on the news and I wanted to learn more and use this as a blogpost.

    Andriakos, Jacqueline. “Obama Meets With Trayvon Martin’s Parents on Third Anniversary of His Death.” Feb 26, 2015. Feb 26, 2015

  6. Article title: The title of this article is, " Jury finds Eddie Ray Routh guilty in 'American Sniper' case."
    Article date: The date of this article is February 25th, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) This article is about the "American Sniper" murderer named Eddie Ray Roath. Roath was an associate of the "American Sniper Navy Seal Chris Kyle. Roath was accysed of killing Kyle and someone else he was associated with. Roath has now been charged with murder and life in prison. This case stems from the very popular movie "American Sniper" starred by Bradley Cooper. The film was based on the life of Navy Seal Chris Kyle and how he was a very decorated soldier and considered to be one of the greatest marksman in history.
    My reaction to this article is that I am glad that justice has been served for Chris Kyle. Evem though it took two long years fkr the court to come to a decision, I am just happy that his wife can go to sleep at night knowing that her husbamds murderer will be locked away forever. My opinion to this article is that I just feel like it was the correct decision and the right decision. Roath got what he deserved. But I just have a few questions. What was his reason? Why would he want to kill Chris Kyle?
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Payne, Ed. “Jury finds Eddie Ray Routh guilty in 'American Sniper' case.” CNN. February 25, 2015. (February 25 2015)

  7. Article title: The title of this article is, " Jury finds Eddie Ray Routh guilty in 'American Sniper' case."
    Article date: The date of this article is February 25th, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) This article is about the "American Sniper" murderer named Eddie Ray Roath. Roath was an associate of the "American Sniper Navy Seal Chris Kyle. Roath was accysed of killing Kyle and someone else he was associated with. Roath has now been charged with murder and life in prison. This case stems from the very popular movie "American Sniper" starred by Bradley Cooper. The film was based on the life of Navy Seal Chris Kyle and how he was a very decorated soldier and considered to be one of the greatest marksman in history.
    My reaction to this article is that I am glad that justice has been served for Chris Kyle. Evem though it took two long years fkr the court to come to a decision, I am just happy that his wife can go to sleep at night knowing that her husbamds murderer will be locked away forever. My opinion to this article is that I just feel like it was the correct decision and the right decision. Roath got what he deserved. But I just have a few questions. What was his reason? Why would he want to kill Chris Kyle?
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Payne, Ed. “Jury finds Eddie Ray Routh guilty in 'American Sniper' case.” CNN. February 25, 2015. (February 25 2015)

  8. Article Title: Iran blasts mock U.S. carrier in war games
    Article Date: February 26, 2015

    On Wednesday, February 25, 2015, Iran had practiced their war strategies on naval weapons. The problem with this is that the practice was on a life-size replica of the U.S. carrier, USS Nimitz. This is an important vessel to the U.S. and Iran showed they can efficiently target and strike vital spots on the replica. When questioned, the lieutenant commander said that Iran still has abilities and tactics they haven’t shown the public or media. The U.S. isn’t worried however and is confident with the country’s defensives.
    I think that this should be taken more seriously. Iran is showing that they have some skills to be reckoned with. I question why would Iran do this if they weren’t planning an attack. This has me concerned over the threat Iran pose against the U.S. navy and if they would wage war. I chose this article because this was on the news this morning and I was disturbed over this and I wondered what would the U.S. do with this situation.

    Lendon, Brad. “Iran blasts mock U.S. carrier in war games.” February 26, 2015. (February 26, 2015)

  9. Article Title:"What is ISIS' appeal for young people?"
    Article Date: February 25, 2015

    After the case of the three British teenagers who are believed to have gone to Syria to join ISIS attention has been put on the propaganda that attracts young people. Experts say ISIS that ISIS tries to get the attention of young women to get wives for their fighters. Isis's drive for recruitments seems to work well for them. Isis has a propaganda machine that hasn't been seen before by the U.S . Isis uses social media and make promises for better lives to entice young people.
    I think that ISIS's use of propaganda is very good but it's scary how quick young people will leave their homes and families to be apart of the destruction of innocent countries. I believe the children who do join Isis are the children who are suffering and has a family who faces poverty every day in the most severe ways. These children are only desperate for a way to help their families survive. I feel like Isis's propaganda is giving false hope because children are signing their lives away and don't really know what they are signing up for. This is important because the ratio of children to adults is greater than adults to children. Isis is going to capture the future of the world and use them to make history repeat itself

    Mullen,Jethro "What is ISIS' appeal for young people?" 25 Feb 2015 (25 Feb 2015)

  10. Article Title: Supreme Court to hear gay marriage cases in April

    Article Date: January 16, 2015

    The Supreme Court is deciding whether to not only gay marriage legal, but also make it constitution everywhere in the United States. In the beginning when gay right activists made an attempt to get the legal justice attention, it did not end up going the way they wanted it to go. However, throughout the years more and more gay men and lesbians made it possible for other people who have not come out the closest to become more comfortable of their sexuality because they are afraid of society judging them. This generation finally got all the attention they did deserve for them to change majority of the States perception of people who like the same sex. There were recent events that possibly helped change the courts opinion of gay marriage. Since there are more States that made gay marriages legal, the Supreme Court is making an exception to make it constitutional for the last 14 States. This decision shall be finalized in June.

    I think this is a big accomplishment for not only gay rights activist but for the 21st generous to actually make this all happen. However, I find it surprising that so much people, who are traditional, find ways to not make this law to happen because they do not want to see change in the world. I honestly believe that the justice system is using religious tradition to disagreeing to see the same sex getting married.

    Associated Press, “Supreme Court to hear gay marriage cases in April”. 16 Jan 2015. (26 Feb 2015)

  11. Article title – 3 brooklyn men accused of plot to aid ISIS' fight

    Article date – february 25,2015

    summary – two men of brooklyn were arrested for trying to join ISIS, reporter says, these two men were planning to travel miles to be apart of this terrorstist group. Another man was arrested also for trying to help these two men travel to the islamic terrorstist group. ISIS has been trying to start a war in the Middle East, and trying to get more muslims to be apart of its organization. This terrorstist group has been using social networks to capture people over the world. IsIs fighters started to increase, this group found ways to get more men to be apart of their organization. Films from ISIS inspired people to join them. The three men in newyork identified as Abdurasul hasanovich, Akhror saidakhmetov, and Abror Habibov were immigrates of the united states. These three men lawyers have argue that there was no threats, comparing similar cases to this.

    Reaction – shocked, because thats not a good backround to have as a citizen of the united states.
    Opinion – I think the two men that were trying to join ISIS is putting their life in danger and should be banned from the U.S
    Connection – I chose this because it shows how two men thats not from the united states are trying to be apart of a terrorstist group that is against the united states, its as if they also have something against the U.S

    Santora,Marc.Clifford,Stephanie.''3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot To Aid ISIS' Fight.''The NewYork Times.February25,2015. (27,february 2015)

  12. Article title: Sorry Mr.Obama: Here's why raising taxes on the rich won't work

    Article date: February 25, 2015

    In this article, the author speaks about how middle class united states citizens feel as though they pay too much taxes. Therefore, the middle class thinks that the upper class or more wealthy should contribute more than they are. After the recession the middle class began to feel more strongly about what they want, due to the fact that their income dropped. However, the author argues that raising tax on the more wealthy will take out money from small incorporations and businesses. My reaction was the same as the middle class reaction, simply because I'm placed in the middle class and they have more money than the middle class.
    I think that the wealthy should pay more taxes than the middle class. I feel that way because they have enough money that they possibly don't need. I chose this this article bacause it's tax season and it's a problem that shouldn't be a problem. Simply because it makes sense to make the citizens with the most money to pay more on taxes. That's why I chose this article.

    Moore, Stephen. "Sorry Mr.Obama: Here's why raising taxes on the rich won't work". February 25, 2015. (February 27, 2015).

  13. Article title: Sorry Mr.Obama: Here's why raising taxes on the rich won't work

    Article date: February 25, 2015

    In this article, the author speaks about how middle class united states citizens feel as though they pay too much taxes. Therefore, the middle class thinks that the upper class or more wealthy should contribute more than they are. After the recession the middle class began to feel more strongly about what they want, due to the fact that their income dropped. However, the author argues that raising tax on the more wealthy will take out money from small incorporations and businesses. My reaction was the same as the middle class reaction, simply because I'm placed in the middle class and they have more money than the middle class.
    I think that the wealthy should pay more taxes than the middle class. I feel that way because they have enough money that they possibly don't need. I chose this this article bacause it's tax season and it's a problem that shouldn't be a problem. Simply because it makes sense to make the citizens with the most money to pay more on taxes. That's why I chose this article.

    Moore, Stephen. "Sorry Mr.Obama: Here's why raising taxes on the rich won't work". February 25, 2015. (February 27, 2015).

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Article title:Alaska becomes latest state to legalize marijuana use
    Article date:Wednesday February 25, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) :Alaska has become one of the first states to allow marijuana use. But they have set a limit on what age citizens are allowd to smoke. The preferred age is 21, same as the drinking age. Although people are allowed to contain 4 ounces of marijuana in their homes. No stores or shops have been set up yet so no one can not make a profit off of marijuana.I think this is a great movement and will help keep thousands of people out of jail over small crimes. I also believe tht it is better for the community and government hat people are allowed to sell the drugs. Most of the states should follow after Alaska's example. Although people will be jailed for buzz ed driving I think that is reasonable because it is the same as drunk driving.If marijuanna is not legalized states will most likely decrimialize marijuna possession which is a small relief because I know so many people getting locked up for drugs and minor things.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access):Botelho, Greg. “Alaska becomes latest state to legalize marijuana use.” CNN. Wednesday February 25, 2015. (Friday February 27, 2015)

    Attorney General Holder To Call for Lower Bar in Civil Rights Prosecutions
    Who:This article is about the attorney general and the Congress.
    When: This case is going on currently in the US.
    This was published February 27, 2015.
    Why: they are fighting these civil rights cases and this is a big deal right now. This attorney wants to find a better way to have federal involvement in these type of civil rights cases.they talk about how they were saying there was not enough evidence for the Trayvon Martin case. They don't want any federal charges on these cases.

    Opinion: My opinion is that things like this really matter. Also since Iam black I need to pay attention.

    Reaction: Of course Iam not surprised by these actions of the attorney.These are the things we need to deal with right now. I want them not to have federal charges

  17. Article title- 3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS’ Fight
    Article date - February 25, 2015

    This article was about two men being arrested for plotting to go and travel thousands of miles to fight under the Islamic states. They were going to help a terrorist organization that covered Syria and Iraq. There was another man that was charged. The third man was charged with helping to organize the funds and rallies. There has been and ongoing organization that's has been helping the brutal war in the Middle East.

    The organization has been campaigning and recruiting Muslims. They are using social media to target and reach young people around the world. The group has drawn in thousands of fighters to help them fight. This makes me feel like they are only takin there lives into consideration. They are recruiting younger kids and taking there lives without a second look. This should be against the law.
    "The New York Times." 3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS' Fight. The New York times, 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2015. .


  18. Article Title: Hong Kong housewife jailed for six years for abusing young Indonesian maid
    Article Date: 2/27/2015
    Basically what happened was that a woman by the name of Law Wan-tung, a native to Hong Kong, has recently been sentenced to 6 years in prison due to her enslaving and abusing Indonesian women. The only way that people noticed she was doing this was when Law had took one Indonesian woman to the airport and bought her a one-way ticket home and people noticed the woman was injured and contacted authorities. My reaction to this was shocking because I wouldn't believe that slavery still existed anywhere in the world. This leaves me sad because these are young woman and people like Law are doing cruel things to them for no reason at all. I think there should really be more done. I don't like the fact that the that government in Asia only gave her 6 years in jail. I think she needs life in prison. Because nobody deserves to be treated like that. This makes me think of slavery in America. I know after slavery was illegal, whites were sneaking slaves down south after the fact.

    Whiteman, Hilary. "Hong Kong Housewife Jailed for Six Years for Abusing Young Indonesian Maid -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

  19. Title: Making Christie Pay
    Article Date: February 26, 2015

    Governor Chris Christie is in debt of 1.3 billion dollars. He owes this money to the public pension fund, but is ordered to pay 2.9 billion by court because he over spent the money. Public pension is retirement funds for employees in New Jersey. Christie made a new plan that stops this person, but is being replaced with 401k savings plan.

    The hotel/casino, the Romada, went out of business because they went into debt. A lot of casinos are going into debt and are closing down. I believe he should not have let this debt build up that far. How does he expect to run for president and he is letting debts build up. Maybe he can take funds off things not essential at the moment to support this liability or he can fund raise.I believe he can do way better, if he wants me to vote for him in an upcoming election.

    Post Editorial Board. “Making Christie pay”. New York Post. Feb 26, 2015. (27 Feb 2015)

  20. Article title: Sorry Mr.Obama: Here's why raising taxes on the rich won't work

    Article date: February 25, 2015

    In this article, the author speaks about how middle class united states citizens feel as though they pay too much taxes. Therefore, the middle class thinks that the upper class or more wealthy should contribute more than they are. After the recession the middle class began to feel more strongly about what they want, due to the fact that their income dropped. However, the author argues that raising tax on the more wealthy will take out money from small incorporations and businesses. My reaction was the same as the middle class reaction, simply because I'm placed in the middle class and they have more money than the middle class.
    I think that the wealthy should pay more taxes than the middle class. I feel that way because they have enough money that they possibly don't need. I chose this this article because it's tax season and it's a problem that shouldn't be a problem. Simply because it makes sense to make the citizens with the most money to pay more on taxes. That's why I chose this article.

    Moore, Stephen. "Sorry Mr.Obama: Here's why raising taxes on the rich won't work". February 25, 2015. (February 27, 2015).
