Sunday, February 22, 2015

3rd period, 2/23-2/27

Due by Friday 2/27 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)



    Academy Awards: Politics and the Reaction in Congress

    10:12 am ET

    Feb 23, 2015

    Many of the academy awards winners took the time not only to accept their awards during the nominees of the oscars for past movies, but they also took their time of awardance to address issues such as equal pay, the ever present problem with voting rights, and privacy.

    When actress Patricia Arquette made an announcement at the end of her speech to let women have equal pay she was cheered around by senators and others that were in the building at the time. Along with this, tweets were sent out by House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi who expressed her opinion on the matter of Mrs. Arquettes comment saying that equal pay is needed among men and women that the margin in between should be absolved. Singer, John legend also spoke some encouraging words about the men incarcerated in jail and its connection to slavery no more than one hundred years ago and how we as people will stay with them in their struggle. He was encouraged with tweets by non other than senator Cory Booker and Chuck Schumer.

    My feelings on the comments that were presented during the awards ceremony is in synchronization with theirs there are still many things that did not get fixed and the fact that women are still getting paid lower salaries than men it is just not right and it needs to be corrected soon because women do play a big role in our society today and the fact that they are not being treated equally is very wrong and eventually it will cause another uproar when some of them decide change needs to occur. I find it somewhat funny that the actors and singers mentioned these rights and that they got shout outs from various senators. I believe its time for more change to be strived for.

  2. Senate moves toward DHS funding vote as house mulls next steps

    February 22, 2015

    The senate wants to vote on the funding of the Homeland Bill. Some of the Republicans want to push the Homeland security to the House. They are trying to force the action in relation to the presidents executive action on immigration. Lastly, some Republicans would like for this bill to pass because of all the terror threats in the United States.

    I feel that this is very important because of the terror threats in my country. If homeland security get no funding it could shut down. The SIS and Taliban are a threat.

    Russert Luke, Moe Alex, Thorp Frank and Carrie Dann. "Senate Moves Towards DHS Funding Vote as House Mulls Next Steps. NBC News 26 Feb 2015.

  3. Article Title:Wisconsin Senate passes 'right to work' legislation
    Article Date: February 26, 2015

    Summary: This article is about Wisconsin Senate passing a "right to work" bill. Gov. Scott Walker was one who helped passed this right for the state of Wisconsin. However, Gov. Walker has set a budget towards this state in order for growth and expansion to happen within their economy.The bill allows the 25th state, Wisconsin, a right to work by doing a proposal.

    My reaction towards this is that the people in Wisconsin have a right to work by getting a job and looking forward to many opportunities ahead of them. In my opinion, people should have a right to work under the laws. This connects to another article, where NFL players in Wisconsin also, address right to work bill. The team stood up for their rights to work and proposed legislation so that people who work in unionized workplaces could opt out of a union by playing in the field. It is evident that people who work in these workplaces are required to support the union. In other words, they have to put up a fight in order to get their employment.

    Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. "Wisconsin Senate Passes 'right to Work' Legislation." CNN U.S Edition. 2015. Web. < 26 Feb 2015

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Boehner running out o options as DHS shutdowns looms
    February 26,2015

    House speaker John Boehner is having trouble funding a bill for the DHS. He also allowed democrats to block GOP agenda untill 2017. His action are creating controversy about his ability to lead the Republicans. If DHS is shut down, thousands of workers will be out of work without pay. Im kind of shocked to know that the DHS could possibly be shut down. It just seemed like one of those organizations that is very important, and could never be shut down. I think that the republians will find some way to get the funding for DHS. Do they even have a choice? If im not mistaken, doesn't DHS help with placing kids into new homes or foster care when they are not being abused or neglected? What happens to them? My aunt actually works for the DHS, and i would hate for her to be out of work with no pay, as well as all the other workers.
    Walsh, Deirde."Boehner running out of options as DHS shutdown looms".CNN.
    February 26,2015. (2-26-15)

  6. Article title: The title of this article is "The terrifying rate at which smokers die from smoking."
    Article date: The date of this article is February 26, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) This article is about the dangers in smoking cigarettes and how people who do smoke will die much more early compared to someone who doesn't smoke. The article gives specific details and statisics on the effects of smoking and how popular the action is becoming.
    My reaction to this article is that I am just so happy that I dont smoke or my mom or dad doesnt because smoking is very dangerous. In my opinion I think it should be illegal to sell cigarettes in the US because they kill so many people a year. I chose this article because I know some people who do smoke cigarettes and some of them are my age. I just think it isnt a good idea especually if you start at an early age.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Paquette, Danielle. “ The terrifying rate at which smokers die from smoking.” Washington Post. February 26, 2015. (Feb 26, 2015)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Article Title: Legal Experts Tell Congress Obama's New War Authorization Fails To Limit Power
    Article Date: 2/26/2015

    This article is about National security law experts not agreeing with President Obama's proposed authorization for the fight against Islam. Obama thought of the authorization for the military/AUMF. Democrats are criticizing the authorization, believing it fail due to the enemy and geographic place limitations on the fight against Islam. Republicans believe that it is extremely restrictive because of the expiration date after three years. The 2001 AUMF was passed after the September 11th attacks. Obama has been wanting to repeal the 2001 AUMF for a while and update it with a new legislation.

    My reaction towards the situation is mutual because i agree with both sides of the new authorization opinions. It is not made to harm anybody,but to protect. I feel as though they should continue with the new authorization because it going to help for the fight against the Islamic state. I think that some people who are concerned about the AUMF are worried that it will affect the President ability to wage war. I don't think that people should be criticizing Obama for proposing a new authorization neither.

  9. Article Title:Making Christie pay
    Article Date: Feb 26, 2015
    Governor Christie of New Jersey, has crossed the line with owing the state public pension funds. This can someday lead up to the failure of running and operating the state. Governor Christie once proposed to make up the funds by paying $1.3 billion but is now ordered by court to make the full payment of the public pension fund which is $2.9 billion. There is also a chance that this can be reversed. The governor is bankrupt but had received a budget address to help solve this problem. He plans on developing a trust fund that will encompass all benefit and savings. This public pension fund has been described to be almost impossible to solve. I never heard about this crisis of New Jersey so, I found it quite interesting. I think that it’ll take much longer than expected to make up the fund since it’s drowning in debt. This also reminds of the school funding crisis here in Philadelphia.
    Post Editorial Board. “Making Christie pay”. New York Post. Feb 26, 2015. (26 Feb 2015)

  10. Article title : GOP isn't sold on a woman in the white house

    Article date : February 26, 2015

    This article talks about how women of the CPAC were mostly against a woman becoming president in the upcoming 2016 election . I believe everyone and gender should have the chance to prove themselves worthy to rule our nation . As far as what type of woman and race she would be would also cause a conflict amongst women and people in the united states . The reason i feel this will happen is because no one can sit back and say okay to the rules or except what the people have chosen . Barbara Adams of New Orleans made of a point by saying that women have no emotional stability . That statement i agree with simply because it is true for most women and the worst cassinerio would be something happening such as a bombing and the lady president can't compose herself because she frightened or in shock . Maybe my comments are a bit bias but some women have the willpower if any lady decides to run for president let it be Michelle Obama for she is a wise and gracious impowering women . If i could make any connection to this it would be that everyone has a goal and if a female would like to be president then do the honors and let her achieve that goal . This article did not have all negative comments to the thought of a woman being president , A woman named Marlean stated that she wanted the best candidate male or female . This is my feeling exactly everyone should get the chance only if they qualify.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Lee , MJ . “ GOP isnt sold on a woman in the white house .” . February 26, 2015 . , Feb 2015)

  11. Title : How A Teenage Girl Went From Listening To Coldplay And Reading Harry Potter To Joining ISIS.
    Date: Feb 24,2015
    This article is about a teenage girl names Aqsa Mahmood, who is a Muslim and who has been brainwashed into joining ISIS. She believed that this is the way that Muslims lived and felt as though this would be the lifestyle. According to her family Aqsa was not the type to be a part of this type of activity, she was a pleasant child who lived a pleasant lifestyle.
    My reaction towards this, I feel as though it's crazy to be apart of this act, ISIS is not a protective group. And I think whoever is apart of it is crazy as can be. I think that she really does not want to be apart of this something and someone is forcing her , which is sad.
    Ahmed, Beenish. "How A Teenage Girl Went From Listening To Coldplay And Reading Harry". Think Progress. 2.24.15. . (2.27.15)

  12. Article Title: 3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS’ Fight

    Article Date: February 25, 2015

    In this article, 3 men were all arrested. Authorities say they were aiding the terrorist group, ISIS. Infact, one of the members told ISIS that they would actually try to kill the president. In addition, all became permanent residents of the U.S, however, they also remained citizens in their native countries, which was either Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan. The article also stated that the government is trying their best to crack down on citizens of the U.S, that are trying to join ISIS.

    This is article is very relevant because it gives Americans an insight that, terrorism is very real for this country, and an attack can potentially come. When I read about this, I was terrified. Considering that they were in New York City, that is not too far from where I live, they could have came to Philadelphia and possibly carried their plans out here. In my opinion, this is about the actual first time I don’t mind the government getting involved with something, because this is actually something worth getting involved because the threat is on their own soil. Unfortunately, this article is my connection because the suspected terrorist who were arrested were only an hour away from my city.

    Citation: Santora, Marc. "The New York Times." 3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS' Fight. N.p., 25 Feb. 2015. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.


    This is about ISIS kidnapping people in Lybria and cutting their heads off. They are trying to make a message known that they have power. I think that they are using their power for bad. I'm not sure why are they doing things like this. Killing religions or forcing a religious beliefs on a person. This can be solved a better way. My reaction is that they are cruel. They really don't have a heart. They need prayer and hopefully that helps. My knowledge of a Muslim is killing is not a sin. But even if it's not wrong, you know and can feel that it us.

  14. Article Title: Judge Overturns Suspension of Adrian Peterson

    Article Date: February 26, 2015

    Back in May, Adrian Peterson, a Minnesota Viking was suspended from the NFL by Roger Goodell because it was reported that Peterson punished his 4-year old son with a switch. A District Court judge overruled this however stating that Peterson was unfairly treated. A case has been made that Goodell misuse his power back in November by a federal judge. It is uncertain on when Peterson will return to the NFL but the NFL has decided to appeal this decision.
    I feel happy that this is overruled because I think Adrian Peterson is one of the best runningback in the league. I think that his suspension was absurd because its not uncommon to find people punishing their children with switches and other things. Also I think the NFL should have no say in how an athlete parent their child. The fact that the NFL is trying to appeal this decision is also strange. I wonder why they are going so far to suspend him. I chose this article because this was featured on ESPN and I think this is interesting seeing how the federal government is involved. This connects to due process that we’ve been learning about recently too.

    Belson, Ken. “Judge Overturns Suspension of Adrian Peterson.”. February 26. . (February 27)

  15. Article Title: Prominent Bangladeshi-American blogger Avijit Roy killed

    Article Date:February 27,2015


    Avijit Roy was attacked by a man by the name of Assailants. Avijit Roy created a website called Mukto-Mona this website is created to speech about secular freedom. Roy wife was also stabbed up but she survived instead of her husband. Roy and his wife was always a target because the talked about freedom of religion. In Pakistan your get cruel punishment for expressing your thought about freedom of religion.

    My reaction to this was shocking that people actually get punished that for wanting to believe in what they want. I believe that this is crazy and it should be a death penalty for people who attack people for believing in what they want to believe in. The reason I chose this is because it made me think of Martin Luther King because he was gunned down for speaking and protesting about what he believed in and what was right. I feel that this is wrong and should be made a bigger deal. Freedom of religion should be expressed all around the world.

    Citation: Cook, Lonzo. "Prominent Bangladeshi-American Blogger Avijit Roy Killed -" CNN. Cable News Network, 27 Feb. 2015. Web. . (27 Feb.2015)

  16. Article Title: Prominent Bangladeshi-American blogger Avijit Roy killed

    Article Date:February 27,2015


    Avijit Roy was attacked by a man by the name of Assailants. Avijit Roy created a website called Mukto-Mona this website is created to speech about secular freedom. Roy wife was also stabbed up but she survived instead of her husband. Roy and his wife was always a target because the talked about freedom of religion. In Pakistan your get cruel punishment for expressing your thought about freedom of religion.

    My reaction to this was shocking that people actually get punished that for wanting to believe in what they want. I believe that this is crazy and it should be a death penalty for people who attack people for believing in what they want to believe in. The reason I chose this is because it made me think of Martin Luther King because he was gunned down for speaking and protesting about what he believed in and what was right. I feel that this is wrong and should be made a bigger deal. Freedom of religion should be expressed all around the world.

    Citation: Cook, Lonzo. "Prominent Bangladeshi-American Blogger Avijit Roy Killed -" CNN. Cable News Network, 27 Feb. 2015. Web. (27 Feb.2015)

  17. Article Tittle:In Arizona, a controversial federal land swap leaves Apaches in the lurch.

    Article Date: February 20, 2015

    Summary: Ancestral land is being given up by congress to the Apaches which is a big and massive mining conglomerate. This land has been federally protected by its homeland Arizona since 1955. It is now facing danger due to the natural Earth resources underneath the ground. Apaches, a mining company wants to get the goods, and are willing to ruin ancestral land.

    I feel as though this is sad, because the natural beauty of the land will be taken away and the real worth of the environment will drop due to the interruption of the land. My connection is greedy people. Greedy people will do anything to make money, and sometimes it is not always the best or the smartest. My reaction is surprising. The government had enough power to protect it since 1955, why can't they now?

    Fang, Serene. "In Arizona, a Controversial Federal Land Swap Leaves Apaches in the Lurch | Al Jazeera America." Arizona Copper Apaches Government. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

  18. 3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS’ Fight
    February 25, 2015

    Well first what happen was that two young men were incarserrated for travling to fight the banner of the Islamic state. It was one more man arrested for trying to help the two men. The case against the three men relies in part on a confidential informant paid by the government. After all this mess it was said that 3 young females were suspected of travling to Syria to join jihadists, the Brooklyn men’s arrests heightened concerns about the Islamic State. I think this is wrong for these men seriously. It is also disrespectful to me because I am a muslim. I don't think they should be killing anybody anyway. 1 person got locked at Kentucky airport for trying to get on a plane to go Istanbul and then planned to travel to Syria to join the battle. Glad he got locked up because he would have tried to kill people on that plane.

    Santora, Marc, and Stephanie Clifford. "3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS’ Fight." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Feb. 2015. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

  19. Article Title: Prominent Bangladeshi-American blogger Avijit Roy killed

    Article Date: February 27, 2015

    Summary: A Famous Bangladeshi-American Blogger Was Killed While Walking On A Dhaka Street. The Victim Avijit Roy Was Attacked, Roy is a founder of the website Munkto-Mona. He And His Wife Krishna Pada Roy Was Walking Home When Assailants Attacked And Killed Him. Roy Was An American And Was Pronounced Dead At The Hospital.
    Witnesses Say That The Attackers Attacked Both Roy & His Wife With The Large Machetes. There Has Been Reports That Say That Roy Recieved A Message That Said He Would Be Murdered Next Time He Comes To Bangladesh.

    I Think That This Is Crazy Because If I'm Walking Home With My Wife I Wouldn't Expect To Be Attacked & Killed. I Feel Sorry For The Parents Of This Man. I Can Relate To This Because It Seem Like He Really Was Staying To Himself But He Was Attacked And Killed, But They Also Sent Him A Threat. It's Just Crazy That You Can't Mind Your Business And Not Have To Worry About Being Killed.

    Citation: Cook, Lonzo. "Prominent Bangladeshi-American Blogger Avijit Roy Killed -" CNN. Cable News Network, 27 Feb. 2015. Web. 27 Feb. 2015. .

  20. Article Title: 3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS’ Fight
    Article Date: February 25, 2015
    Two men from Brooklyn were arrested on Wednesday for plotting to fight ISIS. The other man from Brooklyn was arrested also for helping the original two men with their plans. ISIS has already been plotting to go to war with the Middle East. Their targets has drawn thousands of citizens all over the world. ISIS has also brought more people to join their side. I think the men are putting their lives in a dangerous position. ISIS is capable of a lot of harmful things. ISIS has so many tricks up their sleeves that the men can fall for anything. I think the 3 men from Brooklyn should get all the help they can get. I also think they should get the help fast.
    Santora, Marc; Clifford, Stephanie. "3 Brooklyn Men Accused of Plot to Aid ISIS’ Fight." The New York Times. February 25, 2015. (Feb 27 2015)
