Saturday, February 7, 2015

5th period, Extra Credit 2/9-2/13

Due by Friday 2/13 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article title:UN Threatens sanctions against Sudan Government and Rebels
    Article date: February 12, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) There was a council by the united nations and tried to threaten new sanctions. Some Sudanese government attacked people in Darfuf. These threats were made in order to solve the problem. Darfurf will be protected until March 12, 2016. Darfurf has had these problems ever since 2003 when the rebels took stance against the government in Khartoum. The council was also saying that these type of violences need to stop. A solution can come through a political process.
    My reaction to this is that the UN should not have token sanctions against the Sudan Government and the rebels.My opinion is that i believe that Darfur needs to have better military force. This can be related to other countries because his type of stuff always happens. I choose this article because it relates to the government.

    MLA Citation: Lederer M. Edith. " UN threatens sanctions against Sudan Government and Rebels." The United Nations Associated Press. 12 Feb. 2015

  2. Article title:UN Threatens sanctions against Sudan Government and Rebels
    Article date: February 12, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) There was a council by the united nations and tried to threaten new sanctions. Some Sudanese government attacked people in Darfuf. These threats were made in order to solve the problem. Darfurf will be protected until March 12, 2016. Darfurf has had these problems ever since 2003 when the rebels took stance against the government in Khartoum. The council was also saying that these type of violences need to stop. A solution can come through a political process.
    My reaction to this is that the UN should not have token sanctions against the Sudan Government and the rebels.My opinion is that i believe that Darfur needs to have better military force. This can be related to other countries because his type of stuff always happens. I choose this article because it relates to the government.

    MLA Citation: Lederer M. Edith. " UN threatens sanctions against Sudan Government and Rebels." The United Nations Associated Press. 12 Feb. 2015

  3. Title:polls Obama's axis trigger pay out to illegal immigrants.
    Date:February 13 2015.
    Obama wants to bypass Congress on illegal immigrants be allowed to become citizens and in turn vote.this prevents 5,000,000 undocumented people from being deported. It also give drivers licenses when will Social Security numbers and that means then they can vote even though they are not citizens also the United States. This is considered illegal but Obama has made that happen.Kris Kobash, says that it is a problem and it is getting worse. The problem of the people is that if we havepeople who should not vote and they are voting then there is a possibility that the elections will be held by people who should not have voted in the first place.smell the White House does not want congress to know the amount of people who are voting even though they are not citizens so the people would not be alarmed.
    my opinion is really indifferent at this point, listen because this helps people and also hurts people his people come to the US and work hard and live here to become citizens and others come here illegally for only a short. Of time and they are able to vote that is not fair, but it also helps the people who came here illegally because they also might have something to give to the country that others who might have lived here for a very long time might not have for the country. when I first read this like I said I was very indifferent about this and I still am.I cannot really connect to this article because I don't really know anyone who has come to this country illegally but in order for me to know how I need to put myself in the people issues so I have no reaction towards this at all.

  4. Title:polls Obama's axis trigger pay out to illegal immigrants.
    Date:February 13 2015.
    Obama wants to bypass Congress on illegal immigrants be allowed to become citizens and in turn vote.this prevents 5,000,000 undocumented people from being deported. It also give drivers licenses when will Social Security numbers and that means then they can vote even though they are not citizens also the United States. This is considered illegal but Obama has made that happen.Kris Kobash, says that it is a problem and it is getting worse. The problem of the people is that if we havepeople who should not vote and they are voting then there is a possibility that the elections will be held by people who should not have voted in the first place.smell the White House does not want congress to know the amount of people who are voting even though they are not citizens so the people would not be alarmed.
    my opinion is really indifferent at this point, listen because this helps people and also hurts people his people come to the US and work hard and live here to become citizens and others come here illegally for only a short. Of time and they are able to vote that is not fair, but it also helps the people who came here illegally because they also might have something to give to the country that others who might have lived here for a very long time might not have for the country. when I first read this like I said I was very indifferent about this and I still am.I cannot really connect to this article because I don't really know anyone who has come to this country illegally but in order for me to know how I need to put myself in the people issues so I have no reaction towards this at all.
