Sunday, February 1, 2015

3rd period, 2/2-2/6

Due by Friday 2/6 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article Title:Obama defends $4-trillion budget, cites national security
    Date: February 2, 2015

    President Barack Obama sends the Congress a budget of $4 trillion with the new spending plan. However, President Obama hoped that the funding will not interfere with the national security over this dispute. He was one who pushed for the release budget for 2016. Obama’s political position issues tax cuts for middle-income families. Also, Obama’s plan addresses high taxes on top earners.

    My reaction towards this article is that President Barack Obama seems to be seeking for help from Democrats and an increase in taxes for many Americans coming from middle-class.

    In my opinion, President Obama’s plan is beneficial for some people but, spending more money and paying higher taxes might cause a few problems.

    President Obama’s proposal can be connected to the three branches of government; Legislative, Executive and Judicial. It issues the powers and responsibilities within the government by allowing the president to plan a budget and include his own ideas. Therefore, President Barack Obama plan will help maintain the money spending.

    Hennessey, Kathleen. "Obama Defends $4-trillion Budget, Cites National Security | Reading Eagle - AP." Reading Eagle. Tribune Washington Bureau, 02 Feb. 2015. (4 Feb 2015).

  2. Article Title: Could Marijuana Be Economic Boost for Native Americans?

    Article Date: Feb 5, 2015

    A new group wants to get involved with the marijuana boom across America and they are the Native Americans. The U.S. government considered Native American nations and tribes independent and free to govern their own way which raise the question on the status of marijuana in the native lands. Although they are free from American laws the Natives still outlaw marijuana but the Native American community is struggling and needs money so one way they can do this is by farming and selling medical marijuana. The main arguments against this inside the community is that the Natives are prone to abusing substances and marijuana isn’t in their culture. Despite this, a small tribe in California is starting to produce marijuana in order to sell. The Hopi Nation in Arizona however is undecided on the decision but is leaning more towards a no on the opportunity.

    I think that this is an interesting topic because the Indians are often forgotten about and it’s interesting to see how the Indians run their community. I know that they have had trouble with alcohol addiction inside the tribes and still are but to me I don’t think they will abuse this. I think that they will even use this to their prayers and spiritual rituals which can help them more. This does raise questions with me on crimes though. If marijuana does become legalize in Indian tribes, will people try to migrate to these nations and will gangs try to exploit the Indians.

    I chose this article because I want to try harder on my current events and this article was interesting and do-able for me to make a better current event post.

    Staff, AZPM. “Could Marijuana Be Economic Boost for Native Americans?” Arizona Public Media. February 5, 2015. February 5, 2015.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Article Title: Veteran charged with threatening to open fire inside capitol
    Date: 2/5/15

    A former U.S veteran was arrested for threatening to use armed weapons in the capitol building. The mans name is Michael Bogoslavski.He retired from the army in March of 2013. Michael sent a text message to an employee working in the capitol building, saying he would shoot them and the other employees. The employee that was being threatened called the capitol police and informed them about the threat. The police went to Mihaels home, and arrested him. They also found two loaded handguns along with ammunition in his home. Michael is being charged with transmitting in interstate commerce a communication containing a threat to injure another person. Michael had a court hearing on wednesday. Michael can face up to five years in prison if found guilty.
    I was suprised when I read about this. I think the guy is crazy and needs to spend some time in Rehab. I chose this article because I hear stories all the time about retired veterans doing crazy things like this, and I wanted to know why.

    Roubein,Rachael."Veteran Charged With Threatening to Open Fire Inside Capitol". Government Executive. 5 Feb 2015. (5 Feb 2015)

  5. Jaelynn Mcfadden

    Article Title: 2 Philadelphia officers face charges in brutality case

    Article Date: 05, February 2015.
    Summary: This event happened on the night of May 29, 2013, when two long term police officers of the twenty- fifth district pulled over Najee Rivera while he was on his motor scooter While being pulled over Rivera became scared and drove away, although he was in the wrong for not staying at the site, the two police officers in question did not follow protocol. While chasing the suspect the two officers did not having the lights and sirens on during the chase. As the officers approach the suspect for the second time, cameras from a near by store captured the two offices knocking Rivera off of his scooter. The two officers continued to hit and beat Rivera with their batons and their fists. Rivera sits there and cries out in pain, recieving a fractured orbital bone. After the harsh beating that Rivera received he went to the hospital for treatment, the two officers went back to their districted and reported that River attacked them first. Based on the paperwork the police filed Rivera was arrested for aggravated assault.
    My reaction towards this article is that i'm not very surprised that this happened, in today’s society the people that are suppose to protect us are the main one putting us in harms way. Lately police officers haven't been fulfilling their jobs the way that they are suppose to, instead of hurting their citizens they are suppose to be helping them. My opinion is that I believe that these two officers should be fired! I choose this article because it stood out to me, this is something that all men especially those of a different race experience with certain cops! Hopefully these cops will be fired and will do time for what they did.

    Philadelphia Fox News. “2 Philadelphia officers face charges in brutality case” My Fox Philly. 05 Feb. 2015. (05 Feb 2015)

  6. Article Title: One Person Dead After Plane Crashes Into Texas TV Tower
    Article date: Thu February 5, 2015

    On Wednesday night, a small plane crashed into a TV's station's transmitter tower in Texas. After the plane crashed into the tower, one person was reported dead. The plane crashed at around 7 p.m. When the plane crashed into the tower, it cut off the electricity in local areas and cut the air station off. It then crashed into a local field.

    My reaction after reading this article was remorseful because I feel bad for the victim's family. It must be heartbreaking to receive news that your loved one passed away at his or her job. I don't know what could have been done to permit this from happening, but pilots should be more aware. This event is connected to civics because it involved an event that happened in the world.

    1. Current events must be about government in some way. Also, missing proper MLA citation.

  7. Article title: The title of this article is " White House to request permission to fight ISIS."
    Article date: The date of this article is February 5th, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) This article is about the President of the United States, Barack Obama, wanting to get permission to fight the dangerous terrorist group ISIS. The article says that the decision for this proposal should be made shortly. The thing about this process is that the President must get Congressional approval on order to do this. Some people close to the President are basically saying that Congress shouldn't do anything that would tie up the Presidents hands on this decision. Government officials are having talks about this decision maybe as you read this right now. My reaction to this article is that I just thought that ISIS may have took their eyes off of the US since I havent been hearing much about the group. I didnt think it would get to yhe point to where Obama would want to declare some kind of war on the group I must thought they may have been under control.
    I just think that the President and the US should just keep all of this overseas and not bring any of it to our country. Kind of like the Ebola thing where they brought infected patients from overseas and then getting some Americans infected. I nust don't want anything bad to happen in this country because it already has too many problems as it is. The connection I can make with this article and my reason for choosing this article is because I found it interesting and shocking at the same time that it has gotten to the point to where President Obama wants Congressional approval to pretty much declare war on the terrorist group ISIS.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Jaffe, Alexandra. “White House to request permission to fight ISIS.” CNN. February 5, 2015. (February 5, 2015)

  8. Article Title:White House to request permission to fight ISIS Article Date: Feb 5,2015
    President Obama has made the decision to attack and find ISIS. In order to that he needs to ask congress for a war authorization. After Bush’s mistakes of 2001 and 2003, it’s taking a while for congress to make another related decision. Although the President is the chief of the military, he can not go to war without an authorization approved by congress.They need to make sure that troops will be in and out in time and congress wants a limit or extent on this authorization. After the President initiated his decision, he has 60 days to obtain an authorization to go in action. This is relevant because it talks about the checks and balances of the government’s branches. I think that since the President is the chief of the military, he should have complete power over it because it only makes sense.
    Jaffe, Alexandra. “White House to request permission to fight ISIS .” CNN. 5 Feb 2015.
    (29 Jan 2015)

  9. Article Title: UAE Suspends Syrian Airstrikes Over Lack of Rescue Resources
    Article Date: February 4, 2015

    In this article, the United Arab Emirates have temporarily suspended all air combat missions in Syria. The UAE came to this decision based on the U.S’s incapability of rescuing a Jordanian pilot, who was captured by the infamous terrorist group ISIS. The pilot was on a daily routine of dropping bombs over Syria, in order to scare ISIS out of hiding, where he then had to eject out of his jet immediately, landing right into ISIS territory. A U.S search and rescue team was then sent out to look for him, however it was already too late. ISIS had already captured him.

    Initially when I read this article, I already had a feeling that the U.S was involved in this situation somehow, and it seems as if my prediction was correct. After reading the full article, I feel a bit angered because of the realization that things like this are usually covered up, however it feels a bit relieving hearing the truth about something the U.S actually did wrong. This situation could possibly show the U.S we shouldn’t get involved in everything and also not make these countries depend on us so heavily, if we cannot live up to their expectations all the time. I will make tons of connections to this kind of situation based on the lifestyle and job I will have in the future. Even though I hope this is never the case, I do know we will fail a few missions here and there because that’s just how life is.

    Miklaszewski, Jim. "UAE Suspends Syrian Airstrikes Over Lack of Rescue Resources." NBC News. N.p., 4 Feb. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2015. (2 Feb 2014)


  10. Article title:Cuban government pushing off US lawmaker visits

    2. Article date:February 05, 2015

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: The Cuban government has decided to not allow none of the congressional to make any more visits.President Raul Castro's government has been changing around in order to be adjusted to the possible new U.S travel and the investment in Cuba.President Barack Obama had said in December that the two countries would repair the lost after a half-century of dislike. The Obama administration has been notified by Cuba that no congressional visits would be carried to travel to Cuba until April 15. A Cuban government spokesman has said the government is "arranging for the best possible dates for their visits so they get the attention they deserve in the middle of the many tasks we are facing at this moment in Cuba."
    My thoughts toward this is that why is Cuba denying so many request for the U.S to enter to make visits. Also Cuba is being sent a large number of request to visit but as I can see they were making the best possible dates in order for others to visit. The U.S main issue with this problem is wanting Cuba to end restrictions on American deployments. In my opinion I think they shouldn't have to be that way towards the U.S but then again they possibly have good reason on why they are doing this. A connection towards this would be someone trying to visit another country and for some reason they are not able to do to that country not allowing them or do to some conception.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. article title: "2 Philadelphia officers face charges in brutality case"
    Article date: February 5, 2015

    2 Philadelphia cops face serious criminal charges. Seth Williams charges two police officers with the name of sean McKnight and kevin Robinson. On May 29, 2013 sean and kevin pulled over najee Rivera the man who was beaten. While riding his scooter the cops pulled him over for nothing just to pick with him. Apparently Najee drove away obviously scared, the police drove off and crashed into him. The policemen got out the car as Najee laid out on the ground they begin beating on him. While being beaten Najee is screaming. As a result of the beating Najee suffered a fractured orbital bone and lacerations to his head. Sean and Kevin turned in false information saying they were the ones that were beaten. Rivera was eventually accused and charged with aggravated assault. Sooner than later the charges were dropped, Sean and Kevin were the ones arrested. As of this they are now fired from there job forever and will face jail time.

    My reaction towards this whole situation is sad. It took them this long to get this man out of prison. He should sue but atleast the law found out the truth and sent these two policemen away.

    Foxphilly "2 Philadelphia officers face charges in brutality case." February 5, 2015.


    Obama and Ryan: Cordial Collaborators on Trade Policy
    7:02 pm ET5
    Feb 5, 201

    The Republican from Wisconsin Paul Ryan moves from foe to friend on terms with Obama and the progression on the topic of trade. A speech on Thursday had been delivered to the Washington International Trade Association on some of the things that washington needs to do in order for deals in trade to be met with either positive or negative agreeances. The problem once again stems from the differences of opinion from the republicans and the democrats,due to the fact that republicans mostly support the new trade agreement known as the Trans Pacific Partnership, while the democrats are worried of the after effects that may occur which involve people losing their jobs. Many business groups worry that while a deal is being brought to attention by Barack that it will be stifled by the republicans that hold majority of the seats. With this worry being the issue his new friend assurance with Obama is to help ease the thoughts of the republicans and see to it that a beneficial deal is brought into existence without any problems.

    This event shows that its relevant due to it being the form of trying to get things done on our countries to do list. There are a lot of things that need to happen and getting on one accord with republicans is one of those things, because it could open up some doors of opportunity.
    I think that this is a good opportunity for Barack Obama and Paul Ryan because they have a chance to make things happen with this set up. Not to say that it is going to be easy keeping the Republicans at bay, but it is worth the fighting chance if they are willing to listen to one of their own. It is always good to have someone from a different side as you to listen and or understand your own ideas because they may see something you do not and point out the flaws of any plan. The same thing could happen if they see or hear a plan of yours that they actually like they could relay that plan to their colleagues and get them to participate and bolster it for the greater good. This method has always shown its effectiveness when in use on my parents to help them see things my way.

  14. Article Title: White House to Request permission to fight ISIS.
    Article Date: February 6, 2015.

    This event happened in early February. The ISIS terrorist group struck again on the countries of The Middle East. President Obama decides to retaliate by sending air troops over to Syria and Iraq. However, he did so without the permission of Congress. In his efforts to strike back against ISIS, it caused many casualties on both sides. Congress does not appreciate Obama's efforts but Obama still tries to make them see his reasonings. He wants to wage war on ISIS. This is still being reviewed by Congress today. I believe this is dangerous because ISIS will be ready for an attack and are getting stronger by the day. It cannot be good for America.

    I think that if President Obama wages war on ISIS, it will help prove that America is a strong nation. However, I don't know if it would be worth it. A connection I made was Obama deciding on war is like President Bush deciding to wage war on Iraq. Bush decided on war and it is up to Obama now.

    Jaffe Alexandria. White House to Request permission to fight ISIS. 2015.

  15. Article Title: Starting Friday, U.S. Will Ease Restrictions on Travel to Cuba Article Date: January 15, 2015

    Summary: Starting on Friday, the U.S. is allowing travel to Cuba. America is allowing this, because they feel as thought for half of last century since the 1900's, traveling to Cuba has been extremely hard. The only way you were able to travel to Cuba was by taking a flight to another country, and then flying again to Cuba. Also, you had to have a reason, had to had a legitimate reason for entering, and had to have be registered and taken legal test. This was all thought as to be too much, and now it is a goal to be made easier to enter, and even send money.
    The goal is to be able to have strait flights there and back, easy to send money, come back with gifts like Cuban cigars, and able to vacation. My opinion is that this is long over due, and needs to be done. As long as Cuba treats American tourists right, this should have a good effect on both countries. My reactions to this article are happy, because this is making progress, and leading to a stronger nation. I can make a connection because at one point this was never allowed just like voting for blacks. Or if it was allowed, it was extremely hard to do so, just like blacks voting. For the U.S. to overcome this by allowing America to travel to Cuba, is somewhat like the voting right act of 1964-65 allowing blacks to vote with the extra restrictions prohibiting them.

    Baker., Peter, and Randal C. Archibold. "The New York Times." Starting Friday, U.S. Will Ease Restrictions on Travel to Cuba. N.p., 15 Jan. 2015. 06 Feb. 2015.

  16. Article Title: Two Philly cops charged with brutality; video shows man being struck, beaten

    Article Date: February 05, 2015 10:23 AM

    About a year and a half ago a man by the name of Najee Rivera was beaten really badly by two police officers. The police officers claimed that they were attack by Najee so that's why they reacted the way they did as self defense. They beat the man so bad that he had a closed eye , he had to get stitches and had a broken nose. On trial there was nothing that the boy could do to prove his was innocent and it was his words against two police officers. Rivera's girlfriend knew something was wrong and went to the place that he had been beaten.

    They found out that the cops were lying and beat him badly for no reason at all. They stopped him at first and told him to come here with their weapons already out and he got scared and fled the scene . He lost control but didn't resist arrest or fought back. They locked him up and lied now they are arrested and one officer has 17 years in jail. My Opinion is that the police district did a great job with following up with this and arresting the officers. My reaction to this is why did the police men do and why wasn't this information found out earlier I think when police make arrest and there is a camera around it must be reported to their bosses just incase. The reason why I chose this was because police get away with a lot of things even after they are really found guilty they really don't get consequences for it and finally the police get what they deserve. I wonder if this was a black man would the officers got charged ?

    Whelan,Aubrey ."Two Philly cops charged with brutality; video shows man being struck, beaten" Philly.Com. 05 February, 2015. ( 06 February, 2015)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Source:

    Article Title: Obama’s Public Encounter With the Dalai Lama Riles China

    Article Date: February 6, 2015

    Summary: President Obama went to China to talk to the leaders about Dalai Lama. Obama has met with three different times. Every time they meet up its successful. My reaction to this is good because I like how Obama is going to different places and making good relationship with other countries. If the U.S. ever needed something We have good connection. My opinion is that Obama is a very good president and is doing everything in his power to make this country a better place.

    The Dalai Lama has been used for a long time in China. It's very important to their religion and I respect that about them. I respect president Obama going and supporting the Dalai Lama. He did this publicly so everybody can see. That shows character of a good person.

    MLA Format: Jacobs Andrew. "Obama’s Public Encounter With the Dalai Lama Riles China." New York Times. 6 February 2015. (6 February 2015)

  19. This article is about obama trying to create a bond with the Tibetan leader. He feel that religion shouldn't become violence. It should become peace. He staged multiple meetings with the leader to show how dedicated to his line of duty to create peace.

    Others find what obama is doing offensive. The Chinese think that the bond Obama is trying to create should never be. I think theres nothing wrong with creating peace around the world. In my opinion there shouldn't be any conflict with religion in the first place.

    Obama lauds Dalai Lama's 'powerful example'

    Jeremy Diamond, CNN

    Updated 11:57 AM ET, Thu February 5, 2

    1. Minimum requirement of 10 sentences was not met.
      Missing complete MLA citation

  20. Article title: Protesters block government offices
    Article date:October 2,2014
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) Stand off with protester block chiefs office, since two days of holidays in Hong Kong the chief wanna come to do work and thats why they are protesting. It seems that a few days before the protest the demonstrator are slacking on the job there has been types of idealism and explosion of art sort of involving democracy and freedom. The groups of protesters contradict messages from different student leaders, but the political views from the demonstrators was demanding democracy and no violence and the protest movement have been disciplined about sticking to those two key points.
    I feel that the police should not interfere with the protest fo they should their rights.
    My connection would be when I learned in civics about the First Amendment when you have the rights to speech and freedom to protest.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:
    Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access) Watson, Ivan. “Protesters block government officers.” CNN. October 4, 2014. 6 2015)

  21. Article Title: "2 Philadelphia officers face charges in brutality case"
    Article Date: February 5, 2015

    Two police offices are being put into jail and facing criminal charges in a connection with a police brutality case. The two were charged with beating and other charger of Najee Rivera. Najee was pulled over by the two police officers, when frightened he pulled off. Then, chased by the two police men. The police men didn't use there lights and sirens. A camera caught the two hitting Najee off the scooter. After, hitting him off the scooter they got out the car and stuck at Najee. After sending Najee to the hospital, the two police wrote a false police report.

    "2 Philadelphia Officers Face Charges In Brutality Case." 5 Feb 2014. (6 Feb 2014)

    1. Minimum requirement of 10 sentences was not met.

  22. Source:

    Article Title: White House to request permission to fight ISIS

    Article Date: February 6, 2015

    President Obama purposed to send an army force against ISIS soon. Basically the White House secretary will send a warning to the Congress about getting a military force to launch an attack on the ISIS enemy. If this happens this will be what is considered a fierce political fight on Capitol Hill.

    The reason this might be prolonged is because the president by law is demanded to get approval before it does anything involving the military forces. Another reason is the time length of the U.S. to be involved with ISIS is very probable. From previous times before President Obama has already done airstrikes
    On Syria and Israel. I think this will be better because we won't have to worry about the ISIS terrorist threat being able to attack on us I think this will make it a safer but more scarier thought because we are sending soldiers to go into war.

    MLA Citation: Jaffe, Alexandra . "White House to request permission to fight ISIS." . February 6, 2015. February 6, 2015

    1. Minimum requirement of 10 sentences was not met.

  23. Article title:
    ISIS claims U.S. hostage killed in Jordan airstrike
    Article date: February 6, 2015
    Summary: This article is about people and reporters from cnn who feel that ISIS pulled another scam by claiming that one of their hostages has been killed in a weapon room .
    I feel that this may have also been a scam because in the article it states tht isis has been known for not being able to give any proof is of the actual killing . They believe that she is not dead just like most of the other deaths they have said to be accountable for is not true . They said it's not true because multiple times reports show that when asked to show proof of death they show no body but only the place they were killed in . This time they showed the building falling saying that she was in it . The hostage is Kayla Mueller. This story isn't was to connect with or relate To .
    George , Bothle , " ISIS PR STUNT " Cnn . 6 fen 2015

    1. Minimum requirement of 10 sentences was not met.
      Missing complete MLA citation (web address missing)
