Sunday, March 15, 2015

5th period, 3/16-3/20

Due by Friday 2/27 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article Title: The title of this article is “Lawsuit aims to ban swimming with manatees in Florida.”

    Article Date: This article was published on March 16th, 2015.

    The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility is trying to sue The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for not treating the manatees correctly, which PEER believes is an endangered animal. PEER believes that allowing people to swim with the manatees means that they are allowing people to physically harm the animals. So, PEER is trying to sue the U.S. Fish and Widlife Service for allowing people to swim with the manatees, but it is proven that cold water and toxic red-tides have killed more manatees than humans have. Also, the animals are no longer considered endangered because the population of them were 3300 in 2007.
    I believe that this PEER company is just trying to gain media coverage. If the media keeps giving them attention, they’ll have more people trying to see who they are, and the more people that know about them, the more likely they are to receive donations or anything else they may need from the public. This reminds me of Andrew Zimmerman. After he killed Trayvon Martin and was trying to be seen as a good person, he began doing good things, just to gain media coverage and so everyone would forget about what he did.

    Patrick, William. “Lawsuit aims to ban swimming with manatees in Florida.” FOX News. 16 March 2015. (16 March 2015)

  2. Article Title: Clinton concedes she should have used Gov’t email.
    Article Date: March 10, 2015
    Hillary Clinton came out and acknowledged the error of her ways for deleting tens of thousands of emails. Clinton admits that she was wrong and that she should have used her government email. However, Clinton used her personal email and thus deleted tens of thousands of emails. About 60,000 emails were destroyed and they were about her personal yoga routine, wedding plans for her daughter as well as plans for her mother’s funeral. The Secretary of State, Clinton, says that she had no reason to keep the emails.
    Personally, I believe that all of this is coming out because of the 2016 elections that are rolling around soon. In a way I find this as a way for it the hinder the results of the presidential election of 2016. Clinton, should not have to share her personal emails, especially about her yoga routine, wedding plans for her daughter as well as funeral plans for her mother. Those are pretty personal matters and should not have to be shared, for them to be potentially leaked by the government. Ultimately, Clinton was wrong in some ways; however every human being deserves their privacy in personal matters such as so.
    "Clinton Concedes She Should Have Used Gov't Email." 6abc Philadelphia. 10 Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. .

  3. Article Title: Government requests for Facebook Data Decrease in U.S. and UK, But rise in India
    Article Date: March 16, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: The government has recently got an update from Facebook that in a half of a year it went from 34,946 to 35,051. Facebbok is the most used social media site around the world. The second most country that uses it is India. When the government or the law wants to find out information they go to Facebook to check out how a person is like. 45 percent of cases in India were found. My reaction to this is this isn't such a good thing because people are not using Facebook like how they used to.My opinion on this is that although people dont use facebook alot anymore it is always good to have a system like the government has to make sure.I can make a connection because when my sister made a facebook my parents were all over her. This relates to civics because it has to do with the government.
    Russell.John. "Government Requests For Facebook Data Increase In U.S. and UK, But Rise in India" 16 March 2015 March 2015)

  4. Title: Inside the Rise of Isis
    Article Date: August 7, 2014

    Since the rapid rise of the extremist group Isis the Obama Administration designated that the US will strike air attacks around the Isis headquarters.They made this decision because of Isis annexing different parts of Syria and Iran. People believe that Isis just started. However, Isis actually branched apart from it's founding group called Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is most famous for the first US terrorist threat on 9/11 when two planes two crashed into the World Trade Center towers.Hence the thought of Air strikes. Also Isis will never stop because they believe in using violence in order to gain control and power.

    When I first read this article it made me think of America's progress in trying to stop the rise of terrorist ever since that fatal September day.I'm actually just like the rest of the US citizens are scared of US facing another terrorist threat. I want to see what happened if the Obama Administration would ever go through with the attacks. Would it be as bad Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs and start a World War 3. This also makes me wonder why do people always want to hurt America but come on our soil for the vast opportunities presented to them.

    Collins, Robert. " Inside the Rise of ISIS." PBS. 7 Aug 2014. ( 18 Mar 2015)

  5. Ralph Peters says US policy is Off the rails.
    March 19 2015
    the president wants to pick a fight with Israel who is one of the US allies. the president is behaving like a snobbish high school queen bee. because he has made the whole situation very personal instead of considering what is best for the country.the president threw a fit about something that did not even concern him. he has 14 delegate in Israel country.the president is known to be more comfortable in dealing with the Castro or the leadership of Israel or his former BFF ladinia .the Obama administration manage to give the victory to Mann disgracing him which in turn has turned this whole situation into a scandal and Obama's accommodation with Iran is frightening because for the first time Iran citizens are actually scared of a US president. considering who he is as the first black president he is not expected to do this and he is driving the US policy off the rails.

    When I read that I was very surprised, because I thought the president was supposed to have the well being of its citizens at heart the base on the article I just read it kinda shows that he doesn't. I refuse to believe this but if is true there is nothing I can do about it, but on a more serious and honest note this is very surprising, I think the president is well off helping the people who help them back instead of thinking that if he help somebody the press and will help them back he should wait for a country to help the US in any way they can until he walls and self In their situation, this is because everyone wants to help of the US so is akua is not know who her allies are,she will always have enemies.

    1. Missing MLA citation. Please follow guidelines given in the directions.


  7. Article Title- The name of this Article is No Excuse for violence against Ferguson police.
    Article Date- March 13th 2015 updated at 9:35am

    This article was about how President Obama spoke up against the two police officers that were shot Wednesday during a peaceful protest in Missouri Ferguson. My reaction towards this article is that the police officers should have never been shot. A gum should of never been fired especially if they were protesting peacefully. They are still someonees dad cousin uncle brother... If it wasn't for a reason of self defense then the officers should have never been shot.
    I connected this article to every other violence I see on the news about Ferguson because they never not protest w.out something happening. Ever since the killing of Michael Brown the ferguson community had been violently fighting back wanting injustice and answers.

    Mla- No excuse for violence against Ferguson police. Jaffe, Alexandra. "Obama reads mean tweets about himself." March 13th ,2015 .

  8. Article Title: "Democrats refuse to take back charges of racism over Lynch nom"
    Article Date: March 19, 2015

    Loretta Lynch is running for attorney general of New York. Loretta would be the first African American woman attorney general. Democrats believe there is racism when dealing with her nomination. They believe this because Mitch McConnell has put back the vote on her nomination multiple times. Loretta ha been waiting longer than all 5 past nominees for attorney general combined. I think this is important because it shows that racism is still continuing today. Racism is happening in a place that it shouldn't because governors and senators are supposed to keep things like this from happening. I feel like black people are never given a real opportunity. Loretta was able to run for attorney general. Mitch McConnell is the only thing that stands in her way.

    Jones.Athena"Democrats refuse to take back charges of racism over Lynch nom"
    Cnn 19 Mar 2015
    (19 Mar 2015)

  9. The title of this article is "Democrats refuse to take back charges of racism over Lynch nom".
    This article was dated to March 19, 2015

    A woman named, Loretta Lynch was in the running for attorney general of New York. If she won the race she would be the first African American woman attorney general. There are many arguments about this topic and has also led many people to have different views on this event. A majority of democrats believe there is racism when dealing with her nomination. Therefore they believe that if she gets nominated this would be unfair to the democratic party. This belief is due to the actions of a man named Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell has put back the vote on her nomination multiple times because of the problems that people are complaining about. Ms. Lynch has now been waiting longer than all 5 past nominees for attorney general. She is now still waiting for her time of becoming the first female attorney general to come until then she will continue to hold her position in the running. Loretta was able to run for attorney general but Mitch McConnell is the only thing that stands in her way.

    This article was significant because many females today do not have the strength to go into a large race to campaign for themselves and run against other people, men and female of many colors and races. These other people may also have a better chance in winning power of attorney because of the simple fact that she is black. Another reason I found this article important was because I feel like this is displaying that racism is still continuing today. Racism is happening in a place that it shouldn't because governors and senators are supposed to keep things like this from happening but unfortunately this is not currently happening. And it seems as though too many people are not caring. This article also displays that fact that black people are discriminated against because of what they look like. Although many people ay that racism has died, this is not true this article proves that it is very much alive today.

    Jones.Athena"Democrats refuse to take back charges of racism over Lynch nom"~
    Cnn 19 Mar 2015
    (19 Mar 2015)

  10. The title of this article is “Inside the Rise of Isis”
    This article was published on August 7, 2014.

    Recently there was a large rise in ISIS that has caused the Obama Administration to send air strike missiles to attack to ISIS head quarters so that they could understand that the Administration was not a joke and was not something to be toyed with. With those actions ISIS should know that this was a serious matter. The decision of attacking was due to ISIS annexing through different sections of Iran and Syria. This also led many people to believe that ISIS was a new group that recently formed and this is why many people may get affected because that is what ISIS is trying to accomplish. The thought of being anew group is beneficial to ISIS because if people think that then people will be paying less and less attention to the group. ISIS  is actually from a branch that is a part of a group named the A1 Qaeda. This group is also very dangerous and is known for US terrorists of September 11th. That was the day that the twin towers were destroyed.

    After reading this article it made me realize that the US is really trying to stop terrorists but they see to be taking over. Although we are at higher power right now it seems that eventually they may out do us. That is something that everybody may need to prepare for but right now everyone who can do something should help as much as possible so that ISIS cannot have a chance. ISIS will clearly take any chance that is possible.

    Collins, Robert. " Inside the Rise of ISIS." PBS. 7 Aug 2014. ( 18 Mar 2015)

  11. Source:
    Article : Rand Paul's advice for 2016: 'Don't use your private emails'
    Article Date: 3/16/15
    Who: Rand Paul, Hillary Clinton
    Where: Austin Taxes
    When: March,2015
    What happened: Rand Paul made a statement on Sunday night referring to the presidential election of 2016 saying "Don’t use your private emails.”talking about Hillary Clinton who used her private email instead of her Secretary email to conduct business that have to do with her job, Rand Paul only brought it up because of news that came out that Hillary Clinton handed over 10,000 + emails to the state department.
    Rand Paul expressed how he felt towards this situation to Texas Tribune CEO Evan Smith saying that he believes that Hillary Clinton was breaking the law when she decided to use her private email to conduct business.
    The Kentucky Republican says “The law can’t be different for different people,” .Since news have calmed out about Hillary Clinton and the email situation and handing over tens and thousands of emails to state department , she all's told them she deleted hundreds of emails . This was not the only time Rand Paul decided to attack Hillary Clinton on her mistake that is being corrected , on a CNN interview Rand Paul calls Hillary Clinton 6 figures spending is unnecessary.
    Reaction: shock to of y'all have two different positions why you worried bout what she doing.
    Opinion : I think Rand Paul should mind his business and do what he got to do , if she decides to use a private email let her she obviously knows what she doing and knows the consequences she'll have to have because of it.
    Connection: I can make a connection to where Freire staff have to use there freire email when emailing a student or parent back in fort because the school have to monitor what is being sent from both sides, and if they don't do so then they can face consequences.

    "Rand Paul's Advice for 2016: 'Don't Use Your Private Emails'" POLITICO. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.

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  17. The title of the article is " Poll: 50% say Obama's been a success" .

    The article was published on March 19, 2015.

    This article is about the statics of how President Obama is doing. The people took polls voting rather Obama has been successful and if or has not been . The results show that 50% of the people voted yes Obama's time in office was a great success . But 47% show that it was not a success. So overall Obama according to the people is doing well but it could be an lot better.

    I chose this article because I was interested in knowing whAt the people thought about the President. i wanted to compare my thoughts with everyone else. I think Obama is doing a very nice job in office. There would be better results if congress would let him do his job and pass some the things he need to pass. They are at fault of some of the 47% who thinks Obama is failing to do his job ! Honestly, I think they are still mad my president is Black . My reaction and feelings towards this article is a little surprising but I feel good that 50% feels like Obama is a success . I just wish the ratings were higher !

    "Poll: 50% Say Obama's Been a Success -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.

  18. Article Title: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting
    Article Date: March 19,2015

    This article was basically about making voting mandatory in the United States because currently it is not. Obama believes that voting should be a mandatory processes because, first off he just feels that it is only right for citizens in the U.S to vote, and secondly it would help generate more money in the U.S. Apparently in other countries mandatory voting is legal and by law everyone is required to vote. But it has become evident that the majority of citizens that do not vote are either young and voting is not important to them, or just low income families.

    Honestly when I was reading this article I wasn't feeling any kind of emotions towards it. It was informing that the government was thinking about making these changes in the U.S, and it is always good to know what's going on in the world. I do think that voting is important and in my opinion I feel that a every citizen that is old enough to vote should vote. But the government shouldn't force people to do anything that they truly don't want to do.

    I think that when people don't vote it hurts the country, and people need to realize how important voting is. If people don't vote that means they're saying they don't care who's running their country. Personally I think African Americans should really vote because the country doesn't really care about blacks, so we need to get involved to make them care. But if they want to make sure people vote just so they can get money that's wrong, unless that money is going to a good cause to help people in the country.

    Yan,Holly. "Maybe it's time for mandatory voting."

  19. Article Title:Democrats refuse to take back charges of racism over Lynch Nom
    Article Date:March 19,2015

    This article is about how democrats refused to accept the accusations that the voting delay of Loretta Lynch was a racism scam.Loretta would have been the first African American women to serve as a attorney general. But when votes were delayed because of Mitch Mcconnell racism, accusations saying that he had done this on purpos had arose and he wouldn't accept that accusation. The house of democrats also played a huge role in this situation they had made several statements,dtaenments like her race was the main contributor of her hold up to become a attorney. As democrats continued to fire at lynch with their smart racial remarks,republicans comes back and is disturbed about the comments that were said, so Republicans makes its know to
    Everyone and the democrats that race is not a factor causing the delay to happen but that it was in fact all the Democrats who make race a big issue.

    My opinion on this is that it kind of expected to see this happen because ultimately racism still exist and we can't act like it don't. My reaction to this is that its an unfortunate situation that anyone could be put in just because of their race. A connection is that anyone can be involved and be put in this situation .

    Jones,Athena. "Democrats refuse to take back charges of racism over lynch nom". March 20,2015.

  20. Article title: The article is titled, 'Please Don't Shoot Me': Dog Walker Begs for Life Before Deadly Shooting.
    Article date: The article was published on Thursday, March 19, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum) A 60 year old man named James Patrick Stuhlman was shot and killed by three teenage boys from Overbrook highschool. Two of them were arrested but one who actually did the shooting is on the loose. This all happened on the 6400 block of Woodcrest Avenue, when James was walking his dog then pleaded "don't shoot me" to the teens. Now the police are still looking for the actual shooter, they are rewarding anyone with $20,00, if they find the shooter.
    I am so shocked that this happened in my neighborhood. I thought Overbook was a safe place for everyone, but that just shows that you have to be careful of your surroundings. I am not surprised that it is someone from Overbrook highschool, because that is not a good public school overall, they need to be really disciplined in my eyes. It was not a surprise to the police officers because they said the teens were in a robbery already. I hope the police officers find the shooter , because I feel bad for the old innocent man and his family.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: NBC10 Staff“Please Don't Shoot Me': Dog Walker Begs for Life Before Deadly ShootingDocument.” 20 March 2015)

  21. Article Title: FBI investigating hanging death of African American man in Mississippi
    Article Date: Friday March 20, 2015

    In early March of this year, an African American make went missing in the state of Mississippi. In the efforts to find him and assure his safety, they found nothing. It was determined that the man went missing March 2nd and was reported to the police March 8th. However, the police in Claiborne County of Mississippi later found him dead. He had a bed sheet wrapped around his entire neck and a skull cap on his head all while being tied from a tree. The police in that county does not want people to assume the worst due to them not knowing the exact cause of death. As the FBI enters the case, their agent, Jason Peck agrees that it is too early to tell. After discovering the body, the police spectate whether or not the body belongs to Byrd; a well liked and respected man of the community. The police and FBI does not want to alarm the public. To make sure of this, they keep citizens away from the body at all cost. Even "Byrd's" family is denied the opportunity to see it. The FBI and the police of Claiborne County will continue to work the case to find the exact cause of death and who did it. They would also have to figure out if this is truly "Byrd" or someone else.

    This can relate to a movie called "A Time to Kill" where a young black girl was hung only because she was black. Just like the girl, "Byrd" is also black and was hung. I believe this is a racial issue. Because of him being black, he was hung like centuries ago. I think that in order to prevent this from happening again, the mayor of the town should talk to his town about core values. This cannot go on.

    Greg Botelho. Cnn.2015. Friday March 20, 2015.

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  23. Article Title: FBI investigating hanging death of African American man in Mississippi
    Article Date: Friday March 20, 2015

    In early March of this year, an African American make went missing in the state of Mississippi. In the efforts to find him and assure his safety, they found nothing. It was determined that the man went missing March 2nd and was reported to the police March 8th. However, the police in Claiborne County of Mississippi later found him dead. He had a bed sheet wrapped around his entire neck and a skull cap on his head all while being tied from a tree. The police in that county does not want people to assume the worst due to them not knowing the exact cause of death. As the FBI enters the case, their agent, Jason Peck agrees that it is too early to tell. After discovering the body, the police spectate whether or not the body belongs to Byrd; a well liked and respected man of the community. The police and FBI does not want to alarm the public. To make sure of this, they keep citizens away from the body at all cost. Even "Byrd's" family is denied the opportunity to see it. The FBI and the police of Claiborne County will continue to work the case to find the exact cause of death and who did it. They would also have to figure out if this is truly "Byrd" or someone else.

    This can relate to a movie called "A Time to Kill" where a young black girl was hung only because she was black. Just like the girl, "Byrd" is also black and was hung. I believe this is a racial issue. Because of him being black, he was hung like centuries ago. I think that in order to prevent this from happening again, the mayor of the town should talk to his town about core values. This cannot go on.

    Botelho Greg. FBI investigating hanging death of African American man in Mississippi 2015. (Friday March 20, 2015).

  24. White House to request permission to fight ISIS

    March 12, 2015

    Everyday that passes, ISIS grows stronger and smarter. Our president, Barack Obama want to do something about it. President Obama wants to send a request to take a fight to ISIS stop them. However Congress won't give him permission. Since the president has to get permission from Congress to send an army somewhere he couldn't do what he wanted. He argued with Congress back and forth about exceptions to the rule.

    I think the president is going about this the right way. He is going through the proper channels and is thinking about our people. Its possible ISIS might grow so big that they might take over take over the ways of traveling in the Middle East and travel to other places like here in the U.S.

    Jeffe, Alexandra and Walsh, Deirdre. " White House to request permission to fight ISIS." CNN. 5 February 2015. (19 March 2015)

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  26. Article Title: “Obama to rally Democrats in Philly to kill sequester in budget.”
    Article Date: This published January 2015.

    President Obama gave up on his idea on saving money for colleges. On Thursday a message from President Obama said his plan will be to undo sequestration cuts. Sequestration was passed by Congress two years ago. It was passed to force budget cuts. With this in effect it caused problems with 529 college plans on saving money. My reaction to this is that they Philly students should not be denied money that they were going to get for college.

    I think they should remove the budget cuts because by them placing budget cuts it puts more stress on students. It puts more stress on them because now since it’s not enough money students will have to go to work and college at the same time under a busy schedule.This can be a connection to when the Philadelphia School District made budget cuts. Teachers were laid off, students lost money for extracurricular programs, and more money was taken away from schools. Students can not receive all the education they should.

    Acosta, Jim. “Obama to rally Democrats in Philly to kill sequester in budget.” The page is 20 Mar 2015. (20 Mar 2015)

  27. Article Title: Arab Bank Liable for Supporting Terrorist Efforts, Jury Finds
    In Brooklyn they are bringing banks to trail and they are blaming banks for helping out terrorist in their visious ways and giving them a massive amount of money. They blame the banks because they figured they should have known that the people were terrorist. They needed large significant amount of money to do what they needed to do. Before the case had reached trail Obama felt the need to speak on it. The banks refused to give information. They couldn't really do anything with not much evidence during trail.Arab bank figured and farther issues would still be nothing more than a trail.They talk about places that have a high percentage of Islamic people, and abything that has to do with Islam I am very much interested in. I feel as though, what proof do they have? Not much at all that this transaction was going on.They should have left the situation alone if they had suck then evidence to show for it.
    Cliford, Stephanie. "Arab Bank Liable for Supporting Terrorist Efforts, Jury Finds" NYtimes.September 22. (March 20, 2015)
