Sunday, March 22, 2015

5th period 3/23-3/27

Due by Friday 3/27 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article title: The title of this article is "Justice Department report slams Philly police."
    Article date: This article was published on March 24th, 2015.

    After an investigation, the Justice Department says that about 15% of police involved shootings were suspects without a weapon, that the police thought had one. In a time span of 7 years, there were 394 police involved shootings in Philly, and 49% of these shootings occurred because the police believed that the suspect had a weapon. Most of the other 51% of shootings occurred because the suspect reached for the officer's weapon. The Justice Department also says that the police in Philly do not receive enough training on how to handle confrontations with suspects, for example, if a suspect reaches for their weapon. The Philadelphia Police Department lacks training in many other areas also.
    I honestly believe that the Police Department should get their act together. How are we supposed to count on them to protect us, an they aren't even trained correctly to do so? I think that the police should have to go through a lot more training in order to drop the percentage of these shootings. Or, the police should learn not to always use their guns. They could use tazers or something else. This reminds me of the Ferguson Police Department, except there are no reports that our police department is racist in any way.

    Perez, Evan. "Justice Dept. report slams Philly Police." CNN. 24 March 2015. (25 March 2015).

  2. Title: Jesse Jackson, Jr. to be released from prison Thursday, Kennedy says

    Article Date: Wednesday March 25, 2015

    Former Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is set to be release from jail today and sent to a halfway house. Jackson pledged guilty for using $750,000 of campaign funds for his personal usage. Jackson and his wife spent in to total a year and thirty months for fraud. The former Democratic Congressman served as head committees of the 2008 Obama party. Him and his wife are to serve different times. One factor is because of the children the two have. Jackson later resigned stating that he suffers from bipolar disorder. With his father being Civil Right's Activist Jackson this had put a damp on the Jackson's legacies. On the other hand Jr. has stated that he learned from his mistakes and that he will be getting out Thursday. No further words has been spoken from Jackson's defense team.

    This article intrigued me because who would have thought that Jesse Jackson's son would do something like that. This article is also sad because what would possess him to steal all the hard work from the campaign for your own personal benefits.

    Diamond,Jeremy."Jesse Jackson, Jr. to be released from prison Thursday, Kennedy says." CNN. 25 Mar 2015. (25 Mar 2015)

  3. Title: Supreme Court skeptical of specialty license plate case

    Article Date: Monday March 23, 2015

    In Washington, the Supreme Court is having a huge debate. The debate is on whether to rule Texans license plate with Confederate flags constitutional or unconstitutional. This is the first time in history that the Supreme Court has considered implying the First Amendment right to the DMV. Texans can choose what they want on the plate but they will have to pay. On the other hand Texans are offended and our saying this is depriving them of their rights. Law students are saying the first amendment doesn't apply when the government is checking on it. Chief justice Justin Roberts says that the government is not hindering the rights. Roberts also believe that they are doing this to get money. Justice Kagan says that the state has relinquished its power and given Texans no restrictions on political sayings. This debate is an ongoing topic.

    This article baffled me because me speaking as an African-American it's very upsetting. One, because that is a telling flag of Racism and Slavery. How would you feel if you see that flag. It's a mockery that is what it is.

    De Vogue,Ariane ."Supreme Court skeptical of specialty license plate case." CNN. 23 Mar 2015. Mar 2015)

  4. Article title: American crash victims: US government contractor, daughter
    Article date: March 25, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: A plane had crashed in the the French Alps and it has killed three Americans. One was a government contractor and the other was his daughter.The woman was an employee for 23 years at Boose Hamilton in D.C and her daughter had just graduated high school. Thee government had no idea who the last person was. The mother was working under an agency at a satellite mapping office. The daughter graduated from Drexel in 2013 with honors.My reaction to this is upsetting because the daughter that graduated with honors had her whole life ahead of her. In my opinion if the plane was fully prepared for this flight then this crash probably would never had happened. This article relates to civics because the government found out about it so it relates to civics.
    Bridis, Ted "American Crash Victims:U.S. government contractor, daughter" March 25, 2015

  5. Source:
    Article : Ohio Man Receives $1 Million After Spending 39 Years in Jail for a Murder He Didn’t Commit
    Article Date: March 20,2015
    Who: Ricky Jackson
    Where: Ohio
    When: November 2015
    What happened: Ricky Jackson was released from in mid-November for a crime he was falsely accused of doing.He was in prison for 39 years for the murder of Harold Frank that happened in 1975.on a Thursday an Ohio judges demanded that the state give Ricky Jackson $1 million dollars back to him for wrongly imprisoning him. When Jackson heard of the good news he was in shock with disbelief because he didn't just know he was being released from prison and receiving money back for the time he spent. During the time of him being sentenced to jail, a 12 year-old boy was testifying against him during 1975, claiming that he have saw what have happened in the murder of Harold Frank's.

    The 12 year-old boy confessed later when he was older that he didn't witnessed the murder of Harold Frank's. According, to other witnesses during this time Ricky Jackson was on a school bus and not near the murder.There was no other evidence that can link Ricky Jackson to the murder so he was released from prison and was paid for his wrong imprisonment.Jackson is the first man to be know to be held in a prison for a long to and realised for the false imprisonment.Jackson was released from prison due to false imprisonment and conviction on a crime that he have not committed nor have taking any part in.
    Reaction: shock to why it take so long to see that there was no evidence connected to him.
    Opinion : the little boy should be charged with something for helping out a innocent man in jail when he never witness anything.
    Connection: I can make a connection to the Dwight Dexter case and this because Dwight Dexter was innocent person be falsely accused of a murder that he did not commit because he was the last person to Floyd Babbs; during this case Rickey Jackson was falsely accused of a crime he did not commit and serve time for something he didn't do .

    Eromosele, Diana O. "Ohio Man Receives $1 Million After Spending 39 Years in Jail for a Murder He Didn’t Commit." The Root. N.p., 20 Mar. 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
    What are n.p. & n.d.? | View in list E

  6. Article Title: The title is “This Arkansas bill would let bosses force employees to friend them on Facebook”

    Article Date: This was posted on March 24, 2015

    Sometime this week in Arkansas, there will be a meeting with the Senate committee which will decide on rather to or not pass a bill allowing employers to have more control over employees social media lives. This bill would reverse the effects of a law passed a couple years ago which protected workers and gave privacy on the internet. This bill will give bosses and employers the right to force a worker to befriend and/or follow them on Facebook and Twitter. The argument for this bill is that employers want to make sure that there is always a safe working environment, inside and outside of the office. There’s also an argument which states that this bill may even help the employees. There are also 22 states in the US which have bills similar to this either pending or in effect.
    There may be good in this but to me this is an outrage. I feel as though employers are invading personal lives and possibly infringing on some basic liberties. It isn’t right to force somebody to friend you because you’re now taking over their lives and online enjoyment. The internet should be a place where you are free to do as you please. Hopefully this isn’t the future of hiring because this is unfair and absurd to me. I can connect this to class with civil rights vs civil liberties. Although the access and use of the internet may be a civil liberty, I think that the government shouldn’t go into that area because it brings the question of are we really in control of our own lives.

    Chokshi, Niraj. “This Arkansas bill would let bosses force employees to friend them on Facebook.” The Washington Post. 24 Mar 2015. . (March 25)

  7. Obama says he's ready to sign Medica's doctor payment fix.
    March 25 2015
    on Wednesday Obama said that, he would not sign Medicare doctors payments fix .without endorsing any specific legislation, but without the the doctors face a 21% cut on fees just like the 1990 budget law. the house is expected to vote on this matter. meanwhile Obama was able to sign the Affordable Care Act 5 years ago, so no one understands why he can't do it now. the house is planning on renewing some things in shiftin the most share of doctors payment so that it is based on quality but not quantity. but Obama is a green with the charges by the house and all he needs is a good reason to sign. while others believe that this is a political matter instead of a health matter. so far, the legislation is being criticized for political matters, conservative don't like the most of the cost will be added to the federal deficit and Federalists object to the high premium for high income.
    my opinion on this matter is that President Obama is right for what he's doing because, if he's going to sign something that is going to lose money for this country he might as well know exactly what he signing for in the future outcome is possible, I also agree with the house by the fact that they are basing the payments of doctors based on the quality of work they do but not the quantity, on the other hand in this world we can't really trust anyone to know that they are doing quality work instead of quantity of work because the administrator's can lie and get away with it so they really have to think about it.I feel as though this is the right thing to do. and I cannot really connect with this only in a way that I know people who are doctors and they don't really tell me if they are getting paid as good as they should so I have no experience with this but on the other hand I think about actors are doing a great job and they should be paid as much as they deserve as long as physical therapist are also being paid as much as they deserve because that is what I want to be in the future and looking at what the price of payment is right now for physical therapist and looking at the work they do is not fair.

    1. Missing MLA citation. Please follow guidelines given in the directions

  8. Article Title- Debra Mike , who spent 22 years on Arizona death row had murder case tossed.
    Article Date - March 24th , 2015.

    This article was about a woman named Deborah Mike who has been on the death row penalty in Arizona for 22 years Case has been dropped. She was on the death penalty for 22 years because she Allegedly killed her 2 year old son. She Did not act alone in this, She had help. This story was conducted on a bunch of he say she say stuff. Certain evidence was not presented to the court because No one was there too eye witness it. The prosecutor had evidence but could not pull it up in the courtroom. My reaction to this Auto cool was that Deborah mike was found guilty the first time then the second time she was found innocent But The prosecutor was lying under oath. And had a history Previously. The other two men who were with Debra is a I witness the day of the murder of her 2 year old son Still one death Penalty today but on the other hand Her charges were dropped. I feel like this is unfair and unjust because They all lie under oath.

    My reaction towards this Article was that that was not fair the little wooden I have to lose his life because his mother Owed$5000 in Life insurance and she took her anger out on him. It was not his fault she owed the money he should not have lost his lifer due to an angry mom.who owe money . This Article can be connected to everyday life everyday childhood neglect.My opinion on this article is that the child did not deserve he got just because the parent was not able to pay back the $5000.Justice should be served .

    MLA citation. Ahmed, Saeed. And Bothleo, Greg. Deborah Mike, who spent 22 years on Arizona death row his murder case tossed. CNN. March 24th , 2015 March, 26th 1015

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The title of this article is Senate's Harry Reid announces he won't seek re-election

    This article was published on March 27,2015.

    This article is about Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid retirement after five years. Reid wants to retire because he had a personal problem near New Years Eve which affected him a lot. He has health problems especially with his eye. His eye will be permanently damaged. He took a lot of time off to recover. Obama looks at Reid as a friend because he hasn't changed his personality since he has been elected. Obama love that about him.
    My reaction towards this article is neutral but happy at the same time. My reaction is neutral because nothing that big is really happening in this article. People retire everyday...nothing special. My reaction is Happy because I finally found a political article that is not about something bad happening. I like to just know about the small things inside the governmental world. I think Reid is making a good decision by retiring because he has lost a lot of time in office because of his injuries. His health comes first !

    "Senate's Harry Reid Announces He Won't Seek Re-election." - FOX 29 News Philadelphia. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

  12. The title is “Lawyer wants to make killing of gays legal”

    This was posted on March 26, 2015

    A lawyer in the state of California has sent a ballot unheard before. This bill will allow the legal slaying of members of the LBGT community. Matt McLaughlin posted this bill and it needs a certain amount of votes to be actually passed. The bill, which is named the Sodomite Suppression Act, states that “any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender… be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.” The office this bill is being posted to has no other option but to allow the signatures to be signed.

    I cant believe that something like this is allowed to happen. This is the United States in the year 2015, not the Middle East in ancient times. There are people who doesn’t approve of gays or gay rights and there are people who are homophobic but that doesn’t mean you have the right to kill them. Hopefully there is an amount of sane people who will strike down this bill. I can connect with this to blacks and how they were treated. There wasn’t any laws in the South that legalized the killing of blacks but they did however get away with it. I chose this because I was interested with this bill after seeing it on another website I frequently visit.

    Woai, Kabb. “Lawyer wants to make killing of gays legal” 26 Mar 2015. . (March 27)

  13. Article Title: Triple killing may not be a hate crime
    Article date: March 27, 2015

    A man was accused of shooting three students in the head over a parking spot. All three of the victims were Muslim. The families think this man should be charged with a hate crime. Even though they think its a hate crime they have to find evidence to prove if that's true. If they find out he had hatred towards this religion the criminal justice system will make them to prove it. Chances are Hicks will not be accused with a hatred crime.

    I chose this article because it's sad that this man shot three students in the head over a parking space. I don't think this man should be charged with a hate crime because they don't have enough evidence to say if he had hatred towards Muslims. I think he should receive life in prison or the death penalty because what he did was wrong. He should really get the death penalty since he killed three students that can never get their life back. Therefore, he should pay the price of what he did.

    O'Mara,Mark."Triple killing may not be a hate crime." 13 February (March 27, 2015)

  14. Article title: The title of this article is, “Visiting from India, grandfather partially paralyzed after encounter with police.”
    Article date: The date of this article is February 12, 2015.

    What happened in this article is a man visiting the US from India to help take care of his sick 17 month old grandson he got into an altercation with police that left him partially paralyed. The police involved say that they got a suspicious persons report and went on the call. When they arrived at the scene with the man they were telling him to put his hands to frisk him. The Indian man doesnt speak much english so the officers may ahve taken it as resistance. While the man wasnt responding to the police officers orders the grabbed and took the old man down which ultimately led to him not being able to have feeling in both his arms.

    My reaction to this article is that I just dont understand why the police officers have to be so aggressive to such an old man. I understand that they’re just doing their job but sometimes it can just be a little too much. My opinion to this is that I just think they didn need to be so aggressive with him. Im sure they could tell he couldnt speak much english. The reason I chose this article is because its just sad to see something like this happen to an unthreatening man and a helpless man.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Payne, Ed. “Visiting from India, grandfather partially paralyzed after encounter with police.” CNN. February 12, 2015. (March 27, 2015)

  15. Article Title- Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on Arizona death row, has murder case tossed

    Article Date- March 24,2015

    A woman named Debra has recently sent to twenty two years on death row. It was said that she and two other people related to the case murdered her son due to an insurance payout. They wanted the money that the boy had in his name if he died. After the police found out she was arrested and sent before a jury.At the trial the judge ruled that she was innocent. Now, since she was ruled innocent she is no longer sentenced to death row. She is not the second women that has had a cancelled death row sentencing. The detective in charge of the case said that Debra confessed to committing the crime. later the detective’s records prove that she was lying under oath. Even though Debra is no longer on death row the two other people that helped in the murder are. The son’s death occurred after he was kidnapped from the mall then later was shot and killed. After the jury trial all of Debra’s charges were dropped while the two men are still on death row.
    After reading this article, this makes me believe that the court room is unjust and unfair. Debra confessed and was still let go as she was innocent. I feel like the two men shouldn’t be charged antmore either. They should not be on death row at least. If they have to face the crime I feel like taking two more lives will not solve the son’s murder.

    Ahmed, Saeed and Botelho, Greg."Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on Arizona death row, has murder case tossed." 25 March 2015. (27 March 2015)

  16. Article title: the article is titled, President Obama Could Unmask Big Political Donors.
    Article date: Thd article was updated, March 23, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/: This article is about companies who have spent a lot of money on goods and services in the U.S from 2007 to 2012. Whether it was a large or small corporation, they were not as rewarded as much. President Obama has been a bigger person and wrote a letter about influencing them to not use any more of their money. Different government groups tried to challenge him to not do those actions. He has the power to do so because this situation requires disclosure of political spending.

    In my belief, President Obama is a wise president. People try to take advantage of him, but he knows his powers and how to use them. President Obama did the right thing, because eventually the companies may be in debt and the U.S. would not be able to help. I'm still shocked that government groups still try to bring Obama down. He is the best President, we ever had.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Tritch, Teresa. "President Obama Could Unmask Big Political Donors." The New York Times. MARCH 23, 2015. 27 March 2015.

  17. Article Title: Bucks mother arrested for alleged child abuse
    Article Date: March 26,2015

    A 23 month old baby was found abused with a broken jaw, lined fractures in the skull, and multiple burns. It took the police 8 months to arrest her. The pretended to have ovarian cancer and made people believe her because she shaved off her hair and eyebrows. Her mother reported that the infant was being abused her injuries were very severe. The injuries also included a broken thigh bone and ruptured eardrum. After reading this article my reaction to this is that she was wrong for abusing a baby. It is understandable that people get frustrated but taking her anger out on the baby was horrible. The she left the baby with several critical injuries. Every mother is supposed to love their baby. She carried the baby inside of her for 9 months and she thought it was a good idea to hurt the baby. My opinion is that she should be thrown in jail because this is a crime. Lastly, she faked having cancer to avoid getting arrested.

    Finely, Ben. "Bucks mother arrested for alleged child abuse." March 26,2015. March 27,2015)

  18. Article Title: U.S. reconsidering 2016 Afghanistan troop withdrawal, defense chief says
    Article Date: March 21, 2015

    On March 21, President Barrack Obama has voiced his concern for the troops in Afghanistan. He at first believed they should stay, but recently changed his mind. What sparked this change was the devastating events occurring in the center area of Asia. He believes that it would be help the country because it will keep Afghanistan from attacking us. However, this is not the case. Congress sees the other side of it. They think that the troops should be attacking and defending us against ISIS. the argument between the two is expected to rise in the next week.

    I feel that troops should be defending us against ISIS. It would help us. They cannot attack if we block them. Afghanistan is not worrying about attacking us either. Also, we get to help others and defend them too.

    "Defense Chief: U.S. Rethinking Afghanistan Timetable -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

  19. Article:This Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage -- Now, His State's Economy Is One of the Best in the Country
    Article date: March 4, 2015

    In Washington D.C., the question rises "if someone you know proposes unfair taxes, what do you do?". Many people have no idea. Some believe to stop them. But fail to fully think things through. Taxes are rising and causing oddities economically instead of helping it. The nation needs a scapegoat. Or does it? Mark Dayton was in office January 2011. As governor he gave a $6.2 billion dollars charge of tax and a 7 percent for people without employment. His runner up did the complete opposite. Pawlenty, his opponent insteads, keep taxes low. Pawlenty's new plans isn't causing America to gain any money. Therefore, Dayton perspective is golden. Because of it, the upper class has to pay more taxes and the country is benefiting. We are gaining more money this way and it may very well be a permanent process.

    A connection I made was that the United States chose who to handle taxes just as citizens chose who runs the country. The citizens have a public vote however the House of Representatives chose privately. I think America needs to second guess their choice and reconsider Pawlenty's idea. We could find another way if income. I believe that Dayton's idea is however more solid abs would take shorter time.

    Huff Post. 2015. 24 March 2015.

    Reaction to preliminary nuke agreement with Iran.
    this plan is meant to keep the Islamic group from developing weapons for at least 15 years. some people in the government say there is no deal but the parameters of a deal. this deal involved at least one-third of the you a
    Reaction to preliminary nuke agreement with Iran.
    April 02,2015
    this deal is meant to keep the Islamic group from developing a weapon for at least 15 years. some people in the government and Senate say that there is no deal but the parameters of a deal. this deal involved at least one-third of the UN Since America has a lot of allies. Installed centrifuge reduced from ,19000-6104. no enrichment in Fordow for at 15 years.enrichment at natanz only and with older centrifuge for at least 10 years.very excellent in Iran will be cut off from plutonium. President Obama said that this is a good deal. IAEA are to inspect suspicious site of activities.possible military Dimensions will be addressed. social suspended with complaints can be snapped back.
    my reaction to this is a good reaction anthe good reaction part is the good reaction part is that, Iran will not be able or allowed to tell her right the United States for at least 15 years so I I think that is a good thing. but they will pretty much be able to do whatever they want and those or after the 15 years which gives them a whole lot of time for them to plan what they want to do. my soul and this is neutral because I don't even know what that I should be happy or anxious so pretty much what is happening right now it's a good thing that will happen in the future is to be determined.
