Sunday, March 15, 2015

3rd period, 3/16-3/20

Due by Friday 2/27 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article title:Some black leaders say Lynch's race playing role in delay

    Article date:March 17,2015

    This article is mainly about Loretta Lynch who is the current United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, is considered to be the first African American woman for an attorney general. However, President Barack Obama was the person who nominated Lynch to lead the Justice Department way back in November. Although, the leader Mitch McConnell stated that Lynch’s nomination would not be put up for vote until the trafficking bill passes. According to Tuesday's failure by Senate McConnell, was to advance human trafficking bill. This means that Lynch ' s nomination is going to be pushed up because she might not get a vote.

    My reaction to this is that Lynch seems to be a great leader who plays a major role in this delay dealing with race and gender.

    I think that Lynch should be able to uphold her confirmation hearing.

    I can connect this to Civics and English due to the topic of this article based on race. The book "In My Father's Dream" discusses race and how Barack struggles to find himself as an individual during his childhood and life in general. I chose this article because I found it significant towards the role play in the delay of Lynch ' s confirmation.

    Cable News Network. "Some Black Leaders Say Lynch's Race Playing Role in Delay -" CNN. Cable News Network, 2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2015. .

  2. Cable News Network. "Some Black Leaders Say Lynch's Race Playing Role in Delay -" CNN. Cable News Network, 2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2015.

  3. Article title:Who will fight for gay marriage at SCOTUS?

    Article date:5:55 AM ET, Tue March 17, 2015

    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: historic gay marriage case at the Supreme Court that deals with gay marriage being legal across the nation. The roster of lawyers for this case is still being established for each side so it could be worked out. Six legal challenges in four states have been consolidated into one case and there are two separate legal questions before the court. Both cases had appeared before the court in 2012, and it had been taken down a section of DOMA and dismissed the Prop 8 case on procedural grounds.In the last two years, challenges to same sex marriage bans have been successful in nearly 60 lower court decisions do to the association of freedom to marry. the Supreme Court had took advantage for thousands of marriages to take place in Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, Indiana and Wisconsin when it had refused to take up an earlier set of same sex marriage petitions. I feel as though no matter what state you live in you should be allowed to marry whoever you choose to no matter your sexual orientation. With that being said all over the united states should just make it legal but I know for sure that is going to take some time and that wont happen until a few more years from now. I can connect this with daily life fighting for equal rights proving that same sex marriage is just like ordinary marriage in which you should marry your spouse no matter what state you live in.

    Vogue, Ariane De. "Who Will Fight for Gay Marriage at SCOTUS?" CNN. Cable News Network, 17 Mar. 2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2015.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Obama Orders Cuts in Federal Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    MARCH 19, 2015
    Barack Obama signed an executive order to set new goals. Obama plans to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of federal agencies. In the last two years in the office he is showing big effort in trying to make the right things happen. Obama trying to use an expansive interpretation of his presidential authority to push ahead with unilateral moves to combat climate change in the face of strong opposition from the Republican. The issue is surely possible something can happen. Obama went to the energy department to speak with them about the issue. We the people are wasting to much gas. We could save up to $18 billion over the next decade by cutting down on wasted energy. Obama plans to reach this goal before he leaves the office. He just wants to make the last good impression and show why he should be in office. I believe he can reach this goal and I am rooting for him!
    Davis, Julie Hirschfeld. "Obama Orders Cuts in Federal Greenhouse Gas Emissions." The New York Times. The New York Times, 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Eric Garner Case, Judge Rules Against Releasing Grand Jury Evidence

    Article Date: March 19, 2015

    Summary: This article is about Eric Garner being killed by a police officer. The police officer wasn't indicted because of the evidence. The judge doesn't want to release the evidence to the public. My reactions to this is shock. First the police officer doesn't goes to jail for murder. Now they don't want to show the public what evidences was used in the case and grand jury. This doesn't look right, we need justice now.

    This reminded me about Michael Brown being killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. In this case the police officer goes alway free and another black kids life is taken. We need justice or things like this will keep happening. We need a change for the better not the worse. Eric Garner is died and the cop who killed him is free. We as the United States of America has to do better in the criminal justice systems and everything else.

    MLA Format: Al Baker. "Eric Garner Case, Judge Rules Against Releasing Grand Jury Evidence". New York Times. 19 March 2015. (19 March 2015)

  7. Give it back! $ 33 billion recouped from health Scammers
    March 19, 2015
    The Feds was able to get $ 33 billion from the people and companies that cheated them with false claims. The programs such as Medicare and Medicaid was affected. The government was able to get a small amount of the money that is owed.
    The Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program has recovered over 27.8 billion dollars. The Attorney general Eric Holder made sure of that. The ways to stop the fraud is to increase the strike force to see what is going on and stop it. I think it is a good idea to enforce the rules and arrest the lawbreakers. This fraud is costing the taxpayers money.

    Mangan Dan, Give it back! 3.3 billion recouped from health scammers,\mod&par-xfinity,March 19,2015


  8. Dueling Bills Complicate U.S. Cyber Defense Efforts

    Mar 19, 2015 4:52 pm ET

    Political Efforts become complicated when the house of representatives have a turf war between two competing committees. Their desire is to regulate the increasing number of computer attacks which have been thought to have originated from foreign countries. Worries are high in the thoughts about both house representatives passing separate bills because if it is done that way the choice of in which direction to continue will lie with the Republican Leaders. The cyber defense bill for the Senate Select on Intelligence had been passed last week and is waiting for a full senate vote. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman, Mike McCall has expressed his work efforts to create a line of communication between private sectors and our government, while House Intelligence Committee Chairman Representative, Devin Nunes has been working with some of his colleagues in order to create a bipartisan bill.

    I believe that their intentions are very good at heart because they are trying to solve the problem of computer attacks, but since the problem stems from the two committees releasing their bills at the same time trying to outdo each other; Why don’t the two committees come together to join ideas if that just might happen anyway when the republicans see the bills themselves. There are a variety of ways the bills could go, but choosing the most effective way is what everyone is looking for and if one of them is not passed soon the judgement will fall to someone else to see how it moves forward. In coherence with the current dilemma many of my classmates including myself have faced projects where ideas may have had to be merged in order for the best outcome. Other ideas that have been mentioned may also have had to been dropped because they did not present the best outcome that satisfied all the criterias that needed to be met.

    Paletta, Damian “Dueling Bills Complicate U.S. Cyber Defense Efforts” Wall Street Journal ( 2015)( March 19, 2015)

  9. Article title: FBI investigating hanging death of African-American man in Mississippi
    Article date: Thu March 19, 2015

    An African American male who had been missing earlier this week was found dead hanging from a tree in Mississippi. This has drawn the attention of the FBI and the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.When local authorities found him, he was found with a bed sheet tied around his neck and a skull cap on his head. They have not released the mans identity, but he is assumed to be 54 yea old Otis Byrd. His body was found 500 yards away from his home.

    My first reaction to this was that it had to relate to racism because of the title. I think that more people should be involved in this case because his family deserves to know exactly what happened so justice could be served. A connection that could be made with this article is how blacks used to get lynched from white people and get away with it. At this point they have no clue to exactly what happened.

  10. Article Title: Please Don't Shoot Me': Dog Walker Begs for Life Before Deadly Shooting

    Article Date: Thursday, March 19th, 2015.

    Summary: In overbrook, two boys were arrested and charged for the murder of a man who was walking his dog Thursday night. Also, there's a third teen, who actually pulled the trigger, that is still on the loose. Police say that the victim plead for his life, asking for the teens to not shoot, but they shot him anyways. Police are also warning the last suspect who hasn't been caught yet to turn himself in, before they find him themselves.
    There has been an award set to $20,000, for anyone who knows the whereabouts to the final suspect.

    When I initially read this article, I was in complete shock because I found out one of the suspects, was infact one my neighbors. It made me realize that some people just don't change, even when they say they will. He told my mom he was gonna get his life together, and then this happens. In my opinion, I believe their actions were completely dumb, because they killed an innocent man, for absolutely no reason at all. It just goes to show, change doesn't happen for everyone.

    "Police Search for Suspect in Dog Walker Death." NBC 10 Philadelphia. NBC10 Staff, 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.

  11. Article Six Philadelphia police officers arrested on corruption-related charges

    Philadelphia is a place where police is supposed to protect and serve. 6 officer miss used there name by doing devious acts. One of the act involved theft. It states that the police stole over $10,000 worth of drugs. This seems hard to believe coming from a former officer who wants to shorten his years by lying his way out.

    Another act of abuse was take a perp as a hostage. To do that would take alot of time. You would have to make sure you dont get caught which is impossible in a opened area. If the police officers. Is find guilty they will serve 25 to life. Or have a big bail that will be impossible to pay.

    Six Philadelphia Police Officers Arrested on Corruption-related Charges -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
    What are n.p. & n.d.? | View in list E

  12. current event
    web page .

    Article Title: Slain Philadelphia officer hailed as hero in funeral
    Summary : On March 5, 2015 a police officer Robert WIlson was killed by two brothers. The two brothers was robbing a Game Stop store the afternoon of the murder; however, that was the same afternoon that officer Wilson went to get his son a game for his birthday. While trying to achieve his son's birthday wish, two brother killed him. Now the police officer and family members dwell on the death of officer Wilson, although a police officer had to lose his life hopefully it opened a lot of eyes in today's community. My reaction towards this article is that it's annoying to see how rude people are how messed up people are and that they think it's okay to just kill instead of think!
    My opinion towards this is that I wish that every person with a gun, who does not know how to properly use it should think about what they are doing and it's hurting our community and our city! I choose this article because I know someone personal to know that was close to this officer. Also I chose this because all of the officers that came out this day came from all over and that was so loving.
    Nydailynews. "Slain Philadelphia officer hailed as hero in funeral". NY daily news. March 14. < >. (March 17)

  13. Article Title: 'Please Don't Shoot Me': Dog Walker Begs for Life Before Deadly Shooting

    Article Date: March 19,2015

    On last Thursday a 51 year old man by the name of James Patrick Stuhlman was killed by teenagers while walking his dog. Two teens were caught and locked up but they weren't the actual killers, the teen who actually shot and killing Stuhlman is still on the loose. Before Stuhlman was killed he begged for his life and begged then not to shoot him but the teen still pulled the trigger. Stuhlman was a good man who didn't bother anybody and he walks his dog every night. Stuhlman and his daughter usually walks the dog but decided that it was too late for her to walk with him this time which actually saved her life.

    My Reactions towards this tragic death, is that this is crazy and really sad. Blacks are already labeled as killers and all these different stereotypes so why would you prove to them that they stereotypes are right. Who are you two take someone's life away ? He was just a innocent man walking his dog and was killed because idiots decided to be bored and try to rob somebody because they were bored what type stuff is this and it makes me really upset. My Opinion Is that they should serve the death penalty because the killing was cruel and evil and they should suffer the consequences. I Chose this article because black men are letting themselves go even with the killing of a cop that recently happened everybody screaming justice for blacks but should be wearing a shirt that say everyone life matter . We need to stop all of the killings and come together as one . You don't kill someone because your bored.

    NBC. "Police Search for Suspect in Dog Walker Death." NBC 10 Philadelphia. N.p., 19 Mar. 2015. 20 Mar. 2015.

  14. Article Tittle: Yemen: Bombs kill 135 at mosques; ISIS purportedly lays claim
    By Hakim Almasmari and Jason Hanna, CNN
    Updated 1:18 PM ET, Fri March 20, 2015
    In Yemen, suicide bombers are walking around killing people. This is a form of ISIS, and how they are working to creat power and forming a new government. They are so good, that they forced the president to flee. This is destroying the country of Yemen. These bombs reportedly killed over 130 people, and caused others to be damaged.
    My reaction to this story is sad. I think this needs to stop, and the government is suffering from violent groups. Trying to rule the country is not that serious and it's hurting innocent people. My own opinion is that the government needs to fight harder, and instead of giving up and fleeing, they need to come back with a stronger fight. I can connect this to slavery in Africa. Moment leaders are causing a disruption in the homes of the citizens from their country. By forcing the country to partake in these violent acts, it puts fear in them, and gives the leaders and groups the power they look for.

    A., Hakim, and Jason H. "Yemen: 48 Killed in 2 Mosque Attacks in Capital -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.

  15. Article Title: The name of this article is Yemen: Bombs kill 135 at mosques; ISIS purportedly lays claim.
    Article Date: The date of this article is March 20, 2015.
    Summary: This article is about suicide bombers that killed more than 135 people. This article took place in Sanaa, Yemen. These bombings are connected with ISIS. Killing innocent people is a way that ISIS is using to get their message across and form their own government. They have already got the president to leave the country and have posted several videos & audio recordings of their victims suffering.
    My reaction to this article was surprising. This was surprising because I would never think that someone would have that much courage to kill all of these innocent people and have the the power to get their president to leave. My opinion is that this is sickening. Everyone should be able to do what they want with their own life. Just because they do not agree with how they're living doesn't mean they should die. A connection I can make to this article is domestic violence. I have not personally witnessed domestic violence, but I do know that if you scare someone that much, you can get them to do anything.

    1. 1. wrong class period
      2. missing MLA citation

  16. Article title:Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting
    Article date: Thursday, March 19,2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Obama has discussed the issue of voting in America. After the last voting, it turned out that less than 37% of eligible voters actually voted, which leaves over 100 million Americans disengaged in voting. Obama claims that one reason for that, is that the younger people don’t vote due to low income. The article made the point that 26 countries have mandatory voting which makes it another viable reason for making voting a requirement here in the US. They say that campaigning this to disengaged citizens can be a slow process. Another counterargument is this can defy the reason for democracy. Democracy means that citizens have the right participate in public affairs but making it a requirement can betray a citizen’s “right”. This decision can also backfire. This decision was brought up to counteract the big money play in politics. So, Obama thinks that to make the country better, health care and voting should be mandatory. He thinks that this change would be “transformative” for the country and its citizens.
    Yan, Holly. “Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting” CNN. March 19 2015. (March 20 2015)

  17. Article Title: U.S. reconsidering 2016 Afghanistan troop withdrawal, defense chief says
    Article Date: February 21, 2015
    On a Saturday, February 21, President Barrack Obama has voiced his concern for the troops in Afghanistan. He at first believed they should stay, but recently changed his mind. What sparked this change was the devastating events occurring in the center area of Asia. He believes that it would be help the country because it will keep Afghanistan from attacking us. However, this is not the case. Congress sees the other side of it. They think that the troops should be attacking and defending us against ISIS. the argument between the two is expected to rise in the next week.
    I feel that troops should be defending us against ISIS. It would help us. They cannot attack if we block them. Afghanistan is not worrying about attacking us either. Also, we get to help others and defend them too.
    Ellis, Ralph. "U.S. Reconsidering 2016 Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal, Defense Chief Says -" CNN. Cable News Network, 21 Feb. 2015. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.


  18. New senate is just like the old senate

    January 13th , 2015

    This article speaks about how difficult it is to be a senator . Most cases people within each state don't even remember who they have for a senator until after they speak about voting for a new one . In which citizens do and then forget about that senator to . This was the problem Master of Senate Mitch McConnell was having . The Senate is having problems keeping his house in order because of the fights they are having about sex trafficking laws . Most problems that occur in the house don't get settled easily . Other might take time to think about in a different light due to them being people of the world and the fact that they should promote peace . Me as a girl in this world I look to do good even if its not what others like it might still be good . Hopefully they handle the situation with the laws on sex trafficking laws . They say theres always a bad before a good which means we have to let this little fumble flow threw without handling it ourselves .

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Author’s Last name, First name. “New senate is just like the old senate .” .13th Jan , 2015. 20th ,2015)

  19. Article Title: Two Teens in Custody for Murder of Dog-Walking Dad in Overbrook
    Article Date: March 19, 2015
    Last Thursday night, a man named Jim Stuhlman was shot to death by a 15-year old boy. A 14-year old was involved also. The man was 51-years old and was walking his dog. This occurred in Overbrook in West Philadelphia. Stuhlman man shot in his chest. His dog sat there, laying next to the body. Police watched a surveillance video and saw 3 black males. The video only led to 2 of the boys. The other one will soon turn himself in. I think they boys should be ashamed of theirselves for this crime. I feel very bad for Stuhlman's family.

    Fiorillo, Victor. "Two Teens in Custody for Murder of Dog-Walking Dad in Overbrook." March 19, 2015. (March 20 2015)

  20. Article title: Obama’s changing tune on permission to fight ISIS
    Article date: January 29, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
    American troops are to busy training the military and this will continue but President Obama says he needs permission to use the military force. Using the military force is a way by giving the President permission to continue military operation. The launch on airstrikes in Iraq was a invitation of Iraq government to protect american interests, the campaign was speaking to American people about fighting against ISI. Obama believes that we are the strongest nation when the President and congress work together. Although not everyone agrees with this mission and it’s not the best way for the nation to decide either to go to war. But Obama plans to show the we are united in this mission to use the force against ISIL.
    Obama is trying to ask permission to use the military force to fight against ISIS and put us at war with them and is talking to people to get them to believe that we are a strong nation if we stand together.
    This can be connected to how the congress is putting us in this mess with talking to us to see if we will support the fight against ISIS.
    Jones, Athena. “Obama’s changing tune on permission to fight ISIS.” CNN, breaking news.( September 17,2014) 6,2015
