Sunday, April 12, 2015

1st period, 4/13-4/17

Due by Friday 4/17 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article title: Clinton takes White House bid on the road
    Article date: April 13, 2015
    The day has finally come. Realistically, Hillary Clinton could be voted president in the near future, as she announced her running on Facebook. When she ran for the Democratic Party in 2008, she lost out to Barack Obama (big surprise). Now, she is confident and so are her supporters. She is expected to kick off her campaign sometime in May.
    I believe this is good for our country. I believe one way we can deny the idea of feminism is by allowing a woman to lead our country. Though she will probably be in her husband's shadow, I believe she can lead this country. It almost has nothing to do with a female being president, but if she is really ready to lead our country. I say why not?

    Mathes, Michael. "Clinton takes White House bid on the road" Yahoo News. April 13, 2015.;_ylt=A0LEV7seuStV01gAztonnIlQ

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Article Title: Hillary Clinton is officially running for president
    Article date: April 12,2015
    Hillary Clinton is running for president, although she did not enter the race like she wanted to. Now she is running for presidency because she believes every American needs a champion and she wants to be that.
    My reaction is that I'm happy because she is a women and if she is president she will make history.
    My opinion is that women are meant to be in power, we are smarter and are more mature; its about time women showed how smart we are.
    I connect this to when me and my friends were talking about how we wanted a women to run, we wanted Mrs Obama to run because she is black and a women it would've made double history but Hillary Clinton will do.
    Peng, Chelsea. "Hillary Clinton Is Officially Running for President." Marie Claire. Jessica Pels, Apr.-May 2015. Web. 13 Apr. 2015.


  4. Title: Clinton announces 2016 White House bid, asks to be 'champion' of America's middle class

    Date: April 13, 2015

    Summary: This article was about Hillary Clinton announcing her 2016 presidential campaign, her life as a young adult, and opinions people had about her announcement. Hillary Clinton quickly prepares to campaign, but she first wants to get out there by social media. She's constantly speaking about appealing to the middle - class Americans by trying to get their approval with connecting with them. Although she's excited about the 2016 election, others are not. A revival, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Carley Fiorina, and Rand Paul do not agree or support her joining the campaign and they think she would do better out of the campaign.
    I personally think that she is going up for a challenge after her loss to Obama in the 2009 presidential election. She will have a lot of work to do and a whole lot of proving herself to be president worthy to do. Especially due to the fact that she's a woman. There has never been a woman president before, so she will have to represent not only herself but all women in the United States and pave a way for other aspiring women who would one day like to run for president. Although people think she should drop out, I think she should stay in to prove that she is stron. I chose this article because in the year 2016, I will be 18 years of age and will be able to vote, contribute, and just plain out participate in the 2016 presidential election. Therefore, I'm very interested in what all candidates have to say. "Clinton announces 2016 White House bid, asks to be 'champion' of America's middle class". April 13, 2015.

  5. Article title: Lawmakers clear path for Obama's historic trade deal
    Article date: Thursday April 16, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access) : This article about the deal that is trying to be made with Obama by the House of Representatives.Obama want this bill help hard working or middle class Americans. The deal will allow Americans to open businesses with fewer restrictions. It will also help the ecomonic market. Obama says that he will not sign a bill that is not up to standard that he believes the American people deserve. The House appoves of the bill. I think that this bill might help the econmic system. Many people Believe this bill could have a positive effect. But I also believe that it still is giving congress enough power to stop the bill if they wanted to. I choose this article because the title made me curious.
    Brader, Eric. "Lawmakers clear path for Obama's historic trade deal." CNN. Thursday April 16, 2015. (Thursday April 16, 2015)

  6. Article title: The title of this article is “Australian model, DJ, killed fighting for ISIS in Syria, family friend says.”
    Article date: The date of this article is April 16, 2015.
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: This article is about a male model and DJ from Melbourne, who was killed in battle, fighting for the deadly militant group ISIS.Twenty five year old, Sharky Jama had a very promising future in modeling, but that all changed after he joined ISIS in December. His family never knew anything about it,,, telling reporters that they knew nothing about what their child was doing over there or what kind of work he was completing.
    When news broke about Rama’s death, his parents were very shocked and disappointed but unlike his parents, Rama’s social media account followers ignored the fact that he was fighting for ISIS, but instead wished him peace and happiness in his other life.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Hume, Tim. “Australian model, DJ, killed fighting for ISIS in Syria, family friend says.” CNN. April 16, 2015. (April 16, 2015)

  7. Article Title: "Obama aims to clamp down on federal student loan servicers"
    Article Date: March 10, 2015

    President Obama is issuing a presidential memorandum. In this memorandum the President plans to help current and former college students keep up with their student loans. President Obama used his executive authority to help those with low incomes be able to have easier repayments of their loans by taking out an amount that fits their monthly incomes. President Obama also plans to review federal agencies to see rather new government rules should be put in place to make sure that student loan servicers aren't taking advantage of students. This is important because a lot of people are going to college now. A lot of people in America have low incomes so it is important that they know what is going to happen in regards to their student loans. This is also important because I plan to go to college and I know that there is a possibility that I will have to take out a student loan. I feel that this is a good thing because some people have a hard time finding jobs when they first get out of college. Meaning that they will have an even harder time trying to repay the debt of their loans. I think that President Obama made a good decision by making this his presidential memorandum. A lot of people will appreciate it because college is becoming a bigger thing in today's society. His memorandum will help progress Americas future by hopefully getting more people excited about going to college. It will also change America for the best.

    Press,Associated"Obama aims to clamp down on federal student loan servicers"
    Fox News 10 Mar 2015
    (17 Apr 2015)

  8. Requirements:
    Article title:
    Article date: Hillary Clinton believes that same sex marriage is a right afforded by the constitution. The media is trying to make it seem as though she has changed her opinion on same sex marriage for political reasons which was not the case. She always believed in it and now she believes she is in the position to support it and go through with it. My reaction to this is not as shocking as it should be. I believe this is the right thing to do and that it is protected by the constitution. My opinion on this topic is I feel as though I don't care about the topic though. I feel as though if your happy with who your with then let it be that way. Nobody should stop you from loving someone. A connection I can make is when the state government of multiple states passed laws on gay marriage. I believe that the country is making a positive movement.

    Merica, Dan. "Hillary Clinton Has a New Position on Same-sex Marriage -" CNN. Cable News Network, 16 Apr. 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.

  9. Article Title: " Ready to run"
    Article Date: N/A(could not find it)

    Former first lady, Hillary Clinton, has always been a prime competitor in politics. After lose the candidacy to President Obama in 2008 she has become Secretary of state. Before, this she has help support President Obama in his candidacy to run for president. She has recently decided to run in the 2015 in the election for president. She has plenty of experience to run for president and if she wins she will make history by being the first women in office.

    It would be a great to have a women in the office, it shows that women can be great leaders to. I want to be able to say that I voted for the first female president. I believe that Hilary Clinton is making a great decision to run for president. She has enough experience to run and I also believe she will get a lot of press. She might want to make slot of appearance to visit different cities and tell them her plan for presidency. This reminds me of when Barack Obama ran and defied the odd that black men were able to run and change the world.

    Zeleny,Jeff."Ready to run".CNN. 17 April 2015)

  10. Article Title: Carson, Fiorina launch 2016 bids as diversity of GOP Field Grows"
    Article Date: May 4,2015

    There are two new GOP presidential candidates: Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. They believe they can make change and that they add diversity to GOP side of the candidacy. Carson never ran for office, he was famous neurosurgeon. Fiorina had no experience either,she was the Hewitt-Packard CEO. Fiorina is more likely to get the votes for GOP between the two. Carson believes the Affordable Care Act is the worst because it shows America's lack of care for veterans.

    I think its good to have diversity among the GOP presidential candidates. My opinions about Carson is that he has very biased views on the current laws of America. I want to know why Fiorina is favored over Ben Carson. This is almost like in 2008 when the democrats had an African-American and a female presidential candidate, Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton.

    Cameron,Carl."Carson, Fiorina launch 2016 bids as diversity GOP Field Grows." Fox29News.4 May 2015. May 2015)
