Sunday, April 26, 2015

4/27-5/1 3RD PERIOD

Due by Friday 5/1 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article Title:Obama to make new push to shift control of drones from CIA to Pentagon
    Article Date: April 27,2015
    Obama and McCain are both opposing the use of armed drones. They want to approach the White House to end this situation, not the CIA. This decision was sparked after the death of two Western hostages due to the drone strikes. McCain opposes the CIA controlling these armed actions because it is basically not their profession, it’s the executive branch’s job. The President’s new goal is for the Pentagon to control these lethal actions and the senior administration has indicated that they will be working toward his goal. For the last two years, the President has been calling for transparency regarding armed forces. They are trying to take the drones away from the CIA. Many people opposed the discussion of this action. When I heard about this, I thought this decision was the President’s right to control since they seemed like executive issues. I think that both the CIA and the White House should discuss how to deal with this. This issue calls for both their knowledge and professions in order to work out.

    Acosta,Jim. “Obama to make new push to shift control of drones from CIA to Pentagon”. CNN Politics. 27 Apr 2015 h (27 Apr 2015)


  2. 1.Article title: Man Killed by Police in Queens Had a History of Instability

    2.Article date:APRIL 23, 2015

    Summary: A man name Jonathan Efraim, was shot and killed on April 22, 2015. Efriam had a lot of encounters with the police, just at the age of 30. Efriam had a lot of traumatic experiences in his later life, when he tried to commit suicide, by drinking bleach. Also in his 30 years of living he has been arrested nearly 14 times. On Wednesday night he was shot and killed by police officers, after he opened fire in front of a crowded in side of a bar in Queens. My reaction to this article is that it is crazy that a life had to be taken away, but then again he risked himself and others for no reason at all. I understand that he had a mental problem, but since the police put every other person in a mental home when they are deemed unfit they should’ve did the same with him.

    My opinion was that yes at that time it might’ve been the right thing to do, but death is never the answer in no sistation. My connection is that i picked this article because I like to read about police brutality and hope that one day someone will do something to make a change in this crazy world that we love so much.

    Schwirtz, Michael. “ Man Killed by Police in Queens Had a History of Instability”. The New York Times. April 23, 2015. (04/27/15)

  3. Baltimore riots: A timeline
    Mon April 27, 2015

    Freddie Gray died from a spinal cord injury in police custody. The day of the funeral of Freddie just hours later, Baltimore went crazy. People throwing rocks at police, breaking into stores, setting things on fire. People setted the CvS on fire. Freddie got arrested because he was found with a unlegal weapon and the police dragged him into the police. Basically everyone saying the reason he died is from the police. I feel like Baltimore is doing the wrong thing here. I get that they trying to get justice but this wont get them justice at all. Protest peacefully and hope that things will change. Gray died the sunday one day after he was arrested. Us people need to do better.

    I feel like the police always killing people but nothing ever happen to them. But when a person kill a stuff, they get arrested. Basiaclly they choose the police word over anybody no matter what.

    "Freddie Gray Death: Protesters, Police Scuffle -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. .

    "Baltimore Riots: A Timeline -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. .


  4. Article title: Baltimore mayor struggles in response to riots

    2. Article date: 4-28-15

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Some people feel as though Mayor Stephanie Blake is doing a good job during controlling the city of Baltimore during the riots. Stephanie says that when you give people space to facilitate and be heard, the space was exploited by those who want to do harm to their city.Republican Larry Hogan gave the mayor praise saying she has done a terrific job. Due to the riots in Baltimore, Mayor Rawlings-blake has set a curfew on the city, and asked the governor to send in the national guard. I was definitely surprised when I saw the new coverage of what was going on in Baltimore with the riots. I've never seen something like that. In my opinion, I think setting a curfew is a very smart move, but sending in the national guard might make the people want to riot more. If people are not listening to the cops, and are vandalizing their property, what makes you think they will obey the national guard. This kind of reminds me of the civil war, except this is between mainly African americans, and the police. The city of Baltimore looks like a warzone right now.

    4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Schleifer, Theodore. “Baltimore mayor struggles in response to riot". CNN. 28 Apr, 2015.


  5. Nicholas, Peter “How Clinton Campaign Could Have Avoided the ‘War Room’ So Soon

    Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has begun to move back into the frame of mind of protection due to some claims that may prove to be either false or true due to the way she may present it. The claims are targeted towards the Clinton Foundation and its involvement with certain conflicts. In order to combat the claims Hillary now has to go into critical thinking on how to prove everything is as it should be, even though with certain precautions the whole bulk of the situation would not have been elevated to the level it is at now. Since the 2016 elections is coming up in under twenty months or in nineteen months to be exact, Hillary will have to prove the claims wrong as searches in her foundation are being applied. Although some people are able and prepared to jump to the aid of Ms Clinton, their movements are stifled due to not wanting to get caught in the wrong intentions of what might actually be revealed being true.The first spot to be checked is the Uranium mines.

    In my opinion I believe that Ms Clinton did leave herself wide open for something like this to happen and now she has to reevaluate some of what she has been doing in order to prove her and her foundations innocence. If there were multiple ways to avoid the situation I believe that she should have seeked out those ways, because she is in the type of field that she is in. This is relevant, because Ms. Clinton I believe is running in the next election for president and she would be a most likely candidate for most democrats at the present time. The process that it takes to achieve a status that is prestigious like the Madam President of the United States is a long hard one.
    Nicholas, Peter “How Clinton Campaign Could Have Avoided the ‘War Room’ So Soon”, Wall Street Journal. 27, 2015)

  6. House approves first GOP budget since Bush era

    April 30, 2015

    A 10 year budget plan was passed today. This means that the House of Representative and the Senate came together to get budget cuts. The GOP doesn't want no new taxes and boost defense spending. Hopefully this summer they can come together on the details of the Affordable Care Act. That affects the health care law. Republicans want more defense spending while Obama is focus on health care.

    I am glad Congress is trying to solve our budget issues. I hope President Obama and the Republicans can come to an agreement so we can have more money for defense spending and lower health care.

    Davis, Susan. "House approves first GOP budget since Bush era" 30 April 2015.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: Prosecutors Charge 6 Baltimore Officers in Freddie Gray Death

    Article Date: May 1, 2015

    Summary: This article is about how Freddie Gray was in police custody and had a spinal injury that killed him. Prosecutors said that it was homicide and the police are being charged with manslaughter. There has been riots in Baltimore. People there have been going crazy. From burning down stores and looting. The baseball game was cancel because of these riots. Things will continue to be like that till justice is serve.

    My opinion on this article is a positive one. I think by turning this case into manslaughter will help people who are rioting see peace. Now everything will be handle in the court of law. I hope justice is serve and the right thing happen. I don't want no more young black males getting killed by cops. There too much going on, there needs to be a change for the better. Some famous people are standing up in Baltimore and marching for the rights of African Americans. Ray Lewis and Carmelo Anthony are some example.

    MLA Format: Alan Blinder. "Prosecutors Charge 6 Baltimore Officers in Freddie Gray Death". New York Times. 1 May 2015.
    (1 May 2015)


  8. Jeb Bush wades into Pitbull primary

    April 30th , 2015

    This article is about Jeb Bush being one of many political people to enjoy the music and presence of Rapper Pitbull . Jeb talk about how he would love to take Pitbull out to a baseball game because there they would have great conversation . He feels that Pitbull is a very important person . He is counting on the conversation so that hopefully he can get his vote . This article tells us that Pitbull not only has a national holiday on his birthday but also has the keys to Miami . This is good that someone so strongly focused upon for not only being inspirational but for also being greatly apart of the political values . My opinion is that this is something that people should learn to be apart . I also think this can connect to many other great artist . People who inspire people to do better other than butt shaking and nasty things . This is helping people to potentially wanna vote . This is making a change and hopefully getting Jeb some popularity and votes from Miami .

    Jaffe , Alexandra . “ Jeb Bush wades into Pitbull primary “ . . 30th April , 2015 ( May 1st , 2015 )

  9. Article Title: Baltimore Enlists National Guard and a Curfew to Fight Riots and Looting

    Article Date: APRIL 27, 2015

    This article was mainly about the effects of the Baltimore riot and the riot itself. After the funeral of Freddie Gray- an African American male who died while in police custody- riots broke out all around Baltimore. It got to a dangerous point where the mayor had to call in extra support from around the country such as the national guard. In addition to the riots, it was mostly angry teens who were involved, they threw rocks, burned buildings down, and even looted a CVS. Baltimore is already known to be a chaotic city, with loads of drugs already on the street, this will just add more to the war on drugs.

    The occurrence of this event is not really surprising to me, because there has been so many events involving police brutality, it’s just a matter of time people started using violence to solve things. However, most of the times violence resolves nothing but creates more problems. In my opinion I believe this is just the start of violent protests, I believe there will be more in the future if police brutality continues to grow. I am grateful I cannot connect to this situation because I would hate to be the parents of Freddie Gray right now, knowing that their son is dead, simply because he is an African American, because let’s face it, if it were a white boy in the back of the car, they would have took extreme precaution. It is very sad to see how hateful people can be towards one another, especially in cases like this where someone has to lose their life, all because of the color of their skin.

    Stolberg, Sheryl. “Baltimore Enlists National Guard and a Curfew to Fight Riots and Looting.” The New York Times. 27 April 2015 (1 May 2015)

  10. Article title: mom who slapped son: He was embarrassing himself

    Article Date: 4/29/15

    A violent protest for peace that went viral soon following the events of riots brings out the true color of people and their honest intentions, recently and on going protesters in Baltimore Maryland took on a "different" approach to ending police brutality. Windows smashed cars destroyed and over all chaos filled the streets of Baltimore. So much destruction that even the local police force couldn't contain the riled up citizens. Toya Graham mother of 16 year old Michael Singleton is caught in a video yanking her protesting son out of the chaos in disgust to see him performing the acts of violence that she disagrees with. Toya states that she never raised any of her children in such a degrading manor so to see with her own eyes one of her own in such act she had to take action herself. The viral video set influence to mothers world wide in hope to have a voice at home to stop the pointless violence. Mothers worldwide took this video as a light that individually they can stop public problems from the privacy of their homes redirecting their own children on what wrong. I feel as though Toya did a very respectable thing in proving/showing her parenting publicly so that the world gets a view on its not always how a person is raised it can all fall under simple bandwagon that chaos can fall. The connection that can be made is between parenting and action, the way you bring up someone and teach your child can really set out future

    Almasy Steve, Baltimore mom who slapped son: He was embarrassing himself ,, 4/29/15 , (5/1/15)

  11. Article Title: Freddie Gray death ruled homicide; officers charged
    Article Date: Friday, May 1, 2015
    Friday, May 1st, six police officers are finally charged with the murder of Baltimore adult, Freddie Gray. On April 12, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland, African American, Freddie Gray was put in the police truck for minor a crime. When he refused arrest, the police officers placed him in the van in which procedure dictates he must be hand cuffed. He was however not handcuffed. And it is to say that after the ride, he was pained with severe spinal injuries. The officers later admitted to taking Gray for a "joy ride". This term means that they drove recklessly around the city to cause harm to Gray. The officers are finally brought to justice as they are being tried for the murder of Gray. The verdict is still out and it is anyone's game, however, this is a major stepping stone for the community of Baltimore.

    I think the officers should be punished for the full intent. Meaning that they should be imprisoned for life or placed in the death penalty. I believe that the city of Baltimore is in severe heat and the only way to fix it is to find justice for Gray. The only way that would happen is if the ones responsible for his death is never able to do the same to others. A connection I have made is to the Trayvon Martin case in Florida years back. Martin and Gray were both African American males who was put to death in a racial divides town. Their deaths both became in the eyes of the public.

    Pearson, Michael. "Freddie Gray death ruled homicide; officers charged. May 1. Cnn. (May 1, 2015).

  12. Article Title: Immigration anger fuels houses
    Article date: December 4, 2014
    In this article it talks about a possible shutdown in the government. The republican leaders are building support for their spending bill, they are trying to do this before the deadline of December 11 the same time as when the funding for the agencies runs out. In the executive overreach on immigration act Ted yoho said that the executive branch of government does not have the authority to stop deportations of certain categories and that of undocumented workers. The bill cannot do what the president has done and it simply a way for congress to assert congress role in passing new laws . Representative Michael McCaul argues that the president undermines the constitution and threatens their democracy, so the republican rate overtime the president action with allowing 5 million undocumented immigrants to live in the country illegally.: In a way the whole thing with Obama allowing illegal immigrants to live in the country is weird but i think that the government shouldn’t calm down so they don’t risk shut down dation.
    I think that the sentence that said the idea of forcing young talented people to leave the country made think why would they want to force talented kid to leave their country and it made me think would that mean i would leave my family
    Deirdre Walsh. "Immigration anger fuels houses". CNN. December 4,2014. (full website address) April 28 2105)
