Sunday, April 12, 2015

3rd period, 4/13-4/17

Due by Friday 4/17 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article title:Hillary Clinton's gender tightrope

    2. Article date:April 13, 2015

    3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: she had said on Sunday that her run for the White House is filled with women young, old, black, white, Asian and Latina. By actually running for president she could change history for all woman by being the first woman president of the united states. Hilary could be helped out by improving the change for woman in politics. With the whole political culture this could be a good time as any for a women to run for the highest office. Stated in the text it said "Only 20% of Republican women hope to see a woman president and nearly 70% of Democratic women do.". Since Hilary Clinton is entitled as being the gender card if she overplays it could intentionally backfire on her. Many republicans feel as that since its been Eight years of someone being democratic president is quite enough. I think if she does become president there could possibly be a much better change and could work out.

    4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Henderson, Nia M. "Hillary Clinton's Gender Tightrope in 2016 Election -" CNN. Cable News Network, 13 Apr. 2015. Web. 13 Apr. 2015

  2. Cuba to Be Removed From U.S. List of Nations That Sponsor Terrorism
    APRIL 14, 2015

    Obama and President Raul Castro of Cuba had an meeting. President intends to removed Cuba from the American government’s list of nations that sponsor terrorism. Castro felt like they should have never been on the list. Cuba will not come off the list until after a 45-day review. Both country's may still have differences but they both want to move on. I feel like Obama did the right thing, it's old. Stop trying to kill each other. I rather both try to build an good relationship. The resident would continue to support our interests and through engagement with the Cuban government and people. I feel like Obama the only president who tried and did end this. He's really a good president and he fights for the rights. Good thing the tourist stop. This relates to civics because first it's about the U.S and has to do with the government.
    Archibold, Randal C., and Julie Hirschfeld Davis. "Obama Endorses Removing Cuba From Terrorism List." The New York Times. The New York Times, 14 Apr. 2015. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.

  3. Article Title:Boehner Calls for Expanded Role for U.S. Troops in Fighting ISIS in Iraq
    Article Date: APRIL 14, 2015
    Boehner began saying that the military needs to have a more direct and active role. He also claimed that Obama is putting false restraints on military that is preventing them from actually planning strategies. Boehner doesn’t want more troops but for them to plan for real operations.Boehner plans to make a proposal to allow the military in the region since the White House is not urgently looking for a way to stop ISIS. Mr. Boehner has also recently been more active in foreign policy issues. He’s basically saying that the President is stalling military actions towards stopping ISIS. I never knew that this was an issue in government, I thought that since Obama is the commander in chief that he would listen to Congress’ opinions about foreign policy issues. I think that Boehner is right about developing more military strategy but I don’t think Obama is stalling, just thinking about smarter way to do this with less blood shed. I think a connection to this is just how Congress really doesn’t have power over everything. I think that maybe it’s better if people just keep expressing their opinions to find a better solution.
    Citation: Hulse, Carl. “Boehner Calls for Expanded Role for U.S. Troops in Fighting ISIS in Iraq”. The New York Times. 14 Apr 2015. (15 Apr 2015)

  4. Congress Will Not Derail Nuclear Talks, Iran says

    April 15, 2015

    The United States and other powerful countries want to reach an agreement with Iran regarding their nuclear weapons. Iran would like to agree with them if some of the economic sanctions on Iran is lifted. President Obama said it is up to congress to approve the final bill. Secretary of State John Kerry believes a deal can be reached.

    I feel this can be a important step in world peace. The United States can help Iran with their money, economics and politics. Iran can get rid of it nuclear weapons for mass destruction. The Article connects with the terrorism in the world and ways that we all can get along.

    Reuters," Congress Will Not Derail Nuclear Talks, Iran says", April 15, 2015,


  5. On First Day in N.H., Christie Finds Demanding Voters

    By Heather Haddon

    Presidential candidate Chris Christie runs through his first primary state in an attempt to get people to overturn any negative thoughts about him. He had moved to the primary state in order to gauge what the thoughts about him were and , so far since he has showed up the republican is thought of with high hopes by the people of New Hampshire. Chris Christie visited one of the well known pizza shops of Manchester, New Hampshire to meet a variety of people and share his views. He offered his thoughts on scaling back social security and the benefits of medicare for wealthy seniors. Even though the views were sounding pretty good to the many residents and nonresidents of Manchester, the meeting was very short and leaving many people eager to hear more of christie’s views later on in year. In response to their eagerness Chris Christie decides to tell them when he is going to be campaigning, which is some time in between May and June. He says there is nobody with his experience and achievements, let us hope he is right.

    My views upon the matter is that I think there is a possibility that Chris Christie will perform to the best of his abilities and that some of his views are rock solid. Even though they are solid I would want to hear more about them in depth so that we can learn what to expect from such plans and Ideas. This is relevant due to our president Barack Obama needing to have to leave office soon. If there is someone to uphold america in ways that will also uphold peace and prosperity thoughts and values of such a person need to be analyzed by those that hold the power. Those that hold the power are the people and we hold what really matters. Many candidates have been going around trying to give samples of what they are planning to do for their campaigns and they will be fully evaluated by those interested in voting. Campaigning is like trying to win the approval of my parents to do something, when I present an idea or opportunity I have to make it appeal to them. I have to make sure that it is reasonable and will help benefit either me or all members of my family.

    Haddon, Heather. “On First Day in N.H., Christie Finds Demanding Voters” The Wall Street Journal. April,2015. (April 16,17 2015)

  6. Article Title: Milwaukee beating case busts officers' "code of silence".
    Article date: 12/18/2007

    Summary: Jude is the black mans name who was beat by three of Milwaukee police officers, these three officers beat Jude, kick him in his head, and also stabbed him in his ears. And the Milwaukee jury did not convict these three officers. Over time the jury is looking over the evidence. I feel as though it's always police brutally against black peoples in the U.S. It's time for some one to convict them instead of giving them a slap on the had like others have been doing in recent cases.
    My opinion on this case is that they need to reopen this case and have people really look at this case and examine it, I think that they need to dig deep into this essay. There is many connections towards this article, there is mike brown, travon Martian, Eric Garner. It's time for the world to open their eyes and see what's really going on.
    U.S. Today. "Milwaukee beating case busts officers' "code of silence". U.S. Today. 12/8/2007. ( (04/15/15)

    1. This is a horrific story. I don't remember hearing about this.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Judicial deference to military may affect gay rights, war on terror
    Article Date: 15 July 2003
    This article went over the details of a breaking story in the political community. Supreme Court case, Lawrence v Texas, was a trial against a man whom was gay and entered the military. He was unfairly bought to trial and fought out against it. The military is suppose to have a "don't ask don't tell policy" with that being said, his sexuality should not have mattered. It is unconstitutional for Lawrence to have to face this trial when he was not wrong
    Carter, Phillip. "Judicial deference to military may affect gay rights, war on terror." CNN. 15July2003.

  9. Article title: Obama: Sony Hack Proves U.S Needs to Do A Lot More on Cyber Threats
    Article date: December 17,2014
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)What happened: The Sony movie, The Interview, has been a target for cyber attacks. Sony, the producers of this movie, is under attack by cyber hackers who can potentially ruin Sony. This is all happening because this movie depicts two people who is trying to assassinate Kim Jong-Un, the dictator of North Korea. Movie theaters that attempts to screen the movie has been threatened by these hackers that an attack much like 9/11 will happen. President Obama doesn't want Americans to be discouraged however. He wants Americans to be strong and not afraid in order to help combat terrorists. He also believes that these terrorists doesn’t really have the forces to cause such an attack.Reaction: I like that Obama is urging the Americans to stay strong but his efforts aren't working.
    Opinion: I think that people shouldn't go to the theaters because this is a serious threat. I think that the cyber attack itself was a terrorist attack and should be taken as an act of war. I understand if Congress doesn't want to declare war on North Korea because of ISIS and Russia but some punishment must be handed to North Korea
    Connection: I chose this article because this story has been all over the news

    Dooley, Erin, “Obama: Sony Hack Proves U.S Needs to Do A Lot More on Cyber Threats” CNN. December 17, 2014.Source: April 15,2015)

  10. Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard
    April 17 , 2015

    This article is about people that wanted to travel from Libya to Italy . While in the process they were on a rubber boat with a crowd of 105 people . Everyone on the boat was believed to be Muslim . They soon found out 12 of them were Christians and killed them overboard. This was dramatic and disrespectful to me because I to am a Christian and feel as though it's not right to have some much hate to the point of killing each other. I believe this has a connection that goes across the world and along with discrimination in places were it may honestly not be that serious. These people that were killed came from Nigeria which means they had to black as well not saying there's a race card . Killing someone because of religious differences should be stopped just like killing for race issues is trying to be stopped . This type of situation goes to show how childish people can be and what they really get into . As much as traveling would be fun I don't wanna die for being black or a Christian.

    Hada Messia . “Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard .” . 17 April , 2015 . (April 17 , 2015 )

  11. 1. Missouri National Guard's term for Ferguson protesters: 'Enemy forces'
    2. April 17th, 2015
    3. In ferguson, protesters are getting very dangerous. They are portrayed as enemies to the current law enforcement over there. Law enforcements also referred to the protestors as an "Enemy Force." The Missouri National guard was planning on helping the Ferguson guards during their riots. A alderman, Antonio French told cnn, "It's disturbing when you have what amounts to American soldiers viewing American citizens somehow as the enemy." This stands out because when you are authorized as a potential hero in a community. What have you done that is so wrong that you have people from this one city protesting against you & being classified as an enemy force. I think this will eventually escalate into something huge and bigger because of the law enforcement getting the national guard involved. The national guard thought that this task would be problematic because of the actions being performed by the protesters.This will eventually cause problems in the city of ferguson and also with the law enforcement and the national guard.
    4. Starr, Barbara. "Missouri Guard on Ferguson Protesters: 'Enemy Forces' -" CNN. Cable News Network, 17 Apr. 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. .

  12. Article title:Obama acts to move cuba of terror list
    Article date: 4-14-1
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Barack obama has aske that cuba be removed from the governments list of sponsors of terrorism. Since cuba has not given any support of international terrorism for a six month period, obama think it is fair for them to be removed. Some republicans disagree with obamas request, but others support him because they think it will help make relations with cuba stronger. I'm happy to see that obama is trying to buil a better relationship with cuba because i know there has been some sort of feud going on between us for a while. I think this is a smart decision beacause cuba should not be displaye as a supporter of terrorism if they have not done any acts of terrorism in a while. Also, other ountries might not want to associate with cuba anymore if they see that they're on the terrorist list. I hope that cuba keeps their promise to not support international terrorism in the future. I chose this article because it suprised me that cuba and the U.S are finally trying to build a better relationship. I hope that this can be a message for all countries to try an end feuds ith each other.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:Acosta, Jim. "Obama acts to remove cuba from terror list." CNN. 4-14-15. (4-17-15)

  13. Source:

    Article Title: Obama’s Immigration Overhaul, Halted by Judge, Comes Before Appeals Court

    Article Date: April 17, 2015

    Summary: This article is about how Obama wants to carry out his plan on immigration and deportation policy. However some federal judge puts stop to the plan. He says that Barack abusing his power and violating certain procedures. Obama lawyers said he don't breaking no rules in doing what he wants to do. Therefore this fight will be handle in court. My reaction to reading this was wow, because Obama is trying to do something that can help others out but the federal judges disagrees with him. They won't to stop him, which I don't understand.

    My opinion on this article is a positive one. I think with this plan on helping immigrants get work permits and allowing them to come to the United States to better their life is some positive. Barack wants to help others by giving them great opportunities like coming to America to help better their life. This is a smart move in my opinion because it can help the U.S form alliances with other foreign country by helping them out. This can prepare us in the future for what it holds. I made a connection with this article with the TV show Law and Order. In Law and Order, lawyers fight for what they want, no matter what. I feel like Obama is going to do the same thing with this immigration plan. He is a great president and is making America better.

    MLA Format: Michael D. Shear. "Obama’s Immigration Overhaul, Halted by Judge, Comes Before Appeals Court". New York Times. 17 April 2015. (17 April 2015)

  14. Article title:First on CNN: Feds say national guardsmen ​tried to sell guns, ammo to cartels
    Article date:Thu April 16, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: This event takes place in the U.S.. It is about the cause for arrest of two members of the U.S. Army National Guard this Wednesday in san diego California. Jaime Casillas and Andrew Reyes were arrested for allegedly selling firearms and ammunition and other military goods to mexican cartel members. Both men were arrested by the AFT for treason while leaving san diego. The men are suspected of making over a dozen illegal sales. This event is relevant to our government because it shows that the U.S. government needs to and has been cracking down on soldiers and officials. I feel that this is a travesty because we can't even trust our own men to not betray our nation. Also this event showed the nation that illegal dealings aren't a rare occurrence.I feel that this article is well put together and informative.i think that officials should know about this to better protect our country.
    Evan Perez .Wesley Bruer “First on CNN: Feds say national guardsmen ​tried to sell guns, ammo to cartels
    .” .cnn.

    1. Wow- I didn't hear about this. It makes me wonder how many other times has this happened?

  15. Article Title: How Israel Hid Its Secret Nuclear Weapons Program

    Article Date: April 15, 2015

    Summary: This article is about Israel hiding a nuclear reactor they worked on in the 1960's, and its impact it has on the U.S. In addition, this project was also aided by U.S ally, France. When the C.I.A started asking questions to Israel about their constructive site, the Israelis made up lies to cover up the building's plan. The U.S is extremely proud they discovered this site early enough, before things could have went wrong. Lastly, the first suspicion of the site came from Eisenhower's Administration, this administration was indeed named after Eisenhower, because this was the era he was president.

    I am not surprised Israel has hidden nuclear reactors, because every country has some kind of plan to protect their country, without their allies knowing. In my opinion, this most likely is not the only country who has hidden nuclear reactors. I can connect to this article, because the United States has a lot of tricks up their sleeves. I don't understand why the U.S are playing victim, when they possibly have a lot of secret strategies too. Who knows, maybe they’re planning something secretly right now, to get rid of Israel's nuclear reactors.

    Cohen, Avner. "How Israel Hid Its Secret Nuclear Weapons Program."
    PoliticalMagazine. 15 April 2015.

  16. Jeb Bush heads to Europe ahead of likely 2016 bid

    Article date: April 20th , 2015

    This article is about Jeb Bush the brother of former President George W. Bush . It talks about him making trips around the world and possibly being a candidate of the presidential election of 2016 . This article also talks about other potential candidates that have or plan on visiting other countries . My feelings on this article is that it isn't right of the person that they chose to talk about . The reason i feel this way is because i don't really like anyone from the Bush side of the elections . Honestly i never did because George W. Bush didn't sit right with me and i didn't agree with some of the things he said and did to the world . Which is why i am very sceptical about his brother being in the running for president because he might do the same thing to us . I just don't like repeats which is why this makes a perfect connection to the world .  Hopefully Jeb Bush will prove me wrong but other than that i don't see why he's running the world should be done with the bushes.

    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Killough , Ashley . “Jeb Bush heads to Europe ahead of likely 2016 bid.” .20 , April 2015 ". 20th 2015)
