Sunday, April 26, 2015

4/27-5/1 5TH PERIOD

Due by Friday 5/1 at 3:30pm
Current Event guidelines for 2015
Directions: Your weekly current event is no longer filling in a form. You will free write your summary, reaction, opinion, and connection to Civics in two paragraphs.

Requirements: must be about government
  1. Article title:
  2. Article date:
  3. Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: TWO PARAGRAPHS (10 sentences minimum)
  4. Provide a proper MLA citation of the article:  Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Document.” Page or site name. Document date. Full web address (Date of access)


Dohms, Elizabeth. “U.S. Supreme Court Could Determine Marriage Rights in Wisconsin.” The Chippewa Herald. 9 Feb 2014. (9 Feb 2014)


  1. Article Title- Baltimore protest: Crowds police stand off after curfew.
    Article Date- Wednesday, April 29th 2015.
    Summary- This article is about a riot that happened 24 hours ago in the west side of Baltimore. The people in the community burned out cars, a tarven was looted, burned a CVS down, busted out cop cars windows, a liquor store was looted, basically they destroyed the city's. The police requested them move and protest somewhere else, that sparked up even more, if they did not relocate they would be arrested. They rioted because a 10:00 curfew was set into effect and they did not agree with that. Alson because of the death of Freddie Gray who died April 19 after he had been arrested.
    Connection - I connected this article to everything That has been happening thus far in our society, like the killing of police officers, the killing of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Walter Scott, all these young African American males being killed by police officers, due to race and just being in a certain place at a certain time. Cops suppose to help support and protect the community, not bring it down by killing African Americans which leads to Chaos and rioting.
    .MLA- Botelho,Greg, Yan, Holly, Ford,Dana. Baltimore Protest: crowds, police stand off after curfew. CNN, April 29th 2015.

  2. Title: Dashcam video shows Arizona officer intentionally running over suspect
    Article Date: August 15, 2015

    In Arizona, an on duty police officer rammed his car into the body of an armed African American male on Tuesday morning. Prior minutes before the incident Valencia has been causing ruckus in the neighborhoods. This incident has brought on a huge debate of was this excessive force or not. Arizona police are standing by the decision saying that they are a hero for ending the mayhem. Video was retrieved from the police officer dashcam.

    When I first read this article it made me think of America as a whole is not living up to the equal protection clause that is enlisted in our Constitution. I think both sides were wrong because he shouldn't never been carrying a rifle down the street and the cop didn't have to use that tactics to cease the issue. The cop could have killed innocent civilians because he ran into a brick wall. What if someone was walking behind that wall? The cop could have tried to surround the assailant.

    Todd, Brian. "Dashcam video shows Arizona officer intentionally running over suspect." PBS. 15 Apr 2015. ( 30 Apr 2015)


  3. Title: Judges Hear Arguments Over NSA Surveillance(Updated)

    Article Date: Monday December 8, 2014

    Idahoan nurse, Anna J. Smith sued the federal government last year stating that the US counterterrorism program NSA was violating citizens of their 4th Amendment prohibits searches without an legal document such as a warrant. This has been NSA’s third time appeals court around the nation confronted NSA. U.S. District Judge Lynn Winmill opposed Smiths claims but realize that it does violate some privacy that could go to the Supreme Court. The Federal Government repudiate that under the USA Patriot Act which is set to intercept terrorist attacks, and help from F.I.S.C agents by using phone records can help expose terrorist. The US Department of Justice says that this an important counterterrorism-program.

    Nevertheless President Obama called a closure to stop and protect the millions of Americans who are not associated with terrorist groups. Similar to Smith's case is the 1979 Supreme Court Case verdict in Smith vs Maryland. This case stated that police could have your phone records because it’s not private because you give your information to your phone company. On contraire Peter Smith say these two cases are different back then they needed phone records but now NSA can see your medical information, and emotional state. Judges are in a deadlock to see if this case can stand in front of the Supreme Court. In the end the lady one.
    : This is relevant because it is a onerous case that is violating our Fourth Amendment but on the opposite its good act of defeating terrorist attacks.When I read this article it really didn't bother me because I know it is for a good cause but it is kind of violating your right of privacy. I think Obama is right because hes is protecting the people who is not deemed as a terrorist. iT is also relevant with all the black racial tension and with the cops we can see what is going on with cops too.

    Johnson,Gene."Judges Hear Arguments Over NSA Surveillance".ABC News.8 Dec 2014 30 Apr 2015)

  4. Article Title: What's next in Freddie Gray death investigation?
    Article date: Wed April 29, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: The investigations are seeking to determine how Freddie Gray suffered a fatal spine injury in police custody. After the death of Freddy Gray the city has been rioting and other bad things. The are schedule to finish the rest of the investigation friday, of was Freddy Gray in the wrong or not. They was to make the announcement clear to everyone. They don’t want no one to have an unreasonable reason to try and start more riots. Because of the Baltimore Police Department's history, the Justice Department has been working with the police force since October as part of a reform initiative. Baltimore police have been taken to court for other problems like this. Many people in the city want the answer to how this man Freddy Gray was killed. The Baltimore Police Department has established a task force composed of 30 investigators. They are going to conduct dozen of interviews, to see what really was the cause of the death of Freddy’s.

    Eliott C. McLaughlin. What's next in Freddie Gray death investigation?. CNN. (April 30, 2015)

  5. Article title: Scant details in Freddie Gray’s death probe disappoint protesters
    Article date: April 30, 2015
    Summary/reaction/opinion/connection: Deputy Commissioner Kevin Davis has released the information that a second stop was made after Freddie Gray was put into the police van. When the van made a fourth stop to pick up a passenger, the passenger had a different story as to what happened. The passenger said that Freddie was not unresponsive in the van, in fact he was still moving around. However, an autopsy has been conducted, but the results of the autopsy have not been released. Information is being withheld from the public in order to help create an impartial grand jury. The injustices of the system has led to many protest in major cities across the nation. Personally, I believe that the protest bring awareness to the injustices of the flawed system. Protest are necessary in order to demilitarize the police of our nation.I believe that the peaceful protests are necessary in order to begin a modern day Civil Rights Movement. All in all awareness needs to be raised in our nation regarding the police.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: "Scant Details in Freddie Gray's Death Probe Disappoint Protesters." 6abc Philadelphia. 30 Apr. 2015. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. .

  6. 1. Crowds Scatter as Baltimore Curfew Takes Hold

    2. APRIL 28, 2015

    3. After the death of a suspect that died in police custody, people in baltimore started to riot and rob stores. Reports say that 15 buildings and 144 cars were set on fire during the riots. In order to bring peace, a city wide curfew was set. Hundreds of officers and national guards took the streets to enforce the new 10 o’clock curfew, and it has actually been working. 10 people have been arrested so far for violating the curfew. Its crazy that thousands dollars worth of property were damaged in their community because of the death of one person. I think people just wanted a reason to lash out, or have held in so much racial tension that they can’t take it anymore and are acting out the only way blacks are use to--violence. The riots can be connected to the past and how our founding fathers rose up against Great Britain, because they were being treated unfairly. stolberg, sheryl. “Crowds Scatter as Baltimore Curfew Takes Hold”. NY Times. . APRIL 28, 2015. (4-30-15).

  7. Article Title:”Freddie Gray death:New Narratives Question Police Brutality”
    Article Date:April 30,2015

    This article is about new details from eyewitnesses and the police from Freddie grays death while he was in the custody of the police. A prisoner that was actually in the same van as freddie was an eyewitness to what occurred in the police van . The prisoner said that freddie Gray was intentionally trying to hurt himself. The prisoner also said that he was throwing himself around which supposedly led to his spinal cord injuries. The police said that his spinal cord injury took place outside of the police van when they was handcuffing him. After they put him in the van and took him for a "ride" which is illegal in baltimore because of the safety concerns,they did not buckle him in because the police claims that he was really still mad and he didn't want to get in his personal space. Freddie was also asking for an ambulance before he was put in the van and continued to ask for it while he was in the back of the van and he did not receive any medical attention when before or while he was in the van. And its a law that when the criminal asks for an ambulance they get it and Freddie was not given that and it would have probably saved his life.

    My reaction to this event is tragic to hear and to know that another black male is killed by police. My opinion of this event is that the police should have given Freddie medical attention right away when he asked and they shouldn't have took him on an illegal ride that is police brutality,they were basically breaking the law when they were supposed to be the ones that really follows the laws and to enforce them. A lot what happened seems to me clear that the police wanted to hurt him and make him suffer,they did not properly take care of him while he was in custody and the result,he ended up going into coma because of a spinal cord injury in then 7 days later ended up dying so I do think that the police that had him in custody should be incriminated.My connection to this is that there is a lot of protesting going on and there is actually violent rioting in baltimore where it happend and now there is protesting going on where I live.

    Holly,Yan."Freddie Gray Death:New Narratives Question Police Brutality". April 30,2015. Foxnews.cnn. April 30,2015

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Article Title: The title of this article is "Maryland Gov. Hogan can't say whether 'stand down' order given in Baltimore."

      Article Date: This article was published on April 30, 2015.

      The governor of Maryland could not tell whether or not the police in Baltimore was ordered to stand down earlier this week. Hogan was questioned and denied the stand down claims in order to defend the mayor. He said that the police were overwhelmed with everything that was going on, which is why they called for the national guard and other police forces to help.

      I honestly feel as though the cops shouldn't have stood down because those citizens that were committing crimes were in the wrong. They should have the cops arresting people that need to be arrested, and letting people protest, but only if it's peacefully. There is no reason to destroy property so of course, the cops should fight back, not stand down. Especially if they are in a state of emergency. That is why I believe that the mayor was in the wrong for telling the cops to stand down.

      "Maryland Gov. Hogan can't say whether 'stand down' order given in Baltimore." Fox News. 30 Apr 2015. (1 May 2015)

  9. Article Title: Gay Marriage Arguments Divide Supreme Court Justices
    Article Date: April 28, 2015
    This week is an important week in the LBGT community because the Supreme Court takes on gay marriage. On Tuesday the Court viewed the arguments on both sides of the issue for 2+ hours. These arguments, however, had divided the Court and made the future prediction on the decision even more vague. There is hope for homosexuals though because an important voice on the issue of gay rights, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, asked questions in favor of gays. The debate is pretty stacked against the people who doesn’t want gay marriage. This is because all of their arguments are basically used against them and any other point isn’t really valid.
    I think gay marriage should be allowed. Everyone has rights to be treated fairly whether America accept the choice on the individual’s own sexual identity or not. This isn’t a battle over something dangerous to America. This is about how everyday Americans who think differently are being treated. The Constitution offers equality to ALL citizens of the United States and the government isn’t doing a good job at keeping it. The US, for the most part, has always been on the good side of history and if they do not allow gay marriage for couples, they will be on the other side. The fact that legislatures aren’t already allowing gay rights violates many things granted in the Constitution. However I do have a feeling that in the near future we will see a change in the country. I chose this article because this was on your Twitter page and I have a special interest in this topic.

    Liptak, Adam. “Gay Marriage Arguments Divide Supreme Court Justices” NYTimes. 28 Apr 2015. . (April 30)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The title of this article is 2 ex-Christie aides indicted, former ally pleads guilty in Bridgegate scandal.
    This article was published on May 1, 2015.
    This article's main focus is the bridgegate scandal in 2013 in New Jersey. During the scandal, aides to Gov. Chris Christie allegedly closed a New Jersey bridge during peak traffic hours. It was a political stunt to sabotage a mayor in New Jersey. The mayor supposedly didn't back Christie's re-election.
    2 aides to Christie were indicted today for the scandal. Christie was a top republican favorite for the upcoming presidential election. This scandal has left a large stain on his record. As a result he has since been expected to not be nominated for the republican candidacy.
    Provide a proper MLA citation of the article: Fates, Chris. “2 ex-Christie aides indicted, former ally pleads guilty in Bridgegate scandal.” CNN. May 1, 2015. (May 1, 2015)

  12. State Department released his first batch of Clinton's emails.
    May 22,2015
    The State Department willies 296 of Hillary Clinton's emails from when she was a senator.the emails were provided to a selected of community in February. The information was assualted by a group of journalist. Since they are unfamiliar with it. Buthe information says something different. It says that the former senator received emails avout classified information. This classified information about Begazi.meanwhile there were exchanges of emails between Cheryl Mills and Olsen but he lied to the senator that attack was under control. And then he turned around and told the country that needed to be taken care of. So that he could gain of face for the country.
    my opinion about this article is that senators are not to be trusted mainly because of this article because Olsen lied to his fellow senator and the country.this article connects to class in the easiest of terms because senators are two in the state and this also deals with candidate it and we had a project about a candidate I thoungt ut made sence ti use senator Clinton
