Sunday, October 20, 2013

P. 1 Week of 10/20-10/25

Week Nine: 10/20/13-10/25/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!



    Article Title: Phew! U.S Leaders Finally Reach A Deal To Reopen The Government And Raise The Debt Celling-For A Few Months

    Article Date: This event happened on October 17, 2013.

    Who: The government and other leaders were involved.

    Where: This article is located in Washington, D.C.

    When: 2013 is when the event occured.

    What Happened: On October16th, the government had finally came to a conclusion and announced that they reached a deal to end the crisis of the government shutdown. The agreement still did not change the two main reasons why there was a government shutdown. Even with this deal, there might still be another government shutdown next year. With the one we recently had, it made us even more in debt.

    Why This Event Is Relevant: This event is relevant because later on in the future and even now, it affects me. This will make it hard for people to find jobs and also with the struggle of pur economy, it will make life even harder.

    Reaction: I didn't feel the effect of the government shutdown. At the same time, I did feel relieved about the government being opened back up.

    Opinion: I think this article is very important. It informed me of information and I know there is more that the government has to do.

    Connection: I chose this article because this is a big problem today! This is an important problem, or solution that affects many people.

  2. Source:
    Article Title:Teacher Hailed Hero In Nev. School Shooting
    Article Date:Oct 22, 2013
    Who:Teacher in Nevada School Shooting
    Where:Sparks, Nevada
    When: October 22,2013
    What happened: There was a shooting in Sparks, Nevada at Middle school full of 7th and 8th graders where a student had started shooting immediately after the first bell rang. Some students had thought the shots were firecrackers at first but soon realized they were gun shots. A teacher at the school became known as a hero because he risked his life to save all of the students life there by jumping in between of the the boy and the someone else.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because someone had to really make this boy MAD for him to want to shoot up a school. I don't even know if the boy goes to the same school.
    Reaction-My reaction to this story was like why would someone do that to a school... more of why would another student do that to a school. He could have caused major damage to the school and killing some people. No one was killed but the kids who was shot was listed in stable condition.
    Opinion - I think this boy is crazy for doing what he did. Was it really necessary? Did he get a bad grade that made him want to shoot the school? He needs to be locked up and charged as an adult in my opinion.
    Connection : I chose this article because there was a similar story on the news just Monday where a teacher was stabbed and killed 96 times by a student at the school. I always wonder what is going on in these kids heads because it is just outrageous as to why today kids are so mad at the world.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Obama signs bill to pay death benefits to families of fallen soldiers.
    Article Date: This article was published on October 10, 2013
    Who: President Barack Obama and Republicans is involved.
    Where: This event took place in Washington D.C.
    What Happened: President Obama signs a bill to pay for the death benefits to families of the soldiers who died. When Obama signed the bill, it brought out a lot of criticism from the Republicans. A secretary named Jay Carney said by Obama Signing the bill that it is "not necessary" because the charity group The Fisher House Foundation had just did an agreement with the Pentagon a day earlier to provide the benefits.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because our President Obama is paying for the funerals of the dead soldiers.
    Reaction: What Obama decided to do i think was nice but if he knew the expenses were already taken care of, why did do it too? i think he was being extra or just wanted that credit.
    Opinion: I think what Obama did was for a good cost though because when you think about it it could be his thanks to the parents of the soldiers , of their kids serving time in the army fighting for our country. There may had even been non wealthy families who could have even paid for the funeral, so by Obama's help , everything was taken care of.
    Connection: I chose this article because i wish to go into the army and i would appreciate for my family to be helped out just like them.

  4. Source:

    Title: new front in the fight against infant mortality

    Date: October 22, 2013

    Who the government, pregnant people, Jon Kyl

    Where: the United States

    When: the present day

    What: there is a law finally being passed known as the Obamacare which allows people or women who are pregnant health care. This lets them have health insurance to take care oft their baby for life. Senator Jon Kyl wants to stop this law because he believes that it be provided for what they need instead of that and more. He also tried to pass an amendment which know one else favored for.

    Why is this relevant: this is relevant because there are women out in the country who can't afford health care for them, their baby, or both. They need support in to take care of there infant by getting them treatment and curing them.

    Opinion: I think this is a good law to pass because now of days father figures are not stepping up in any way and this law is a good chunk that could help women raising their child alone. Also their are teen out here that don't know how to financially live and this can help them.

    Connection: I know of a woman who is pregnant with twins with no father around and this law could help her in a major way.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Nigeria pirate attack: US sailors seized

    Article Date: 24 October 2013

    Who: Nigeria and U.S.

    Where: Coast of Nigeria

    When: This month

    What happened: What had happened was that an American ship carrying oil was invaded by Nigerian pirates. These pirates are striking pretty frequently. This year alone there has been about forty reported maritime crimes. The business of stealing oil is extremely lucrative. This is because since 2010 there has been about 100 million dollars in oil stolen.The acts are not being considered as terrorism but an act of piracy. These actions are causing Nigerians foriegn Nigerian workers very wealthy.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people are stealing from us. Our sailors are now fearing for their lives as they might get robbed at sea. Also if this continues at a rapid pace than America will continue to lose money.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though these sailors should be more equipped. Maybe not have some crazy machine guns but at least a handgun so they can be able to protect themselves of they choose.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that America should not be worrying about Syria but instead be attempting to stop piracy in the Maritime.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was the most interesting thing that i seen under the politics section. Also this is a topic that i have not heard about and would like to raise awareness.

  7. Sorce:http://

    Article Title:New Front In The Fight of Infant Mortality

    Article Date: October 22,2013

    Who:Senator Kyl and United states

    Where:United States


    what happened:Senator Kyl doesn't agree with health care providing insurance for pregnancies. He thinks its a waste of money and its only making the insurance higher. However, The united States have a mortality rate of 6.1, there only three other country's that are worst. People that people who ate pregnant, should recieve medicad. If they recieve medicad, then it should be in the beginning, middle, & end of their pregnancy. Also Obama health care is a policy that could help this problem.

    Why this event is irrelevant:This is irrelevant because alot of people in the United states and alot of them are not healthy. So with out medicad there is a chance their child will die .

    Reaction: I think the Senator is crazy because he is jepodiazing many peoples lives. With if he has a wife and she was not able to get medicad, how would he feel.

    Opinion:I think that women deserves the right of medicad when they are pregnant because anything can happen.Also its not fear to deprive people of there rights.
    Connection: Many women are not always treated equal because men think they are less then them. But in reality women deserve the same things that men get no matter of a judgement.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Source :
    Article title: George Soros is Ready for Hillary
    Article date : October 24, 2013 3:31 p.m
    Who: George Soros, Hillary Clinton
    Where: Unknown
    When: Next presidential election in 2016
    What happened: Wealthy hedge fund manager and liberal champion, George Soros has put his position and money behind the campaign to get former First Lady, Hillary Clinton into the White House. One of two organizations that is supporting Hillary to become president is called " Ready for Hillary" which announced today that George Soros has join their team and be co- chair the group's national finance counsel. Soros' involvement in this organization is a major boom financially. Soros has donated millions to previous liberal causes. For example , in 2012 he donated $2.6 million to a trio of organizations.
    Why is this event revelant: This event is revelant because it tells voters the kind of people who are supporting candidates in the next presidential election. Also, this is important because it can tell viewers what is going on how the next election will be.
    Reaction: When reading this article I thought that George Soros has a very good reason for wanting to support Hillary Clinton in the next election. Also, curious on how much money he will donate to her organization.
    Opinion : I think that if Hillary Clintion has a lot of people with authority ( power) & money then she will be in good shape when it's time for her to run for president again.
    Connection: My connection to this article is that when Hillary was running for president before , a lot of people thought that she wasn't up for the job but if she has some muti- billionaires people behind her then she will have a high rank in the next election.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:Overheard on the train: Former NSA Chief Michael Hayden

    Article Date: October 25th 2013
    Who: Micheal Hayden, Tom Matzzie
    Where: Acela train
    When: October24, 2013
    What happened:Tom M. was ease dropping on a conversation between former National Security Guard Micheal Hayden. Then wrote on twitter everything that he herd between Micheal and a journallist.
    Why this event is relevant: t his is relevant because he put out viable information between a private conversation. He didn't know what he was putting out and what effect it could have just because he wanted to snope around and not mind his own business
    Reaction my reaction is that the man should have minded his own business. He doesn't know what he just did. He could have gotten in major trouble just because he wanted to not mind his business. He could have put in head phones and enjoyed his ride.
    Opinion I think that he was in the wrong. He should have went to jail because he can't mind his own. He is ignorant to me and should be punished. I don't like how even though he thought he was trying to be helpful he really wasn't.
    Connection I chose this article because I thought it was super interesting on learning how they met and why he would put someone elses personal business out on the internet and never knew what kind of information that was. He didn't know what kind of things he was saying.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: The American Dream Might As Well Be Dead: Here's Proof

    Article Date: October 25,2013

    Who: Voting Americans

    Where: America

    When: Weeks before October 25th

    What Happended: Americans do not believe we have a shot of making the American dream true. Most people said the American dream involves having a house. Other said going to college, getting married or having children were also important. Only 43% said that reaching this is possible. They said college is to exspensive marriages isnt popular and people dont have the money to move into their own house.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because some of it it true. Some people cannot afford college and some people cannot afford homes. Alot of people are loosing their jobs.

    Reaction: Im suprised because they are saying its not possible to reach. If you really try, then you will reach it.

    Opinion: If you want something, you can get it.

    Connection: I can connect to this because my sister turned down many colleges because they were too expensive.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Dominicans of Haitian Descent Cast Into Legal Limbo by Court

    Article Date: Published: October 24, 2013

    Who: Dominicans of Haitian Descent

    Where: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

    When: Present-2013

    What happened: People are saying that the people of Haitian descent, and have lived amongst these lands for thousands of years, no longer are entitled to citizenship. They say that if you are of Haitian descent, you must return to Haiti as if you were born there.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant, because it is showing how this country is not living up to ideals, and is treating their citizens like foreign creatures. These have people know nowhere else but Dominican Republic, because this is where they were born and grew up.

    Reaction: I'm angry about this, because I don't think that if the U.S decided to tell Americans, that if you are of African descent, you have to move to Africa, and many people in the U.S. have never even been to Africa. It would be so unfair to the thousands of people living in all fifty states.

    Opinion: I think that this is part or racism, and I think that this is foolish. If people lived in a place for so ling, and all they know is that environment, to kick them out, is like stripping them of their pride. they have to re-learn new concepts and cultures, and it's just harder to grasp. It'll take more time to get accustomed too!

    Connection: I chose this article, because I thought that I could speak out on how I felt about the situation, and really learn about why some cities, states, and countries choose to run their governments.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Cut to food stamps coming next Friday
    Article Date:October 25, 2013
    Who: American citizens relying on food stamps
    Where: The United States
    When: Next Friday
    What happened: The government is going to cut off money that goes towards food stamps. Now a little background on food stamps. Food stamps are a certain form of money given to people who don't earn enough to make a living to support themselves in the U.S. The times are rough. Fifteen percent of our population relies on this form of money from the government. That's over forty-seven million people. In 2007, it only accounted of a little over twenty-five million. The government is trimming off at least thirty-six dollars from their monthly $139. That's not going to help us at all. The Congress has the power to stop this, but it's not liekly they will.
    Why this event is relevant: I live in the United States and food stamps are for many people, including where I live.
    Reaction: This article made me a bit flustered. So, okay, our economy is horrible and we're in really bad debt. But does that really give them a right to cut the money of the one's most in need? NO!
    Opinion: I think this is bogus and that they should give back the trim they took from the people using food stamps. Honestly, I wouldn't sleep well at night knowing that I took money from people in need, while I live a perfectly normal lifestyle.
    Connection: I chose this article because it stuck out. Also, I've never really read up about food stamps before. There's a first for everything. :)

  14. Source:
    Article Title:Healthcare contractors point finger at Obama administration
    Article Date:24 October 2013
    Who:Healthcare contractors & Obama administration
    When: on Thursday
    What happened: The US healthcare website is experienceing problems so healthcare contracters points the finger at Obama administration
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the website is part of a law that requires eveyone to carry insurance or pay a tax penalty
    Reaction: I am not surprised to see more problems with healthcare in the government after the shutdown
    Opinion (I think..) that the govenrment is acting childish for pointing fingers. They should just fix it
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because the government just opened back up and there is still alot more issues

  15. Source:

    Article date: 25 October 2013

    Who: the UN


    When: october 25th 2013

    What happened: After all of the parties in Syria for humanitarian access to relieve the plight of civilians trapped by heavy fighting. The Security Council must show leadership to ensure cooperation for delivery of food and medicines, and protection measures.The United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator urged today.

    Why is this relevant; this is relevant because something is always going on in syria. They need help to get things to stop over there.

    Reaction: i think that this is a good idea. I say this because something is always going on.

    Opinion; i think that they need help. also that this is good for them to be getting it. At least the president is trying to help them

    Connection: i chose this article because it seemed interseting
