Sunday, October 20, 2013

P. 5 Week of 10/20-10/25

Week Nine: 10/20/13-10/25/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title:Why is this man smiling? 15 winners and losers from the shutdown crisis
    Article Date:The date of this article is on October 17, 2013
    Who: The people being discussed are the the winners and the losers of the Government shut down.
    Where:This article takes place in Washington
    When: This happend a few days ago
    What happened: What happened was after two weeks of the Government Being shut down, it has re-open. As told this is not permanent decision and the Government is still in danger with the spending budgets. Out of this process there were winners, such as Obama and losers like Cruz.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it effects a lot of people and it had to do with our government.
    Reaction :I feel relieved just a little that the government is re-open but at the same time i was one of many people who was not largely affected.
    Opinion: i think the Government should not close because one, it makes people work without even getting paid. Also by the government be shut down, food stamps use was not being aloud. The people would really feel bad when they see people starving when that was the only way to get food.
    Connection: I chose this article because it very important to follow an issue like this being as though or families and friends are involved.

  2. Source:
    Article title: Christie drops challenge to same-sex marriages
    Article date: October 21, 2103
    Who: New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie, state Sen. Barbara Buono
    Where: New Jersey
    When: October 21, 2013
    What happened: Gov. Chris Christie has been fighting the law for same sex marriage in New Jersey. He says he does not want to see gays and lesbians getting married. The governor is finally letting it go and allowing same sex marriage in New Jersey. 49% to 42% these were the percentages from the voting outcome for what Gov. Chris Christie should do. Many people felt he should fight same sex marriage and many other thought otherwise. Chris says that he wouldn’t love his kids any less but he would agree with their views if they were gay or lesbians. After all this debating and long nights of think Gov. Chris Christie is letting go of his views and saying yes to same sex marriage in new jersey.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because there is still the great debate going on about same sex marriage. This day contributes to great historic moments for the u.s. This article is of relevance because it is allowing Americans another right. The right to marriage as you please this allows people to be happy and marry as they please without feeling like they’re going to be hated or judged because of their preference.
    Reaction: my reaction to this personally I feel that Christie has chosen the right decision in letting same sex marriage be allowed in new jersey.
    Opinion: in my opinion I feel the law that said same sex marriage is a very dumb law. It tells people that they can’t be happy with the one that they have chosen to love. I don’t think people really think about it you don’t really choose what you do or don’t like. Everything in your body does it’s just something you can’t control. So I think this law should have never been made. I feel that all of the states that have chosen to give up this law and let people be themselves and happy as there are, was a very wise idea.
    Connection: I can connect to this personally in many ways. Many people in my family believe in same sex marriage including one of my parents so I fight very hard for this law and strongly support same sex marriage. I don’t think same sex marriage is a thing I think it’s a part of life its happiness in many different forms love in a very different way and these people have chosen to love like this and this makes them happy so why bother their choices. We as people have rights and we have a right happiness and if same sex is what makes certain people be happy then I say so be it be happy live your life and don’t care about what anyone else has to say about it. Don’t let anyone get in the way of your happiness. I fully support same sex marriage.

  3. Source:

    Article Title:Feds try to eliminate housing for the deaf -- at complex built for hearing-impaired

    Article Date:Published October 21, 2013

    Who: The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, 69 out of 79 residents of the deaf-blind senior citizens home, HUD, The National Association for the Deaf, 

    Where: This is happening in Arizona at Apache ASL Trails, 75 unit apartment building in Tempe, Arionza for deaf, hard of hearing, and blind-deaf seniors.

    When: The situation was brought up in 2008 but now being reconsidered.

    What happened: The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development is trying to force the apartment building for the deaf to be down sized to only 18 residents. They say the building is violating a civil rights law because it shows a special preference for those who are hearing-impaired. The HUD is fighting for time to resolve the situation and save there residents. The National Association for the deaf has always stepped in basically saying the situation is sad and complete absurd.

    Why this event is relevant: This is important to the government because its a part of social policy. Plus its important because its a cry for help from the residents of that building.

    Reaction: I was very upset with this. The residents are saying there happy and they feel like regular people in a community with people they cam relate to. Why would anybody want to take that happiness from them, its ignorant. The ignorance is real and they clearly don't realit that this something good for the community who gives a blank if it breaks a civil rights law. 

    Opinion: I think its bull crap and they should be ignored and punished for trying to force those poor people out. What if one of there grandparents or parents lived there? They wouldnt be being so harsh.

    Connection: I chose this article cause I feel very bad for those who are deaf and only want the best for them. If that apartment building is what keeps that group truly happy then they better not make them move.

  4. Article Title:Rough Obamacare rollout: 4 reasons why

    Article Date: October 22, 2013

    Who: President Obama and Joe Biden

    Where: The White House

    When: Tue October 22, 2013

    What happened: The health care plan that the government poured thousands of dollars to make is not working for everyone. And the Obamacare website is experiencing a lot of major difficulties

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because almost all of the Americans citizens want to get healthcare.
    Reaction Most people who were affected by the website's errors were very angry and disappointing.

    Opinion I feel indifferent to the problem, but I think they should fix it right away.


    Slain Nevada teacher Michael Landsberry calmly gave others time to escape
    Tue October 22, 2013

    In Nevada a 12 year old boy killed a teacher and himself. Two other kids were also injured.The young boy identity has been kept unknown. But, the heroic teacher who was killed is Michael Landsberry. They where located at Sparks middle school. The young man bought a gun to school to try and get revenge on people but instead he took the life of a innocent man. Michael was trying to pry the gun away from the boy. But, the boy fired at him.He left a wife and 2 stepdaughters behind. This is relevant because it made national news. This made me sad. I felt really shocked that a young boy with so much ahead of him felt like there was no way out. I think people should stop the bullying.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Democratic Congressman depicts tea party as Ku Klux Klan.
    Article Date: October 22 , 2013
    Who: Rep. Alan Grayson
    Where: This is a national issue.
    When: This happened during this month.
    What happened: Rep. Alan Grayson used an image of s burning cross in an email to his followers and supporters. He compared the Tea Party movement to the Ku Klux Klan. Other Republicans said this is very hurtful and disgusting. These comments also hurt a lot of people. The article shows emails and racial comments in the email. The article also shows how a lot of people was hurt by the issue.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it affects people and saying racial comments hurt people.
    Reaction: I felt upset when I read this article because it shows there is still racism in the world and people still try to hurt people with racial comments.
    Opinion: I think what he did was wrong and he should never compare anything to a movement that hurt and killed people.
    Connection: I choose this article because I am African American and the Ku Klux Klan use to kill and hurt black people would not be a good idea to compare anything you think is positive to a negative thing like the KKK.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: Frustrated Obama vows to get health care site fixed.
    Article Date: October 22,
    Who: Obama the White House people
    Where: White House Health and Human services
    When: Tuesday,October 22,2013
    What: Obama is frustrated that people who buy health care online is getting some sort of problems when they are sent a text message. Also another problem is President Obama is mad that the website is moving too slow.
    Why: This is relevant because Obama has alot of things on his plate but he made time to make sure everyone has their health care. Also it is relevant because without peoples health care they can't visit their doctors or do anything without their health care.
    Reactions: I think this was a good thing because you should always take your health care very seriously. Also I feel bad because so people have to buy their insurance online and you don't know if somebody could be using your names in other countries. For example,"People have been getting stuck during the application process and I's fair to say that nobody is more frustrated by that than I am". This means that when you buy insurance online since the computers are running to slow than no one can get their insurance when they really need it sand that's why President Obama is getting so frustrated.
    Connection: I choose this article because it talks about President Obama and him getting frustrated about people who buy their health care online.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Markel calls Obama about spying claims
    Article Date: Thursday 10/20/13
    Who:President Barack Obama and German chancellor Angela Markel
    Where:Europe and United States
    When: Thursday 10/20/13
    What happened:President Barack Obama gets a call from a German chancellor named Angela Markel. The United States is being accused of spying on there allies ,Germany and France. The United States National Security Agency is being blamed for intercepting with more than 70 million calls made in France over 30 days. The United denies ever spying on there allies.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this has to do with the United States in which I live in and our allies. This has to do with trust of our friend countries. This also relevant because this can lead to something bigger and our allies won't want to trust us anymore.
    Opinion :I think that it is bad that our allies believe the United States is spying on them.I think this because they can lose trust for the U.S and this can be bad. These countries are our friends that help us defeat battles and wars , if they lose trust in us the friendship could fall apart and the US could be left on its on.
    Connection : I chose this article because it is important that we know what's going on with our country and it's allies. This was also interesting and caught my attention because what if the U.S did spy on them ,it wont be a good outcome

  9. Article Title: U.S Leaders Reach A Deal To Reopen The Government And Raise The Debt

    Article Date: October 17, 2013.

    Who: The government and several politcal leaders.

    Where: This article is located in Washington, D.C.

    When: October 16th , 2013

    What Happened: The government had came to a conclusion and announced that they reached a deal to end the crisis of the government shutdown. The agreement still did not change the two main reasons why there was a government shutdown. With the one we recently had, it made us even more in debt.

    Why This Event Is Relevant: This event is relevant because later on in the future it will affect me and my fellow classmates if we end up working for the government . This will make it hard for people to find jobs, it will make life even harder.

    Reaction: The government shutdown didn't have a effect on me but i didn't like the fact that it was hurting other people because they wasn't getting paid. At the same time, I did feel relieved about the government being opened back up.

    Opinion: I think this article is very important because if it was still a government shutdown then people probably would of started robbing people in order for them to put food on the table

    Connection: I chose this article because this is a big problem today! This is an important problem ,.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:George Zimmerman wife has doubts about his innocence
    Article Date:September 29,2013
    Who:Shellie Zimmerman,NBC's Matt Lauer
    When: September 29
    What happened:George Zimmerman wife who is Shellie Zimmerman was talking to the NBC host which is matt lauer and was telling how she felt about the innocence of the trayvon martin case in which her husband was held accountable for the death of a young boy but Zimmerman was found not guilty. After the verdict Shellie said that she felt alone and that her husband changed towards her and that they even got into an altercation which took place of her father nose getting broke by Zimmerman and a iPod of hers getting broke she says he even threatens her until today it's still an investigation.
    Why this event is relevant: this is revelant because it talks about a guy who is hurting people and we need justice because he need to be put away
    Reaction:I feel like Zimmerman needs to be hurt because he's hurting others
    Opinion i think Zimmerman is just crazy and needs some type of help
    Connection: i can connect to this because I know how it feel to stick by someone that hurt you at then end and they don't take into consideration of how you helped them.
