Sunday, October 13, 2013

Period 1: 10/13-10/18

Week Eight: 10/13/13-10/18/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: EBT Card Food Stamp Recipients Ransack Walmart Stores
    Article Date: October 14, 2013
    Who: Citizens of Louisiana
    Where: Louisiana
    When: Saturday, October 12, 2013
    What happened: The federal government had a glitch in the system, allowing all users of the SNAP program (EBT cards) to have unlimited spending balances on their cards, and when the users found out, they all rushed to Walmart stores and claimed everything the stores had on shelves.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant, because it has to deal with the government, and how they will deal with more money added to debt, and cutbacks. More things they will have to deal with, once they decide to re-open.
    Reaction: I feel like this is a dangerous zone for the government. I feel that they should be doing more in their offices, instead of trying to shut down, and block out and shut the citizens down. Sooner or later things like this will become greater problems.
    Opinion: I think that this is outrageous. I don't know why the government thinks that it makes sense to shut down, especially when problems like this occur. This will make matters worse. Somehow people will start to rampage, and campaign, and protest, and the government seems to find fault in that, when they're wrong. I think the government should do a better job on making and coming to an agreement on things, to better themselves and the citizens of the U.S.
    Connection: This connects with politics, because now since there was a glitch, stores and the government will be in greater debt. They will have to find some way to regain all the money that was recklessly spent.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: US government employees head back to work
    Article Date: 17 October 2013
    Who: US government
    Where:United States of America
    When: 17 October 2013
    What happened: Thousands of US government employees are back at work after President Barack Obama signed a law ending a government shutdown
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant, because the government has been shutdown for 16 days. This caused many american to be uot of work. The government shutdown caused unnecessary damage costing the US economy billions of dollars.
    Reaction: I am a little happy that the government is open so can resolve the budgetary issues.
    Opinion (I think..) the government shutdown was unnecessary and it did a lot more bad the good.
    Connection I chose this article because it is about the government shutdown.

  3. Source: (entire website address) -

    Article Title:India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria on slavery's list of shame,

    Article Date:Thu October 17, 2013

    Who: Nigeria, Pakistan, China, and India

    Where:Nigeria, Pakistan, China, and India

    When: Over the last ten years

    What happened: In many counties in the world there is still slavery. Researchers estimate that there are about thirty million slaves in the world. On this list are countries like India, China, Haiti, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Russia. The highest place with slave population is West Africa. In West Africa 4 percent of its 4 million people population are slaves. After West Africa the countries with the highest slave population are countries like Haiti Pakistan, and India. People have been researching this for as many as ten years. One man realized this after his daughter was volunteering at an orphanage and was exposed to sex traffiking. This was the fifth richest man in the world's daughter. His net worth is 5.7 billion dollars.

    Why this event is relevant: This topic is extremely relevant. This is because America has been done with slavery for about 150 years. So for this to be still going on in the world is radical. We are friends with countries that still allow slavery.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though why does no one know about this. I think that if more people were aware of this that it would stop. In the newspaper there is articles about making climate control shorter when they can be writing about slavery around the world.

    Opinion (I think..) I think us as Americans should do some thing about this. In the past America has interfered in many smaller problems and wants the world to be safe for democracy but 30 million people in the world are not even free let alone vote for someone.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I was going to choose an article about the government opening back up but when my eyes read that there is still 30 million slaves across the world i felt as though it was more important.

  4. Source:
    Article Title:Outrage grows over sixth grader's death due to asthma
    Article Date:POSTED: October 13, 2013
    Who: Laporcha Massey and Bryant Elementary School
    Where: Bryant Elementary School in West Philadelphia
    When: September 25,2013
    What happened: Laporcha Massey was complaining of chest pains and the Elementary school does not have a school nurse. Laporcha died later that day ... Could Laporcha have survived if there was a school nurse ?
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a student, someones child died because there is no school nurse.
    Opinion: I think this is outrageous that a child died because of no school nurse and the aide took her home even after she got no answer when she call Laporcha's home. I think the aide should have took Laporcha to the emergency room since they have no nurse. I don't even think the school looked through the records to see if she has any medical problems. I blame the School District because they cut jobs this summer and now have no money to have to the proper health and safety procedures followed when something happens like this. All staff of the School District Of Philadelphia should be trained to prevent another tragedy from happening at this point. If everyone had knew and had training on how to prevent emergencies from happening Laporcha would still be alive. She was only in sixth grade, why did her life have to be ended early because the school only has a nurse twice a week, school is five and maybe six days a week NOT TWO.
    Connection: I chose this article because I can relate to this we only have a school nurse twice a week also. Having a school nurse is a necessity, it's like saying you can only get sick when the nurse is there. In this case Laporcha didn't she got sick and nothing could have prevented her from being sick because there was no school nurse. This leaves me and many thinking did anyone else in the school try to help? And why did the aide take her home to leave her by herself?

  5. Source:

    Article Title:Obama wants new approach after shutdown

    Article Date:October 17, 2013

    Who: Barrack Obama and America

    Where: United States of America

    When: Today October 17th

    What happened: President Barrack Obama wants to take a new approach to things after the shutdown by ending shutdown and everyone got their jobs back. In addition to this he asked that the Republican right to drop its anti-government ideology and change how business gets done in Washington. The president does not blame himself for this shutdown alone ,but others as well.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because the shutdown is over for now and the President is trying to take a new approach to things which is a good sign to me.

    Reaction My reaction was a good one because I am happy everyone can get there jobs back and that the President is trying to make a few changes.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that is this very good for America, but we need to find a way to prevent this from happening again.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I picked this article because the shutdown just ended and it was effecting everyone in the USA and if it didn't effect you yet it will or would have

  6. source:

    title:Why Kwame Kilpatrick Should Not Serve 28 Years in Prison

    date: October 11, 2013

    who: Kwame Kilpatrick and the city of Detroit

    where: Detroit

    when: Thursday October,10 2013

    what happened Kwame Kilpatrick was the mayor of Detroit for two terms and was serving the city well. He was sentenced 28 years in jail for helping a friend illegally get 70 million dollars in city contracts. Many think he is wrong, but his sentence is way to long. they were saying that even if they did give him a shorter sentence that he would be back in office. by the time he would've been released, he would be 71 years old. they also think about the good things he did for the city like bringing the super bowl to the city. over all the sentence seems like an extremely harsh punishment.

    why its relevant: this is relevant because it recently happened and we need to learn how heavy a sentence should be based on the crime.

    opinion: I think the punishment is far too harsh for what he did. more violent crimes don't even get sentenced for that long.

    connection: I know that he was the mayor that brought the super bowl to Detroit one year and I remember watching it


    US government employees head back to work

    17 October 2013

    Hundreds of thousands of US government employees

    USA, particularly Washington DC

    Week of 10/14/2013

    President Barack Obama signed a law ending a 16-day government shutdown

    This shutdown worsened our economy and as President Obama said, "Worsened our "inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy."

    It's great that the shutdown, which has caused maximum amount of panic in the country, has finally ended. However, it shouldn't have started in the first place.

    Opinion (I think..)
    Ever since President Obama has become the president, Republican party has caused so much difficulty within the government. They have made it virtually impossible for the president (who the people elected) to pass any bills or any other thing he feels will benefit the American people.

    My family members are huge supporters of Barack Obama and for them to make it so hard for him to do his job, that the entire government had to shut down, its ridiculous!

  8. Source:

    Article Title:House Approves Debt Ceiling Agreement to Reopen Federal Government

    Article Date:Thursday, October 17, 2013

    Who: Presdinet Barack Obama, The Senate, House of Representatives, Congress

    Where:Washington D.C.

    When: October 2013

    What happened: President Obama is trying to fight Congress and the Senate over this government shutdown, but Congress passes this bi-partisan debt ceiling agreement.So Obama is very thankful for this agreement because Obama care can take place

    Why this event is relevant: Th shutdown is crucial and effects so many U.S. citizens this could be a breakthrough for many people in politics and everyday people.
    Reaction I was actually relieved because this is good news and could be very good for the U.S.

    Opinion I believe that this could be a stepping stone into something that is way better than this shutdown right now people could have hope because of this
    Connection The shutdown is being daily watched so veryone is interested I thought i would enjoy it

  9. Source:

    Article Title: White House: Furloughed Workers Can Return to Work

    Article Date: October 17,2014

    Who: Barack Obama

    Where: Washington

    When: October 17,2014

    What Happended: After 2 weeks of the goverment shut down, the government is now running again. After Barack Obama signed a deal with Congress, the White House told all off the agencies to reopen promptly and how they were already running. Some said they would help get the bisinesses running regualary and to how they were before the shutdown. People are expected to return to their regular work schedules however some Federal workers may not be able to return on such short notice. Many people lost their jobs for those 2 weeks.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because many people were afraid during the government shut down, not knowing when they would start running again, which meant no jobs for people.

    Reaction: Im not suprised by this because i had a feeling that the goverment shutdown was going to end and start running again. I just did not know when it would be. Or if i would be a long period of time or not.

    Opinion: Many people are probably happy now that the goverment is back open because they can get their jobs back.

    Connection: I chose this because if the government shutdown lasted longer i wouldnt be able to have my summer job and my grandmom wouldnt be able to get her social sercurity check.

  10. Source:

    Article Title:US Government empolyees heads back to work
    Article Date:September 17th, 2013
    Who:President Obama, Congress groups & leaders, and empolyees
    When:Mid October
    What Happened: a cross party deal xame hours after the US risk running out of money to pay bills. Followed 16 days of the partial Government shutdown, this started when congress couldn't agree on a budget. The deal about the budget doesn't settles the problem between the representatives and democratics. It does establish a cross party committee of legislators who will make a long term budget deql and will report back to congress by mid December. A faction of the representatives in the hardline tea party movement had pushed for confrontation to start Obama health care reform. Obama and the democrats refused to negotiate. He thanjed congress leaders for helping on ending the government shutdown and raising debt limits. Obama said politicians should not focus on the negatives but focus on making our economy better. The shutdown affected people in may ways that caused them to struggle. The government apologizes for the mishaps that it caused the people of the govenment. Also, economist have estimated the shutdown cost of the US economy billions of dollars.
    Why thisbis important?: This is important because i live in the US government and if things are being cut and nobody can make profits to live, so how will we survive. But since the government shutdown has ended we are able to get back to normal things.
    Reaction:My reaction to this article is happy because how would i survive or make a way in a government, if i have no way to make it happen.
    Opinion: I think the government sshutdown shouldn't have went on because in this time period but in general our economoy is not looking good. We have alot of people who are unempolyeed and needs assistance from the government to live. So with this government shutdown people would be deprieved out of things they need and i thought the government was all about the people protection of life, liberty, and property.
    Connection: I choose this because the government shutddown affected many people. It left people uncertian if they had a job or how they would survive. These hurted many people even though the government wanted to pay off the debts.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Syria crisis: Obama wins backing for military strike

    Article Date: September 3rd , 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama and other political figures

    Where: In Syria

    When: September 3rd, 2013

    What happened: President Barack Obama has his choice to conduct a military strike on Syria supported from American political figures . They have been speaking on for a while now whether we should go to Syria or not depending on the alliances they had. But the people came to a conclusion that our alliances are stronger and would strive if sent over to Syria.

    This event is relevant because more than 100,000 people were murdered ever since the over throwing against the Syrian President Assad started, which was in March of 2011. It's was spoken up that these killings have be committed due to the order of President Assad. This was his way of controlling the rebellion.
    My reaction to this was some what ignorant to the fact that problems like this occurred in Syria. I also felt scared because I the US should mind their business before they possibly plan a surprise attack on us. Syria made me upset to because it wasn't necessary to slaughter that many people.

    Opinion: I think President Barack Obama is bluffing when it comes to sending troops over there. I think this because he probably wasn't considering the economic downfall that can occur by this. I think he should reconsider his ideas and wait it out to see if things settle down . Then if things don't settle down send our alliance that are closer to them there to warn them the United States are not playing.

    Connection: I chose this article because I like how proactive the United States are being , especially the president. But I feel we are wasting too many of the US army time by considering the sending them there. When supposedly the president was attempting to bring all troops home.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Former top Pentagon lawyer is Obama pick for DHS
    Article Date: October 17,2013
    Who: President Barack Obama and former Defense Department general counsel Jeh Johnson
    Where : unknown
    When: October 18,2013
    What happened: President Barack Obama has chosen a former Defense Department general counsel, Jeh Johnson to complete Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary. Obama plan to openly nominate Johnson for this position on Friday. If Johnson accepts then he would become the first African-American to lead DHS. Johnson was involved with a lot of Obama administration's big decisions on issues such as counterterrorism and the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. Johnson also co-signed a report that helped allow gays to openly serve in the military.
    Why is this revelant: This article is revelant because it tells us who might be the new head of DHS and want he is capable of.
    Reaction: After reading this I felt as though our president was making a good decision on who he wants to be the head of DHS because Jeh Johnson already has experience in government which could have a better influence on what is going on now. Also, I feel as though Johnson is capable of doing the job with no problems.
    Opinion: I think this is very encouraging for everyone because this means out government can get back in order and make great things happen instead of things falling off.
    Connection: I can connect to this article because over this pass weekend I have heard and seen some things about the government shutting down and schools being closed and food stamps not working. And by all of this happening could damage our government a whole lot because families can not be provided for , and kids would not be able to be at school.

  13. Source:
    The article titled "Obama wants new approach after shutdown," by Tom Cohen. Holly Yan and Greg Botelho, is about the fact that the government shutdown is now supposedly over. A little backstory, in America we have been experiencing a government shutdown for the passed 16 days. This means the government has reached a big disagreement and or ran out of money to spend. The absence of money has put many people that work for the government out of a job for the period. But Obama signed a deal with the Congress pushing the budget for them to go on. According to CNN it will only fund them from January 7 but will raise our debts passed February. This event is relevant to me because I live here in the U.S. and abide by the laws set by the government. Plus it doesn't hurt to keep up with the news once in a while...I didn't know the government shutdown was over until I read the article. I guess you could say I'm somewhat relieved and disappointed. Happy for the people who get to return to their jobs, but unhappy the government isn't squirming with disagreements anymore. I think, if we really want to pull America out of debt and bring our economy back from the depths of hell, we should focus on creating job opportunities. Making sure every capable individual is out there making a living for himself and giving back to the community. If that works we'll be able to make more money to pay back the debt and work our way out of the whole we're in. I chose this article because we're finally done with the government shutdown!!! Is that a good thing for us?

  14. Source:
    Article Title: American held after car bombing dies in Egyptian jail

    Article Date: 9:18 AM EDT, Mon October 14, 2013

    Who: James Lunn

    Where: Egypt
    When: Sunday , October 13 ,2013

    What happened: James Lunn hang himself in the bathroom on the door while in the detention room. After he was accused of the bomb that was set off and blow up a car. He was placed in a detention room on August 27, 2013. The man was about to get his detention extended for another 30 days, the ministry said, before he died.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the man killed himself over something he didn’t do.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this is that I was shocked to find out that he killed himself over nothing. He was wrongly accused of a crime that he didn’t committee.

    Opinion I think that the police is the real cause of this man death because if they didn’t plan on keeping him and let him go he would of probably been doing something other than committing suicide.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I can connect to this because I know a young boy who was wrongly accused and was killed by the cop. They did this before he could even plead his case.

  15. Source:

    Article Title:US government shutdown: Congress in disarray as deal collapses

    Article Date:Tuesday 15 October 2013 22.15 EDT

    Who: John Boehner

    Where:in the House of Representatives

    When: 15 October 2013

    What happened: The House speaker, John Boehner, deiced to abandon the House vote on temporary extension of debt ceiling even though the deadline is 17 October. The bill was designed by the Tea Party-backed members of the House to voice their opinions about the forged between Democrats and the Republicans. But it was pulled at the last minute.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if they deiced to change their mind then the government will never be the same. The government will be shutdown.

    Reaction: At first was shocked that the Republicans even wanted to try to make things right but then the proved me right and pulled the bill out even though it was close to the deadline.

    Opinion: I think that they shouldn't have pulled the bill because it could have open so many door for new opportunities. John Boehner should have thought about some other things instead of pulling it.

    Connection: I choose this article because I thought that this was a very interesting topic to read about. I really don't look at what's going on in the world, but this helped me to open my eyes about what really goes on in the world.

  16. Source:
    Article title: Montana rapist out after month long sentence
    Article Date: This article was posted September 26, 2013

    Stacy Dean Rembold (male), former rapist, is released after a month long sentence. This even took place in a rural town in Montana. Stacy, also a former teacher, was imprisoned for the rape of a 14 ye After all of this he only served a month in jail. Why is it relevant? Rape is probably the scariest most occurring crime in the United States right now. It's not an act of love, it's an act of violence. It's so unjust that in today's society a man isn't fully charged of this heinous crime.
    What he should have gotten was a life sentence. In my opinion, this man deserves to rot in jail. There was no justice for that poor girl.

  17. Source:

    Article Title: Obama’s DHS pick a major Democratic donor, senators question credentials

    Article Date: October 18, 2013

    Who: Barack Obama, Democrats, and Senators

    Where: The white house

    When: October 18, 2013

    What Happened: President Obama's newly nominated pick was to lead the Department of Homeland Security. A major Democratic donor that used to work with the president and his campaign. Is now leading one senator to call the choice "deeply concerning." The president wanted Pentagon lawyer Jeh Johnson to be nominated as that person. Obama said that Johnson was a tested leader with great experience in the top of the government. He had a vital focus on national security. He also was deep understanding of the threats and challenges facing the United States.

    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because Obama really cares about homeland security. He would only want the people that he knows well and trust to run it for him. When he made this decision he thought that it was the right thing to do. Obama was sure that this would have it running successfully

    Reaction: I think that this is a good idea. I say this because since Obama has all this stuff to do, it's nice to have some other people to help him out. There would be no other person to help him then somebody that he knows.

    Opinion: I'm sure that this a the right thing to do. It is also good to know that Obama has people there for him to help him out. I feel as though there will always be somebody there for him.

    Connection: I chose this article because it's about Obama and it also seemed interesting.

  18. Source:

    Title: Police hunt for mistakenly freed murderers

    Date: October18,2013

    Who: Two murders

    When: Friday October11,2013

    What Happened:(CNN) - State and federal police fanned out across Florida on Friday in search of two murderers who walked out of prison after documents bearing forged signatures resulted in their release, authorities said.

    Meanwhile, the state Department of Corrections said it was merely following a court order and no one in the department is at fault for the men's release.

    "It's our responsibility to carry out the order of the court. It's not our job to question what the court does," said department spokeswoman Misty Cash. "We were given the info from the court that their sentence was modified, and we did our role."

    Nothing could have been done differently on the department's part, she said.

    "The fault does not lie on us. No one is getting in trouble here for what happened," she said.Charles Walker and Joseph Jenkins, both 34, are considered "escapees" after investigators discovered forged motions to reduce their sentences and forged court orders granting the request, according to authorities. They had been serving life sentences without the possibility of parole after murder convictions.

    The men were so brazen about their escape that they went to the Orange County Jail after their release to register as felons, jail spokeswoman Christina Grover said. Jenkins came in September 30 and Jenkins showed up October 11, she said.

    They filled out voluntary criminal registrant forms and were fingerprinted, she said. A deputy also checked for any outstanding warrants.

    A "vigorous and thorough review" will be conducted of other such prison releases to ensure no others have been freed with falsified documents, Department of Corrections Secretary Michael Crews said Thursday.

    "This will be a lesson learned for all involved. We may now look more closely at what the court sends," Cash added Friday. "Our system is being accused, and people are being led to believe that the DOC let these guys walk out the front door, and that's just not the case.

    Why Is It Relevant: It is Relevant Because the Police thought that murders have escaped from jail and are walking the streets.

  19. Source: (entire website address) tm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social
    Article Title:Five Things You Need To Know About The Role Of Taxes In The Government Shutdown
    Article Date: 10/16/2013 at 1:34PM
    Who:the House Republicans, Obama and the Houses of Congress
    Where: Where: Washington D.C.
    When: day 16 of the shutdown
    What happened: Disagreements and complex issues has lead the to government shutdown . Really starting with a key issue the House Republicans tried to stop funding for Obamacare, which the Senate Democrats declined. Both Houses of Congress are talking “fees” and “tax”. Then they give you 5 key informational facts about the role of taxes in the government shutdown. 1."Nobody likes the reinsurance tax."
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings were mutuel. I don't really see how this effects me so my reaction doesn't have an impact. I just feel it might effects my parents and grandparents so that makes me want to know more about this.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they should work it out I don't agree with them trying to take away Obamacare.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I didn't really know why they shut down but as I read this I see. I actually think it's petty and shutting down is not working at thing out it just makes it more difficult.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: Pennsylvania teacher on heroin passed out in class, police say.
    Article Date: October 17, 2013
    Who: Christopher Chiappetta
    Where: Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
    When: Wednesday.
    What Happened: A substitute teacher at a Pittsburg high school taken a high dose of heroin before entering the school building were he was supposed to go sub for a teacher as he was teaching he passed out in front the whole class. They were terrified and didn't know what was going on . When the ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital they found out that he overdosed him on heroin.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows that not every one can can be trusted.

    Reaction: I was irked because teachers are like second parent you spend most of the day with them and he was putting them kids in danger .

    Opinion: teachers are supposed to preventing you from harming you body and I believe he was doing the complete opposite and he should be ashamed

    Connection: I don't have a personal connection but I know the child must have been so scared and confused by conflicting info
