Sunday, October 20, 2013

P. 3 Week of 10/20-10/25

Week Nine: 10/20/13-10/25/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (

    Article Title: American flag ban: Federal appeals court struggles with Morgan Hill school's Cinco de Mayo incident

    Article Date:10/17/2013

    Who:School students vs. United States Federal Courts

    Where:San Francisco

    When: May2010

    What happened:The school was against the students wearing the u.s. flag colors in the u.s. during the puerto rican holiday.

    Why this event is relevant: The students rights were viloated. Also it went against the first-amendment. Which is the right to freedom of religion and speech.

    Reaction (The parents took the school to court because they believed it was wrong of the school to do that to their children.)

    Opinion I think that the parents had every right to take them to court because the students rights were being violated.Why did they get mad at the students for celebrating the united states in the united states.

    Connection I chose this article becuase it was interesting. Also because the title made me think that someone rights have been violated,so i wanted to read about what happend.

  2. Source:

    Article title: Nevada School Shooting: Teacher Killed

    Article date: Updated 9:15pm EDT 10/21/13

    Who: A student from Sparks Middle School in Nevada(the shooter) Mike Landsberry a math teacher and former marine in the Air National guards.

    Where: This event happen in Nevada.

    When: Last Monday this event happen.

    What happen: A student stole a gun from his parents and went a spring shooting and the math teacher try to stop him by talking him down, but he couldn't get through to the student . The student also wounded 12 other students.

    Why is this event relevant: This is relevant because it will be more in site into the minds of people like this and to better understanding of their behavior.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was I thought that maybe the student was bully, or had problems at home that them go the shooting. Maybe a childhood trauma.
    Opinion: I think that this student had some type problem or conflict at school to go the shooting.
    Connection: I connect with this article because I would I to the way people the way that they do. Just study the minds of people and help them.

  3. Article Title:Rough Obamacare rollout: 4 reasons why

    Article Date: October 22, 2013

    Who: President Obama and Joe Biden

    Where: The White House

    When: Tue October 22, 2013

    What happened: The health care plan that the government poured thousands of dollars to make is not working for everyone. And the Obamacare website is experiencing a lot of major difficulties

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because almost all of the Americans citizens want to get healthcare.
    Reaction Most people who were affected by the website's errors were very angry and disappointing.

    Opinion I feel indifferent to the problem, but I think they should fix it right away.

    1. Shakur,
      Your post does not currently meet the length requirements. You need at least 5 more sentences before the deadline on Friday.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Syrian snipers targeting unborn babies
    Article Date: October, 23.2013
    Who: Syrian snipers, pregnant women, Babies and young children are involved.
    Where: This event took place in Northern Syria.
    When: This happened over a long period of time, but surgeons are just now finding a trend.
    What happened: In Northern Syria babies have become the target for snipers. But not babies who are alive they are still in the wombs of their mothers. The mothers survive, but the babies do not. doctors say that snipers are playing a target game and pregnant women are their main target. Also, young children. Doctors have been treating many women and children with similar wounds, so they know it's something going on because they see a trend.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because it tells you some of the crazy things that are happening overseas.
    Reaction I felt angry and shocked when I read this.
    Opinion : I think whoever did this are sick people and crazy, what could they possibly have against young children and babies. Mothers will never get to see their child because someone wants to do something evil like this.
    Connection : I choose this because they title caught my eye and I know there is a lot of controversy over and Syria so I wanted to know what else was going on.

  5. Source:

    Article title: Obama puts immigration back in spotlight

    Article date: 12:40 PM 10.24.13

    Who: President Obama , republican lawmakers, Congress

    Where: Washington

    When: this month (I believe)

    What happened? Obama has decided to make another attempt at bettering our immigration laws and in the process to try to make new always, he has received much resistance from congress because the house is ran by republicans who are reluctant to work with Obama because they feel he will not level with them, so they just continue to push back the issue & give speeches and talk about things and go
    Back and forth but they aren't getting anything done

    Why is this relevant? This is relevant because if the people we have appointed to lead continue to take the approach of just postponing the issue then it defeats the purpose of even having a government, when they just talk and whine like children instead of going after & completing the task of tackling the real problems of this nation

    Reaction: this article makes me fearful of the place I live we are so powerful but if we can't figure out how to work with ourselves will are going to be the reason we fail or loose power in the long run.

    Connection: I connect this because if you take away the suits & ties & speeches you have a school yard problem of "he wouldn't help me when I wanted and now I won't help him" and because of this we as a nation get the minimum amount of work and progress to go forth.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Merkel calls Obama about U.S. spying claims

    Article Date: October 24, 2013

    Who: Angela Merkel

    Where: Germany/ United States

    When: This happened today

    What happened: Merkel says that the United States was eavesdropping on one of her cell phone calls .

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has to do with our country and another country. This could affect their opinion about us and they could lose trust in us and eventually begin to not like us.

    Reaction: I'm kind of lost. I say this because I want to know why would the United States be spying on them. This leaves me thinking whether or not something is going on between are two countries.

    Opinion: I think that this was a very wrong thing to do. They are putting are countries friendship with them in great danger. Things like this could lead to arguments and can escalate into something much bigger then that which would be war. Our country is in no condition to be getting in conflict and instead of making enemies the United States needs to be making the most friends with countries that it can make.

    Connection : I choose this because for one, the title of it caught my attention . I also like reading things that is about Obama and his name was in the title . Learning about things that's going on around you in the present time is always good to know .

  7. Source:

    Article Title:Arrests in death of child wrapped in blanket

    Article Date: 10.23.13

    Who: 3 year old Michael Lee McMullen, Donella Trainor, 45; Douglas Garrigus, 21; and the child's grandmother, Gale Watkins, 56.

    Where: Florida

    When: Last Saturday

    What happened: In this article three Guardians called themselves disciplining a 3 year old , by wrapping him up tightly in a blanket and tie the ends. The three caretakers told the cops that Michael was having issues with his behavior and that made him take a nap. They reported to the cops when the Trainor tried to wake him, she sweaty and he didn't not respond to her trying to wake him. Finding out on Tuesday the Trainor method if discipline was to roll the baby in a blanket and tie the ends down so when the baby moves it will not get away. They said it was more children in the household but they don't know when their location in the house was. She said when she heard him stop crying she thought he was calm. Trainor is charged with aggravated abuse of a child and aggravated manslaughter of a child

    Reaction: I couldn't believe this article. I was very upset. This is something that should never happen. It's ridiculous!

    Opinion: My opinion is she is crazy. Why would she think that it is a behavior treatment? That is beyond crazy..

    Connection( why you chose this): I chose this article because the title captured my attention. I started reading it and I got upset I wanted to know more.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: NJ court: Same-sex Wedding Can Start Monday Despite Appeal
    Article Date: The article was written on October 18, 2013.
    Who: The population and political leaders are voicing their opinion on if same sex marriage should be legal in New Jersey.
    Where: This event occured in New Jersey.
    When: The date of the actual event was also October 18, 2013
    What happened: People and political leaders in New Jersey debates on their should be same sex marriage and if people should be able to go through with it, some hold this right to be okay and some disagree with letting people go through same sex marriage.
    Why this event is this relevant: This event is relevant because this is a huge debate and in some eyes a problem all over the United States that need to be resolved. Some believe their rights are being violated because they are not able to get married with the same sex.
    Reaction: I reacted in a sense that was not in agreement because I don't think not allowing same sex marriage is violating anybody rights because if this was allowed who knows how our population would be and what effect if could have on society and young children.
    Opinion: I don't think this law should be passed and definitely won't be a decision made soon because this situation needs a lot of time to be thought over.
    Connection: I choose this article because my dad is getting married to his wife in March.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:Will ObamaCare ‘tech surge’ throw good money after bad?
    Article Date: October 24,2013
    Who: President Obama,,Tech experts
    Where: doesn't have a place
    When: October 24,13
    What happened: In the article it talks about President Obamas health care"tech surge" program. And how pretty much everyone thinks that it is a failure and that it is just wasting money. Their is concerns that the administration could be throwing "good money after bad" while complicating an already complicated situation. It was said that,''Lawmakers already are on high alert about the possibility of paying gobs more cash for an ObamaCare sign-up system that has already drained the federal coffers of millions in taxpayer dollars.'' This is not sitting well with people who are in the politics world.
    As others released their comments on this event. It was said that,''the CGI federal is the primary contractor behind the health exchange infrastructure, including, and has already received $196 million in funding, according to government records. While CGI has not been blamed directly for the issues plaguing the system, it is the most visible target, aside from the government itself, for the critics' ire.'' A representative from CGI testified Thursday before the House Energy and Commerce Committee and defended the company's work, insisting the site will be fixed in time for the Jan. 1 hard launch. Contractors also testified Thursday that the system should have been tested for longer -- the responsibility, they claim, of government officials -- and that a last-minute decision to require users to sign up before browsing also caused problems.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because anything that has to do with the president of the United States is relevant because changes that he makes or wants to make effects us all. And this could be effecting someone in the United States.

    Reaction: I didn't really have much of a reaction to this article because it didn't really interest me.

    Opinion: I think that people should stop expecting so much from President Obama because he just one person who is a human being just like the rest of us and sometimes he is overwhelmed so their might not be the best solutions to every problem that he comes across.

    Connection: I choose this article because it was about Barrack Obama and I don't watch the news much so I wanted to see what decisions and updates were going on.

  10. Source:

    Article Title:Student says she saw teacher, alleged killer alone together before slaying

    Article Date:Fri October 25, 2013

    Who: a witness , Philip Chism

    Where:Danvers, Massachusetts

    When:Fri October 25, 2013

    What happened: Before the shooting of an algebra teacher in Denver, witness say that the student and the teacher had another counter before the actual shooting. They said that he was a good student all around. At some point that afternoon, Ritzer went to a student girls' bathroom on Danvers High's second floor, as someone was in the locked faculty bathroom, a source close to the investigation said. Chism allegedly followed her in. After he killed her, he goes to change his clothes, went to get something to eat at Wendy's sources say, before police in a neighboring town saw him walking on a busy road under the pitch-dark sky early Wednesday.

    Why this event is relevant: People never know what happens to the killer afterwards, usually people forget about them.

    Reaction: I Like they way they did it, there aren't really a lot of articles like this.

    Opinion: Its a good story, something new.

    Connection: Not really a connection here, in general people tend to forget about past criminals.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Veterans not a political chew toy

    Article Date: October 25, 2013

    Who: Veterans of the US, Democrats/Republicans

    Where: House of Representatives

    When: October 1st to October 17th 2013

    What happened: Since the government shut down the US Veterans all over America did not get their special check or support they needed during the government shut down. This is because the Army is part of the government. Some veterans protest that the government isn't respecting them. After all they sacrificed their lives for the country, they should get the respect they need. Even the current army of the US.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it shows how our government is when it comes to their responsibility of the citizens of America. They're abusing their power to govern our lives.
    Reaction: I was outraged at the fact that even during the shut down the government refused to help the disabled and weak! It's completely inappropriate and petty and now the government has to do right. Or else they will need a reform.
    Opinion: I believe as I said before the House should have a re-vote of those who are in it. Although I won't be able to vote there are others who believe I am correct. The house, the government I might add, needs to be reformed.
    Connection: This is important to me because as an American the government controls a lot of what I am able to do and not. Even though we have liberty there are still laws and it seems that our government is abusing them.

  12. Source:
    Article title:
    13-year-old carrying fake rifle killed
    Article date :
    October 25,2013
    Santa Rose, California
    Andy Lopez Cruz and police officer
    A police officer had seen a teenage boy with two fake guns . The police officer partner said that he had told him to put the gun down but the teenage didn't. So the police officer had shot him because he was scared for his life and others. The boy was only 13. At school the people consider him as popular and a smart student. When his family and friends had memorial service for him, it turned out to be a protesting against police shooting . A lot of os heart broken because of his death.
    Opinion :
    I think if the police officer had asked him to put it down then he should have put it down . But , the police officer should have known he wasn't gonna shoot nobody if he was by himself with the fake guns. This article is sad because the good people in the world is always ding young . In this situation , the police officer should have thought it threw and the boy should had just put the fake gin down.
    I can connect to this because my uncle god daughter was shot and she was only 5. She wasn't shot by a police officer . She was in a back seat of a car. This didn't happen recently but it did happen yeasts ago.
