Sunday, October 13, 2013

Period 5: 10/13-10/18

Week Eight: 10/13/13-10/18/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title:House GOP disarray surfaces over possible shutdown plan
    Article Date: October 15,2013
    Who:House Republicans have dropped two demands related to Obamacare.
    Where: The White House in Washington DC.
    When: The government started talking about this at 3:00pm today.
    What happened:House Speaker John Boehner was "struggling" to come up with enough votes to pass a GOP counter-proposal to the Senate plan, a House Republican leadership aide.The White House rejected the House proposal and signaled support for efforts to reach a compromise in the Senate. Obama is surprised and pleased with the little bit of progress that they have made.
    Why relevant: This is relevant because we, as citizens should know when the government shutdown will be over. The government is trying to come up with a comprise to end this shutdown.
    Opinion: I think that the government is shutdown for an unnecessary reason. I feel as though that the Republicans only want there way and no other way.
    Reaction: I feel bad for Obama because he is put under all this stress. He has a lot to deal with because of the government shutdown and a lot of decisions to make.
    Connection: I chose this article because I found it interesting that the government is still shutdown. If the government does not re-open then the states will suffer.

  2. Source:
    Article title: White House garden overgrown during shutdown
    Article date: Wednesday October 16 2013
    Who: Eddie Gehman Koha, first lady
    Where: white house garden, Washington D.C
    When : Government shut down
    What happened: after the government shut down not only did the rest of America feel that cost of it first lady felt it to. After the government shut down the white house garden began to look very messy. The crops began to mold and the weeds began to grow in due to the fact that people weren’t able to do their jobs due to government shut down.
    Why relevant: this is relevant because it shows the reaction to what happens to parks and recreation when everyone is laid off. This is also relevant because many people only think us a people of America are being affected, this shows that people in government in higher places also feel our pain.
    Reaction: my reaction towards this, I was very shocked because I thought when the government shut down that people in government would be fine. I thought they would be living the life while everyone else in America was struggling to feed their family, or make a living to keep moving with their lives
    Opinion: In my opinion I feel that I choose this article because it shows how not only were being affected but the people in office are too.
    Connect: one in America can connect to this because of government shut down everyone is going through a certain loss. Whether it’s a mess in the garden, or a loss towards food stamps or a pay check.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Obama signs bill to pay death benefits to families of fallen soldiers.
    Article Date: October 10, 2013
    Who: President Barack Obama is involved.
    Where: This is happening in Washington D.C.
    What Happened: President Obama sign a bill to pay for the death benefits to families of the soldiers who died. Since Obama signed the bill it brought out a lot of criticism from the Republicans. A secretary named Jay said it was "not necessary" to sign the bill.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Obama is the to help the families fund for the soldiers.
    Reaction: Obama shouldn't even have to sign a bill. Soldiers families should already get this.
    Opinion: I think Obama is doing the right thing because some families cant even afford a funeral for the fallen soldiers. Also the soldiers should get this any way, they are serving our country by risking their lives.
    Connection: I chose this article because my grandfather back in the 1980's went into the service.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Republican shutdown pain may boost Democracy 2014.
    Article Date: October 17 , 2013
    Who: Republican Party
    Where: The U.S.
    When: Within this month.
    What happened: The Republican Party is not in a good place because they are being blamed for the reasons the government shut down. In the article it says a poll shows that a majority of Americans disapprove of the way the GOP handled the funding of government and raising debt. The article says this is a advantage to the democrat party because of the ability to winning the House and having control in the senate in 2014 has increased. This is a huge advantage to the democrat party.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is going on right now in America and it is affecting the government.
    Reaction : I am surprised that the government shutdown affects the Republican Party and Democrat party in the way it did.
    Opinion : I think this article gives a lot of information on how the government shutdown affects the Republican party and the Democrat party.
    Connection: I I choose this article because I wanted to find out information on the government shutdown other than what I heard on the news and what people tell me.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Pennsylvania teacher on heroin passed out in class, police say.
    Article Date: October 17, 2013
    Who: A substitute teacher named Christopher Chiappetta was passed out on heroin.
    Where: This event takes place in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
    When: This event happened on Wednesday.
    What Happened: A substitute teacher at a Pittsburg-area high school consumed heroin before he went to work and later that day he passed out in front of 11 students.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because America makes teachers seem like they are all sweet hearts, and that they don't do anything wrong.
    Reaction: I was suprised that he took heroin right before he went to work, because that is a drug and you don't know how your body will react later on.
    Opinion: I think it's sad that people mess up their bodies by taking drugs an drinking a lot of alcohol.
    Connection: I chose this article, because I feel like teachers are not all innocent, some are good teachers, but not all teachers. Teachers are just like everybody else, and people act like teachers, and police are angels, but all of them are really not.
    -Dominique Frazier

  6. Source: (entire reasone addres 
    Artcle Title:Winners and Losers from the shutdown
    Article Date:10/17/13
    Who:The government of the United States and President Obama.
    When: 10/17/13 on Thursday morning at 12 am
    What happened: The government re-opens and there were certain winning and certain loses. However no one really won because the government is still in danger with the spending budgets. Obama won because he got the government open for the people . He also has a loss because he was unable to negotiate with Boehner about the government budgets.
    Why this event is relevant: 
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I am truly happy to know that the government has reopened and hasn't impacted many people in the United States. However I am a little worried about what's to come for the future.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that this great that the government has 're-opened because I think it means we are a nation again.
    Connection : The reason I chose this article was because this is important. It is important for us to know what's going on with our government because it can effect many people in many different ways.


    Knife-wielding man arrested, children OK after Arkansas bus hijacking
    Thu October 17, 2013

    Nicholas John Miller was arrested. Everything happened in Jacksonville.12 miles northeast of Little Rock and ended in Cabot, Jacksonville.A man with a knife hijacked a school bus in central Arkansas on Thursday morning.He took 11 elementary school students and their driver on a detour that police ended after a roughly 10mile chase.Some of them were injured. Everyone is ok though.This event made national news. They also are taking this to the supreme courts.Hearing this information makes me feel really blessed.I think whoever did this needs to be in jail for life.I chose this because it can easily happen to anyone, at any time. It hit home.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: State gives schools $45M, district returns 400 jobs
    Article Date: October 17,2013
    Who: Government Tom Corbett,and William Hite
    Where: The School District of Philadelp
    When: Thursday October 17,2013
    What: The Governed named Tom Corbett is trying to release a grant of $45 million for the city school. Also alot of staff is starting to be hired again and the staff will be moved based on the time period of them signing up.
    Why: Due to recent decision Obama care has been cut off and alot of schools are shutting down or about to shut down and that means people are losing their jobs which means more people are going to become homeless. Also this might means that there could be crime and alot of kids either selling drugs or being in jail for the rest of their lives.
    Reaction: My reaction is hopeful because i hope that the others governments let them release this money because that's less homeless people. Also that means more kids get to have a better education and that also means that more kids get to go to college.
    Opinion: I think the government should release this money because it helps kids get a better education. For example,"I firmly believe that all students deserve a safe, high-quality education that will prepare them for college and career"(Corbett 2). This means that this money can prepare all students for college and for their careers.
    Connection: I choose this article because it tals about the Tom and other people on the.government trying to help students get a good education and trying to get them good careers and sending them to them to the best colleges.

  9. Source:

    Article Title: India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria on slavery's list of shame, says report

    Article Date: October 17, 2013

    Who: 30 million people

    Where: India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria and more

    When: N/A

    What happened: This article talks about how slavery still exist in many countries and how It's been hidden for all these years. There is about 30 million people are living as slaves around the world. Mauritania in West Africa is at the top with about 4% of its 3.4 million people enslaved. Ranked as the 5th richest man in Australia, philanthropist Andrew Forrest decided to take matters into his own hands to put a stop to slavery.

    Andrew became aware of this situation when his daughter volunteered at an orphanage in Nepal in 2008. She noticed that there were children being used for sex trafficking. This brought on conversation and started to caught the attention of many other people. This form of slavery is mainly targeted at children, women and vulnerable male immigrants. Children are forced upon marriage and women are used for domestic workers and prostitutes. The men are typically used for physical labor.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this has to do with the lack of freedom and self rights in other countries.

    Reaction : Why is slavery still existent? I thought we ended this already. This proves to me that we are never free.

    Opinion: I think more should be done. More action should be taken to end this.

    Connection: The title caught my attention.

  10. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title: South Carolina city makes being homeless illegal
    Article Date: August 30, 2013
    Who: Homeless people, California, New York, Florida, Texas and Georgia, Maria Foscarinis, Cameron Runyan
    Where: This article takes place in South Carolina
    When: This event happened on August 13, 2013
    What happened: South Carolina's capital city is putting out all homeless people who live outside and on people's property. If they refuse to leave they are sent jail but they first have to be sent to a shelter, either way its a jail because in the shelters they are not able to do whatever they want.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because everyone in America should know whats going on in other parts here , especially about the homeless because if they die off or the homeless population increases that means our economic system is out of control because it is less money to make homes for them rather than putting them inside shelters.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was getting very angry while reading this because it doesn't make any sense how they have a fine for homeless in New York if you're camping out then you have to pay $76 like that really doesn't make any kind of sense.
    Opinion (I think..) they should make them homes and apartments so they don't have to live on the streets so called disturbing the civilians.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I connect with this article people every time I see a homeless person I give them either the change I got from something I bought or just a whole bill because I know that it will make a change one step at a time, also when I do that it makes me happy in the inside and out.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: EBT Card Food Stamp Recipients Ransack Walmart Stores
    Article Date: October 14, 2013
    Who: People living in Louisiana
    Where: In Louisiana
    When: This event happened on October 12th of 2013, which happened to be a Saturday
    What happened: There was a glitch in the federal governments system. Which allowed all people in the SNAP Program , formerly known as food stamps to have unlimited spending balances .Then when the people who carried a EBT Card heard about this they quickly scurried to the Walmart stores and attempted to purchase any and everything in stores.
    This event is relevant, because its is dealing with the government. Especially in a time when the government is shut down. The article also is relevant because it tells us how they will deal with more money added to debt ceiling. This would then be added to the things the government would have to deal with once they decided to reopen.
    Reaction: I feel like this is a only affects the people other people who are apart of the SNAP Program. I feel that the government made this mistake due to the fact in the insufficient workers. Soon things like this will become problems that can possibly make history.
    Opinion: I think that this is ridiculous . I dont like the fact that government shut down and was shut down at this point for 12 days . This only made the outbreak in Louisiana seem like a big deal. I think the government should attempt to put in a greater effort when making or coming to an agreement on things. This will potentially make the citizens of the United States feel better.
    Connection: This connects to me because my family uses food stamps , and the day of the Louisiana Outbreak I was at the market and we were not allowed to use Food Stamps .

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Florida prison mistakenly releases two murderers
    Article Date: October 17, 2013
    Who: Joseph Jenkins, Charles Walker, and the judicial system
    Where: Florida
    When: September 27- October 8
    What happened: Two men, Jenkins and Walker, escaped from a Florida prison using forged paperwork.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it demonstrates another fail in America's judicial system. The judicial system is suppose to protect it's citizens from criminals and injustices. We can't feel protected when the jail systems are letting criminals back on the street.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was shocked and appalled at the fact that two murderers we're let back into the world.
    Opinion (I think..) I think whoever handles the paper work that let these two men free should be fired. Also, I think stricter laws should be enforced on the people who let forged documents slip pass them.
    Connection: This sounds like organized crime.

  13. Article Source:
    Article Title: "Ariel Castro victim compensation bill gets initial approval in Ohio House"
    Article Date: September 17, 2013

    The positives clearly outweigh the negatives in this new development of the Amanda Berry, Michelle Knight and Gina DeJesus case. They will be receiving compensation - 25,000 dollars to be exact - for every year that they were abducted. And not only are they receiving compensation, but Congress has decided to make this a bill named after the three women. The bill, that has already been enacted, will provide compensation, tuition to any college and free medical care to any person that has been abducted for more than eight years. Of course, the benefits that this bill brings does not serve justice to the years of pain and torture that these women were forced to endure, but at least it gives them the opportunity to accomplish things that could've been accomplished had a decade not been robbed from their lives.

    This event is relevant because the new law gives Amanda Berry, Michelle Knight and Gina DeJesus, who were all abducted in the early years of their lives, reparation for the crimes against them. The unalienable rights that the United States of America has enforced throughout the years were taken away and now, months into their escape, the government is trying to give them their lives back, despite the fact that financial gain does not merit the time that they spent under the rule of Ariel Castro. Luckily, they do not need to worry - they have escaped, they have been compensated, and Ariel Castro is no longer a member of general society after his death in September.

  14. Article Title:Montana Rapist out after month sentence

    Article Date: September 26th , 2013

    Who: A Teacher and a teenage girl name Stacey Dean

    Where: In a school in Montana

    When: Thursday September 26th , 2013

    What happened: A high school teacher was let out of an Montana jail after a one month sentence for raping a 14 year old girl. He was freed from prison and he was put on probation for 14 years and 11 months. He wasn't required to have a cell phone with photo, video or Internet capabilities. The victims parents and family are hoping that the judge will send him away to prison for life because of what he did to their daughter. He had an option to either be put back in jail or not be anywhere near children in any type of way.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because he raped a young teenager and her family were filled with angry because the judge let him out of prison without any major time in prison.

    Reaction: I was really bothered by this because I have a twin sister who has teachers who are men and I don't want them even going close to my sister

    Opinion: My opinion was that he should of received more jail , I'll say life because I wouldn't want my sisters going through that hard process.

    Connection: I hear this kind of story all the time , like at my cousin school a teacher had sex with a teenager and he was fired from his job and was put in jail immediately .

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Budget talks to start with friendly tone
    Article Date: This article was made on October 17,2013.
    Who: The group that was involved was congress's law makers.
    Where: This event took place in America.
    When: This happened on Thursday morning.
    What happened: 30 lawmakers that were selected to plan the budget are about to have a meeting. They are hoped to agree on spending level and tax provisions to solve our current crisis. They are attempting to lower the chances of a shutdown when current spending expires on January 15.
    Why is this relevant: The government shutdown has sparked many groups to meet over how they will uphold their duties without the government and some try to prepare for the future.
    Reaction: These meetings and arguments are all over preparation, and rarely are successful. There are more productive if not important things to worry about.
    Opinion: I barely know how our entire economy works when we owe money to other countries. The constant act of borrowing money and returning it is simple, but trading favors for money is complicated. Man is naturally corrupt in a way that makes them think the value of something always different.
    Connection: meetings that are being held are to prepare for the future, which is good but they have their disadvantages. This is like the complete opposite of when Freire was suppose to change its name. We were worried about the present and not being known that we disregarded the fact that the change would take years to be in full effect. Freire's branding is almost on everything it owns, making any change to the school's identity is very drastic.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Couple fined for inflight sex

    Article Date: 10.18.13
    Who: a husband and a wife
    Where: A. Flight to vegas
    When: today
    What happened: the couple was engaging in oral sex
    Why this event is relevant: because there was kids on the flight and it was jnot appropriate
    Reaction: I was shocked because thats not something you suppose to do in public
    Opinion : This is very inapropriate because it was kids present. They should have waited
    Connection : This reminds me of when i saw people engaging it sexual sctivity in a park

  17. Source:
    Article Title:Couple fined for inflight sex

    Article Date:updated 6:24 AM EDT 10.18.13
    Who:A former vintner:Christopher Martin & salon technician:Jessica Stroble
    Where: On an airplane
    When: the alleged act happend June 21
    What happened:the couple was on the plane giving oral sex to each other and was asked to stop this act multiple times. They stopped when they were serving drinks and food to he other passengers , but continued till he end of the flight. Both of them were fined with 250$ each. they were initially charged with a federal misdemeanor crime of lewd, indecent and obscene acts on an airplane, which carried a maximum sentence of up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this is America today and , this is not ok to do in public especially in the air . Government officials aren't pleased by this neither are citizens of our country
    Reaction: while reading this I was cry shocked
    Opinion I think that this is very disgusting , where are these people morals,??! Yuck! Have some respect for people
    Connection: I chose this article because some people don't realize that heir actions effect the way America is portrayed .

  18. Source:

    Article title : Why is this man smiling? 15 winners and losers from the shutdown crisis
    Article Date:Thursday October 17,2013
    Who: Government, president Obama ,Speaker John boehner,Chris Christie,Hilary Clinton and lastly joe Biden
    When: October in the week of the fourteenth
    What happened:this article talks about the winners and losers according to the shutdown crisis which is now an up and slightly running secession right now but in this case president Obama was a winner who held firm, and nothing significant was changed to his health care law. Also Obama wasn't getting blamed for Washington disfunction. But a loser in this case which the article say between Obama and boehner is boehner who tried to appease House conservatives by demanding the president's health care law be defunded. Another situation this article brings up with losers and winners is the one with Chris,Hilary,and Biden the two winners in this situation are Christie and Clinton in which christie believes that this situation so bad he will kill himself and Clinton believes if she say something now it will hunt her in the election
    Why this event is relevant: this is revelant because it has to do with our government and economy which is effecting us in bad ways
    Reaction when I read about the bickering back I forth I just like while there are other things to be concerned about rather trying to figure out whose right or wrong.
    Opinion: I think Obama health care plan should not be defunded I also think that Christie should feel the way he does because this doesn't make any sense
    Connection I can connect to Christie in this situation because I look at what other people go through and think like if I was them then it would really stress me out

  19. Source:
    Article Title: Supreme Court mostly rejects Arizona immigration law; gov says 'heart' remains
    Article Date: 11:21 AM EDT, Tue June 26, 2012
    Who: The U.S. Supreme Court, National Government, Arizona Department ,John King USA, President Barack Obama
    Where: Washington
    When: 11:21 AM EDT, Tue June 26, 2012
    What happened: The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down key parts of an Arizona law that sought to deter illegal immigration, but let stand a controversial provision allowing police to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws
    Why this event is relevant: to ripple across the political landscape in this way
    Reaction mad that their still oppressing the immigrants
    Opinion thet are making it so hard for people to have life even when they know that immigrants so need it
    Connection I seen people get immigrated when they so need it
