Thursday, November 12, 2015

1st period, 11/16-11/27

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/27

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: US Government budget deficit totals $136.5 billion in October, up from year ago
    Article Date: Nov. 12, 2015 | 3:00 p.m.
    Who: The US government
    Where: Washington(AP)
    When: October
    What happened: The US government is constantly dealing with the deficit problem that is worsening monthly. At the end of September the nations debt fell several hundred billion dollars caused by tax revenue. The congress still has until December 1st to decide on a bill to manage one third of the deficit annually. Currently the debt is dropping very slowly.
    Why is this event relevant: The debt of the nation effects everyone because if the government spending gets anymore greater than the price of everyday products and goods will increase to cover the costs.
    Reaction: I feel like the congress should devise more plans to keep the deficit under control until a way to abolish it comes about.
    Opinion: I think the congress should agree on something to bring down the debt of the country, whether Democrat or Republic.
    connection: I don't have a connection but I thought the article was very important to American society.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: 'Serious Plans For Explosions' Cancel Netherlands-Germany Soccer Match
    Article Date: November 17, 2015
    Who: Soccer players, fans, authorities
    Where: Hannover, Germany
    When: November 17, 2015
    What happened: Authorities received highly resourceful evidence that someone was planning to bomb the staduim while the game was occuring. Authorities immediately took action, quickly evacuating the arena. There were also the same suspicions at a train station.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because lately, a lot of thigs like this have been happening. The things that happened in Paris can be an example. Events like this also affect the lives of many people.
    Reaction: The authors' reactions seem upset and determined. I say upset because the events that happened in Paris were mentioned. And I think they were determined because they are now trying to prevent more events like this from happening.
    Opinion: I think all countries need to increase the amount of authorities at big events that may be happening. Also, before the event even starts, the building should be checked for explosives.
    Connection: I chose this article because many events like this have been occuring and people should be aware of their surroundings and what is going on.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Russia, US may find common ground in fight against ISIS
    Article Date: Monday, 16 November 2016
    Who: United States & Russia
    Where: Countries across the world
    When: Monday, November 16, 2015
    What happened: Because of the prior events that proceeded in Russia, America and Russia may be able to come to a compromise with the fight against ISIS. Washington is not willingly to provide the military that Moscow is willingly to.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because of the terrorist attacks in Russia. During this event, 224 people were killed,this includes children and all and left 129 civilians dead and 350 wouded individuals.
    Reaction: I think this is a good idea because I think America is doing a disservice to the people by not. I see it as we put are in put and stuff in everything else but not the stuff that needs to be dealt with.
    Opinion:In my opinion I think this is a dangerous decision, its the right one. I'm just fearful that if we make this decision then we be attacked next.
    Connection: I connected this event back to 9/11. I chose this event because of the time frame that it happened.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dashauna Lovett


    Article Title:Labor Union to start ‘Substantial’ Ad campaign hitting Republicans  on Immigration

    Article Date:November 11, 2015

    Who:Democrats and Republicans


    When:Thursday November 26, 2015

    What happened:The Democrats  and Republicans are having a debate about allowing Immigrants into the U.S.A campaign will be held to talk about immigration. The courts delayed actions on immigration. The Ads  will be placed around countries in all languages and also placed on TV's. The Ads are for immigrants to stand up against the Republicans.

    Why this event is relevant:This is important because Immigrants sneaking into American cause them to get in trouble.Also the courts delayed the action because some immigrants may  be very dangerous to our country.

    Reaction:Reading this article I felt kinda bad but also I felt like immigrants could be dangerous.I feel this way because if you want better and you willing to do what you have to do for it you should be able to have better.I also feel like immigrants are dangerous because many people come to our countries just to bomb our countries and kill people of other races and people from different regions just because we allowed them in the U.S.

    Opinion (I think..)I think since U.S is the land of freedom so people should be able to come in and out of the U.S from different countries.Also I think Immigrants could take advantage of their freedom and start doing things they have no business doing.

    Connection:I can connect this to the bombing in France .Also to the U.S receiving threats from the  group ISIS.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: New Report Outlines Skepticism in Federal Government
    Article Date: November 23, 2015
    Who: US Government, America
    Where: In the United States
    When: This has been going on since 2007, and continues again today.
    What Happened: The American public is giving the federal government negative reviews as the presidential election is less than a year from now. Americans are saying that they would be able to handle majority of the national problems than elected citizens, that was according to a survey released Monday by the Pew Research Center. Elected officials were regarded as dishonest and selfish in comparison to the average American. It was a month after 9/11 when sixty percent of Americans said they could trust government. However, that changed in 2007 when only twenty four percent of Americans could trust government and it has fallen ever since. The distrust of government relies on party lines. This also comes down to money as well. There was a bipartisan agreement that the federal government should have a major role in terrorism and many more serious topics.
    Why this Event is Relevant: This event is relevant because now with people disagreeing with government, it may have to come down to a serious discussion between elected officials and government on how to get people to side with them on particular situations.
    Reaction: My reaction is mixed on whether who to side with on this particular situation, and also on who is right and who is wrong.
    Opinion: I think that this is crazy. I want people to do what the government and elected officials have to do on a nonstop regular basis because their work is extreme and it could drive a person mad. I know that if I was trying to do what these people can do, I would never live to see the sun again. However, I do agree on why the American public do not trust the government because they do make some ridiculous decisions that I do not agree upon and it drives me to a point where I could rip all my hair out and be bald for the rest of my life. Some decisions are good, others are not so much the same.
    Connection: I only chose this article because this was the first article I saw when I searched in the news section under government on google.


  7. Source:
    Article Title: Paul Ryan Declares War on the War of Poverty
    Article Date: October 2014
    Who: Paul Ryan and United States citizens
    Where: The United States
    When: 2014- Now
    What happened: What this article is about is how the vice president candidate republican Paul Ryan wants to prose new laws that will help people facing poverty financially. He wants low class citizens to be able to spend their money of the best of their ability, without it blowing to waste based on food costs, taxes and housing. He would create plans that allows food stamps, free welfare, extra money to pay for housing and flexibility. A man named Lyndon B. Johnson also came up with a similar plan fifty years ago.These federal grant programs must be passed by the government and come from middle class and high class citizens. Though, not to surprise some democrats and citizens do not like this idea. They do not like this proposal because flexibility will only be slashed, the economy will go down and the government will block these grants. Even so, Paul Ryan is still trying to make this become a law.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because some people do not get as much opportunities as other due to their little income and poverty. The government needs to allow everyone to be able to become successful and survive greatly.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is not surprising. I think those grants would be great for the United States to become a even better country for the world. And for citizens who want to move to the United States in the future.
    Opinion: I think that this law should become true when the government gets all the money situated correctly. It will benefit on people facing poverty and more job places will become more available and full.
    Connection: I choose this article because it is very important and citizens face this struggle during our daily lives. The topic should be discussed more among our government.

  8. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Donald Trump taps into deep Republican anger at government
    Article Date: November 23, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump, U.S Muslims, Pew Research Center
    Where: United States/Washington D.C
    When: Monday
    What happened: Donald Trump is gaining lead at the head of the polls. Even though his campaigning measures are untraditional. The Republican Party is in the lead. As results from a Pew Research Center show. Trump has argued over illegal immigrants, and the stay of Muslims. Candidates, like Donald Trump who share their outspoken political views. Have gained more votes, because they go against the current government. Some people do not trust what the current government says, or does. They believe someone who can go against the “norm” will be a more honest leader. When it comes to running the nation.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because people are voting for the wrong people. Voters who vote for a more radical candidate. Mostly do so, because they think choosing someone with more vulgar opinions. Can really make a change in the United States current government system. If people really follow this philosophy it will result in a huge problem.
    Choosing someone with different views can start the end of the government.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like just because, former presidents have not always expressed their opinions. It could have been for the best. You should not always say what you think or feel. This is not a stable foundation for any government.
    Opinion (I think..) I think people should not vote for candidates like Trump. They like to say what they feel, and do not even care about the consequences. If someone like him ran the country, it could ruin other relationships. For example, when he is making statements about Muslims. They could be offended by what he is saying, and Muslim people in this country could riot. Even Muslims from the Middle East could attack the United States, because of what he said.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article, because there are a lot of people in the U.S whose family are immigrants. One of the many nicknames is “the melting pot”. Since there a so many different ethnicities that are together. If people like Donald Trump don't like illegal immigrants. Is he also against some of the citizens in this county? His inappropriate behavior should not be taken as a savior in helping the government. When you are voting for someone to lead the country you live in. Comparing other Presidents’ actions to current runners is not a good call. As the saying goes “if you don't have something nice to say don’t say it at all”.

  9. Source:

    Article Title:At Donald Trump Rally, Ohio Students Become Part of a Lesson

    Article Date: November 25,2015

    Who: Donald Trump


    When:This Week

    What happened:Donald Trump made some student apart of his lesson. He included them apart of his rally that he was doing in Ohio.

    Why this event is relevant: Donald Trump made bad examples of these kids during his rally. He might have hurt his chances even more to win the election.

    Reaction: I feel like Donald Trump should just drop out of the election. I feel that way because if someone like him wins the election , the U.S could be in trouble.

    Opinion: I think Donald Trump is just losing more and more supporters. I think he has also lost himself the chance to be the representative for the Republican party.

    Connection: I choose this article because it will have a big affect come next November. Also because by doing that to them kids, he made their parents might not want to vote for him.

  10. Source: (entire website address) Title:
    Article Date:November 26, 2015
    Who:Donald trump
    Where:a rally
    When:Tuesday night
    What happened:Tuesday night there was a rally and at that rally it was a reporter who has a physical disability called arthrogryposis which means he can't use his arms that well and trump moved his hand in a way as the reporter was but donald trump denied he did that. New York Times felt offended because the reporter work there.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because anyone shouldn't make fun of somebody who has a disability its disrespectful.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel that its ignorant to make fun of somebody who has any type of disability and especially if your running for president and want votes, treating someone like that won't get you any.
    Opinion (I think..)I think donald trump just shouldn't even be president because he is clearly disrespectful and do not have any manners for anyone. He wouldn't make a good president at all.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because it amazes me how he could be so heartless and non caring for him to want to be president he should have way more respect for people.

  11. Sahmeer W.

    Article: Donald Trump denies mocking reporter's disability

    Tuesday night at a rally in South Carolina, Donald Trump raised his arm in a mocking manner. Reporters assumed Trump was mimicking people that have a physical disability. Serge Kovaleski made a comment about Trump and at the rally, Trump mocked his disability. Kovaleski has a chronic condition called arthrogryposis. The New York Times was offended by his actions but Trump denied that rumor of him mocking Kovaleski. This event is relevant because there are more people out in the world that has a physical disability and/or a mental disability and by Trump mocking Kovaleski, it makes it worse for him and it effects people who do have a disability. My reaction to this is despicable because how can you make fun of a person who has a disability and then deny it when it's noticed on national television. Now it makes it worse of him to have a chance at winning the election. In my opinion, I really don't think Trump should win this election because the job isn't fit for someone like him. He has a negative mentality and little kid mindset. Everything isn't about jokes and the disrespect that he has shown for past couple of months shouldn't be tolerated in a presidential race. If he becomes president then the world will not be the same in years to come. I chose this article because the way Trump treats reporters' on national television, he can treat anyone like that on TV as well and that is not what who we need as a president. We need a president who can help and support us, not mock and destroy us and Donald Trump does not fit in that category.

  12. Source: (
    Article Title:Donald Trump's comments on a database of American Muslims
    Article Date:November 24th, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where:Columbus, Ohio
    When:Nov. 23, 2015
    What happened: Donald Trump wants a registry for Muslims. "Do you think we might need to register Muslims in some type of database, or note their religion on their ID” He states this in his campaign speech.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because making people wear badges or have ID’s to verify their religion is wrong.
    Reaction:I feel like this is back when Hitler made the Jewish people yellow stars to tell their religion. He basically saying that Islamic people are the biggest threat to the country.
    Opinion; I think Trump needs to stop giving very problematic input. Also people need to stop associating ISIS with all Islamic people. Its has been proven that their religion does not condone violence. So just because ISIS is doing horrific things does not mean every Islamic for the attack. If you think about when the KKK was out lynching people and burning houses.Not once did America say it didn’t trust Christians. Therefore stop affiliating innocent Islamic people with terrorism.
    Connection: I choose this article because it reminded me of what Hitler did in WW2.

  13. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Obama Expected to Reject construction of Keystone XL oil pipeline.
    Article Date: In March 2012.
    Who: President Obama is talking about this situation. It's a problem that is going on.
    Where: Obama will go to Paris for the meeting.
    When: The meeting will take place in December.
    What happened: What had happened was Obama is trying to change global warming. He said " He wants to enacting new policies to counter global warming. But his offer was rejected. So Obama moved on to other leaders that the united states that are serious about acting on climate change. He also announced that we should cut emissions of planet warming carbon pollution from the nation's power plants in august. Obama is trying to help us out while he as a chance. He doesn't have long time left for being president.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because people are hurting the earth. A lot of people are dieing from the global warming and stuff.
    Reaction (you're feeling or attitude): My feelings toward this is people need to change and treat the earth better than they do now.
    Opinion (I think..): My opinion is they need to do something about it. Also do what Obama is saying to do because he is trying to help.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I choice this article because it is important to know what the president is doing for us. To see if he is doing anything good for us.

  14. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Bomb blasts in Yola and kills 31 people
    Article Date:November 19, 2015
    Who: the people of Nigeria
    Where: Yola, Nigeria
    When:November 17, 2015
    What happened: there was a suicide bombing in yola Nigeria killing 31 people and injuring many more.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is another bombing in this month alone. This problem is happening all around the world and are killing innocent people. These bombings have led to the many people feeling like this is led by ISIS. Though it seems easy to point the finger at the people who started this, there is not possible evidence that this is true.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feeling towards this is heartbroken and angry. The reason why is because this is a huge issue that is not properly being handle by the legal authorities. And this needs to be stopped because if this goes on more innocent people would be killed. People no longer feel safe around the world because they do not know where the next bombing would be and when. Opinion (I think..) I think if the people began to see that these bombings are becoming common, they will began to change how they feel about the government. The people will start to fight back themselves with or without the government’s help. This could lead to more crime rates and more problems. I believe the people in the government would eventually have to do a lot of work. I also believe that if the people don't stop these bombings radiation around the world would become too hard to handle. This could become a reason for many deaths too because if people take in too much radiation they could die. This is an issue that has to be immediately dealt with for the safety of everyone.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it is an issue that has stopped for many years and is now happening again and it's like the government has no idea how to handle it. This make me look at the government and legal authorities different because the police already are killing innocent people, so how are they going to tell us what's right from wrong. People will then believe that fighting back themselves would be the right thing to do. But the thing is it's the government’s job to help the people change how their ideas and help them. Without the government securing the people's trust this could lead to everyone being for themselves. And people would say that it's is President Obama’s fault for not doing anything about it but it's hard to do when your hands are tied and you can only do so much.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Donald Trump denies mocking reporters disability
    Article Date: November 26, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: New York
    When: Yesterday
    What happened: The New York Times is highly upset to see that during a campaign run in South Carolina, Donald Trump decides that its a very smart idea to mock one of their disabled reporters who's name is Serge Kovaleski. Then in an interview has the audacity to deny the report facing the fact that it is recorded that he did. Sad thing is that Kovaleski has covered Trump multiple times.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because our future is at stake if we elect such an idiotic and childish man.
    Reaction: I am infuriated of how this man is still running. And am confused to how he still has so many votes.
    Opinion: I think people should open there eyes and look at this man and see how terrible this man treats people then straight up lies to us. How can he be president if he is not trustworthy
    Connection: I chose this article because this reflects on us and how bad we will look if he is in power.
