Saturday, November 28, 2015

1st period, Weeks of 11/30-12/11

Due by 3:30 pm on 12/11
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:CNN
    Article title:new front line against ISIS: The Classroom
    Article date: Friday November 27
    Who : children in a classroom learning references from the Quran
    Where :Not noted in the Txt
    When: not noted in the txt
    What Happened: Children as young as 9 or 10 are being taught about the effects of isis and exposed to jihadists belief so authorities are referring to these classrooms as a new front line
    Why this event is relevant: Isis is controlling terrorist actions across the countries and is causing problems throughout the world .
    Reaction: I think we all as citizens who could possibly be next to be attacked by isis should learn more about isis and its effect on the us and the world
    Opinion: i think this give a good background on how some may look at isis
    Connection: i chose this article because i think it relates to our everyday life due to its threats etc. ISIS is now beginning to push back countries and cause them to be in a panic which could also be avoided or Stopped.

    1. Please revise- missing full web address for source

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Obama: The world needs a global climate change deal
    Article Date:December 1, 2015
    Where:Paris and France.
    What happened: President feels as though it needs to be a change. A climate change.President Barack Obama speaks at a new conference in Paris, France. Bloomberg. He discusses all the problem that is going on and how they can change it because it is affecting the world.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because the world need to change.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I support everything that Obama is discussing with France and Paris and other cities.
    Opinion (I think..) I think President Obama is doing the right thing by going to different cities trying to fixed the climate and economic issues.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because I believe that somebody should try to make a change and I believe President Obama is trying to/

  3. Source:
    Article Title: President Obama to Address Nation Over Terror Threats
    Article Date: Sunday, December 6, 2015
    Who: President Obama
    Where: Oval Office
    When: Sunday, December 6, 2015
    What happened: Tonight, President Obama will address the nation's concerns about the terror threats that are going on due to the shootings in San Bernadino. During the shooting, 14 people were killed. Tonight, President Obama will provide the nation with an update of the investigation. He will also provide the nation with a solution as to how we will defeat and deal with the threats.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because every person in nation's life is in danger right now. Everyone wants to know what the next step is and how we will be protected.
    Reaction: Myself, as well as thousands of other people are shocked and scared. We never know what can happen. I think a lot of people are also anxious.
    Opinion: I think that Obama is doing the right thing by letting nation know how he feels about the situation, as well as what he plans to do to resolve it.
    Connection: I chose this article because I took interest in the topic. I also chose this article because it's affecting many people and their lives.

  4. Source:
    Article: Group: 32 ISIS militants killed in airstrike inside Syria
    Date: December 6, 2015
    Who: ISIS
    Where: Syria
    When: Sunday
    On Sunday, 32 ISIS militants were killed in an airstrike in Syria's Raqqa province while 40 others were injured in the airstrike. Reported by the observatory, there were more than 15 other airstrikes located on the ISIS countryside. They aren't quite sure if ISIS targeted Raqqa and who conducted the bombing procedures that took action in the attacks on ISIS. From previous weeks, France, Russia, and the United States have been involved in and around airstrikes in Raqqa. My reaction to ISIS being attacked does not really effect me because of the bombings they did on Paris. They bombed Paris now they were airstriked. You get what you deserved. My opinion is good because they deserved to be punished in some type of way and they were so I'm glad they were airstriked. I can't connect to this in any way so I don't have any connections.

  5. Source: (entire website address):

    Article Title:Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.

    Article Date:Mon December 7, 2015

    Who: Donald Trump

    Where: Washington

    When:Mon December 7, 2015

    What happened:Due to Multiple terrorist attacks committed by Muslims, Donald Trump suggested that America should Ban Muslims from Coming Here. He wants a complete shut down and surveillance against mosques.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant for multiple reasons, one would be that their are hundreds on Muslims living in our and country. Also just less then a week there was an terrorist attack in California carried out by Muslims.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I wish I could say that I was surprised by his comment but because of the type of person I take for him to be, I expected it. I also hope that they take different actions to controlling this issue rather then banning Muslims.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that as a running up President, he should know that this go against the Bill Of Rights. I think he would have to go through alot to make this happen

    Connection (why you chose this article) I connected this to what im learning in class now about natural rights and the Bill of rights etc. I thought that it was unfair to make every single Muslim pay for other people wicket ways.

  6. Dashauna Lovett
    Article Title:On tether to fossil fuels,Nations speaks with money
    Article Date:December 5,2015
    Who:Representatives of 200 Countries
    When:December 2015
    What happened:A meeting took place in Paris about fossil fuel usage.Gas is becoming more costly so they want to cut the cost of fossil fuel.The government spends $490 billion a year for fossil fuel.We get help paying for oil and coal every year.The states no longer want to use government funds for fossil fuels.Using too much oil is causing Global warming.Keeping fossil fuel prices low will make energy sources less affordable.
    Why this event is relevant:The money could be spent on schools and healthcare instead of being wasted.This is important because using too much oil is causing Global warming.It also this is important because if there is no gas how will citizens of the different states get back and forth to their destinations.
    Reaction: The government is taking good steps towards the problem.I agree with the government because if we continue to pay for fossil fuel it would be less affordable and that would cause even bigger problems.
    Opinion:I think that we should make more things mobile as in bikes or electrical because buying fossil fuel is costing too much.The government shouldn't waste money on fossil fuel.I think the money should be used for more important things like school and healthcare.
    Connection:If there is not enough money for fossil fuel there will be no transportation.

  7. Source:
    Article title: US government approves Transgenic chicken
    Article date: December 9 , 2015
    Who: US government
    When: 8 December 2015
    What happened: The FDA approved of a genetically modified chicken that has a human chemical enzyme that helps the body break down fatty molecules. Part of the reason the government approved of these chickens is because of they have results of a genetically modified goat that had a drug in their milk. The FDA considers the modifications of the chicken genome to be a "animal drug".
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because US citizens should concern themselves with what they eat and how it's processed.
    Reaction: I think the FDA and other Federal agencies should stop trying to play "God" with things that are already satisfactory.
    Opinion: I think they should not mess with the biology of animals because pathogens and/or infectious viruses could be imminent if something done wrong.
    Connection: This article reminds me of the movie 28 weeks later because a deadly aggressive virus spread . I feel like the same thing could happen if the biology of animals are messed with.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Black Women Remain Underrepresented in All Levels of Politics
    Article Date: November 30,2 2015
    Who: Black politicians
    Where: The United States
    When: Now
    What happened: Many black women have woman many elections of office over the past decade yet they are still highly underrepresented for various reasons. It is because of the numbers of the black woman of the population that are picked to run for the government. Just 10 black women in nine states have ever held an elected executive office position and all but one -- former Wisconsin Secretary of State Vel Phillips,took office after 1992. Also it is due to African Americans being the most involved with domestic violence and their voices being overlooked. These reasons are causing voters to pick whites or blacks. Despite this, numbers have risen slightly for black woman running in politics after the 2014 election.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because many black female politicians are not getting the attention that they deserve and not being elected for reasons that to not apply specifically to them as a person
    Reaction: I am not shocked, but disappointed at this article. It is not new that blacks to do not equal opportunity even though laws have changed.
    Opinion: I think that the government should start electing more black female politicians to make it more diverse. There should be equal opportunity as well.
    Connection: I choose this article because I am black and I am sure many black females feel misunderstood because of them not getting excepted into becoming a mayor due to their races have problems with domestic violence, abuse, etc. Every race should be equal.

  9. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.
    Article Date: December 8, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump, Immigrant Muslims, Ben Rhodes, Governor Chris Christie, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and other presidential candidates
    Where: United States
    When: Tuesday, 2 days ago
    What happened: Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner candidate for president said on Monday he would ban all Muslim immigrants from entering the United States. Until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release stated.This idea came after the recent deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, by suspected ISIS personnel. He has previously called for surveillance against mosques. Also while possibly wanting to establish a database for all Muslims living in the U.S currently. Even though Trumps statements are very controversial he has many supporters. Who have showed their approval over social media on Monday night. On Monday Trump confirmed during a Fox News interview that his policy would not apply to current Muslims in the U.S. National deputy security adviser of Obama-Ben Rhodes stated Donald Trumps opinion "totally contrary to our values as Americans" and pointed to the Bill of Rights' protection of freedom of religion and pointing to the "extraordinary contributions". Contrary to what Trump says now in September he told CNN "I love the Muslims. I think they're great people,". He denies all claims from this statement, and is very adamant on saying it was the reporter’s point of view. Presidential Candidates including gov. Chris Christie have commented over Trumps views. During an interview on a radio show he announced “What we need to do is to increase our intelligence activities. We need to cooperate with peaceful Muslim Americans who want to give us intelligence against those who are radicalized. Also agreeing on governor Christie on the issue was South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. She wants every presidential candidate to "do the right thing and condemn @Realdonaldtrump's statement." Which she tweeted out on Twitter on December 7th. Other presidential contenders Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush simply said, "‎That is not my policy." or Donald Trump is unhinged. His "policy" proposals are not serious.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because Donald Trump is discriminating toward a certain group of people. Also a lot of people are rallying to support his behavior. Which is making people corrupt by his insensitive statements. Once an idea is implemented into thousands of people's’ heads. It is hard to change their mind to actually think about Trump’s immoral plan.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feeling toward Donald Trump’s plan is disgusted. How can you try to exclude a religion from a country. Pretty sure that’s illegal to do, but the crazy thing is. He is still the front-runner for the democratic Party. This implies there are huge numbers of people just as repulsive as him.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Trump’s idea is unintelligent. The Muslims who killed people in California lived in the U.S, so that doesn't take care of the issue. Stopping Muslims from coming here is unreasonable, because there are many “homegrown” American Citizens that could work for ISIS.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article, because a whole religion was singled out. Next, Trump could be saying I think we should stop Catholics, or Christians from coming over. His way of thinking sound a lot like Hitler's. In the same way he targeted one specific religion, the Jews.

    1. Correction: he is the front-runner for the REPUBLICAN party. You definitely don't want to mix these two parties up.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: No Child Left Behind Is Officially Done
    Article Date: December 10, 2015
    Who: President Obama, Students in the United States, 2016 Republicans and Democrats
    Where: White House in Washington, DC
    When: Earlier today at 11:54 A.M
    What Happened: President Obama signed the “Every Student Succeeds” Act today, it ensures that no child is left behind. Obama said that Republicans and Democrats agreed to this bill. Every Student Succeeds shifts power back to the states on education. Many education advocates, teachers, and administrators saw No Child Left Behind's top-down approach, which stressed test scores above all else, as leaving failing schools and students in the lurch. Under the new law, states, not the federal government, will have most of the say in how to assess students and hold teachers and schools accountable for performance. Testing requirements in math and reading aren't being scrapped, but the new law gives states greater flexibility in figuring out how to use those test scores in evaluating a school's performance. This new act does come with the critics. Some say this law gives states way too much power.
    Why this Event is Relevant: This event is relevant because children now have a chance to get an education. It gives others a chance to feel like they belong in this environment.
    Reaction: I really don’t care, but I am happy for those who can go to school.
    Opinion: I think that this will work out in the end and it will not go to waste.
    Connection: I cannot connect this to anything in my life at all.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: With Domestic Terror in a New Phase, 4 Ways the U.S. Is aking Changes
    Article Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2015
    Who: People of California and Barack Obama
    Where: California
    When: December 15th
    What happened: A couple took armed fire on a group of people, killing 14 of them. President Obama is taking the precautions to insure that this will never happen again. He addresses the situation to ease the worries of the people.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it's another mass shooting that has affected a lot of people. Also because this event is one that will be remembered for a long time.
    Reaction: When I first saw this I just thought it was another sad situation. What could have possible cause them to just open fire on people. The weird thing about it is that it's a married couple.
    Opinion: I think that there is more to the story than just what the media is just putting out there.
    Connection: I chose this because some may say that this could be an undercover terrorist attack, but this has not been interpreted yet.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: Amnesty report: ISIS armed with U.S weapons
    Article Date: December 9, 2015
    Who: U.S and ISIS
    Where: Unknown
    When: Yesterday
    What happened: overtime, ISIS has gotten stronger and has been upgrading their weaponry. It is shown that they have gotten their hands on Chinese, Russian, and American weaponry. Reason for that, may be that allied Iraq military and Syrian rebel's weaponry are being taken from them and are being used. This was a tactic by President Obama to just supply support by air and not get involved on the ground since things aren't really clear to what is going on on the ground.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because other countries may think that we are supplying ISIS with weapons and we will be labeled as the bad people.
    Reaction: I feel nervous in the sense that people from other countries may see us as the bad guy and come attack us.
    Opinion: I think this should be resolved in a safe and calm matter so things can be cleared on this matter.
    Connection: I chose this article because this is a matter that needs to be dealt with. ISIS should not have possession over our artillery.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Donald Trump: “I’m doing good for the Muslims”
    Article Date: Thursday, December 10, 2015
    Who: This event is about presidential candidate, Donald Trump as well as the Muslim community.
    Where: This event took place inside of the United States of America.
    When: This happened this past Wednesday.
    What Happened: Presidential candidate, Donald Trump is receiving backlash for his views and efforts to stop the immigration of Muslims to the United States of America, fearful of the consequences that may come with it. He argues that he is protecting the Muslims and doing what is right for them. He begins to explain that if they were to come, they would get deported anyone. No matter how he attempts to justify this, many people, muslims and non-muslims alike have plenty to say about it. President Obama calls Trump's ideas “stupid” just as he was compared to the German dictator, Adolf Hitler. Yet, Trump does not let it get to him as he says he will continue to push through with his plan if he is indeed elected as a president.
    Why is this event relevant: This event is incredibly relevant because it shows that if one candidate is elected, the majority of the Muslim population would be jeopardized. He would try to destroy the lives many of them made as well as keep some from entering the country. Many people will continue to go against him, making a severe divide in which would surely show if Trump is elected.
    Reaction: I believe that Trump is severely wrong. He is putting the negative spotlight on the muslim community. It would only lead to a major religious feud as it did in the past American history.
    Opinion: I think many people were right to describe his actions to the one’s of Hitler. He was persecuting many Jewish people and I believe if given the chance, Trump would do the same.
    Connection: Another connection I made was not only to Hitler, but to Fidel Castro. This is because he and Trump tried to force their views on foreigners onto the people that follows them.

  14. Source:(
    Article Title:Trump: 'I'm doing good for the Muslims'
    Article Date: December 10, 2015
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where:CNN interview
    When: December 10, 2015
    What happened:Donald Trump is trying to justify what he said about the Islamic community.
    Why this event is relevant:Because he wants to keep blaming the Islamics. No matter how many times Islamics try and speak out on how this is not supported in their religion no one listen. America is facing a lot of challenges with ISIS. But to just place the blame so you can get on with your life is wrong.
    Reaction : I’m not surprised at all. Trump is a very bigoted. He believes every little racists comment that he says is true. People probably aren’t even shocked about what comes out his mouth anymore .
    Opinion: I think that Donald Trump needs to drop out of the presidential race. He is is stirring up too many problems.If ISIS is out to get us . Do you really think it's necessary to add fuel to the fire. I could see if his speeches or opinions had actual reason. But they don't they're just racists comment thrown at every campaign.
    Connection: I choose the article because i’m honestly sick of Donald Trump. I really hope that he doesn't become president .

  15. Source:

    Article Title: The media unloads on Trump

    Article Date: December 10, 2015

    Who: The media and Donald Trump

    Where: The internet

    When: Some days ago

    What happened: Donald Trump called for a temporary ban on muslims entering the United States. Some of America’s most esteemed journalists were not too happy about that and labeled the Republican a liar, a demagogue, a racist and more. The veteran NBC news anchor, Tom Brokaw, called Trump’s proposal dangerous and related it to the Holocaust and the Japanese internment. Several others said that Trump’s proposal poses as a national security threat. Richard Engel, the NBC News chief foreign correspondent, said Monday. "It is...a black spot on our collective foreign policy and our conscience. And it also just feeds into the ISIS narrative."

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because it affects people both in and outside of the United States. This is wrong to many people and when they first heard about the proposal, they were shocked or angered or upset.

    Reaction: How is he just going to say out of nowhere that just Muslims can not enter the United States. I want to know why he suggests this. Maybe he thinks they are all terrorists. He might be scared.

    Opinion: I thinks this is very unreasonable because what did the Muslims ever do to him to make him react in this way.

    Connection: I chose this article because I have family that are Muslim and they probably have something to say about this topic.

  16. Source:

    Article Title:Ben Carson Appeals to Black Voters, but His Campaign Doesn’t, Yet

    Article Date:December 2 ,2015

    Who: Ben Carson


    When:This Week

    What happened:Ben Carson campaign isn't appealing to the black community. He can't control the black community into his favor.

    Why this event is relevant: Because he might need them if he wants a chance to win. If he can’t win over the community he might lose the election.

    Reaction: I am neutral on this because I feel like he should do more to try to win them over. Also because he should make himself more appealing to his own people.

    Opinion: I think he should change his approach on his campaign in order to win this election. He should also tell them what they want to hear.

    Connection: I choose this article because this could play a big role in the election. Also because these things could cost him a chance to be president.

  17. Source:
    Article Title: Should U.S. Swap Iranian prisoners for Americans?
    Article Date: September 30,2015
    Who: President Barack Obama, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
    Where: This event occurs in Iran and U.S.
    When: This event occurred on September 2015.
    What happened: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani wants to exchange 19 iranians prisoners for 4 Americans.Iran has american prisoners for disobeying their laws and americans do as well have iranians.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Iran has a history for tactical hostage-taking. In 1979 Iranian Revolution and the capture of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran when Iranian groups in Lebanon held American citizens hostage. By the 1990s and 2000s when Americans traveled to Iran, they would be arrested and charged for them thinking they were spying.
    Reaction: I feel as though it's not right for either one of them to. Humans shouldn't be held like animals for simple things like that.
    Opinion: I think this is wrong for both of them to have prisoners held as hostages. They both should return them to their countries instead of trading so there will be less conflict
    Connection: I chose this article because it is important for everyone to know what types of deals U.S is making with other countries.


    Article Title: Where Is Yossele? Trust me
    You want to know.

    Article Date: November 30, 2015

    Who: Yossele Schumacher

    Where: Israel

    When: 1960

    What happened? : Yossele Schumacher, was abducted by his Orthodox grandparents and hidden from his real parents and the Israeli police. A few weeks past a and all of the Israelis knew of the case. The press largely into the story. His grandparents hid him in secret places and when the authorities started to noticed they started to smuggle him out the country. They would usually disguise him in woman clothing and make him look woman like.

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because this isn't just happening in Israel but this is happening everywhere and to many young boys and girls and this should tried to be stopped.

    Reaction: I feel as though in the future when I have kids I wouldn't want this to happen I would feel sad and depressed.

    Opinion: I think this is not right and everyone who has a child should be overprotective and keep him/her very secure so nothing can happen to the child. Also I think the police should be more on missing persons.

    Connection: I can connect to this article because my aunt has a child and he went missing one day and the outcome was he got kidnapped but he was found by the police in a park.

  19. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:White House: Donald Trump Muslim plan 'disqualifies' him from presidency

    Article Date: December, 8, 2015

    Who: Donald Trump

    Where: United States

    When: December,8, 2015

    What happened: Donald trump said that he feels as though that muslims shouldn't be allowed to enter the united states. He wants them to be banned and not have any way the US at all. From all of this he is now disqualified from presidency.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is discrimination. Right now the world is going through a tough time where whites are doing things to African Americans aren't getting the rights they deserve and trump is adding fire to the flame. You can see that he is making racism between white and another race even worst.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) How i feel about this is that he should be disqualified because what he doing isn't right at all. He is trying to make another race feel like an outsider and you shouldn't make anyone feel like they can't be apart of something.

    Opinion (I think..) That from this Trump should never be able to run for anything from this and people should really start seeing how Trump is a racist old man and doesn't care about anything but himself. All he is a one man show who worries about himself and if it doesn't have to do with him then he doesn't care.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it's important to talk about and this is common in today. You can see how people real feelings are about other races and how racism is still alive when it shouldn't be at all. People shouldn't worry about what race you are that shouldn't matter in life the only thing that should be a concern is keeping everyone as a unit and letting the world have peace.
