Sunday, November 1, 2015

1st period, week of 11/2-11/6

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/6

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. source:http//
    article title: wegih Texas wages and legalizing pot
    article date:11-3-15
    who:Germany Turkey, libya
    when: 11-3-15
    what happened: what is across the country are coconsidering ballot meusoures on Tuesday on a range of in Hunter rights to minimum wage increase campaign finace and marijuana legalization. I think the reason why they want to legalize marijuana is because the government might make more money because more people smoke marijuana. awesome it Mississippi voters are deciding on a constitutional amendment apples leaders that would allowed to residents to summer school spending door falls and give courts more say over public education funds.
    the reason why this is relevant because this is talking about them let in a drug be legal so the government can make more money.
    I think that this is a good and bad thing reason why I think it's bad because if this gets sold on the street then the homicide rate might get higher each year because of the marijuana use and how big of a thing it might get. mana reason why I think is a good thing because the government might make more money because is illegal and that's going to get taxesout of it.
    my opinion is that they should not legalize cigarettes because cigarettes to your body slowly did you know this cigarette nicotine rat poison and other it chemicals they can kill you very fast that's why I'll be cause cancer. I just think its crazy about the whole cigarette thing did they kill you faster but they're legal marijuana it's just a plant that has side effects and there are illegal.
    the reason why I connected to this article because it was talking about weight taxes wages and legalizing pot Aunt arena title I thought it was crazy but then I thought about it and I was like this maybe can help the government with some of the debt they have. I still in like 50 50 with this because like I said there will be a lot of homicides over this drug because there is a lot of people that use it and they're going to be things over and about it. but then this could be a good thing because there will be more money me money made. marijuana is not like a drug like cocaine or any type of or any other type of drug it's just a plant that is illegal and the government treated like is something wrong with itthis is why I picked this article because I thought that it was crazy how they wanted to not let marijuana B legal even though is not legal and our state.

  2. Dashauna Lovett
    Source: (entire website
    Article Title:Voters weigh taxes,wages and legalizing pot
    Article Date:November 3,2015
    Who:Residents and Voters
    When:November 2015
    What happened:People want to lower taxes,hunting rights,increase minimum wage and legalize marijuana.In Mississippi they want the court to have more control over education funding. In Washington voters want more say over tax increase.Tacoma Washington wants to raise minimum wage to $12-$15 by 2018.Maine want the campaign to put up $1million for candidates.Texas want the right to hunt.Ohio want to legalized they would be the 5th most populated.
    Why this event is relevant:This is important because the voters of these states feel like their voices are not being heard.Also the government are passing the laws.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)People voices need to be heard.If they voices are not being heard they will expect more from the government.
    Opinion (I think..)I think people should want funding for education.I also think minimum wage should be increased.People should have the right to hunt because they are not harming others.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I also don't think all voter voices are being heard.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Dallas Zoo May Have to Allow Guns
    Article Date: November 4, 2015
    Who: Citizens of Dallas
    Where: Dallas, Texas
    When: 2015
    What happened: The Dallas Zoo wants to come up with a new law that wants to pass guns in zoo's. The government severely disagree's with the Zoo's suggestion and says that Zoo's are meant to be family friendly and like a amusement park. A attorney even filed grievance againist this law and says that they should keep the "no guns signs". Though the city attorney like the idea and will be up for the challenge to get the law opposed. Thinking that zoo's should have protection in case the animals turn wild.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because zoo's are very important to people all over the world and people and animals need to be protected. It is also relevant because many citizens go through problems with getting laws passed. It is related to that problem.
    Reaction: Mt feeling towards this matter is that I think that they should carry guns. Without guns, there wouldn't be that much protection instead of walls and barriers. There are many cases in zoos where animals have escaped their habitat. So guns would be good for zoos.
    Opinion: My opinion on this matter is that this law should be passed because Zoos need to be safer for families who want to visit.
    Connection: I choose this article because the Zoo was one of my favorite places to visit as a child and still is because I love animals. I want Zoo's to be safe and for them to make sure the gun doesn't fall under the wrong hands.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: O'Malley Hits Clinton on Death Penalty, Changing Views
    Article Date: October 30,2015
    Who: Martin O'Malley and Hillary Clinton
    Where: Boulder, Colorado
    When: October 28, 2015
    What happened: O'Malley believes that the death penalty should be abolished. Now, Clinton beleieves that as well. O'Malley attacked Hillary clinton because she constantly changes her views and positions on things.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because some people do not believe in the death penalty because of their religious beliefs.
    Reaction: In this article, O'Malley seems very upset with Clinton because she is being a "flip flopper."
    Opinion: I do think the death penalty should be abolished. I think people who have committed the crimes to get themselves the death sentence should still live. While in prison, they should just extremely suffer. I think killing those people is just letting them get off easy. And they don't deserve to be let off easily.
    Connection: I chose this article because this topic was interesting to me and I never hear about it in the news.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:U.S. Government Bonds Pull Back on Yellen’s Remarks
    Article Date: 11/4/15, National
    Who: Janet Yellen, U.S Government(Federal reserve)
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: Started October 28, 2015. Updated Yesterday -November 4, 2015
    What happened: Janet Yellen the Federal Reserve chairwoman. Is trying to have an increased interest rate on U.S Government debt starting in December. Since October 28 the Federal government has stated they were being stricter on government policy. Which has made the bond market want to start selling of their property. The new price deadline mainly focuses on short-term debt.The Treasury said Wednesday “it will sell $24 billion of three-year notes, $24 billion of 10-year notes and $16 billion of 30-year bonds next week”. This has also caused a decrease in bond prices. There is no support for bond holders. Which could make them lose all their capital, or money. With very little money left the economy is going down fast.The central bank is sure that a steady increase in short-term interest rates won't stop the U.S. growth outlook. Companies have been using low interest rights, before they are possibly taken away. The federal government will feel more confident raising interest rates. When struggling markets receive a steady flow of money regularly. On a poll Investors made predictions that there will be a 60% increase. By the December 15-16 policy meeting based on CME Group data.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because places like Wall Street could make or break the economy. As we saw in the previous 2007-2009 recession. Companies that put a lot of money in stocks, and bonds are the backbone of our economy. There is a lot of money put into stocks, because the government can tax them.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like increasing the debt rate for the United States government, because it will cause a lot of problems in the long-run. If companies stocks crash, and become unstable again then a large part of revenue will be lost. The taxes that Americans pay won't be nearly enough. To cover the billions of dollars in debt.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the Federal government shouldn't just depend on one source of revenue. If that plan fails there won't be a backup plan.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article, because you tend to forget that the U.S is in debt. Since they spend money all the time for unnecessary uses. Why can’t the government shift money around to pay back their debt ?

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Will there be a government shutdown this December?
    Article Date: November 5, 2015
    Who: Congress, United States Government
    Where: Washington, DC
    When: Over the past couple of days
    What Happened: The United States government is planning on shutting down in December. However, a new deal was signed which lowers the possibility of a shutdown. Congress has five weeks until the deadline to negotiate a spending package. President Obama signed a budget deal on Monday that gives appropriators in Capitol Hill an additional twenty five million dollars to devote the military for the rest of the year and another twenty five million on domestic problems. With an agreement on easing spending limits, Democrats and Republicans could find themselves in a standoff and risk the government to shut down if lawmakers demand the inclusion of controversial policy riders in a spending deals.
    Why the Event is Relevant: This event is relevant due to how catastrophic this event could be in the United States. If the government shuts down, who is going to take care of many of the circumstances we are in now? The last time the government shutdown in 2013, over eight hundred thousand people were out of work and not paid. Also, Obamacare started over and costed the country twenty four billion dollars.
    Reaction: I am nervous for what is about to happen if the government shuts down. It could be much worse because of the dangerous people who are around on this planet breathing the same air as others who are living an amazing life.
    Opinion: My opinion on this is make the right decision Congress, and do not cause an outbreak that might make this country go off the deep end.
    Connection: I chose this article because it reminds me of what happened in 2013 when the government shutdown for almost a month. it was sort of crazy, but it could be even worse because of the people that are in this country and doing things out of the ordinary. This could be a huge disaster if the government shuts down again. There is no telling what can happen on any given day.

  7. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Bernie Sanders files bill to legalize marijuana

    Article Date:11/3/15

    Who:Bernie Sanders

    Where:Washington, D.C.


    What happened:Bernie Sanders has filed a bill in the Senate seeking to end the federal criminalization of marijuana. Some voters are rejecting this Act.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because its happening in the year 2015. Also because people get arrested for drug more then anything else.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think that he is trying to get votes, but im not sure if legalizing it will be a good idea. Im surprise that he wants to do so also because he doesn't look like that type of president that would.

    Opinion (I think..) In im opinion this act will go through because this can go so man ways that are negative. In long term I think that they will regret passing this law.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I know a lot of people who sell illegal drugs and that's the only way they are getting by. So by legalizing weed, Its taking them off the streets.


    Title: O'Malley blasts Clinton over death penalty
    Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2015
    Who: O'Malley and Hillary Clinton
    Where: Washington, DC
    When: A couple weeks ago

    Governor O'Malley criticised Hillary Clinton because of her switch up. O'Malley stated that the death penalty should be abolished and the other candidates didn't really agree with his choice, including Hillary. Later, she changed her mind and suggested the same for the death penalty. Hillary tries to change her statements all the time just to get more votes on her side but somd voters fail to realize it and they still vote for her just because of the words she says that makes her cover up look presentable. This is relevant because Hillary doesn't really have her own saying in the race. If she feels as though her statement isn't enough for voters attention, she'll change hers and takes someone else's words but change her reasoning for the statement and that's how she works around the race. My reaction to this wasn't really shocking but I was expecting Hillary to be doing something to get attention raised like flip flopping for statement to statement. I personally dislikes Trump and Clinton and I don't want neither winning the election because American will not turn out as a bright country. In my opinion, I think the death penalty should be abolished for religious reasons. Killing the inmates will do nothing but take another life but they should do a maximum amount of time in prison because of the murder but the death penalty is irrelevant and very useless. They can suffer while in prison, that's what the life sentence is for. I can connect to the outside life where people flip flop as a friend to a foe. One minute you're friends with someone and the next minute attitudes are flying around.

  9. Source Article Title: Obama Administration Takes Aim at Epidemic of Heroin, Painkiller Abuse

    Who: Barack Obama, Representatives

    Where: Charleston Virginia

    When: Wednesday October 21, 2015

    What happened: Obama is trying to help so people can cut down on drug abuse. He is making speeches in different places. Also he is getting medical assistance such as people of the american nurses, family physicians, etc to help try and cut down on this. They are going to help the government help more than 540,000 people undergo training to opioid prescriptions. For reward they are getting awareness messaging on prescribing practices. Multiple stores that sell drugs are going to ease down on selling drugs. Obama noted that "120 Americans die every day from drug overdoses," and most involve prescription drugs. "That's more than from car crashes," he added. Prescription drug abuse and heroin use have taken a heartbreaking point on many Americans and their families.While trying to get a new law enforcement and treatment programs obama is kindly trying to treat americans.

    Why this event is relevant: This topic is relevant because many people are abusing drugs these days and this is turning into a tragic event. Many people are overdosing and dying because of drug abuse.

    Reaction: This topic makes me feel sympathy for many people because they are damaging themselves by drug abuse and also are leaving their families which can give them a bad downfall.

    Connection : i can connect to this event because i know a man who did drugs everyday. I used to seem under the influence and i would just walk pass him. Now he is in rehab and is now doing way better in life.

  10. Source: (entire website address) The source address is
    Article Title:The name of the article is Chicago Police: 9-year-old Tyshawn Lee lured into alley, shot to death.
    Article Date:The article was last updated on Friday november 6 2015.
    Who:The article included a boy, a gun, gang members, and police officers.
    Where: The location is not specific, but the city was identified. The events took place in an alley in the city Chicago.
    When: It date is not specific but it occurred this week.
    What happened: A 9 year old boy was lured and killed in an alley in Chicago. The murder of the boy has been related to gang affiliated deaths. The boy was as speculated to be around the boy’s father.The boy’s father is related to a rival gang.The 9 year old boy was unarmed and only carried his father’s mistakes before being murdered maliciously. Veteran police officers were disgusted after made aware of the event.
    Why this event is relevant:This event relevance is based on Chicago's murder rates and involvement of gang violence.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My condolences goes out to the boy’s family. This event only provide more evidence that murder is steeping to an even lower level.
    Opinion (I think..) I think you know the risk of participating in gang violence and that's why you try to separate street life and family time. Even stating that you do not involve other people's kids.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This boy will never grow old and we should not forget we are just as harmful to ourselves as are cops.


    Chicago Police: 9-year-old Tyshawn Lee lured into alley, shot to death

    11:06 AM ET, Fri November 6, 2015 National news


    Sometime this week

    Tyshawn Lee a 9 year old boy was murdered because of his father was a member of a gang that was in a conflict with another gang.

    I think the author write this because they might have kids of their own and to see a kid be killed for something they did not do is absurd.

    I think it was not right to kill someone so young that had a whole to live, someone who might had dreams to fulfill and he couldn't. It was also wrong because his father made the mistake, not him. So I think it was not a good thing and that people should do something about this.


  12. Source:

    Article Title:
    Explaining the Cost of College Tuition

    Article Date: November 4 2015

    Who: Students all over

    Where: States all over

    When: November 4 2015

    What happened: People are trying to say that the cost of your tuition depends on where you live. Some people are paying more than double the amount of others.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because a lot of students can't pay for college. Everyone is saying how important college is but everyone can't pay for it

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though that this isn't right they should make colleges the same price everywhere it shouldn't matter where you live. Their making it as though that they feel like wherever the college is they got the right to choose wether the price should be higher or lower and that's not right.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that colleges prices should be the same everywhere and it shouldn't matter where you live. I feel as though you should make college affordable for everyone all over. The more you make colleges affordable the more people come and your making even more money and that's just benefiting the colleges.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I'm in 11th grade about to graduate soon and I want to be able to have affordable college to go to and not be in a lot of debt. I want my mom to be able to pay for college and not have to struggle or not be able to pay my tuition at all.

  13. Source:

    Article Title:Rubio swings back at Trump over finances
    Article Date: November 5, 2015

    Who: Marco Rubio and Donald Trump

    Where: New Hampshire

    When: Not too long ago

    What happened:
    Rubio said that he found it ironic that Trum was talking about financial history. Rubio stated "I find it ironic that the only person running for president that's ever declared a bankruptcy, four times in the last 25 years, is attacking anyone's finances.” Rubio is clearly upset by Trump’s accusations.Rubio also said that when the polls are bad, Trump says a lot of nonsense and he doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Why this event is relevant:
    This is relevant because one of these people could be the next president . Hopefully not Donald Trump.

    Reaction: I'm not very concerned about this, honestly.

    Opinion: I think Rubio was using facts to back up his argument and Trump was just talking just to talk.
    Connection: I chose this article because it seemed interesting.

  14. Source:

    Article Title:Ben Carson Appeals to Black Voters, but His Campaign Doesn’t, Yet

    Article Date:November 5,2015

    Who: Ben Carson


    When:This Week

    What happened:Ben Carson campaign isn't appealing to the black community. He can't control the black community into his favor.

    Why this event is relevant: Because he might need them if he wants a chance to win. If he can’t win over the community he might lose the election.

    Reaction: I am neutral on this because I feel like he should do more to try to win them over. Also because he should make himself more appealing to his own people.

    Opinion: I think he should change his approach on his campaign in order to win this election. He should also tell them what they want to hear.

    Connection: I choose this article because this could play a big role in the election. Also because these things could cost him a chance to be president.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: How the U.S. Government tries to make Apple unlock phones
    Article Date: This article was published on October 25, 2015.
    Who: Justice department and Apple company
    Where: This event occurs in U.S.
    When: This event occurred in October 2015.
    What happened: The Justice Department claims that Apple still owns the software running on the locked phone, so for cases, Apple has to help the law enforcements to unlock it.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people should know that the law enforcement wants Apple to unlock their phones, which is unfair and everyone should know that people are being validated their personal stuff on their phones.
    Reaction: I feel this is not right that the law enforcement is invading our personal things on our phones, even though it can be helpful for cases.
    Opinion: I think the Apple should not unlock their phones, speaking from a person that has an IPhone and my stuff on my phone should be for my eyes only.
    Connection: I chose this article because my mom is like the law enforcement and sometimes she wants me to unlock my phone to see what's on it, and I think it's not right for her to do that because it's my phone.

  16. Source :http:
    Article Title: Obama Bans Hiring Bias Against Ex-Cons seeking Federal Jobs
    Article Date: November 2 ,2015
    Who: Obama
    When: Monday , November 2
    What happened:On Monday, President Obama is announcing a new order to reduce potential discrimination against former convicts in the hiring process for federal government employees.
    It is a step towards what many criminal justice reformers call "ban the box" - the effort to eliminate requirement for jobs. President Obama spoke to many federal prison about the approach in July.Obama think that "If they have a chance to at least meet you," the president continued, "you're able to talk to them about your life, what you've done, maybe they give you a chance.
    Why is this event relevant: This is relevant because people this give people a second chances in life. They can should that they learned from their mistakes.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) -I was shocked but happy .
    Opinion (I think..) I think this could be a positive thing . This could be a great step in the right direction
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it’s important for people to have second chance. Also I know how hard it is for my dad to get a job because he got locked up .

  17. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Obama Expected to reject construction of keystone XL oil Pipeline
    Article Date:In March 2012
    Who:President Obama is talking about this situation.
    Where:He went to a meeting in pairs.
    When:The meeting took place in December.
    What happened:Obama is trying to change global warming. He said "enacting new policies to canter global warming."But his offer was rejected. So Obama moved on to other leaders that the united states is serious about acting on climate change. He also announced that we should cut emissions of planet
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because people are hurting the earth. People are getting sick and other kind of stuff.
    Opinion (I think..)They need to do something about this so people wont die a lot.
    Connection (why you chose this article) It is important to know in life what our
    president is doing.

  18. Source:

    Article Title:Paris attacks reignite debate over encryption, surveillance and privacy

    Article Date:November 17, 2015

    Who: White House, Government, Andrew Harnik

    Where: Washington

    When: Friday,13,2015

    What happened:Due to the terrorist Attack in Paris have revived the debate over whether U.S. tech companies should be required to build "backdoors" into encrypted phones, apps and Internet sites to let law enforcement conduct surveillance of suspected terrorists. Trying to figure put a way to make it harder for terrorist to communicate.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this event happened recently. It did not only affect Paris but us as an nation because hundreds of innocent people was killed due to senseless violence that can now possible be prevented.

    Reaction: The only difference about this attack in my opinion is that it happened in a different place. Things like this happen all over the world, we just pick and choose what we want to pay attention to.

    Opinion: I think that this would be a great idea. I think it will work effectively, under one condition.. no scams.

    Connection: I picked this article because it stuck out to me and struck an interest. I heard about the attack but I didn't quiet know what was going on.
