Saturday, November 28, 2015

4th period, Weeks of 11/30-12/11

Due by 3:30 pm on 12/11
Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences).
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)
Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Robber's gun jams as he tries to shoot hero

    Article Date: 3:01 PM ET,Sat November 21, 2015

    Who: Armed Robber and Victim

    Where: New Orleans

    When:Sat November 21, 2015

    What happened: An armed robber shoots student Peter Gold in the stomach after he approaches a suspect. When the suspect tried to shoot Gold again, the gun jammed and the robber fled into a car with the victim’s purse.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because rmed robbery happens almost everywhere and the ones in power should work on trying stop the robberies from happening because majority of the times this event occurs, someone is injured or dead and this scenario had someone walk out alive which is a sign to try and stop it from happening again.

    Reaction: I think that the shooting was unnecessary and unneeded because the victim already looked terrified before he got shot and that this is something big because of the victim’s race.

    Opinion: This situation that occurred this could’ve ended much worse but the man chose that fate for trying to step up and be a hero.

    Connection: I believe that this is all due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time and that in life you take a risk of trying to confront others if they are wrong for what they are doing.

    ~Desmond Collins, Jr.

    1. Post does not meet length requirement of 10 complete sentences. Please revise before deadline.

  2. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Suspected cop killer in Pennsylvania says he didn’t know he was shooting at officer

    Article Date: November 30, 2015

    Who: Ray Shetler

    Where: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    When: Over the weekend

    What happened: A man by the name of Ray Shetler is being accused of killing a veteran police officer over the weekend is saying that he didn't know he fired a cop. The officer died Saturday night. He was responding to a domestic violence call. Sources say that Shetler was allegedly drunk and aggressive. Girlfriend of Shetler says the officer known as Officer Lloyd Reed shot at Shetler first. After the officer fired, Shetler returned fire.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because cop killing is a serious going on in society,

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like if this was an African American that committed the crime it would be would way worst for him.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that if the suspect is killing a sweet sentence then everyone accused of killing a cop should be given the same sentence.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I feel strongly about injustice in the criminal justice system. If this was a black man he wouldn't even be given the opportunity of that statement

  3. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Foreign policy test Ben Carson
    Article Date:November 18, 2015
    Who:Ben Carson
    Where:Nation Wide
    When: This month

    What happened:Ben is facing his first big foreign test policy in his life. And it was about Paris terrorist attacks and his early grades haven't been so good. The comments from the retired pediatric neurosurgeon, who leads the republican presidential race in some polls, are raising concerns. In recent days, Carson has made bold assertion about having intelligence. Carson had acknowledged his shortcomings doing something that few serious presidential candidates ever do. Cocede that he is on a learning curve.

    Why this event is relevant: Because everybody need to know about this.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I really don't care about this at all because it don't mean nothing to me but I could care about it because it's going to effect my future.

    Opinion (I think..) I think this was a good one about the president thing that's all j got to say.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this because I was interested in this and it was about Paris too.

  4. Source:

    Article Title: Arrest in gun violence threat that closed University of Chicago campus

    Article Date: Mon November 30, 2015

    Who: Michael Amiridis and Victim

    Where: University of Chicago

    When: Mon November 30, 2015

    What happened: The University of Illinois at Chicago said Monday that one of its students had been arrested following an investigation into threats made against the University of Chicago.The threat had led to the closure of the University of Chicago campus Monday.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this how human word can show you that they can or going to do something really bad. Also, why this relevant because doing our society today people use harm words to put something in danger.

    Reaction I feel that people should not say crazy thought out to the society because it make the innocent people frightening. Also, I feel that it would just make you get bad consequences to your own life over bad thoughts.

    Opinion My opinion is that they where right to lock that student up because they might really be serious and might kill innocent students. Also, I think that they should put that student on special watch or kick that student out that school.

    Connection A connection I have is when I was in school and someone had said a threat about doing something about the school. So, the result of this is that they rush the kids out so that when can be safe after getting out at 3 o'clock.

    -Troy Drayton

  5. Source:

    Article Title: Megachurch Pastor said 'Islam Is a False Religion' During Fiery Sermon- and He Wasn't Done There

    Article Date: November 19, 2015

    Who: Pastor Robert Jeffreys

    Where: Dallas, Texas

    When: November 14, 2015

    What: Megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, responded to the Paris terror attacks during his sermon. He called the Islamic faith a "false religion" that "is inspired by Satan himself." The pastor believes that the terrorists were "acting according to the teaching of Islam", and thinks the U.S should take action to stop the Islamic State.

    Why Relevant: I feel like this article is extremely relevant because a lot of people in the world probably feel this way and don't realize how rude and disrespectful it is.

    Reaction: When I first read this article I was shocked, but my shock soon turned into anger. I was shocked because I couldn't believe someone could be so rude and not seem to care. I was angry because so many people believe that ALL Muslims are terrorists or bad people when that's far from true!

    Opinion: I feel like people should educate themselves before they say certain things. I feel like this because many people don't realize that Islam promotes peace.

    Connection: I feel a huge connection to this article because I'm Muslim so when people say bad/false things about Islam it hits extremely close to home.

    -Maryam Abdulmatin

  6. Source:

    Article Title: ISIS Has 300 U.S. Ambassadors on Twitter

    Article Date: Dec 1 2015, 10:00 am

    Who: 300 American's most of them being women, as well as ISIS.

    Where: Twitter.

    When: 2015

    What happened: At least 300 American's most of them being women. Are acting as ISIS participants. As well as ISIS ambassadors on social media. These people are spreading propaganda, as well as recruiting.

    Why this event is relevant: I feel as though this event is relevant because ISIS is a real life threat to our lives and our country. I feel as though that ISIS is very dangerous and should be handled with extreme caution.

    Reaction: I think that the Americans responsible for these events are wrong. I say that because the Americans who did this live here in American and are siding with them. So if that's the case then those Americans should go over there and live with them, and be apart of their society. And see how things turnout.

    Opinion: Who ever the Americans are behind this are just as bad as the ISIS participants.

    Connection: I feel a connection to this somewhat because this is similar to when people make fake pages on social media and harass people.


    Could Bill Clinton Be Vice President If Hillary Clinton Wins in 2016?

    Running candidates of both the Clintons are the talk of December, 2015. Which involves the entire nation and the government as a whole of the United States in the White House.

    Hilary Clinton stated that she wanted her husband to be the vice president of her term if she in the person to be elected for president. But, with evidence of the constitution, that may not be permitted. The constitution states that if someone has already did their two terms in the form or in close contact of president, cannot run more than two terms. Hilary states that she would love for him to be in the office with her and that he would be great but, under the rules of the constitution, that will not be able to happen. Questions of what the constitution actually means rise to many people. One question means that if he is not electable then it is clear that he cannot be president but if he cannot serve then he may be able to run for president. The topic is relevant so that people who are eligible to vote, can vote once they know who is running. I feel that it is fine if both of the Clintons run for president especially, if they are democrats and they were apart of the good things and improvements Obama made. I feel that it should not be a problem if Bill falls under the qualifications of running. I chose this current event because it draws attention back to the fact that it is almost time to vote for another president and that everyone should vote if they can and for the best person for the entire nation as a whole. The role of the Democrats should be highly favored because of the good improvements they want for all nationalities and not Republicans because of their views on all nationalities.

    1. This is a great topic choice! We will be talking about the legality of this in the next chapter.


  8. Source: (website) Cnn

    Article Title:ISIS video claims beheading of Russian spy, threatens Russian people

    Article Date: December 3 2015

    Who: ISIS

    Where: This happen in Russia

    When: Wednesday 11/3/15

    What happened: A Russian spy got caught on Wednesday for spying on ISIS and is not about to kill him. ISIS threatens Russia government saying that nobody in Russia we be safe in there holmes. Then they say we will kill every son there and destroy you holmes as well. This isn't a good thing at all.

    Why this event is relevant- This is relevant because ISIS is so powerful they are going everywhere and killing for no reason. It dont matter what race you are they are building and trying to take over the whole world

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad for the russians they are so powerful and is willing to kill everybody that's standing in there way. And I feel so bad for the Russians somebody need to take them down at last.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Some Federal Dollars Released to PA Domestic-Violence Programs
    Article Date: December 4, 2015
    Who: domestic violence victims, government
    Where: Harrisburg, Pa
    When: December 2015
    What happened: The state is being instructed to give $1.4 million of the federal money to the shelters that are open for victims of domestic violence .
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Before they were directed to give this money staff and service were being reduced to allow the shelters to even stay open. That is bad bad because eventually that would have lead to the building closing down for good.
    Reaction: I feel as though they made the right decision of doing this. This gives the victims a place to escape to if they are not safe or if they are being abused, seriously threatened ect.
    Opinion: I think this is a good idea that they made them give this money. These victims don't usually leave these situations of domestic violence because they have no where to go. So they are forced to stay on their abusive environment.
    Connection: I choose this because I seen a movie that involved domestic violence. The girl in the situation had no where to go so she was forced to stay in her abusive situation. As the movie went on the girl was beat to death. Maybe this could have been avoided if the the girl had a place to go instead of staying in that dangerous home. That's why the shelter should stay open and should be financed by the government.

    1. Thanks for sharing this! I did not hear about this yet.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Working Families Party Endorses Bernie Sanders For President
    Article Date: Dec.8
    Who:Bernie Sanders, Working Families Party
    What happened:Bernie Sanders is being endorsed and supported by the working families Party. They first started to endorse Hillary Clinton, but then decided to endorse sanders. They thought he was a better candidate. The party is tied to Bill de Blasio which is the mayor of New York City. A man name Dam Cantor called the endorsement of Mr.Sanders "A big moment for us". He says that sanders is a close fit for focusing on working families. But the party is not in the primary voting states so the outcome of this could be anything. "Bernie has devoted his career to helping working families and is gratified by the support of the working damage party". Says sanders campaign manager.

    Why this event is relevant: Because Bernie Sanders is a candidate to become president and he will need all the support he can get.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is good because i like bernie sanders and i think he will make a good president.
    Opinion: my opinion about this is that im happy people are supporting him and believing im him.
    Connection: i chose this because this is about our potential future president .

  11. Lidia Abebe


    Article Title: Rubio Says Trump's Muslim Ban 'Never Going to Happen'

    Article Date: December 10, 2015

    Who: Marco Rubio

    Where: Good Morning America

    When: Thursday, December 10, 2015

    What happened: Marco Rubio states what Donald Trump said about banning muslims isn’t going to happen. He says "We need to refocus here on the important issue of terrorism...This is a growing threat and we're not spending nearly enough time focusing on it."

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because in today’s society/world is still racist. What’s even more racist and crazy is that donald wants muslims to be banned and this also relevant for muslims which there are nearly millions of them.

    Reaction: My reaction was priceless. I couldn’t believe it. This even more upsetting though for muslims, they must really hate him now after finding out about that.

    Opinion: I honestly think donald trump isn’t going to win. I believe america is smart enough to not vote for him and understand what he wants is basically nazi’s all over again. He’s trying to be the new Adolf Hitler.

    Connection: I have so many muslim friends and i’d hate to see them get banned.

  12. Source:

    Article Bank records show $28,500 deposit to Syed Farook's account two weeks before the shooting, source says

    Article Date: Published December 08, 2015

    Who: Killed 14 and wounded 21

    Where: ISIS

    When: Tuesday 8, 2015

    What happened: In this article there was a person who had sent a bunch of money to Syed right before him and his wife went out and killed 7 people and injured 21 one at holiday lunch. He was a health inspector who earned a lot of money. The amount he earned was 53,000. People who are trying to solve this case say that the gun he has is illegal.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because their is a bunch of crazy people out here and they’re just really doing it just for the money which is lame. No one should just get killed just to get killed. They were trying to eat a good lunch then the next thing they know they're getting shoot at.

    Reaction: I reacted in a disgusted way because Syed and his wife had no reason to shoot those people. He was making enough money to be rich. He didn’t need anymore.

    Opinion: I think that he and his wife was very greedy because they were making such good money and I would be grateful with the money that I’ve already have.

    Connection: The way I can connect to this article is that with all these shootings we can see that our world is tearing apart. And that we are destroying each no matter what happens.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Source:

    Article Title: Obama signs No Child Left Behind rewrite into law

    Article Date: December 10, 2015

    Who: President Obama, high school, and elementary schools

    Where: Washington

    When: Thursday

    What: Recently President Obama has signed a existing that has now been improved. This law called the No Child left Behind Act has been improved by cutting off the federal government's restrictions on the education only from kindergarten to high school. Instead of making the federal government grade schools to see if their doing the right thing and if students are graduating and getting a good education, the law puts that responsibility on the states with some federal power still involved. Having the states take that responsibility into their hands, helps and supports low-level schools to do right thing and educate students.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this law is connected to high school which me and other students are involved in. This law could bolster our efforts to apply and get into college. This also helps students who are not in a good middle school or high school and can get a better education.

    Reaction: I was sort of surprised when I read this article because they are really trying to help students like me to succeed, obtain a good education, and enough experience to be able to handle college.

    Opinion: Of course I think this was a great decision because this is helping me and other students who really need it.

    Connection: I chose this article because it's related to the topics we are currently learning in Chapter 3 and maybe Chapter 4, where the legislative branch creates the law, the President in the executive branch enforces the law, and finally the judicial branch which includes the Supreme Court checks to see if its good or if it gets messed up with other existing laws. Also this article included the federal government which apportions it's power between the states, and I just thought this was a good example of that.

  15. Nya Blackwell
    Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.
    Article Date: December 8, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: United States
    When: 12/08/2015
    What happened: Donald Trump said he was banning all Muslims from entering the US.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because he is trying to become president. If Donald Trump is trying to become president, then he should say things that would put his votes in jeopardy. He also is turning away many people who have friends who are Muslim.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I am shocked that he would say some nonsense like this. Sometimes I think he's just saying anything to get people on his side but he lost me with this one.
    Opinion (I think..): I think Donald Trump needs to sit his old self down because he doesn't know what to say out of his mouth anymore. I also think Donald Trump must've forgot that Muslim people vote in presidential elections too. He makes himself sound very ignorant and cold-hearted.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I like to see all the nonsense that Trump says. I also chose this article because it was very interesting to me that he would actually say something so careless like this.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.
    Article Date:December 8
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where: n/a
    When:December 7
    What happened: Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims from coming into the U.S.
    Why this event is relevant: This shows how much of a tyrant Trump is.
    Reaction: I feel sickened about this situation.
    Opinion: I think that Trump is ridiculous as they come. People should be able to practice their beliefs whenever,wherever. They should also be comfortable doing it. Trump shouldn't of even been allowed to run for president. Now he has even more people against him than before. Whatever happened to "the land of the free" ?
    Connection: I chose this article because of the title. I wanted to know him s reasoning behind his comments.

  17. Source:
    Article Title:Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.
    Article Date:December 8
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where: n/a
    When:December 7
    What happened: Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims from coming into the U.S.
    Why this event is relevant: This shows how much of a tyrant Trump is.
    Reaction: I feel sickened about this situation.
    Opinion: I think that Trump is ridiculous as they come. People should be able to practice their beliefs whenever,wherever. They should also be comfortable doing it. Trump shouldn't of even been allowed to run for president. Now he has even more people against him than before. Whatever happened to "the land of the free" ?
    Connection: I chose this article because of the title. I wanted to know him s reasoning behind his comments.

  18. Source:
    Article Title:Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.
    Article Date:December 8
    Who:Donald Trump
    Where: n/a
    When:December 7
    What happened: Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims from coming into the U.S.
    Why this event is relevant: This shows how much of a tyrant Trump is.
    Reaction: I feel sickened about this situation.
    Opinion: I think that Trump is ridiculous as they come. People should be able to practice their beliefs whenever,wherever. They should also be comfortable doing it. Trump shouldn't of even been allowed to run for president. Now he has even more people against him than before. Whatever happened to "the land of the free" ?
    Connection: I chose this article because of the title. I wanted to know him s reasoning behind his comments.

  19. Rosetta Alston
    4th period

    Article Title:The media unload on Trump

    Article Date:Thu December 10, 2015

    Who: Donald vs social media
    Where: social media
    What happened:Donald trump has banned muslims from coming into the united states for a while. This has caused up a stir making journalist and reporters liable him as a liar and a racist because of all the things that he has done. A lot of people are starting to not like him and his cause for trying to be the president of the United States. Americans I beginning to think that Donald Trump does not hold the best interest in the people because he is going against their traditions and values.
    Reaction:That if you trying to be president why do things that you noticing the people don't like then why do it.
    Opinion :I don't like Trump so if he does not become president I'm happy.
    Connection: I can connect this to Justin bieber how he started acting crazy then when the industry started thrusting to replace him he got his act together. Donald trump needs to heed because if he wanna become the next president he need to chill out and do what the people want.

  20. Source:
    Article Title:Ben Carson campaign at war with itself
    Article Date:December 11, 2015
    Who:Ben Carson and his campaign
    What happened: Ben Carson seems to be oblivious to real life and what goes along with becoming and being president of the United States. His campaign team seems to have left him deserted since he is now doing interviews mispronouncing names and just seeming in the clouds on a lot of important issues. Just recently, he has fabricated stories about his younger years and is a bit untrustworthy. Ben Carson has not, in my opinion, been the ideal candidate for the leader of the free world. At this time, Mr. Carson is opting to bow out of the race and hopefully go back to his profession of being a neurosurgeon.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because the entire world and the freedom of this country is at stake. We can't just have anybody in office just because they thought it was cool to run for President. We require someone in office who has their mind in the right place in order to take control of situations and certainly intelligent enough to hash out major issues that keep America the greatest country in the world. America requires safety against terrorism and most of all, a leader that the nation wouldn't mind following.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Ben Carson is way too lax of a person and seems to be a push over. I feel that he is not the right person for the job and should definitely go with his gut and drop out of the race for President.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that America would be better off without Ben Carson being President just for the simple fact that this is a serious situation that he just is not taking seriously.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because of the latest downward spiral of unqualified people running for office. It is best for the nation that both Donald Trump and Ben Carson are showing their true colors. These two people cannot be taken seriously and are proving that very thing by their recent actions. Both of these guys need to stay comfortable at whatever got them their riches and leave politics alone.
    by Jason Young
    4th Period

  21. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title: Ben Carson: the most misunderstood candidate?
    Article Date: Tue November 24, 2015
    Who: Ben Carson is invovled in this article.
    Where: This articlle has no specific location.
    When:This has been happeninmg throughout Carson's political race.
    What happened: Many people are starting to feel unsure about Carson’s place as a canidate. His leadership profile is suffering because he has to constantly battle with the media. Carson is making mistakes and its=’s showing because he’s always refuting something he said earlier in the race.
    Why this event is relevant: This shows possible outcomes of 2016 Presidental candiates.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) : Tit is showing in his dropping poll numbers that he is becoming more unfavorable.
    Opinion (I think..) : I think Ben Carson should not be president if he cant even hold a position on an issue. No one wants a weak president who is easily influenced.
    Connection (why you chose this article) : I choose this to keep up on the presidental race. I was also curious about why Carson was so misunderstood.

  22. Source:

    Article Title: Paris Attacks: What happened on the night

    Article Date: December 9th, 2015

    Who: Citizens of Paris, Government in Paris

    Where: Paris

    When: November 13th, 2015

    What happened: Multiple bombs went off outside of a soccer stadium in Paris. They were later found out to be suicide bombers. Also, near the arena, other shootings and bombings took place killing a mass of people.

    Why this event is relevant: It is an ongoing occurrence these shootings and bombings. The president of France was there and he was in danger.

    Reaction: I am surprised that this happened at a friendly soccer game. I am also surprised that the president was there but its good that his security kept him safe.

    Opinion: I think the people who did this should be tried and sentenced when they are found. They had no reason in doing this and they were wrong.

    Connection: I can connect this to 9/11 because it was an unexpected bombing that happened in a crowded place full of people. Also many were killed and injured.
