Sunday, November 1, 2015

4th period, week of 11/2-11/6

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/6

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title:Black Girls Face Harsher School Discipline than White Peers
    Article Date:November 2, 2015
    Who:Girls of color
    Where:NEW YORK
    When: Today
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because colored people have been known to be discriminated against still but just not as bad.
    Reaction (I personally think that this is just another example on how colored people get lowered down hen others and have different/lower privileges then other people.)
    Opinion: (I think that colored people don't get enough of a chance than others and that their needs to be a change about that because majority of our race lacks opportunity a large amount of opportunity.)
    Connection: (I chose this article because I am part of this majority that lacks this amount of opportunity and it also gives me purpose along with motivation to take advantage of what the higher social class takes for granite.)
    -Desmond Collins Jr.

  2. Source:
    Article Title:Somali extremists kill 15 government soldiers in ambush
    Article Date:Nov 02, 2015
    Who: Town Hall
    Where: Kenya
    When: Nov 02, 2015
    What happened: Their where at least 15 solders from the government where killed by fighters from the Somali Islamic. Also they attack more place like hotels.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because this are the people well soldiers that are fighting for our safe and we just a tragedy lost of losing 15 of them. Also they have family that love them and care for them.
    Reaction I feel that this is sad for their family and the government that care about them brave solders that fraught for us and they should be in everyone memory that they is all brave man. Also I feel that the government should do something about who did this to them solders.
    Opinion I hope the government do something so them people that did that harsh thing to them soldiers should be punished and given no second chances. Also I think they would keep this and mind and try to make this problem do not pop up again.
    Connection This is like innocent people around neighborhoods get killed for no reason at all. So this shows how we need to do something to help our society to be a better place.
    -Troy Drayton

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Pennsylvania Stalled in Efforts to Get Health Insurance to Children
    Article Date: October 28, 2015
    Who: Pennsylvania, and children
    Where: Harrisburg, pa
    When: 2014
    What happened: Pa did not keep up with the number of children without health insurance last year.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because it is important for the kids of today to be fully secured far as health. i feel as though health care should be the last thing a child should have to worry about.
    Reaction: i think that this will make Harrisburg look bad as well as pa. i feel this way because health care should be taken care of better than this. as well as the children without health care.
    Opinion: I hope that Harrisburg gets it together and handle this problem.
    Connection: This makes me feel like if a child is in dispirit need of help they wont help. i think that harrisburg should help out more.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:New Ministries Suggest Canada’s Government is About to Get Serious About Science

    Article Date:11/5/15

    Who:Canadian government



    What happened:Canada swore in the new liberal government. They plan on focusing more on science, which had been ignored by the conservative government of the past.

    Why this event is relevant:Canada didn't focus on science in the past. The topic was pretty much ignored so research was very limited. With more focus, new things could be discovered.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I like that this is happening. I think that science is a very important topic. The fact that it isn't always taken seriously bothers me.

    Opinion (I think..)I think that focusing on science is a good thing. More research could result in cures or new dicoveries. It could greatly change the world.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I have interests in science.

  6. Dimear Gordon Jackson

    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Bernie Sanders courts black voters in Ebony interview
    Article Date: Tue October 6, 2015
    Who:Bernie Sanders
    When: Wednesday October 5, 2015
    What happened: "Bernie Sanders is building his outreach to African-Americans, a voting bloc that has overwhelmingly supported his chief Democratic rival."
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Sanders said that he plans to take his campaign message to black communities across the country to tout his strong record on civil rights and his proposals to lift up low- and middle-income Americans, which he said "are actually more relevant to the black community." he is helping my people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) positive
    Opinion (I think..) I think what he is doing is very good because in the day and age African-Americans are still not being treated as they should.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this because it was about my people and he are fighting for us .

  7. Source:
    Article Title:Bernie Sanders isn't changing his tune on Clinton emails

    Article Date: 2:24 PM ET, Thu November 5, 2015
    Who: CNN, Dan Merica,
    Where:Los Angeles
    When: N/A
    What happened: Bernie Sanders is getting tired of people talking about Clinton’s emails. But he is still questionable about her reasons for why she used her own email and thinks it should still be looked into.
    Why this event is relevant:With Sanders concern about the emails makes him think twice if she is really worthy to get that right to do it again. What made her even think about using her own email knowing that regular emails can get hacked very easily and much faster if they know what they are looking for.
    Reaction: I think that she was being clueless at that time and truly thinking but another half thinks she did it on purpose. But why is still to be found out and that is one of the big reasons why the question keeps coming up along with the fact some people just don’t believe that she can be trusted. I think Sanders knows this a little bit but is see how it plays out before truly making a move.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:A tale of two Carson's.
    Article Date:Thu November 5, 2015 .
    Who: Ben Carson.
    Where: N/A.
    When: When carson was in the 9th grade (no further info was giving).
    What happened: Ben tried to kill one of his classmates by punching him with a lock around his hand. He also had issues with his anger and violence.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because he’s running for president and is leading the republican polls .
    Reaction: My reaction is i don’t think he should uhh run anymore because that just makes him look bad and plus who knows if he’s really cured from his problems.
    Opinion: I think he should drop out.
    Connection: I choose this article because this is a very serious issue.

  9. Source:

    Article Title: ISIS-linked tweet praises Calif. university stabber as details on his background emerge

    Article Date: November 05, 2015

    Who: Police, Faisal Mohammad, and the college kids

    Where: California

    When: Wednesday 04, 2015

    What happened: In Cali. their was a guy name Faisal M. who was only 18 year-olds who went to school their too I believe. He had stabbed four people and authorities are trying to figure out why he would want to do something like that. Also he was killed by police was described as a guy who enjoyed stabbing people. They say he had a smile on his face while stabbing them. Authorities say that the four people that were stabbed will survive. They also say that the knife was a hunting knife that was 8-10 inches long.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because their are a lot of colleges that are getting shoot up or that have killers we never thought would be killers..

    Reaction: I feel as though that someone should do something about this. Or that the president should sit down and think about what’s his next plan to make sure our friends and families are safe because some people might not be comfortable sending their children away.

    Opinion: I feel as though because I have a sister that goes to college and a lot is going on with colleges. From shooting and now to stabbing that they should improve the authorities and what not.

    Connection: I pick this article because this is important a lot of people are problem scared and now are probably nervous that this will happen again and that they would want to remove their child from the college and maybe send them to another one or maybe not even want them to go away.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Source:
    Article Title:Lawsuit Challenges Prolonged Detention of Mentally Ill
    Article Date: October 26, 2015
    Who: Mentally ill patients,ACLU, & Pennsylvania Jails
    Where: Philadelphia PA
    When: October2015
    What happened: Pennsylvania jails are failing to give their mentally ill inmates the proper treatment that they deserve. They let a inmate go close to a year with out treatment which is very cruel. This act is causing the inmates to act out, not by choice but from a effect of the their illness. Then that causes the jails to put them in solitary for something they can not control. This has led the the jails being sued by the ACLU.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because since they are not giving the mental ill inmates their treatment they are acing out. Which may cause them to be dangerous not only to their-self but to other inmates as well.
    Reaction: I feel bad because not to take away from their wrong doings but at the end of the day they still have a mental illness. Which means they are on a certain medication that should be took everyday to help keep everything under control. Which then they can not do because they are not receiving their medicine.
    Opinion: I think this is sick. I think the jails should be sued because there is no reason in the world they should be neglecting or prolonging the process of them getting their medicine.
    Connection: I can relate to this because I see people get sentenced with a little bit of time (1-3 or 6-9 months) if that with higher chargers and no mental illness but yet they sentence majority of the mental ill with more time for the small offenses than the ones with higher offenses.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Will there be a government shutdown this December?
    Article Date: Nov 5, 2015
    Who: Government
    Where: N/A
    When: 2015
    What Happened: On November 2nd President Obama signed a budget deal into the military, domestic programs, and a law that protects the government from shutting down, but doesn’t prevent it. Because of all the money spent trying to fund policies(especially Obama Care), programs, and laws it makes it more difficult for the Congress to decide on how to fund the government for next year. The reason why the government could be shut down in December is because Congress has a limited amount of time to completely implement the budget that just passed so the government can be funded for next year.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because in December is the holidays and lots of people would be upset if nonessential federal government services, like the park would be closed on such a celebrated holiday. It also affects people who work for government by not getting their paychecks like military soldiers. In a way it effects almost all of us by making things more difficult.
    Reaction: I was a little upset that something like this would happen in a month like December and thinking how long it will take for the government to start up again so lots of people don’t end up suffering because of it.
    Opinion: I really believe that Congress will agree on the budget for the government next year and figure out someway to manage Obama Care, because of the holiday and how many people would be upset because of it if they don’t start up again.
    Connection: I chose this article because of what happened in 2013 when the government was shut downed and having to manage it if happened in a special holiday like Christmas, since almost every one likes Christmas which affects a lot of us.
    Zack Armstrong

  14. Source:
    Article Title: New Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Just Showed the World How You Treat Women in Politics
    Article Date: November 4, 2015

    Who: Canada, Justin [Prime Minister], Sophie [Wife]
    Where: Canada
    When: Wednesday
    What happened: Justin the Prime Minister of Canada is making equality in the political powers. Now, 15 out of 30 members in the minister are females. He is also changing the way Canadian lifestyle different. Also he is letting natural born people be chosen for the Canadian Minister.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because many countries should look at this as an example of the equality Canada is putting into the political power. Having close to equal power, or exactly equal power, more people can have an advantage due to feminine input.
    Reaction: I am super surprised that a country like Canada would be one of the first countries to actually break some tradition. Therefore, possibly, making it a better system of government.
    Opinion: I think that this awesome. Something new and giving women a form of power. Not just women but regular born citizens too.
    Connection: Disney’s Princess and the Frog and Mulan shows that women, and the average person can making far with hard work and tenacity.

    1. Your connection made me laugh-- thanks for that.

  15. Zaynab Harris
    Article Title: A Tale of Two Ben Carson's
    Article Date: This article was upload on November 5th, 2015.
    Who: This article is about Ben Carson.
    Where: This event occurred in Detroit.
    When: On Friday, November 6th, 2015, Ben Carson will be interviewed and questioned based off his book "Gifted Hands".
    What happened: In this article, Ben Carson explains his childhood and his childhood behavior. He explains how he caused several violent incidents as a young child, such as baseball bat beating, rock throwing, and brick throwing, and attempting to stab his friend at 14 years old. However, journalists and news reporters searched for his childhood friends or people who he claimed were victimized by his violence and as a result they found no supporting information stating his violence. One pair of siblings that lived next door to Ben Carson as a young child said that Ben had never been a violent kid, just simply intelligent, nerdy, and quiet.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this man is running for President and someone who's running for president should be stable mentally and physically.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is anxious, mainly because I feel like he still has issues.
    Opinion: I think Ben Carson is making things up just to make himself appear tougher, or braver. I feel this way because the reporters barely found any of the victims he stated, and the people that they did find didn't agree with the description in his book.
    Connection: I chose this article because his name is really popular in the media right now, mainly because he is a candidate for presidency.

  16. Source: Flipagram App
    Article Title: 9-year-old Chicago boy
    Where: South Side Chicago
    When: Monday (11/2/2015 )
    What Happened: A 9-year-old boy was "lured" from a park into an alley and was shot in his back and head. Police suspect this happened because of his father's alleged gang connections. A "person of interest" turned himself in, but was released without charges.
    Why Relevant: This article is very relevant because many people don't realize that when they're involved in a gang, it can affect their family.
    Reaction: When I read the article title, I was completely lost for words! While reading, I was in complete shock because people would really go to great lengths just to hurt someone.
    Opinion: I feel like whoever shot this child is a MAJOR coward and deserves everything bad that comes their way. I'm honestly disgusted with the people in this world.
    Connection: I'm interested in this article because I just find it unbelievable that someone would really kill a child for retaliation. I can connect because I also live in a dangerous city where some people don't care about who they hurt. I can't wait to see what happens to make sure things like this don't occur again.

    -Maryam .A.

    1. Source:

  17. Source:
    Article Title: Will there be a government shutdown this December?
    Article Date: Nov 5, 2015
    Who: Government
    Where: N/A
    When: 2015
    What Happened: On November 2nd President Obama signed a budget deal into the military, domestic programs, and a law that protects the government from shutting down, but doesn’t prevent it. Because of all the money spent trying to fund policies(especially Obama Care), programs, and laws it makes it more difficult for the Congress to decide on how to fund the government for next year. The reason why the government could be shut down in December is because Congress has a limited amount of time to completely implement the budget that just passed so the government can be funded for next year.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because in December is the holidays and lots of people would be upset if nonessential federal government services, like the park would be closed on such a celebrated holiday. It also affects people who work for government by not getting their paychecks like military soldiers. In a way it effects almost all of us by making things more difficult.
    Reaction: I was a little upset that something like this would happen in a month like December and thinking how long it will take for the government to start up again so lots of people don’t end up suffering because of it.
    Opinion: I really believe that Congress will agree on the budget for the government next year and figure out someway to manage Obama Care, because of the holiday and how many people would be upset because of it if they don’t start up again.
    Connection: I chose this article because of what happened in 2013 when the government was shut downed and having to manage it if happened in a special holiday like Christmas, since almost every one likes Christmas which affects a lot of us.
    Zack Armstrong

  18. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title: Bernie Sanders files marijuana bill in Senate
    Article Date:November 4th, 2015
    Who: Bernie Sanders
    Where: Washington DC
    When: Wednesday
    What happened: Senator Bernie Sanders filed a proposal Wednesday. The proposal was to let other states decide whether they wanted to legalize recreational use of marijuana.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because it's a proposal for all the states to decide if they want to legalize it or not. This article is also relevant because one of the candidates proposed this.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My reaction towards this article is shocked because like I stated before, you never really hear the words “legalizing marijuana” in government. My other reaction is that I'm amazed that they would actually want to legalize this.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that if the other states do decide to legalize it, they need to watch who is using it. People shouldn't get into so much trouble if they are caught with it because the state is legalizing it.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it is very interesting hearing marijuana in politics. I think it's even more eye catching when someone who is running for president filed a proposal to legalize it.



    November 5, 2015, Isis claimed it bombed a police checkpoint street on Wednesday, a few miles from the capital, Dhaka, which led one officer dead and another wounded. The events has happened many times throughout the year and affects and worries everyone of the globe. The cause is that the violence and crime is rising tremendously and intentionally by “security.” Two men rode up aside a few police officers and begin to stab a couple of them and fire on the rest. Then, pull off on their motorcycles. United States officials has been pressuring the incidents of Isis in which they have admitted to several other attacks on bloggers talking down on Islam, foreigners and other large groups. The concern is the fear that Bangladesh is putting on their people and everyone else around them. The attacks, coming from a government official, is because of the disliking of their government.

    This event is relevant because it is like a series of killings, or a massacre, that affects the human species and also everyone is sort of involved and can be affected. I think that there can really be no resolution to the problem but if the ISIS government would fix any issues that the Muslim community may have being as though everyone already knows and sees the consequences of being nonchalant or rude to the Muslims. Being Muslim in a whole other division or majority of the world not being Muslim, could understand how frustrating it may be to not have rules of the Qur’an being followed by everyone around. At the same time, because someone isn't following my religion or they're disobeying me, I wouldn't kill people repeatedly because you can't control anyone no matter how hard you try. All in all, the Muslims cannot be stereotyped or bashed on because no one really knows what they're going through.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: A tale of Two Carsons
    Article Date: November 6
    Who: Ben Carson
    Where: N/A
    When: Back when he was younger
    What happened: Ben Carson wrote a book about his past life. He mentioned how violent he used to be.
    Why this event is relevant: Ben Is running for president. If he still acts the way he did before then he shouldn't be running at all.
    Reaction: This is surprising to me. It doesn't seem like he could've been so violent. He seems very calm.
    Opinion: I think that if Carson is still capable of being that violent then he shouldn't run for president. No one should be afraid of what their leader is capable of. If he has changed majorly then maybe he should run for president.
    Connection: I chose this article because the title was interesting and surprising.


  21. Source:


    Article Date: Friday November 6th

    Who: Hillary Clinton

    Where: Jimmy Kimmel live! (California)

    When: November 6th, 2015

    What happened: Jimmy invited Hillary Clinton to come guest his show in California. Hillary talks about her husband and says of her husband were to run again she'd win. Then Kimmel asks about Jeb Bush saying negative things about him like "It's like he's running a handy man business."

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there's a lot of people in today's world who think they know what they're doing and saying (mostly candidates) but end up looking bad.

    Reaction: I wasn't really surprised. Hilary knows what she's doing. My reaction was calm and understandable.

    Opinion: I think Hilary knows what she's doing. She knows what she wants, how she wants it and she's going to achieve it but Hillary needs to be careful and not be too cocky. Not many citizens like that.

    Connection: When I was younger I was very cocky. I would say "I'm going to get these shoes" or "I'm definitely going to pass this vocabulary test". I usually end up wrong. Not the best feeling.

  22. Source:

    Article Title:Russian plane crash; Putin suspends flight to Egypt
    Who: Russian and Isis

    Where: In Egypt

    When: November 6 2015
    What Happened:
    There were Russians ready to head back to russia from egypt . But the plane had crash because there may have been a bomb by Isis to cause the plane to crash. Now because of that president putin is stopping flights to go anywhere until they get evidence to clear this problem up.

    Why is it relevant: It's relevant because people are dying for no reason and it is terrorist involved. And if he stop flights for egypt it will hurt his economy

    Reaction I think president Putin did the right thing for his citizens. You as a president have important responsibilities take of and that's to take care of your country. So I think That's a good quality that Putin have. And that's caring so no more of his citizens can get hurt and be safe.

    Opinion- I think Isis need to stop trying to kill human beings. I think Putin need to protest and go on strike until he get to problem of this. A Lot of people are losing their lives for no reasons. Just because everybody want to have power and be respect. You can be respected instead of killing all the time. If Isis want to keep killing go to war with russia because this killing dont make no sense at all.

    Connection: This remind me of a movie I seen about people that want power have to kill to make a point. And i disagree with this action so much lets have peace in the world. I think life is suppose to be beautiful not stressful like can we all just get along. Lets live life to the fullest and enjoy life to short so let's enjoy every moment of it.

  23. Source:
    Article Title: Bernie Sanders introduces bill to end federal ban on pot
    Article Date:November 5th, 2015
    Who: Bernie Sanders and the marijuana users of the United States
    Where:United States
    When:This Month
    What happened: Marijuana is on the verge of being somewhat legalized in parts of the U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill to the Legislature that would legalize marijuana. His argument is that there are people in the criminal justice system for using marijuana, but there are people who are walking free today who have committed fraud on Wall St.
    Why this event is relevant: Marijuana is a highly used drug all over the world, it is a large business, and it has been an issue of concern for a while now.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that I am not at all shocked that this problem was brought to conversation in the presidential campaign, and also I am not at all shocked that it was Bernie Sanders who brought it up.
    Opinion: I feel as though marijuana should be legalized because it is less harmful than some legal substances out there today. For example, cigarettes can cause cancer in the lungs but marijuana can not lead to cancer. It is however a dangerous business and could lead to many problems solely off of transactions or production of it.
    Connection: I can connect Bernie Sanders because me and him have the same opinion.

  24. Source:
    Article Title: Bernie Sanders introduces bill to end federal ban on pot
    Article Date:November 5th, 2015
    Who: Bernie Sanders and the marijuana users of the United States
    Where:United States
    When:This Month
    What happened: Marijuana is on the verge of being somewhat legalized in parts of the U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill to the Legislature that would legalize marijuana. His argument is that there are people in the criminal justice system for using marijuana, but there are people who are walking free today who have committed fraud on Wall St.
    Why this event is relevant: Marijuana is a highly used drug all over the world, it is a large business, and it has been an issue of concern for a while now.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that I am not at all shocked that this problem was brought to conversation in the presidential campaign, and also I am not at all shocked that it was Bernie Sanders who brought it up.
    Opinion: I feel as though marijuana should be legalized because it is less harmful than some legal substances out there today. For example, cigarettes can cause cancer in the lungs but marijuana can not lead to cancer. It is however a dangerous business and could lead to many problems solely off of transactions or production of it.
    Connection: I can connect Bernie Sanders because me and him have the same opinion.

  25. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Confederate flag magnet sparks brawl between black and white men outside Salt Lake City hotel
    Article Date: November 6, 2015

    Who: Six African American men and two white men
    Where: Salt Lake City
    When: October 31, 2015

    What happened: On Saturday night, A group of black men got into a dispute with two other white. This dispute led to a fight over racism. The two white men allegedly said something regarding the confederate flag which offended the black men. Police are now looking for the black suspects.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the confederate flag was just a big issue in our country.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel that the black men were wrong for going about the situation the way they did. I don't feel that they were wrong feeling some type of way.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the black men shouldn't go to jail for this crime it was just a mistake.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because the Confederate flag was a big issue recently. It shouldn't be allowed what so ever and anyone with it should be fined.

  26. Source:
    Article Title: Suspicion of terror in Russian jet crash raises questions for Obama
    Article Date: Thursday November 5th 2015.
    Who: The people involved were russia, and ISIS.
    Where: This is happening in egypt.
    When: The announcement happened on November 5th 2015.
    What happened: In this article the a russian airplane carrying civilian from an egyptian resort back to saint petersburg on thursday killing 200. This is a tragic event but what makes it worst is this no one knows what happened. The United states have speculated that it could have been the work of ISIS or one of its affiliates. Nothing is sure but This group is the likely candidate because it has the means of doing something like this, and having the equipment to pull it off. In the during the wake before this the united states had just sent 50 special mission operators to this region of the world hoping that this would slow the spread of ISIS. This crash could further expand the mindset of sending more troops to to region
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is a sad and tragic one
    Opinion (I think..) I really don't know what to think about this.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because it was a story going around.

  27. Source:
    Article Title: Suspicion of terror in Russian jet crash raises questions for Obama
    Article Date: Thursday November 5th 2015.
    Who: The people involved were russia, and ISIS.
    Where: This is happening in egypt.
    When: The announcement happened on November 5th 2015.
    What happened: In this article the a russian airplane carrying civilian from an egyptian resort back to saint petersburg on thursday killing 200. This is a tragic event but what makes it worst is this no one knows what happened. The United states have speculated that it could have been the work of ISIS or one of its affiliates. Nothing is sure but This group is the likely candidate because it has the means of doing something like this, and having the equipment to pull it off. In the during the wake before this the united states had just sent 50 special mission operators to this region of the world hoping that this would slow the spread of ISIS. This crash could further expand the mindset of sending more troops to to region.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is a sad and tragic one.
    Opinion (I think..) I really don't know what to think about this.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because it was a story going around.

  28. Source: (

    Article Title:Raids spread across France and Belgium amid manhunt for suspects

    Article Date: On the evening of 13 November 2015

    Who: Paris & Terrorists

    Where: Paris

    When:On the evening of 13 November 2015

    What happened: Paris was attacked by Islamic terrorist through bombing and shooting leading to the death of 132 dead and 129 in the hospital and medical centers.

    Why this event is relevant: This is a problem that has been caused by terrorists almost everywhere on the planet at different time periods.
    Reaction: I feel that this is wrong, heartless and endangers many to become victims of a terrorist attack.
    Opinion : I think that this causes high insecurity to many all around the world and makes many feel unsafe.

    Connection: I chose this article because it was very shocking and is very big as of right now. I think this can relate to how extreme events can cause insecurity and a lot of unsafe feelings to many and that people must work together to help stop them and if cant be stopped, prepare to the best of their ability of what's soon to come.

    --Desmond Collins Jr :)
