Sunday, November 1, 2015

5th period, week of 11/2-11/6

Due by 3:30 pm on 11/6

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Deputy escapes cuffs and squad car after arrest on meth, gun charges

    Article Date: Fri October 30, 2015

    Who: Edward Tucker and Two police officers

    Where:Bakersfield, California

    When: This past week.

    What happened: Edward Tucker is a furloughed deputy who was caught with the possession of meth, five guns and what could be explosives in his car.Two officers who were standing outside the car not paying attention to Tucker at all let Tucker escape from the car. Tucker somehow got out of the handcuffs and opened the door by sticking his hand out of the window and releasing himself. He was also arrested last Saturday after waving a gun at juvenile girls. During that arrest police found the same possessions.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because police are trained for this kind of stuff and it shows how some officers are not paying attention at their jobs. Also because this Tucker guy is a threat to society, If this guy was crazy enough to sneak out of an police car who knows what he'll actually do.

    Reaction: I believe this guy is a savage, He has a lot of courage because a lot of people would definitely not do that. It shows his character as a person as well as the officers characters.

    Opinion: I think that police department should train their officers to be better so this situation could potentially not happen again. Or that these officers shouldn't be officers because they can't simply keep a arrested man in a car.

    Connection: I choose this article because it reminded me of the show cops I was just watching like 30 minutes ago when a guy tried to run away from the police officer but the officer caught him. This sorta reminds me of that but Tucker didn't get caught.

  2. Include:
    Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Carson Positions on Poverty Create Tension With Rags to Riches life Story
    Article Date:October 31,2015
    Who:Jim Tankerskey
    Where:South West Detroit
    When: This week
    What happened:Ben Carson was a kid the grew up with a mom that couldn't read. The life in South West had a serious issue with poverty. Carson decided to make a change to run president, over the years Carson went to college to change his life around into a better future.
    Why this event is relevant:This article is revelant because it explains issues with poverty on america. Sometimes things still need to change to end poverty so people can have a better life.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) my reaction towards this article was sad because many families were struggling to live. They had to work extra hard to get what they need.
    Opinion (I think.. That poverty shouldn't be allowed around the world
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because it reminds me of hurricane Sandy, people had to work hard to set their life back to the way it was

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Russian plane crash in Egypt: Airline blames 'external influence'
    Article Date: 11/2/15
    The plains crash occurred in the remote Egyptian county side. This horrific tragedy happened on Saturday morning. A plain traveling from an Egyptian resort town to ST.Petersburg crashed killing all two hundred twenty four passengers on the plain. Europe's plain officials cleared the plain for departure and blames the sudden disruption on an external influence. Egypt's prime minister said that there were no indications that anything out of the ordinary was going to happen on the plain. Before departing, the co-pilots called his daughter before the flight 's departure and complained about the plains technical condition. This is relevant because this all occurred in clear weather over an area plagued by a violent islamic insurgence. I truly empathize for all of the people that lost their loved ones and were waiting on a safe flight because i also know how it feels to loss some one close to me by a tragedy. I kind of believe that this was a terrorist attack but I also know that there may have well been some technical errors with the plain. I chose this article because it is interesting and I am curious on the ruling of the plains destruction.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Obama signs budget deal
    Article Date: 11/02/2015
    Who: President Barack Obama
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: 11/02/2015
    What happened: President Obama on Monday signed a two-year budget deal that averts a showdown. Obama signed the bipartisan bill just one day before the Nov. 3. deadline after which the nation would have risked default on its debt if Congress did not renew its borrowing authority. The agreement lifts spending caps and suspends the debt limit until 2017. Obama and congressional Republicans are expected to clash over policy riders to spending bills in December, such as a measure to defund Planned Parenthood.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because if this budget wasn't signed in time the government would've had to shut down again.
    Reaction: I feel like Obama did a good thing by signing this budget that would last two years. this gets rid of the threat the Republicans was making about shutting down the government again.
    Opinion: I think the by Obama signing this budget gets rid of the Republicans objective of shutting the government down. This also helps out the education system and its problem with the budget and the need of money.
    Connection: I choose this article because a couple weeks ago i choose a article that had to with the budget. The education system was taking out loan because of the lack of money. People all over the country was complaining about the bail out that education system would need if they kept taking out loans to keep the school open.

  5. Source:
    Article Title:Hillary unleashes campaign for gun control
    Article Date:Nov. 03, 2015
    Who:This article includes Hillary Clinton.
    Where: This is happening in Washington.
    When:This event happened this week.
    What happened:Hillary Clinton is out speaking about Gun control.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because gun control is a big topic. Many have different views of the topic.
    Reaction My reaction is kind of interested because its a heavily debated topic.
    Opinion My opinion is this is important.
    Connection I like this article because i like Talking about gun control. Who should have it who shouldn't. Its all interesting and effects many lives.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: FBI Chief tries to deal with the Ferguson Effect
    Article Date: October 27th 2015
    Who: FBI, James Comey
    Where: U.S.
    When: 2015
    What Happened: Due to horrific events that had taken place in Missouri, the community have been unable to feel comfortable where they reside. What transpired made people blame the police department. On the other hand, the director of the FBI James Comey believes that cops restraining suspects is the least action to blame the increase in crime. Comey has huge concerns about increasing. Crime rates are increasing in many cities such as Cleveland and Milwaukee with the numbers of murders dramatically increasing. While others have been able to steady their crime rate, police shooting incidents and police brutality publicly puts the police in a negative light. This issue today is among many of the issues James Comey is facing as well as our President Barack Obama. This event is relevant because hearing about authorities feelings on America's gun violence is important. My initial reaction was that James Comey would not recognize the issues that have to do with police brutality and crime ratings. My opinion is that the authorities in both our government and police departments should speak out about how things are looking in the U.S. which includes our crime ratings. I chose this article because seeing that an authority is actually expressing his feelings about our violence in America and how it affects him in the FBI.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: Student-Suspect Fatally Shot After Stabbing 4 at UC Merced

    Article Date: 11/4/15

    Who: Students of UC Merced and random pedestrians.

    Where: On the Campus of UC Merced.

    When: 11/5/15

    What happened: A male student in his 20s stabbed four people this morning as classes began. Two of the victims were airlifted by helicopter to the hospital while the other two were treated on campus. Police are unsure of his motives but it is most likely that this was a random attack. Some of the four people stabbed were not students of UC Merced.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a lot of attacks on college campuses and other target locations have been going on recently without end.

    Reaction: Things like this infuriate me because these people have no reason to hurt other people. It infuriates me more because even though most of these people are in college, they are still kids. They've worked super hard to get where they are now, and it is meaningless if they can get hurt by another human being just by trying to get an education.

    Opinion: I think we should do more as a society to try to prevent these things from going on. We live in the country that houses over 300 million people. Anyone can get any type of harmful weapon and hurt someone at anytime. It is ridiculous.

    Connection: I connect this to when I first heard of the Virginia Tech shooting, I was afraid to go to college after seeing that on the news.

  8. First on CNN: U.S. officials believe ISIS planted bomb on Russian plane
    11-4-15.                      International
    The U.S. and ISIS are in involved.
    This took place in the Sinai.
    November 4, 2015
                  America and the British government believed that ISIS bombed a plane. They have attacked a Russian plane. No one can really blame it fully on ISIS, but they are likely the suspects who did it, whether it was some associated with them or a citizen of ISIS. Officials believe that the bomb was set in a briefcase. The British really want to know how did that person get through and become successful by this.
                   I feel like the United Nations need to plan something that will benefit the countries and its' citizens safety. The terrorist attacks are getting out of control. They do not need to mainly focus on the plane incident because they could be plotting more than that, especially if they did what they did.
                  I think it is important to pay attention because a lot of people travel by air. This is also popular in the news today.

    “Poll: Trump, Carson continue to lead Republican race”
    November 4, 2015

    Apparently Trump and Carson are leading in the GOP presidential field. Trump is earning 26% support and Carson 23%. This data was collected from a survey given by Fox News. They had registered Republicans take it. Trump is a joke and Carson is an idiot. This is relevant because these two men are just terrible people in general. The fact that they’re not only gaining support but LEADING… this is a shame. I feel like I want to go out and just straight up strangle people. How could you support a racist and a misogynist, hard to tell which applies to who. THIS IS BECAUSE THEY APPLY TO BOTH! I am so upset about this because Carson is honestly not just representing Republicans, but black politicians. He’s making both groups look idiotic. And I am extremely upset with Trump because he is not only a rich racist but his policies put immigrants in a terrible position. I connect with this because the people of my family are immigrants. I am first generation and him becoming so popular puts my family’s safety in this country in danger. Sanders better step it up. Bernie 2016.
    -Kadrisse Mcintosh

  10. Source:
    Article Title: Mexico Supreme Court Legalizes Marijuana
    Article Date: 11/2/15
    Who: Mexico, Supreme Court
    Where: Mexico, Mexico City
    When: 10/31/15
    What happened: The Supreme Court of Mexico finally decided to legalize Marijuana, but at a limit. Of course as the U.S in some states there is a certain amount of Marijuana that can be carried. The legal limit for Mexico is 0.04g pounds of Marijuana per person.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because more and more people have been praying for this since day one. Others have been hoping that more states and countries disagree with law. Those people are mostly Christians and Catholics.
    Reaction: My attitude toward the situation is regardless of where they make it legal or illegal people are still going to smoke it. They are still going to carry it. Also they are still going to sell it.
    Opinion: I think that this is a waste of time because most people don't follow the law so since before this was legal they were still doing it. They only thing that the government has done is just made it easier for them to keep doing what they’ve been doing and keep getting away with it.
    Connection: I chose this article because I felt as though the government and Supreme Court are putting their time and energy into a situation that’s not as important such as murder, rapes, and etc. I feel as though if we don’t start focusing on the big picture and not the little ones the John Locke and Montesquieu’s ideas of being equal and at peace with one another will never see the light of day.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:Illinois District Violated Transgender Student’s Rights
    Article Date:November 2, 2015
    Who:Illinois school district
    When:This took place in the past week.
    What happened:The Illinois school district violated anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a transgender student. This individual portrayed himself as a girl and participated in a girls sport.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant for many reasons. One reason this is relevant is because this person is now losing out on education based on the way he wants to portray himself.
    Reaction : My reaction to this is that it was the wrong thing to do. this person shouldnt have been treated to the extent of not being able to go to school.
    Opinion :in my opinion this was the wrong action to take. people are who they are and people should be able to express themselves without being judged.
    Connection : i choose this article because this is major problem that the district of illinois decided to do. Its to many things of this sort happening and people shouldnt have education tooken from them based on who they are.

  12. Source:

    Article Title:Illinois District Violated Transgender Student’s Rights

    Article Date:November 2, 2015

    Who:Illinois school district


    When:This took place in the past week.

    What happened:The Illinois school district violated anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a transgender student. This individual portrayed himself as a girl and participated in a girls sport.

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant for many reasons. One reason this is relevant is because this person is now losing out on education based on the way he wants to portray himself.

    Reaction : My reaction to this is that it was the wrong thing to do. this person shouldnt have been treated to the extent of not being able to go to school.

    Opinion :in my opinion this was the wrong action to take. people are who they are and people should be able to express themselves without being judged.

    Connection : i choose this article because this is major problem that the district of illinois decided to do. Its to many things of this sort happening and people shouldnt have education tooken from them based on who they are.

  13. Source:
    Article Title:Student attacker identified in stabbing of 4 at UC Merced
    Article Date:November 5,2015
    Who:Campus Police, Four students and Faisal Mohammad
    Where: University of California
    When: A couple days ago
    What happened: A quiet freshmen in college name Faisai Mohammad who is 18 years old. Mohammad around 8 am went in the classroom holding a hunting knife with a 8 to 10 inch blade.He first approached a student and stabbed that person, and a construction worker thought it was a fight and went to see what was wrong and end up getting stabbed. Then went to stab other student and a staff member. All together four innocent people.They are recovering and will be back at school soon as possible. Police are investigating on the substances found in Mohammad backpack.His roommate said he never talked and he stayed to himself all the time, and that he couldn't believe that he was that type of person who would kill.
    Why: This event is relevant because there is a lot of violence's happen in colleges of over the world, due to students that attends the school.And people are losing their lives over dumb situations and that not fair.
    Reaction: I am so upset over this for many reasons. This is a huge issue all over the world and it's not getting dealt with fast enough.
    Opinion I think school is suppose to be an safe environment but due to people having issue within their self or other people. They are not solving the situation correctly like they should. Which has caused them to lose there mind and do things like this and hurting other people for no reason.
    Connection I can connect this to the shooting at community college like two months ago. This need to change or students won't feel safe at school anymore.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: Sanders Introduces Bill To Lift Federal Ban On Marijuana
    Article Date:Nov. 4, 2015
    Who: Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul, Corey Booker, Kristen Gillibrand
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: The last week of October

    What happened: Last week, Bernie Sanders introduced a bill to end the federal prohibition on marijuana, probably the first candidate in the presidential election to stray towards the drug output of the government. This discussion came up after Sanders had a talk with college students saying an end the the prohibition would probably be an end racial imbalances.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Bernie Sanders is trying to do better things for his campaign but is also trying to show how there are different ways in helping the excessive racial issue in the United States. Although it is not fully legalizing marijuana in the States, it's possibly a step at legitimizing the drug problem ever since it was brought up as an individual subject.

    Reaction: My reaction to the situation is how open Bernie Sanders is about some problems in the United States that some candidates won't even discuss about. He is showing directly that he is Pro-Choice all the way throughout his campaign and trying to get and understand the concerns of the citizens of the Unitrd States.

    Opinion: What I think is how Bernie Sanders is actually trying to possibly get young voters to vote for him. In past years and this campaign, most of the candidates try to stray their way to older votes because they think the older folks will actually vote for them. But, Sanders is trying to help out all everyone, regardless of age, and show them how he wants to be the president that helps out the young adults before he helps the older adults.

    Connection: I chose this article simply because I have never seen any other president that would try to react with the young voters and get their opinion on subjects. It's not only the use of marijuana that is the entire subject, it's the fact that he is trying to lower the rate of people incarnated especially in the racial category.

  15. Source:
    Article Title:Cop delays telling children of parents' death, takes care of them on Halloween
    Article Date:Thursday November 5, 2015
    Who:Two kids,Georgia Police,Parents
    What happened:4 kids parents died in a car accident on Halloween.The police went in their home to tell the kids.They see 4 kids in costumes.The oldest says their parents went to go buy face paint.The officer didnt want to break the kids hearts so he decided to preserve the news and let them enjoy their Halloween.
    He takes the kids with him to enjoy haloween and their Grandmother arrives later that night once they fall asleep.They all agree to tell them the next day.A lot of people helped fundraise for their funeral.
    Reaction:I was shocked by this story.It is a very sad story.I am glad they got to atleast enjoy their halloween.
    Opinion:In my opinion i think the officer did the right thing.He took them out to enjoy Halloween and waited until their closest relative came.They broke the news to them the next day.
    Connection:I chose this article because the story really moved me.It reminded me of the time i found out my great grandma died.It was a really sad day for the whole family but i didnt find out until later that day because my parents didnt want to break my heart.

  16. Source: Title:
    Article Date: November 3, 2015
    Who: Hilary Clinton
    Where: Entire U.S
    When: This week
    What happened: Hilary Clinton wants to raise the minimum wage from 7.25 to 12.00
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it raises the question, "Does raising the minimum wage help combat the decline in middle class and help poverty?". Sadly it won't help at all.
    Reaction: I disagree with Hilary's decision to raise the minimum wage. At first everyone may think it's a good thing. However the truth is just because they're increasing the minimum wage doesn't mean it'll make things better. In fact, things will probably just be the same. The only difference is that the prices will just go up to match the new increased pay so everything gets balanced out.
    Opinion: I think we need to find better ways to fix this rise in poverty issue. Raising the minimum wage definitely won't help at all and everyone should realize that. The sad part is that most don't realize it.
    Connection: I chose this article because it's something I want to change. It's also caught my attention since I'm at the age where I get jobs and get paid, so it's understandable that I want to know more about it.

  17. Source:
    Article Title:New Bill Would Strip IRS Employees of Union Rights
    Who: The IRS and The government
    Where: The entire US
    When: November 5,2015
    What happened: The big debate in the nations capital today is whether or not the IRS should be able to unionize. This was proposed by senator Tim Scott who believes they should not be able to. He believes that the 200 plus workers should be working for the American tax payer and not their union bosses. The bill tilted the End the Partisan IRS Culture act would end the unions In the IRS as well as take away their ability to bargain collectively. The bill has some gain as other government agency such as the FBI and the CIA are forbidden from unionizing.
    Reaction: I personally can't form an opinion on this because I don't see the issue with the labor unions in federal organizations. Those organizations should be allowed to have unions just like most other in America. The unions protect the right of the working class citizen which can sometimes be step on by big businesses and the people who run them. The real question is how will dissolving the unions help the common American people. Is there really something to be gained by this for the working class? How will this affect their families? Who is the true benefactor from all this? These questions weren't answered and deserved to be to give the common person background on what they could be faced with.

  18. Connection: This connects because there are a lot of people who work today who really need their workers unions. These unions help to stand up to the rights of the people who work there to support themselves and their families. This is why they exist to protect the workers and without them who knows what might happen to them.

  19. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: The title of this article is 'Hillary Clinton meets with Trayvon Martin's family'.
    Article Date: The date of this article is November 4th 2015.
    Who: Hillary Clinton and mothers of young black men killed by law enforcement were involved in this article.
    Where: This event happened in Chicago.
    When: The meeting was on November 2nd 2015.
    What happened: Hillary Clinton meets with mothers of children who were killed by police. She discussed ways to help them but made no explicit promises.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevent because issues like these need government attention. And black men being killed by police is an issue.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I felt happy reading this. Knowing that these unjust killings were not forgotten and still matter is important.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is a step to a good cause. Hillary siding with the mothers proves that not only blacks think the police system is racist and corrupt.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because that young black male getting killed my police could be my brother. Racial profiling and shootings are a problem that needs more attention .

  20. Source:
    Article Title: The Massacre That Didn't Happen
    Article Date: Tuesday, November 5th
    Who:John David LaDue 
    Where:Waseca, Minnesota
    When: Summer of 2013
    What happened:John LaDue made a bomb in his tree house one day, then went to school the next. He then figured that since school was filled with large amounts of people then it would be the best place to do blow stuff up.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant in my opinion because it highlights the one of the problems America has today. It shows how multiple amounts of people have the tools to harm our beautiful country and actually try to do so everyday.
    Reaction: My reaction after reading the full article was shocking. John Ladue planned to kill people in his grade because of things they did to him in the past.
    Opinion : I believe that he should get charged for attempted manslaughter. I say this because he tried this multiple times and even got an firearm to increase his damage.
    Connection : The connection i can make with this is the Boston massacre because John Ladue Wanted to be like that guy. The only difference is John LaDue got caught.

  21. Mamadu Barry
    I got my information from This article name is Donald Trump: 'If I tank,' I'll drop out.The article was made on Thu October 1, 2015. This article talks about Donald Trump. This event took place Washington, DC on the week of 9-27-15.
    In this article Donald Trump mentioned once again how he's on top of the Polls. He also said if he were to drop to 1% or 2%, he'll drop out. This is relevant because it's keeping us updated on latest political mentions. Even though I don't like him at all as a politician, I kind of understand from where he's coming from. If I was in his position and dropped low like that, I would've did the same. I think he should drop out anyways and let Hillary or someone else win it. I chose this article because it was the first one I seen. Also, because it was a short one.

  22. Source:
    Article Title: Paul Ryan elected House Speaker
    Article Date: October 29, 2015
    Who: Paul Ryan
    Where: In Washington
    When: October 29, 2015
    What happened: Paul Ryan was elected the 54th Speaker of the house.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant to me because it's a major part of history. This is also important because it's something that could affect the lives of all. This is also good to know because you should know all of the things that are happening around you.
    Reaction: My reaction on this is neutral. My reaction is neutral because I'm not really a political person. Ik this is a important piece of history but I don't really have a point on it because I don't know much. I just hope Paul does a good job in the time he serves.
    Opinion: I don't really have a solid on this because like I said I'm not a political person.
    Connection: I can connect this to the presidential election. Even though this election isn't as big it's still important and they both go side to side. I can also connect this to other elections such as senate. I wish they could be all as equally important.

  23. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Administration Plans Forum On High Drug Prices
    Article Date: November 3
    Who:Obama Administration
    When: Tuesday
    What happened:On Tuesday the Obama Administration announced that it would hold a forum on the high prices on prescription drugs this came about because their were reports of price manipulation. Hillary Clinton and other democrats called for efforts to stop what they call price gouging by drug makers. Sylvia Methews Burwell who is the secretary of health and human services, said that on Tuesday she will hold a conference that will talk about ways to speed up the discovery of innovative drug treatments. Dr.Bach who is a critic of pricing practices in the pharmaceutical industry says that "we have a broken market for drugs" . The government pays some of the prices got medication for older americans. For example people with disabilities and low incomes.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction: My reaction to this was happy because if this means they will be lowering prices on prescription drugs so people can afford their medication that they need that is a good thing.
    Opinion:My opinion is to keep this up because this is something thats good for all people who use prescription medication
    Connection: i chose this because i know alot of people who use prescription medications and they are very expensive so its good to know they could possibly be lowering the prices.

  24. Source:
    Article title:Mustard gas used in Syrian town
    Date:November 6, 2015
    Who: Syrian People, Isis, Russians, President Bashar al-Assad.
    Where: Syrian
    When:November 6, 2015
    What happens: They released mustard gas which is a deadly gas that kills you slowly. They gassed the Syrian town which killed a lot of people. Also Russia striked Syria which killed 42 people. Including the ones that died from the gas.
    Why is it relevant: This is relevant because it affects the world. I say this because Syrian are humans to I don't think any human should do this to anyone. No one should suffer like this town did.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is its crazy. It's crazy because who would want to do this to a town even tho there in a war I don't think that the people of Syria would do that to their enemies. Then again I have second thoughts because they are fighting.
    Option: My opinion based off this is that I think that Syria should of sided with them. And that they shouldn't of pulled the mustard gas out because what if the gas would of back fired and killed them. So they should of thought twice about it.
    Connection: My connection to this is Mr.B class how we was watching the movie about how they were in a war and they brought the poisonous gas out.

  25. Jamir Jones

    Ms. Rachael Sheehan

    Civics Class

    November 6, 2015


    Article Title: GOP Nominated Race Coming into Focus, Trump Holds Edge

    Article Date: Published November 6, 2015

    Who: The GOP Candidates For The Presidential Debate

    Where: All Across The United States Of America

    When:Within The Past Couple Of Moments

    What happened:It is believed that Donald Trump has the edge in the presidential debate, and how things are currently looking within the debate, he may win and even further seize a victory over Hillary Clinton if she wins the debate for the Democratic candidate debate.

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because if Donald Trump wins the GOP debate, then that means he will be the official representative of the Republican Party and face off against whoever wins the the democratic debate. This is debates who is the next leader of the free world, and who represents us.

    Reaction: I personally do not want Donald Trump to win the debate but that's because I'm not in support of the entirety of his policies. I also feel like if he cannot successfully run a hotel, and have it go bankrupt what makes him think that he can run an entire country. I would stick with the Democratic Party because they seem like they care more about to well being of the people as a whole, whereas Republicans support the rich/wealthy majority.

    Opinion: I personally do not like the idea of  Donald Trump being the President or even the thought of it, but it's up to the American Citizens to make that decision. I feel like he is more of a celebrity figure to keep the election interesting but I definitely don't think it would be in America’s best interest to elect him as president.

    Connection: I chose this article due to the fact that it's currently impacting my life as an American, and this will be the first election that I am able to vote in. It's not something I'm excited about but it's a good feeling in the sense that I'm making a contribution to the betterment of society and that's something I can be proud of.


    Article Title: GOP Nominated Race Coming into Focus, Trump Holds Edge

    Article Date: Published November 6,

  26. Source:
    Article Title: State Department issues worldwide travel alert
    Article Date: Tue November 24, 2015
    Who: Americans, ISIS, al-Qaeda,Boko Haram and State Departments
    Where: World Wide Traveling
    When:Tue November 24, 2015
    What happened: Well officals think that traveling isn't safe anymore because of the ISIS threats. What they did to Paris is a wake up call for us. They want everybody to be aware of whats going on while traveling. They also tells about what to do when your in a terrorist attack. The alert is time limited so after 90 days theres not going to be anymore alerts. Unless they have to send out another.
    Why this event is relevant: This actions are relevant because it has to do with innocent citizens. Also if anything was to happen they'll be bad. Why because they already alerted us so therefore we should of listened.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is I'm scared to travel. If i was authority or someone in power i would make sure everyone knows about this alert. Why because i never knew about this alert until i did this current event.
    Opinion: My opinion on this is that im scared for my loves ones because they have to travel on a airplane in order to come home. My sisters in Cali and My brother in Hawaii.I wouldn't want anything to harm them. Especially not terrorist.
    Connection: I dont really have a connection. But the terrorist remind me of Osma BinLaden. How he was a terrorist and he killed a mass amount of people.
