Sunday, October 18, 2015

2nd period, 10/19-10/23

Due by 3:30 pm on10/23

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: Gunman kills 1, wounds 5 at annual zombie-themed festival in Florida

    This article was published on October 18, 2015 and this is a national topic. This article involves the police of the state of Florida and witnesses that were at the festival. This event took place in downtown Fort Meyers, Florida at a Zombicon-festival on October 17, 2015. At this zombie theme festival a shooting occurred killing a 20 year old male and wounding 5 innocent people. At first the people that were attending didn't know if it was a joke going along with the theme of the gathering or if it was real. Police searched for the gunman but as everyone was dressed in zombie attire it made it hard for the police to detect the suspect. The organizers of the festival announce they are saddened and security and protection is major at their festivals. Witnesses state they hid together for their safety. Witnesses made it clear that the gunman is an animal and changed the lives of thousands of people within a couple seconds. This event is relevant because another shooting where many people are located has occurred injuring and killing people. I feel as though the government doesn't care that these tragedies keep occurring because they are not making any drastic changes to prevent these incidents. I think the government should work on restricting who gun distributors are allowed to sell guns to. I think the gun distributors don't care who they sell the guns to as long as they are getting paid. I chose this article because this event is recent and devastating. Also, because these shootings keep occurring.

  2. Source:

    Article Title: Facing backlash, Trump dodges questions on 9/11 comments

    Article Date:Sat October 17, 2015

    Who: Donald Trump, CNN reporter and Jeb Bush

    Where: Massachusetts and Social media

    When: Fri October 16, 2015

    What happened: Donald Trump suggested that former Pres. George Bush should share blame for 9/11 terrorist attack. The CNN reporter asked him questions about the attack against Bush and he just walked away. Trump continuously denies to saying anything about him on twitter. Jeb Bush commented on what Trump said about Bush by calling him pathetic. Trump and Jeb Bush went back and forth on twitter Friday night after the campaign.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because, it shows that even our future leaders of the free world go back and forth on social media.

    Reaction: I was upset that Donald Trump could be so cold hearted. 9/11 was not George Bush's fault, he was just the president at the time.

    Opinion: In my opinion, Donald Trump is very simple minded. Terrorist attacks are tragedies that occur in every country. They are inevitable. The president and military's job is to minimize the amount of terrorist attacks. From my view point, George Bush did the best he could considering the circumstances.

    Connection: I felt a personal connection with Jeb Bush when he defended his brother George Bush, against Donald Trump on twitter. I feel that it is your job to stand up for your family.

  3. Source: (
    Article Title:The Mystery of Dion Lewis: Where Did Pats RB Come From, and Can Anyone Stop Him?
    Article Date:Oct 16, 2015
    Who:Dion Lewis
    Where:New England Patriots running back Dion Lewis.
    When:2015 season !!
    What happened:Dion Lewis seemingly has emerged from crumb rubber, musket smoke and pixie dust, so we are inclined to chalk him up to mystery.

    How else can we explain an undersized running back leading the NFL's best offense in rushing yards.
    Why this event is relevant: I have a connections to this article.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) It feels good having good looks as being a running back .
    Opinion (I think..) I think if he keeps up what he is doing now he will be a legend in the nfl till the time he retire in the Nfl.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I have a good connection to the game & i like the change he trynna make in the patriots team .

  4. 15M viewers tuned in for Democratic presidential debate


    This article was published on Wednesday October the 14th of 2015. The people involved in this event were the democrats of the 2016 presidential election. This event took place in Las Vegas, Nevada. This event happened on October 13th of 2015. During this time the democratic candidates gathered together in a friendly debate. Similar to the republican debate that took place in September. But the outstanding thing about this debate was that 15 million people tuned in to watch the debate which is more then it has ever been. With the 30 sec ads they gained over 100,000 to 200,00 dollars by the amount of people who watched. This article is relevant because it shows you how serious people are taking this years election. They are watching the debate to determine who they'll soon vote for as president. When I realized how many people actually watched the debate I was shocked because I feel as though watching hours of this would be a little boring to listen to. I think that this is a really important thing to know because it shows you that people older than you that can vote are actually carefully thinking about who they are going to vote for and not just put anyone at the white house. I chose this article because I never really take this type of topic seriously and it's glad to know millions of people are.

  5. Source: HTTP:// www. Student news
    Article title: 8th grader was suspended for wearing a patriotic t-shirt
    Who: Alan
    Where: Iraq
    What happened: Alan 1 suspended for wearing a patriotic t-shirt. The t-shirt was saying stand for those who stood up for us.
    Why is this event relevant: the reason why this is relevant because he got suspended for wearing his shirt with positive caption. This also shows that you can get suspended or anything. I don't think that he said he got suspended for wearing that shirt. I think the shirt was saying respected people that helped you.
    Reaction: my reaction for this is why did they suspend him for wearing the shirt? it wasn't hurting anyone and it wasn't that deep. I think this year had a positive caption standing for those who stood up for us. This cash in shows at he was supporting who stood up for him. This shirt shows that he cared about who put their lives in danger for him or us which means that he is showing respect.
    Opinion: I don't think it was anything wrong with this shirt because I had a positive caption. This also shows that he got suspended for nothing is sure didn't have any type of violence on it. I think that the principal was wrong for suspending Alan. I also think that the way to Tamil something small when they could be doing something better. People worry about so much of the smallest things I won't have time to worry about the big things they don't even know what they want to talk about but what to do.
    Connection: the reason why I picked this article because I thought it was crazy how is east greater got suspended for wearing that shirt with a positive caption. Just remind me the kid that got locked up for making a clock for science and they thought it was a balm. Also think that this whole thing is crazy because it's just a t-shirt that has no type of violence on it or anything that has to do with drug activity or anything inappropriate. Another reason why I picked this article because I think that the principal or whoever to spend it Alan is crazy and the reason why I'm saying this person is crazy because quality suspenso over at shirt think about and somebody did that to their child they prefer the same way how this person parent felt. And this is my connection on why I pick this article

    1. Missing complete web address. Please add this before the deadline to receive credit.


  6. Source:

    Article Title: A 14 Year old boy shot in North philadelphia

    Article Date: October 19,2015 8:40 pm

    Who: A 14 year old boy shot in Philadelphia occurred on recently on Monday

    Where: 10th street 8:40 pm in North Philadelphia

    What Happened: The teen was shot in North Philadelphia in front of the housing Authority building. A gunman unidentified gunman open fired on the innocent 14 year old boy,the boy was struck in the head and was taking to the Hospital Hahnemann University,he was in critical condition. He was Pronounced dead.The police told NBC he had a BB gun that looks like a handgun,the police suspected he was shot by a revolver. The male that did this needs to be found and put away.

    Why is this Relevant: This is relevant because it happened Monday, he shooting occurred and he died Tuesday Afternoon. We need to put the guns down this situation can affect money and other young adults throughout life.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is common because black teenagers are being shot in killed everyday in this world, is revolting we need to put the guns down and get young kids off the streets.
    Opinion: My opinion is the police needs to find the unidentified male before they kill another black African american male, this should never occur again i hope the youngman family gets through this critical situation.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: The title of this article is "Obama meets with Texas teen clockmaker at 'Astronomy Night'".

    Article Date: This article was published on Tuesday October 20,2015.

    Who: President Obama and a teenage boy named Ahmed Mohamed.

    Where:This event took place in Washington, D.C on the White House's lawn.

    When: This event happened on Monday night October 19,2015.

    What happened: What happened was a teenage boy was locked up because of a science project that a teacher thought was a bomb.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this boy was placed in jail for a project being mistaken as a bomb.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was I do feel where the teacher was coming from. She just was caring for everyone's safety and she did a good job of it even though it was just a science project.

    Opinion: I think the only reason why they locked him up was of his religion and race.

    Connection: I chose to do this article because it was interesting that because of him being jailed for the wrong reason he got to meet the President and other people that enjoy the same passion as and enjoy himself.

  8. Article Title: Justice Department set to free 6000 prisoners, largest one-time release
    Article Date:Oct 6 -15
    Who:The justice department
    Where: The National securities
    When: the prisoners will be free on Oct 30 to Nov 2nd
    What happened: The Justice department releasing inmates .
    Why this event is relevant: It relevant cause it's fair the time the law used to give to the inmates back then was to much time .
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..) I think they are making a good choice on letting them get release .
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  9. Source:
    Article Title: F.B.I Chief Says Police Won't Interfere With Inquiry on Hillary Clinton's Email.
    Article Date:October 1, 2015
    Who:Michael S.Schmidt
    When: October 1,2015
    What happened: A director named James B Comey, talked about Hillary Clinton and her personal email account. Inside the email was information sensitive national security information. The F.B.I opened an investigation on Mrs.Clinton's email. And yes they do say it's true this has been found in her email. Mrs.Clinton said she complied with all federal laws and regulations regarding email use. The F.B.I thinks that Clinton is telling lies about some things. She tells them if that information would have got out her friends and family would not care for it, they wouldn't say or tell anyone about the information inside of it. They say as they work on anything with the government or that is very important they don't talk about while they work on it. Mr.Comey got called in to answer some questions and one of the questions was "How would you make the results of the investigation public when it is completed even if charges are not filed". But Comey said he could not discuss it with them.
    Why this event is relevant: This Is Relevant Because This Has Somethings To Do with politics.
    Reaction: my feeling is I really don't care for it but what if that information got out and it was somethings bad , what are we gonna do ?
    Opinion: I Think That Clinton was wrong for leaving something like that in her personal email.
    Connection: I Choose this article because I wanted to hear and see what really happened with this everybody was talking it and it had me thinking about how did she do this.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:What a Big Tax on Soft Drinks Can Do
    Article Date: October 19
    Who: Margot Sanger-Katz, beverage industry
    Where: Mexico
    When: Within a week
    What happened: They increased taxes on drinks. Especially to poor people and to obesity people. In 2013, the Mexican gov't imposed a tax on sugar sweetened drinks. It amounted to a 10 percent increase in the price of all beverages. 20 American states have special sales taxes on non-diet soft drinks. In the first three months, prices have increased a lot.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because sugary beverages is a global problem. It's also messing with peoples health problems.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction was kind of shocked. But not necessarily because it happened in mexico and they always have a problem
    Opinion (I think..) I think the taxes should be lower because there was an average decrease of six percent in soda sales in Mexico that increased over the year.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i thought it was interesting to read about. i also wanted to know how the problem was effecting Mexico.

  11. Article Title: GOP lands no solid punches while sparring with Clinton over Benghazi
    Article Date: October 22
    Who: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Chairman Trey Gowdy, Sidney Blumenthal, Christopher Stevens, Jim Jordan, Mike Pompeo, Linda Sanchez, Andrea Mitchell, Martha Roby, Peter Roskam, Adam Smith, Elijah Cummings, Bernie Sanders, Kevin McCarthy, and Rosalind S. Helderman
    Where:House Select Committee
    When:9:42 PM
    What happened: Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton has given out her email address which is associated with government affairs to one of her friends but did not give it to the Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens Clinton also speaks on the attacks that happen in Benghazi, Libya and the people who
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because someone needs to speak on these attacks
    Reaction: i didn't really care for it much wasn't really that interested
    Opinion: I feel as though Hilary needs to establish some boundaries between priorities and relationships because giving your friend that email address was a bad call
    Connection: I can connect to this because even I will slip up from time to time (to time to time to time >_<)
