Sunday, October 11, 2015

4th period Week 10/12-10/16

Due by 3:30 pm on10/16

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title: First on CNN: Jeb Bush campaign raises $13.4million in third quarter
    Article Date: October 15, 2015

    Who: Jeb Bush, CNN, Doster, D. Diaz
    Where: USA
    When: N/A
    What happened: Jeb Bush is running for President. His fundraising shot up to $13.4 million even though he had $10 million in cash in his hand already. Doster and Diaz are defending him because Diaz is his campaign manager and Doster as his ‘witness’. Diaz says that Jeb is balancing his campaign. Jeb is going to open office in S. Carolina.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because he is surprisingly gotten 13.4 million in only his third quarter. It is a shocking amount in just three quarter. This could be “one small step for one giant leap” in his campaign.
    Reaction: I’m surprise that everyone is giving him some money. I am very shock that anyone can actually get that amount of money in such a short time. I wish I could make that type of money that quickly.
    Opinion: In my opinion, I do not think he deserves that kind of money or the soon to come votes. I do not like Republicans so will not see me giving him some money nor my vote. I do not think anyone as a Republican should run a country, even though Democrats doesn’t do that well of a job either. But at least Democrats give better opportunities for the underdogs. So, in the end, he doesn’t deserve that money.
    Connection: It is effecting on how the US will be in the future. Election happen every four years and those four years are part of my life.

    ~Stephon C.S.

  2. Source: (
    Article Title:Donald Trump collects $3.9 million for presidential bid
    Article Date: October 15 2015
    Who: Donald trump
    When:October 15
    What happened: Donald trump has received a large amount of money for his presidential bid. Making $3.9 million in almost 75,000 individual donations. Most 70% of the money he raised alone came in chunks less than 200$ he also put up $100,000 for his campaign as well filling up with 1.8 million. Donald trump is technically funding himself in the campaign and he pledged to self-fund himself and he still spends as much as he gets. And doesn't spend money on advertising commercials because television has supported him enough.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because some people might think that he's buying himself into the presidential office and using his money to win the election
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) my reaction to this is that this man is crazy and he just a really really rich guy
    Opinion (I think..) I think that's not a way to do the presidential election because who is actually putting more money in , trump or the people ?
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it makes me think about the debate we have watched in class with Donald trump in it to show how much of a person he really is and I honestly think he's using bribery into this presidential race.

  3. Source: Flipboard app
    Article Title: U.S: Israeli Stabbing Arabs 'Terrorism'
    Article Date: N/A
    Who:Four Israeli men, Jewish man
    What Happened: In this article, four Arab Israeli men were stabbed by a Jewish man. The State Department called the stabbing an "act of terrorism". The incident is suspected to be a revenge attack on Israelis. There has been rising violence between Palestinians and Israelis. A State Department spokesperson said, "individuals on both sides of this divide have proven capable of and, in our view, guilty of acts of terrorism".
    Why Relevant: I feel like this article is relevant because not many people know about the things that are going on outside of the U.S.
    Reaction: I feel concerned about this rising issue. I'm concerned because there are innocent people being hurt because of the wrong doings of others.
    Opinion: I think that this is a serious problem because eventually the US might try to get involved. This is a problem because although the US might be trying to help, this could cause an unnecessary war.
    Connection: I chose this article because I love reading about things that happen overseas that we don't really hear about.

    -Maryam Abdulmatin

  4. Zaynab Harris
    Article Title: What's Going On with Prison Reform in America?
    Article Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
    Who: This article was written by Tricia Escobedo and Obama was the person who spoke on this issue.
    Where: Numerous states in the U.S had been tagged with this issue.
    When: October 21, 2015, is when this this issue was discussed.
    What happened: Ultimately, this article is states that in a few upcoming weeks about 6,000 inmates will be released from federal prison, because of new sentencing policies for non-violent drug offenses. This new policy has just been approved last year, and it has already caught the attention of inmates and civilians everywhere. The reasoning behind this new policy is to give inmates their opportunity to prove to themselves and to the people that they love that they have made a change for the better and to be accepted as a citizen in society.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it stated that statistically America has the highest incarceration rates than any other country in the world, with that being said not all of those reasons for arrests were very bad, some of them might just be light.
    Reaction: This is a bit nerve wrecking, just because some people may be released and could have been murderers who are still murderous.
    Opinion : I think this gives the inmates an opportunity to prove to people that they aren't the same anymore, and that their mistakes do not define them, ultimately. However, it isn't a good decision at the same time because some people might have the wrong intention for when they are released, which will cause harm to other citizens.
    Connection: This connects to me because I hear about so many people whohave gotten arrested for small things and it changes their life for the worst. For example, it stains their records and none of the professional companies will want to hire them because of that arrest. So this causes them to be frustrated and they would retaliate and probably act out against people. Which is why the government should release some people, but however keep a close eye on them at the same time.
