Sunday, October 4, 2015

2nd period, October 5 to October 9

Due by 3:30 pm on10/9

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title:The title of this article is "Trump tax plan may help the rich more than Bush's".

    Article Date:The date that this article was published on was Monday September 28,2015.

    Who:The people involved in this article are Donald Trump and wealthy people.

    Where:This article will effect the nation.

    When:This event was announced last week.

    What happened:What happened in this event is Donald Trump has created a tax plan designed to help people in first and middle class. Also this article shows how close Trump's plan is to Bush's plan and how Trump's plan mainly benefits the wealthy people.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it shows one of Trump's plans and the plan is supposed to work.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was "WOW! Is Trump doing this for his own benefits?"

    Opinion:I think this is a bad idea. I say this is a bad idea because what about those who are not in middle or first class. All this is doing is making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

    Connection: I chose to do this article because I wanted to see where Trump was going with this idea, and it turns out he's only making this worse.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. Source:
    Article Title: FBI profilers to help explain more about Oregon school shooter
    This article was published on October 4, 2015 and this is a national topic. This article involves county sheriff John Hanlin and twenty-six year old Chris Mercer who is the gunman in the shooting at Umpqua Community College on October 1, in Roseburg, Oregon. This article states that Mercer killed eight of his classmates and their instructor and injured nine others then committed suicide. Hanlin discovered from the families of the victims that survived that Mercer gave something to each of the students during the shooting labeling who will stay alive and who wouldn't. Roseburg's residents became upset when the killer's photo and name were planted across newspapers front pages, creating an argument that the focus on the killers actions reduced the emphasis on victims. This event is relevant because there has been nearly one school shooting every week in the US, killing a number of people and breaking the hearts of the victims families. My feelings toward this article is sad because these people that got their life taken away were just people trying to further their education and some of the victims were parents that have children that will now grow up without their my or dad. In my opinion, these shootings whether it's the ones at school, movie theaters, or just on the street are either at a constant rate or increasing but none of them are decreasing and that's the problem. We need a change and it's heartbreaking that no one knows how to stop these deaths that occur everyday. I chose this article because this event is recent and also very tragic.

  6. Source:
    Article title: merciles gunman shot a woman in a wheelchair
    Article date: October 4th 2015
    Who: a man on a rampage
    Where: Community College in Oregon
    When: October 4th 2015
    What happened: there was a guy who went to community college and told people to get down on the ground he asked him what was the religion but he shot them no matter what was the answer. He killed 9 people including a lady that was in a wheelchair. Also shooting one lady in the hand and she survived. Also the parents say they don't know don't where he got the gun from.
    Why is this event relevant: the reason why these events do that because they show how sick people can be and you never know what might someone have on their mind. This is also similar to the shooting that happened at the other college last week. To me this shows that this person have nothing to lose and he wasn't thinking about what he is doing when he shot and killed all these people. Another reason that this is relevant because he killed innocent people just because of their religion didn't matter what religion you were he still pull the trigger. I wonder what was on his mind when he kiledl these people. Also want to know what was he thinking after he did it.
    Opinion: my opinion is that this man she get the death penalty why because he killed innocent bystanders over their religion. Another opinion is that I think they should make him suffer just like those people suffer when he kill them so that way you know what it's like and how it feels. I also think you should treat people how you want to be treated. I really just want this man until the pain of these innocent bystanders he killed his people just over the religion didn't even know what their religion was because it didn't matter to him he just pulled the trigger.
    Connection : the reason why I chose this article because the title said a woman killed in a wheelchair I thought that was terrible so I started to read the article and as I was reading the article I feel bad for that woman and also the other 8 people that got killed because he got killed over something dump. Now with these you can t going to live over the age of 18 because people want to kill you over something small. This started to make you frustrated this show that he didn't care about these people he also didn't have any respect for these people. But why would you kill somebody in a wheelchair they can't even defend itself what was they doing to you to make you kill them. If he was in these other people shoes you will understand this could have been his parents or grandparents will people won't understand until it happens to them. This is why I chose this article.

  7. Source:
    Article Title: "Trump: Armed teachers could have stopped Oregan massacre"
    Article Date: Sun. October 4,2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: Washington,DC
    When: Saturday October 3,2015
    What happened: Donald Trump is stating that he strongly agrees with the right to carry fire arms. In the articles he talk about how if the people in the Oregan massacre would have carried guns then there wouldn't have been a massacre. Donald Trump also talks about how he has a right to carry in the state of New York. Donald Trump says that he wants to stop the gun-free zones. Trump doesn't believe that guns aren't to blame, he believes that metally ill people are the problem.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because, Donald Trump is running in the presidential election, if elected this maybe something that he implements.
    Reaction: After reading this article I was extremely shocked and upset.
    Opinion: I think that Donald Trump should drop out of the election. I think he is way too opinionated and outspoken to be a president.
    Connection: I chose this article because, it's headline stuck out to me. Trump believes that teaches should carry guns At the end of the article I felt a personal connection with the mentally ill people he blames. My older sister is mentally ill and I honestly don't think they are the problem. In y opinion it's the complete opposite, guns are to blame not people.

  8. Source:
    Article Title:Pope Francis: A Disrupter in Tune With the Political Mood
    Article Date:Sept. 21, 2015 11:56 a.m. ET:
    Where: Washington
    When:Last Week
    What happened:The Pope visit and give insight on certain things dealing with his concerns and well doing. The runners that are in competition with each other doesn't have anything against the Pope.
    Why this event is relevant:The pope’s real impact lies not in ideology but in his assertion that his church’s establishment has lost its way, focusing on laws and rules and its own perpetuation while forgetting that the Vatican’s main mission is to lead a kind of compassionate global parish serving the poor and the disadvantaged.
    Reaction: I honestly care less for the Pope because to me he is still just a man who believes in God just like millions of others. He strongly believes just like other people on this Earth. I feel like he should have no say with politics because i feel like that's not his role.

    1. Post does not meet length requirement and missing connection

    Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016
    OCT. 5, 2015

    Donald Trump who is running for president has used social media in many different ways, Trump has once bullied people on his social internet account and he has apologized for it but his fan still did not appreciate him expressing his feeling for people by tweeting online and being demeaning, He has also used to twitter to promote his campaign. Many people agree that using twitter is helping his campaign. Trump uses twitter to distract people from others. He uses twitter more than any other candidates.
    This event is very important because it can show people what type of candidate Trump really is. He believes “I have a voice”. This means that he believes it's okay to get on twitter and tweet what he wants. Regardless if it's demeaning or someone's feelings will be hurt. He has many followers who believe this is okay. But many others do not think this is okay. Everything he tweets is very controversial. It can either create hate or make people love him more. I think that it’s very unprofessional to tweet what you want and disregard people's feelings. I choose this article because I wanted to read more about Trump and his strategies to win.


  10. Source:

    The title of this article is Two Palestinian youths killed as violence in West Bank spikes. The date of this article is October 5, 2015. The people involved in this article are two Palestinian youths, Israeli soldiers, Israeli civilians, Israeli government, Israeli police, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, medics, a doctor, and Jewish settlers. This incident happened in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Also it happened on October 4, 2015. Two teens were killed by soldiers, one an 18 year old used as a demonstration. The other was a 12-13 year old boy that died in the hospital after being shot in the chest by Israeli forces. This event is relevant because in today's society the alleged forces get away with tremendous murders. I feel sorry for them two teens family. I think the soldiers who committed these crimes will simply get nothing more than a little suspension, all because they were "doing their job". This event is connected to the Mike Brown case, the Trayvon Martin case, and many more cases where as though the cop walks away scotch free because they were "being threatened" and it's their word against ours.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Vladimir Putin Plunges Into a Caldron in Syria: Saving Assad

    Article Date: OCTOBER 1, 2015


    Where: Syria and Russia

    When: The article doesn't mention the exact date that this event happened.

    What happened: “Russia’s goal is to defend Assad. Whoever is against him is a destabilizing factor,”  and Vladimir notice that Assad was in danger and tries to prevent the situation.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because why would a person like him protect a person like that. I was just curious so I want to talk about it

    Reaction: I was Slightway hype about this jawn.

    Opinion: it be more to it than what we actually see. Like maybe they have a personal relationship we may never know.

    Connection: I do not have a connection towards this article. I was just interested in it.


      Obama criticrs republicans on the Syrian no fly zone but not Clinton, October 2, 2015People involved are Obama, Hillary Clinton in the White House press conference on a Friday.

      Barack Obama felt as though demanding a no fly zone over Syria was a bad idea. He questioned the possibility of them finding it and sustaining it. Although he disagreed with the Republicans, he didnt with Hillary Clinton. He spoke about how when she becomes President, she will make her own judgements knowing she will have tough calls along the way. This article is relevant because referring back to Obama it is impossible to sustain and fund it. I was sort of confused with Obama's statement because why oppose with the Republicans but not Hillary and she agreed upon the same things. I agree with Obama because their are little outcomes for then to be able to accomplish the no fly zone.


  12. Article Title: New jersey Medical mistake

    Article Date :October 7,2015

    Who:The Nurse and 67 other patients

    Where: This was an incident that Occurred in New Jersey at a Clinic.

    When: This happened at a Clinic on New jersey patients getting tested for HIV.

    What Happened: A nurse that works at a local clinic uses a not clean syringe they have been used by many patients before and after. She was giving the Patients flu shots and the needle was thrown out but the syringe was used over and over. The syringe was supposed to be thrown out at the same time as the needle. Reporters think the risk of infection is low and their also anxious of the results.The nurses license was suspended,the health department

    is testing the employees for HIV and other diseases. The viruses take time to show up in blood tests. The employees might not be fully safe for the flu, but the employees are getting re:tested in 6 months.

    Why is this Relevant: Because this happened a few days ago and i found this article interesting.

    Reaction: I feel as as the nurse got what she deserved because i think that’s unnecessary and not professional.

    Opinion: My opinion is the goverment did the right thing of suspending her the people can lose their life over this infection.

    Connection: I do not have a connection i just thought this article was interesting

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: The title of this article is Justice Department set to free 6,000 prisoners.

    Article Date: The date this article was posted October 8th, 2015.

    Who: The people involved in this is the Federal Justice System, and 6,000 inmates.

    Where: This event took place in El Reno, Okla.

    When: This event is taking place October 30th - November 2nd

    What happened: Inmates are being released due to the changes in the sentencing guidelines. This will reduce the future sentencing punishments for criminals.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because many people don't know about this. I also believe it helps the animosity people have against the federal system by being less harsh about certain cases.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like this is a good way to make people better and let them know they can have a second chance to get it right. I also feel like this bad because many people try to abuse this ruling.

    Opinion (I think..) i think that this is a good opportunity for a second chance.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because many people do not know about this, including me until now. I also feel like people should know this but also in the same token don't abuse it.

  15. Obama: 'Still a path' to budget compromised

    This article was written on October 2, 2015. The people that were involved in this article were Barack Obama, Congress and secretaries John King and Arne Duncan. This event took place in Washington DC. It took place the year of 2015. In this article it talks about how Barack Obama wants to compromise a budget. He wants to grow education and help the country. He doesn't want the country to go through a repeat of 2008. He wants to leave presidency knowing that his country is supported financially. So therefore by doing so he's asking Congress to help him change the budget and he won't except anything less. This article is relevant because it talks about how the president wants us to be supported. It's showing our country that he cares. When I first read this article my reaction was that our country was going to change the society was going to be better and so will our lives individually. I think that a change in the budget would be good for everyone. Maybe now we can get roads fixed buildings rebuilt in more buildings built for those who are in need. I am interested in this topic because I never really knew what goes on at the White House what the president feels and what he's doing to make a change. By reading this article I know was trying to be done now and that will later on help us in our lives.

  16. Source:

    Article Title: How will Donald Trump's campaign survive this one, strategists wonder

    Article Date: Sun, Aug.9,2015

    Who: Eric Bradner

    Where: Washington

    When: Sunday August 9,2015

    What happened: Donald Trump, in this article, has lashed out at a moderator for the Republican Presidential Debate. He stated, "had blood coming out of her nose; blood coming out of her -- whatever," (Trump 1). He said this because she questioned him on his derogatory statements against woman. Most people assumed he was referring to the menstruation cycle, but he said that this comment was absurd and that he wont apologize.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because It happened this year, and because this a major play in the character of Trump.

    Reaction: When I was reading this, I beginning to become upset. Donald Trump makes statements like this and is not held fully accountable. He is obviously to much of a verbally opinionated person to be president.

    Opinion: I think once again that Donald Trump shouldn't be allowed to run for president.

    Connection: I chose this article because I can connect with this personally. His discriminatory comments against woman offend me.

  17. Source: Washington Post

    Article Title:‘I’m not the one’: How McCarthy became a bystander on his big day

    Article Date: October 8 at 10:00 PM

    Who: John A. Bohner, Kevin McCarthy, Capitol Hill, Hillary Clinton, Sean Hannity, Jason Chaffetz, Tim Huelskamp, Walter B. Jones, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Daniel Webster, Dana Rohrabacher, Bill Huizenga, Peter T. King, and Paul Ryan

    Where: House Republicans

    When: 11:30 Thurs.

    What happened: Kevin McCarthy is losing the race and is deciding to drop out.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because one of the competitors of the governor race is deciding to drop out which means the race is narrowing down.

    Reaction: It's quite a shock to hear someone like McCarthy is dropping out.

    Opinion: I kind of agree with McCarthy's decision because he was in a pretty tough spot for him to get out of.

    Connection: I can connect to this story because when I feel my lose is inevitable I will just decide to give up.

    1. Missing complete web address. takes you to the main page of CNN, but I need the link to exactly where your article can be found.

  18. Source: Washington Post
    Article Title:Wooing Chairman Ryan: Paul Ryan remains on sidelines as House GOP looks to regroup
    Article Date:October 9 at 9:50 AM
    Who: Paul Ryan, Brendan Buck, John A. Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, Darrell Issa, Jason Chaffetz, Richard Armey, and Barry Loudermilk
    Where: House Republicans
    When: Friday
    What happened: Paul Ryan is declined to speak during a closed-door session
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because a leader like Paul shouldn't be left out in manners like these
    Reaction: It sucks that Paul decided not to speak
    Opinion: I think that Paul needs to make his mind on what he is going to do the people are dying to know
    Connection: I can relate to this because I do have the tendency to stay silent in similar cases like this

  19. Source:

    Article Title: Donald Trump's Immigrant Wives
    Article Date: Monday August 24, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: All of America
    When: Throughout his lifetime
    What happened: Donald Trump, a republican, tells in this article how his Mother and Grandfather are immigrants. Also in an interview he said that his ex-wife and his current wife are both immigrants.
    Why is this relevant: this topic is relevant because how is he so hard on immigration but his family and both of his wives are immigrants. It just doesn't make sense.
    Reaction: I feel as though this is backwards. How is Donald Trump against immigration but his family and wives are immigrants. That's confusing to me.
    Opinion: I think that he should just stop running for president because he's making himself look like a fool. I really hope somebody really gets on top of him.
    Connection: I picked this article because I feel bad. It's really sad how he talks bad about Muslims and immigrants.

  20. Source:

    Article Date: Tuesday ,October 6, 2015

    Who: Donald Trump, CNN, Chris Cuomo

    Where: Washington

    In this article/video Donald Trump is discussing important matters with Chris Cuomo. Trump is explaining why he thinks its ok for Americans to legally buy and own their own assault weapon. Trump said, " What happens when the bad guys have the assault weapons and you don't in a confrontation. " He said this due to the fact of what happened in Oregon. This event is relevant because last week there was a mass shooting at a community college in Oregon. I somewhat agree with Trump about everyone having a legal assault weapon because, what if u get put in a dangerous situation, and you need to protect yourself or others. But on the other hand, its going to be dangerous if everyone has a firearm because that can lead to more casualties of death, over dumb reasons. I think we should leave things the way hey are now. I chose this article because, there is a lot of violent things that is happening in America. And Trump had a solution and I wanted to hear what he had to say, to help better our country.

  21. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:The name of this artical is "Thabo Sefolosha found not guilty".

    Article Date:The date this artical took place is 12:42 PM ET, Fri October 9, 2015.

    Who:The people that were involed in this artical are Thabo Sefolosha, a New York jury, Pero Antic and some NYPD officers.

    Where:This happend at New York city night club.

    When:This event took place early April 8 2015.

    What happened:"Sefolosha suffered a fractured fibula and ligament damage when he and then-teammate Pero Antic were arrested near the scene of the stabbing of Indiana Pacers forward Chris Copeland and two other women" (CNN arttical). Thats what happend in this artical.

    Why this event is relevant:This is revelent because they wrongly beat him and caused him not to be able to do his job for the year, and that affects how he will be able to live for a year. Thats how this artical is relevent.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel disappointed in society, because no one should get hurt with out reason.

    Opinion (I think..)I think those officers should be fired from there jobs with out haste.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because I think...No, I know there should be an end to nonsence like this.

  22. Devon Johnson

    Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:AP WAS THERE: 20 years ago Million Man March drew many to DC

    Article Date:October 9 at 1:12 PM By Connie Cass | AP

    Who:African Americans

    Where:Washington D.C.

    When:Two decades ago Oct. 16, 1995

    What happened:Two decades ago,millions of people came together for the “Million Man March”. Many people gathered at Washington D.C. They wanted to show the world that black lives matter.Twenty years later the march helped paved the way for other activism on behalf of black men, including the #blacklivesmatter movement to promote self-help and self-respect.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because we as of people should have rights too.We shouldn't be violent to our own kind.We should build our community up and not tear it down

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)My feelings towards this situation are very strong. I feel like African Americans don't get the same opportunities as whites. I feel like we don't get the same jobs,education,or expenses. Many people think that we're the reason why our country is the way it is today.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because I wanted to explain why African Americans are being discriminated in our country today. I wanted to explain why African Americans are being blamed for being violent or causing violence in our country.I wanted to explain why African Americans are not perfect.

  23. Website source:
    Article Title:Northern Arizona University shooting follow confrontation police say
    Article Date: October 9th 2015
    Who: students
    Where: northern Arizona University
    When: on Friday October 9th
    What happened: a Northern Arizona University student 18 years old his name is Stephen Jones he opened fire at around 1:20 AM Friday, October 9 . he allegedly pulled a gun and shot for male students killing one . But the student has been identified as Colin brough. The victims where members of the Delta chi fraternity. The three students have been shot multiple times.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because this shows that people can bring guns or any harmful weapons inside of school and causes the school to have a lock down & anybody can get harmed at anytime in school
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like this is a safety hazard because people can be in danger as you can see three people got shot in one die died. This makes me feel anger also because why would someone want to kill or harm anyone at their school unless they have been picked on
    Opinion (I think..) I think there should be more security inside of the college or any school so that people can be protected and not in harms way
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because not too long ago a couple of days ago a school/college name CCP caused Ben Franklin high school to go on lockdown because they had a gun inside of the school (CCP)

  24. Source:
    Article Title:Obama weighs expanding background checks through executive authority.
    Article Date:This article was published on October 8, 2015
    Who: President Obama
    Where: Washington
    When: After the latest shooting of his presidency

    What happened::In response to the latest mass shooting during his presidency, President Obama is considering new background-check requirements for people who want to buy weapons from gun dealers. Also gun dealers who go over a certain number of sales would have to get a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because there has been multiple mass shootings in 2015. This is also relevant because people with mental health problems will have opportunities to get a gun.

    Reaction: I think that the presidents idea for new background checks is a good thing because it will help keep guns out the hands of the wrong people.

    Opinion: I think that there is no question about this because this could help keep a lot of people safe. and with people with less guns there would be less mass shootings because of the new background check law in place.
    Connection: I can connect this to other law that have been put in place to keep guns out the hands of people that can be a danger to themselves and others.

  25. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title:Obama administration considering closing gun vendor loophole in order to tighten background checks
    Article Date:October 9, 2015
    Who: Obama and gun users
    Where: United States
    When:October 9, 2015
    What happened: President Obama is speaking out because he believes there should be tighter rules and background checks for gun owners.
    relevant: This is relevant because it has been lots of mass killings because it is easy for anyone to buy a gun and by this being a law would limit the amount of shootings that will happen
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel the that this is important because the easier it is to get guns the easier it is for a gun to fall in the wrong hands
    Opinion (I think..) I think that it important that the president is acknowledging that people aren't getting justice because by law these people are able to get these guns without getting background checks
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because this something I really stand behind I feel like it is a lot of people losing family because it is so easy for people to kill because its easy for them to get guns.


  26. Article Title: Justice Department set to free 6000 prisoners, largest one-time release

    Article Date:Oct 6 -15

    Who:The justice department

    Where: The National securities

    When: the prisoners will be free on Oct 30 to Nov 2nd

    What happened: The Justice department releasing inmates .

    Why this event is relevant: It relevant cause it's fair the time the law used to give to the inmates back then was to much time .

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)

    Opinion (I think..) I think they are making a good choice on lettin them get release .

    Connection (why you chose this article)


  27. Source:

    Article Title:DC Taxis Caught On Camera Refusing Black And Disabled Passengers Fined\

    Article: This happened on October 29,2015

    Who: This happened to black people that have a disability,action news reporters had a hidden camera and fake actress pretending to have a disability. The cab drivers are being found on camera passing people with the disability,the cab drivers complain that they did not see the person. The African americans are not getting service.

    Where: The happened in philadelphia and also in Washington D.C several african americans were not getting the service they need the drivers are refusing to pick the people up. Luckily the reporters were successful with their operation.

    What happened: Cab drivers around the cities are driving and Neglecting people with a disability, their not getting the services they need . The cab drivers are being fined 500k, 25% of cabs tested black passengers and favor for rights. One of the taxi drivers was caught on camera and refusing to take the black passenger with the disability. Another taxi saw a blind passenger who refused to pick and picked up the white passenger.

    Why: I do think this is important to the community because black people that have a disability that sends cab drivers on there way and picks up white people that doesn’t have a Disability.

    Reaction: This is a cities problems and i'm glad that the reporter stepped and caught the cab drivers on video the government fined the cab drivers for 500k.

    Opinion: The reporters did a thankful thing for thinking about the disability people and the government is modified and doing something about this situation.

    Connection: This was interesting that's why i chose this Article
