Sunday, October 4, 2015

4th period, October 5 to October 9

Due by 3:30 pm on10/9

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs
(10 sentences)
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


    Article Title: Hillary Clinton gets choked up discussing gun control
    Article Date: October 5,2015
    Who: Hillary Clinton
    Where: Campaign in New Hampshire
    When: October 5, 2015

    What happened: Hillary Clinton brings a parent of a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on stage during the campaign trail. After meeting the parent at a photo line prior to the event, Clinton asked if she would share her story. Hillary Clinton seemed extremely emotional as she introduced Nicole Hockley. Nicole Hockley discussed her efforts to to push gun control legislation followed by Hillary Clinton expressing measures she would take as well to stop gun violence.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because gun violence is a big issue in our society. It will not be put to an end unless someone in power takes a stand.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I empathize with Nicole Hockley, mother of 6 year old victim. It's extremely hard to loose a child, especially one so young.

    Opinion (I think..) I think Hillary Clinton should take any measures to put gun violence to an end if she's elected into presidency.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because gun violence if something I take seriously. I wanted to know the thought process of the candidates about the issue.

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:General Is Said to Think Afghan Hospital Airstrike Broke U.S. Rules
    Article Date:10/6/15
    Who:US General and troops
    Where: Afghanistan
    What happened:The US commander believes that troops were not given approval for an airstrike to a hospital in Afghanistan. There had been no risk of any American or Afghan troops.
    Why this event is relevant:There is debate on whether we should keep troops in Afghanistan. This shows what is happening with the troops there.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I was shocked. Then I felt depressed. I hate the idea of unnecessary death.
    Opinion (I think..): I think it's ridiculous. No one should die for no reason like that. If this is what troops are doing, we really don't need them there.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because I take death very seriously. Especially from things like this that are complete unnecessary .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Source:
    Article Title: State of Black America: Injustice ‘on every front’

    Who: African Americans, Barack Obama, Political Leaders
    Where: Selma, Alabama
    When: March 20, 2015
    What happened: Blacks were receiving injustice and someone decided to speak up on it. They decided to show the police misconduct, and economic gaps.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because these protestings and fights for rights started due to the killings of young black men that were unarmed and unthreatening. As the article says, “Their deaths prompted nationwide protests that have elevated the topic of racism and discriminatory policing to the level of a national conversation.”
    Reaction: I feel like this was the right way to go about things rather than protesting violently they got their voices heard by speaking out and getting heard.
    Opinion: I think as a young black male it should be more protests like this because now I feel like young black men are in danger.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I feel like when I walk down the street and a cop car passes that I should feel scared because something may happen because being racial harassment can happen anywhere in this world, just so happens that it happens more often in America. The place we call “The Promise Land” , “Land Of The Free” , and “The Land Of Opportunity”.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Passenger had 10 pounds of cocaine,Passenger Hides 10 Pounds of Cocaine, 88 Oxy Pills in Food Inside Checked Luggage at New Jersey Airport
    Article Date:October 6, 2015
    Who:Newark airport, passenger
    Where:New Jersey, Newark airport
    When:October 4 Sunday
    What happened:On sunday a man flew in from Peru with luggage full of food products. Then the mans bag was inspected when the officials found it weird to only have food and no other bags with him. They soon found 88 oxycodone pills, and 10 pounds of cocaine wrapped in the food. The man was taken in for questioning and later arrested.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it shows that the United States's airport security has been on point ever since 9/11/2001.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel happy to know that airport security stopped the man and also they had enough common sense to know that if someone is coming from Peru, they shouldn't just have food products as luggage.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that if the man really wanted to get away with the drugs he should have did a better job to hide them. It made airport security's job a whole lot easier.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because there are a ton of problems with drugs in the United States and no one knows what could have happened if he would have distributed the drugs to people.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Georgia inmate Kelly Gissendaner executed after failed appeals
    Article Date: September 30th, 2015
    Who: Kelly Gissendaner, Kayla Gissendaner
    Where: Georgia
    When: Tuesday, September 29th, 2015
    What happened: An inmate by the name of Kelly Gissendaner was scheduled to die after killing her husband. She was scheduled to die at 7pm but her lawyers tried to waste time or spare her life resulting in a 5 hour delay. Her children had to make the choice of seeing their mother for one last time, last Tuesday. Her children also tried to save her life but they denied them because she killed someone.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because she was put on death row. It’s also relevant because the supreme court had to make this choice.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My actions towards this article are shocked. I am shocked because who would actually have enough pride to take someone's life, especially her husband.
    Opinion (I think..): I think this lady must’ve been a little crazy that day to kill her husband. I also think that it's crazy people could still be put on death row.


    Article Title: The stage is set for the planned parenthood political debate to keep going in 2016.

    Article Date:October 7,2015
    Who:Republicans and Democrats
    What happened:The issues about planned parenthood is still going on. Both republicans and democrats are making decisions that will have this debate continue for months. Their was a video that was recently released accusing planned parenthood for selling aborted organs and tissues. People in the white house criticized them by saying things like "butching babies for body parts". Democrats are saying that the videos are just other ways on how the republicans are going against women.

    Hilary Clinton has defended planned parenthood. Planned parent hood has spent alot of money on ads bashing GOP senators. Barack Obama said that he would veto any legislation against parenthood. On Wednesday the republicans have to approve a committee who will focus on investigating planned parenthood. Anymore release videos about planned parenthood and they will most likely keep being in the news.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because this is talking about being able to make a choice with your life and another persons life if a young women get pregnant unexpectedly.

    Reaction: i feel like this is very important. Because this has to do with young women and children and not just a debate between the democrats and republicans.

    Opinion: i think that women and young women should have a choice on what to do with their children. and the republicans or democrats shouldn't take that away from them.

    Connection: i chose this article because as a young women this appeals to me as well as any other young girl or women in the world.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. Source:
    Article Title:
    Democratic senators push for stronger background checks for gun purchases

    Article Date: October 8th , 2015

    Who: Senate Democrats vowed Thursday to push for stronger background check laws for gun purchases in the wake of last week's mass shooting at an Oregon community college.

    Where: this event happened in Washington

    When: October 1st , 2015

    What happened:Nine people were killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., on Oct. 1 by a gunman who killed himself after being wounded by police. The shooting has prompted calls for action by the victims' families and friends, but the Republican majority in Congress has so far opposed any new restrictions on gun buyers.

    Why this event relevant : This event is relevant because in our society gun violence is a main issue to death .

    Opinion : I think that it should be stronger background checks for purchase of a gun because some people shouldn't be sold one at all . Due to previous history

    Connection : I can make a connection to this by in my neighborhood Or really in my city gun violence is one of the main reasons for death .

  10. Source: (website)
    Article Title:Ben Carson Defends his Oregon Gunman Comments
    Article Date:Thursday October 8, 2015
    Who: Ben Carson
    Where:Nation Wide
    When: This Week

    What happened:So what happens was that Ben Carson had to defend his gun man from Oregon because of his comments that was said. The gun man had said he rather go down for fighting if he was facing a gunman similar to the Oregon college shooting. And Ben Carson had to clear everything up that everybody took wrong and that's all that really happened or what they really talked about that's all I got to say that's all.

    Why this event is relevant: Because it's a world wide thing and it mean something to people and Ben Carson is apart of it and he is running for president so this really means something.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I really don't care about this because it really don't matter to me it's just something somebody said.

    Opinion (I think..) I think I should know about this because it's about one of the people that running for president and that means something that's my answer that's all I got to say.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because it was the top one of the week so I just clicked on it and I just did it that's my answer that's all I got to say.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:Russia launches naval bombardment of targets in Syria
    Article Date:Wed October 7, 2015
    Who:Vladimir Putin, CNN, Russia, Syria
    Where: Russia
    When:Wed October 7
    What happened: Russia had four of its ships fire 26 precise long-range missiles, hitting 11 targets. Russia and Syria attacked Islamist in numerous towns in western Syria on wednesday. Russia said “ it was willing to cooperate with U.S in carrying out attacks in Syria.” But U.S Defense Secretary Ashton Carter called Russia’s airstrike a “fundamental mistake.”
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because 26 missiles was shot and only hit 11 targets which means the rest hit other places not intended to get hit.
    Reaction: Russia launching 26 missiles to take out the ISIS and it only hitting 11 targets make u wonder will Syria try something in the future but it be a lot worse. Or everyone end up going to war over those 26 missile.
    Opinion: I think that they could find a better way to get what they need to happen. Instead of doing something that can cause a war to start for many reasons.

  12. Lidia Abebe
    Article Title: Donald Trump OK with assault weapons
    Article Date: Tue October 6, 2015
    Who: Donald Trump
    Where: Washington
    When: Tuesday October 6th
    What happened: Donald trump says he "supports allowing Americans to legally buy and own assault weapons."
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because in today's world "Guns" are a huge problem. Over the past few weeks and months a lot of shootings has happened. President obama has addressed this issue due to the massacre that happened in oregon and said "Massacres has become a routine in america". The fact that Donald Trump allows americans to legally buy guns and own assault weapons is pretty dangerous.
    Reaction: My reaction towards this is confusing. I don't think Donald Trump realizes that this could become really dangerous. For example if every american does own a gun or weapon and carried it with them to shopping stores, parties, and events the people around the owner of the weapon could become really scared and think automatically "they're going to hurt us". The outcome could be death or injured the world may never know.
    Opinion: I think Donald needs to be more specific about what he wants. Especially the fact that supports allowing americans to buy weapons. First of all is the person that’s about to buy it need it for fun? Do they need to play around with it? What if a mental person wants to buy it? These are thoughts that should but thought about.
    Connection: I chose this article because if Donald Trump does become president and he supports "allowing Americans to legally buy and own assault weapons." This could become a problem.

  13. Tatyana Powell
    Article Title: Ben Carson Defends Hitler Gun Control Statements
    Article Date: October 9, 2015
    Who: Ben Carson and the Anti-Defamation League
    Where: CNN
    When: Thursday October 8, 2015
    What happened: Ben Carson spoke on how he believed that if Jews had more access to guns then they could've defeated the Nazis and Hitler. The Anti-Defamation League didn't agree with Carson's statement.
    Why this event is relevant: Carson touched on a subject about an event that's major in history. It's also important that people hear what he has to say to see where his mind is at being as though he's running for president.
    Reaction: I feel neautral about his comment. I'm not really sad or happy about it.
    Opinion: I think that Carson was somewhat wrong. I think that if the Jews did have more gun control they could've killed some but not all of the Nazis. I also think the Nazis could've gotten more powerful weapons if that was the case because they had more power than the Jewish at the time.
    Connection: I chose this article because it talked about the Holocaust. The holocaust is such a horrifying tragedy that took a lot of lives.

  14. Source:

    Article Title: SC dam breached in flooding, mandatory evacuation ordered

    Article Date: October 05, 2015

    Who: Neighbors and police

    Where: California

    When: October 05

    What happened: Authorities had ordered an evacuation because in a neighborhood in South California (Columbia). After a dam had opened up in in a neighborhood leaving nine dead. The dam had burst at 2p.m. Authorities were concerned that there were going to be two other dams that we’re in that area we’re going that might burst as well. Police were sending people down the stream to go to the shelters. Shelters were in a high school which I believe the school is safer. They didn’t have clean water for the 40,000 people that were there. But then Walmart decided to donate 8,000 water.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because a lot these things happen and for them to be up and on top of it is good. It’s also a good thing because Walmart had donated the water bottles for them to drink clean water.

    Reaction: I feel as though this was an alright situation because only nine people died and not saying it’s a good thing only nine people died but at least a 100 or over didn’t die.

    Opinion: They could have problem done more. I’m glad that they were also concerned about the other two dams. Hopefully they make sure the dams are well and up tight.

    Connection: I can connect to this because a lot of these things happen in places where we can’t reach people to send them water and other things they need. Maybe that should be something we work on.

  15. This event occurred on a Friday night at Northern Arizona University. During a Friday night, 2 groups of students began to have conflict with one another which lead to gunfire leading to the killing of one student and leaving 3 injured. A university police chief identified an 18 year-old male named Steven Jones using a wielding a firearm the day of shooting. The police have interviewed the male named Steven and it appears that he has not been booked into jail. The university has reported one student dead named Colin Brough. Also 3 have been injured and are receiving medical attention at the flagstaff medical center. The names of the victims are Nicholas Prato, Kyle Zientek and Nicholas Piring. This is a national problem that affects schools, families and students everywhere. Gun violence is being happening more frequently and should be stopped.

    1. Missing complete web address.

  16. Source:
    Article Title: Northern Arizona University shooting followed confrontation
    Article Date: October 9, 2015
    Who: Northern Arizona University Staff and Students
    Where: Arizona
    When: This weekend
    What happened: A few students had a confrontation late night at NAU and it somehow ended in one of the students shooting multiple other students. The shooter was identified by police and then interviewed. He complied with the questioning, but they still didn't get the reason behind the shooting.
    Why this event is relevant: Because shootings happen everyday but sometimes recently they have happened in places that are unusual such as learning environments and churches. Not a lot of great consequences are the result either and that needs to change.
    Reaction: I feel for the family of the one who got killed and for the families of the ones who got shot and also the people who got shot. I hope this will not happen in other colleges around the world. I hope the NAU students can feel safe while on campus from now on and get back to usual.
    Opinion: I think the shooter should be convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison for his actions.
    Connection: I chose this article because it is a repetition of history and it needs to be ended sooner or later, for good.


    Wednesday, July 15th 2015, Ethan A. Huff writes about the U.S. government doing a racial experiment of locking African American soldiers in a mustard gas chamber. Old soldiers from years ago were forced into a serious chemical experiment by the U.S. government. Some or most men were as old as 90 years old and there were about 60,000 of them, specifically black men. They couldn’t get out on their own and they screamed and hollered until they were let out. Men said that the test was to see how well the equipment worked under the chemical circumstances and they decided to use actual human men as lab rats, using and spraying chemicals directly on their skin. The men trusted their government, so they weren’t really concerned but, once they got into the test lab, they felt like soldiers of Adolf Hitler, when he tested his men the same way. This event is relevant because if there is a connection between how Hitler treated his men and how the government is treating the men, that is something serious people need to know about and do something about it because then the U.S. may start to thinking that it's okay to keep doing test like those on whomever they want just because they have the legislative. I feel that no matter the authority someone has, they shouldn't do human test that will hurt them especially if they have built strong trust with the person or people they are doing the test on and then break it. I also think that with that event happening, that will make people begin to question their government and what's really going on behind closed doors. I think that the government knew what they were doing and did it in a nonchalant way and may have did it on purpose. I am interested in this topic because it is most recent and because it is telling what's going on behind this government's tests behind closed doors that no one would really pay attention to.


  18. Source:
    Article Title: Budget Vote Could Shape Pennsylvania Education for Years
    Article Date: October 6, 2015
    Who:Government officials and Schools all over Pennsylvania
    Where: Philadelphia Pa
    When: 2011-2015
    What happened: The state passed a budget increase of 100 million dollars towards education funds. Even though they increased the money they are still not equally distributing the money to all the schools. So now alot of schools have to borrow money just to keep the doors of their building open. While that is already a struggle they added another 11 million dollar interest to the schools cost and funds.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because what if your that parent that can't afford to send your child to the best school even though you want to you just can't. Every child deserves the same amount of education. No child she be set at a disadvantage because of financial reasons.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad for the kids with parents that can't afford private or charter schools. Now their child is not getting the proper supplies in school to exceed in their knowledge.
    Opinion (I think..) I think they should take the "charter" & "private" off the school names. I feel as though all schools should receive the same amount of money.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I can connect to this because I once went to a public school in Philadelphia . My school didn't have much money to buy all of the supplies we needed such as a smart board or even Laptops. That was a set back for not only me but the kids in my class too. All schools deserve to have access to technology regardless of how much money they do or don't have.

    1. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on this issue.

  19. Rosetta Alston 10/5/2015
    Current Event source: Article Title: Education Gap between Rich and poor is growing wider
    Article date: September 22,2015
    Who:.Children vs. Education
    Where: In poor familes. In familes that dont really care about education for there kids.
    When: All around the world.
    What happened: We just got over the civil right movement. Where now African american children can go to a good school. Education has upgraded for everybody but not when it comes to finshing with a college degree.A lot of people that didn't get a college degree but a highschool degree past that mindset down to there children. Parents who went to college have twice the chance for there kids to go to college. This is not good because as a nation everybody should be getting a college degree and not stopping at a high school degree. This is because you have a lower chance of getting a good job with a high school diploma. Everything is just hard with just one degree since the economy is moving up.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because
    Reaction: I feel that there is no difference between the rich and the poor because if you are extremely determined and you want a education you will go and do anything you can to get a education.
    Opinion: I think that parents that are poor should reach out for help instaed of leaveing things how they are. You cant grow if generation by generation you keep doing the same thing. Also I think the government need to help and bring down the college cost some. So that the poor have a chance to not be poor.
    Connection: I chose this article because first education is extremely important. Second because my my real family are poor and only have a high school diploma and I know that i wanna be diffrent and be high then that even if I have to struggle. I DON'T want to look back one day like a lot people do and think "wow I should have went to college. I would have been better off if i did".

  20. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title: Donald Trump and Jeb Bush aren't on the same planet
    Article Date: Fri October 9, 2015
    Who: Jeb Bush and Donald Trump are invovled.
    Where: This event does'nt have an exact location.
    When: This has been going the entire presidential campaign.
    What happened: Trump has been attacking Bush and now it seems that firing back. It has been shown that Bush and trump are very different candidates. Jeb Bush wants people to realize that Trump will not make America better.
    Why this event is relevant: This has to do with the 2016 presidential race.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I completely agree with Bush, but I also think he should have never stoop down to Trump's levels.
    Opinion (I think..) : I think that the American people are really lacking in intelligence right due to the fact Trump is still leading in the polls. I also think that Trump's ego gets the best of him, just because he has billions of dollars he should feel like he will win the race.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I wanted to know why they were so different.

  21. Source-
    Article title- North Korea party prepare a 70th celebration
    Date-October 9 2015
    Who- North Korea and US
    Where In North Korea
    When- October 10 2015
    What happen North Korea is test out a submarine missle for there 70th annsarity. But this may be a problem because the US haven't seen it launch yet and never seen no satellite connections problems to it.
    Why is relevant. This is relevant because North Korea can set some type of game to hit the US off the eastern coast. And this wouldn't be a good thing for the US.
    Reaction well I feel safe anyway even if they try to do something. The US is loaded with weapons and ready to fire anyway .
    Opinion I personally think its good that the US have there eyes on North Korea. Because I think they can be sneaky at some times. But I'm also happy that they had ship to move.So would nobody get hurt at all.because if somebody get hurt they're going to get North Korea for that so I feel safe .
    Connection I can make a connection to this because sometimes I have to watch my sisther do some stuff. So this is a serious thing because your talk ing about a missle that have all type of fuels and chemicals in it. So I like what the US. Is doing they're watching so nothing bad wouldn'thappen tto there country. Or anybody else that out on the eartherncoast so that would be very smart for the US to do

    1. Missing complete web address. takes you to the main page of CNN, but I need the link to exactly where your article can be found.

  22. Kyle Hampton

    Article Title: Bernie Sanders' case: I was right first
    Article Date: Thu October 8, 2015
    Who: This Article is about Burnie Sanders.
    Where: This article had taken place at a demarcate rally in Las Vegas.
    When: This happened on Thursday October 8th.
    What happened: In this article Burnie Sander On of the nations front runner for the democratic party expressed his feel on multiple issues currently plaguing our country as well as fellow running mates. In the Article he told how he is trying to reform current student loan rates to help people how are have a hard time making ends met in their lives. He had also brought up multiple of how he would take on big corruptions and the 1 percent to help stabilize the Counties and its financial burdens.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because many of the issue that Mr. Saunders has been talking about have been hot topics that many people have been dealing with and they are for him to acknowledge is a really good sign.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction is a positive one.
    Opinion (I think..) I think he is doing a fantastic job advocating these issues.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I feel this Burnie Saunders is A wonderful man trying to do right by his country by helping people who need it.


  23. Website source:
    Article Title:Northern Arizona University shooting follow confrontation police say
    Article Date: October 9th 2015
    Who: students
    Where: northern Arizona University
    When: on Friday October 9th
    What happened: a Northern Arizona University student 18 years old his name is Stephen Jones he opened fire at around 1:20 AM Friday, October 9 . he allegedly pulled a gun and shot for male students killing one . But the student has been identified as Colin brough. The victims where members of the Delta chi fraternity. The three students have been shot multiple times.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because this shows that people can bring guns or any harmful weapons inside of school and causes the school to have a lock down & anybody can get harmed at anytime in school
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like this is a safety hazard because people can be in danger as you can see three people got shot in one die died. This makes me feel anger also because why would someone want to kill or harm anyone at their school unless they have been picked on
    Opinion (I think..) I think there should be more security inside of the college or any school so that people can be protected and not in harms way
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because not too long ago a couple of days ago a school/college name CCP caused Ben Franklin high school to go on lockdown because they had a gun inside of the school (CCP)

  24. Source:
    Article Title: FBI chief tries to deal with the Ferguson effect
    Article Date: Monday October 26, 2015
    Who: The FBI department
    Where: Chicago
    When: Been happening every since 2014
    What happened:
    Why this event is relevant : FBI Director James Comey is throwing his authority behind the idea that restraint by cops in the wake of criticism is at least partly to accuse for a surge in violent crime in some cities
    Reaction : My attitude towards this is that this violent crime has been happening since 2014 and there isn't any sign of justice yet . So the FBI needs to dig harder to come to a better conclusion .
    Opinion : I think that Ferguson is a serious incident that hasn't had any positive outcomes yet .
    Connection : I choose this article because this is happening close to the city i am from and if this was Philadelphia i would want justice just like any other city would want for them self .
