Sunday, October 25, 2015

4th period, Week of 10/26-10/30

Due by 3:30 pm on10/30

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. For October 23, 2015


    Article Title: Canadian authorities say 5 dead, 1 missing after whale watching boat sinks

    Article Date: October 26, 2015

    Who: James of the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC), 27 passengers, and Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond

    Where: South of Canadian

    When: Sunday Morning

    What happened: In Canada there was a boat filled with people who watch whales. So all of the sudden the boat starts to sink out of nowhere. Authorities say it was an unknown reason why the boat had sunk. Five were dead and one person was missing they say that they will be doing there best to look for the missing person even if they're already dead.

    Why this event is relevant: This event was relevant because it’s just like what happen to the planes that go to Asia and were missing. But they couldn’t find the people that were missing.

    Reaction: I feel as though that maybe the should have given the baot a second check to make sure because that there might have been actually something wrong.

    Opinion: I also think there’s might have not been something wrong with the boat. Sometimes things happens and we as humans don’t always find why they happen.

    Connection: I pick this article because it seem as though we need to be on top of our game when currents things happen. But no one can prevent these things most of the time because the problem is not noticeable. Unless you take the boat apart but most of the times it’s probably not the boat maybe something in the water. We just don’t know.

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:What's going on with prison reform in America?
    Article Date: Wednesday October 21st, 2015
    Who: Lisa Ling
    Where: Virginia Prison
    When: Today ( October 21, 2015)
    What happened: Lisa Ling visits a prison in Virginia. She's trying to figure out what is going on with the prisons of America. On her show "This is Life with Lisa Ling," she interview people or places on certain topics and this time it happens to be about still being a father while in prison.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because we should know what is going on with our prisons in the US. This also relevant because she is explaining what it is like to be a father in prison.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My feelings towards this article is that it was a good interview to speak to fathers who are in prison and what it is like to live like that while still maintaining to be a father.
    Opinion (I think..): I think that this article is showing us how effective it can be to kids with their fathers in prison. I also think it shows how there is becoming more prisons in the US than schools.
    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because I have a little cousin who lived about ⅚ years with a dad who was in prison. I also chose this article because it is crazy to me how the government can put out a lot of money for prisons but not for schools.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. For October 30, 2015


    Article Title: Earthquake Shakes Afghanistan, Pakistan, India; Scores Killed

    Article Date: OCT 26 2015

    Who: 150 people killed, 270 injuries, 12 girls who died while trying to flee their school in Afghanistan, And 23 more deaths were confirmed

    Where: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India

    When: Monday 2:10p.m. in their time our time 5:10a.m.

    What happened: In Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India there was this 7.5 earthquake that had destroyed 1,400 buildings. Authorities say that it came from after the rain fell in current parts of Afghanistan. 1,438 houses were destroyed. Another thing was that Afghan is capital of Kabul and what had happened there was that people in cars stop and came out screaming, people came out of there houses, and people also came out of there office and schools just trying to get away from the earthquake.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a lot of people lost their lives and houses. So now there love ones are dead and they’re homeless. And it’s not easy trying to clean up a mess like that.

    Reaction: I feel as though we should pitch in and help as much as we can and as much as possible because to be honest that’s the only thing we can really do. But I mean we can also pray for them. Also that their loved ones rest in peace.

    Opinion: I also think that if we all pitch in and not just Philadelphia but others. We could make a difference and making a difference is good. Also knowing that we had did something god to them would warm some of their hearts. That would be something good for them and us.

    Connection: I pick this article because this is important a lot of people died and a lot of people are homeless. I’m sure they’d not like to be homeless with the cold weather. Also their might still be water around current areas which isn’t good because they might touch something very important.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Oklahoma parade crash: Suspect's lawyer concerned about mental state
    Article Date: October 26, 2015
    Who: Tony Coleman
    Where: Oklahoma
    When: October 24, 2015
    What happened: A woman by the name of Adacia Chambers drove into an crowd at an Oklahoma State University game on Saturday, October 24 killing 4 people and injuring 47. Her lawyer is now saying that Adacia had signs of mental illness and is requesting a mental health evaluation when she reports in court. The lawyer knows for a fact that it is not alcohol after several test. Chambers is facing second degree murder charges regardless of the allegations of mental illness.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because 4 people lost their lives. One victim only at the age of two. Justice needs to be served.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel empathy for the victims and the loved ones of the victims. The death of a loved one is a hard thing to bare.

    Opinion (I think..) I think they should do the evaluation of mental health in order to determine her consequences.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because we talked about second chances in the justice system in English class. If this woman has a mental health issue she just be charged like it and not as harsh. Everyone deserves a second chance.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: New Video Shows Scenes from Raid to Free Hostages from ISIS
    Article Date: 10/25/15

    Who: Iraqi, US Soldiers, ISIS
    Where: Kirkuk Iraq
    When: N/A
    What happened: In Kirkuk Iraq, American Soldiers were on the attack. More of a raid of an ISIS base for possible information on ISIS. As they were searching, they found approximately 70 Iraqi in captivity. Many found in dark offices, and four men in robes found in a room after a hallway. Later, the air force destroyed the hideout after the raid.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because ISIS is not just affecting America but other countries. If America can get on its trial it can keep us and other citizens of other countries safe as well. Also this could make new alliance. This is also might send a sign to terrorists to not mess with us, Americans, and other countries that allied to powerful countries. Also make the powerful countries like the US more terrifying for enemies against us.
    Reaction: Whoa! Go America! That is awesome! America keep it up and make sure you are not doing anything that could make us go to war with countries. We do not have money nor time for that. Just keep up the good work and take down ISIS.
    Opinion: I feel a lot more safer. I know that my country can handle most terrorists and help others. But can they fix themselves before going to other countries unless we are being threatened in anyway. I like living than dying. I know it takes time to change but it is cool if they can fix the police problem. I want to feel safe in and out my country. So keep up the good work out of the country but work on yourself as well.
    Connection: I have friends outside the country and I want them to be safe. Using the US military as a similarity or a mental connection as myself. It makes me feel like I am helping them without helping them. If this ISIS thing spreads its bases then I do not want any of my friends to get hurt.

    ~Stephon Cratic-Smith


    October 24, 2015, The Editorial Board writes about Puerto Rico soon going broke if it does not get help. All of Puerto Rico, their government, Obama or our government and American people living in Puerto Rico are all involved in this issue. Obama has been trying to help Puerto Rico by improving the resources of their government and abolishing a law so that they will have economic protection. 300,000 people even to find work but that's really not working because the economy can not benefit from the people leaving. The economy is not improving so everything else that falls under is going into a crash course. Investors that are in on the situation says that Obama's plan is not good and that all Puerto Rico needs is better public goods.
    The topic is relevant because everyone or someone of some sort should know what is going on not only in their country but in other countries too because nothing can survive in isolation and everyone needs each other.I think that whichever type of government Puerto Rico has is not doing a good job. They're not doing a good job because having citizens being economically unstable is taking away their rights of equality or justice in a way. The government is suppose to be a strong form in which they are smart enough to not let things get too serious to the point where many people, especially the people who elected or votes for them, have to suffer in serious conditions. I think some people are not thinking clearly about the resolution to the problem. Many countries are in depth and if the depth is that deep then maybe the depth needs to be on hold or erased in a way where as everything, far as businesses or public goods, etc., can be arranged in a better way so that the people won't have to suffer. This story connects a little to when the British taxed the American colonist because they had no way to get the money back. But, in this case, not only are the people being taxed but they are losing money and even businesses in which they have no stability.

    Siani K.Cliett

    1. I love your connection. This is pretty concerning since Puerto Rico is a place I think of as rich with tourism.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Why Ben Carson is beating Trump
    Current event
    Desmond Collins Jr
    October 27,2015

    Event title: Why Ben Carson is beating Trump
    This is an national problem. This affects everyone in the U.S because they are choosing who they want to be a leader and some of these so called "leaders" are being announced as Being discriminative against groups of people such as Muslims and immigrants. For instance, Ben Carson is discriminating against Muslims and Donald Trump is discriminating against immigrants. This is a problem that effects all citizens in the U.S and people outside of America who hope to come live here in the future. Why would we want a president that is being unexceptional towards others' religions beliefs or a president who performs discrimination towards immigrants. This affects me as an American citizen because who the president of your country is shows who you accept as your leader both politically and socially. I think that we need to find a way to know our Candidates better before we vote for them and possibly make a mistake that we strongly regret in the future. I think that we need to vote for someone who is open-minded instead of closed. We need someone who will represent the U.S in both a positive and motivational way.
    -Desmond Collins Jr

  13. Source:
    Article Title Is 'zero tolerance' still the right approach?
    Article Date:Thu October 29, 2015
    Who: Ashley Fantz
    Where: Chesterfield, South Carolina
    When:Thu October 29, 2015
    What happened:In October, in Chesterfield, South Carolina, police are called because of a fight. When the police man arrive he use aggressive force to the teen girl to just arrest her for a fight. So, people took pictures and videos so now the police officer have a open case and inside of jail.
    Why this event is relevant: This event relevant because it shows how police think they have the right to do anything to a human. Also, shows why police need some body camera to show what they do on there jobs. This also shows how police officers use excessive force to people for no reason at all.
    Reaction I felt that we should really sit down and think about this should we look at them as leader of our country. Why because every time we turn around we hear things about what a police officer did to our citizens. Also, I felt that the consequences should be worst because most of every case of a excessive force from a police officer won there case. But i think they should do a couple months to at less show them that was wrong to do.
    Opinion I think eventually people would sit down and look deeper at this problem and think about what we can do about this.
    Connection I choose this article because it show a problem that still going on since the Baltimore situation.
    -Troy Drayton

    1. Pay close attention to the presidential candidates- I have a feeling this will come up more and more.

  14. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Sanders Opens to States Legalizing Marijuana
    Article Date:Thursday October 29, 2015

    Who:Bernie Sanders
    Where: Nation Wide
    When:This week

    What happened: What happen was that Berine Sanders was talking about Legalizing Marijuana and how it would be if he would do it and how everything would go if it happens. He said that this would happen if he do it and it said the recognized businesses in states that legalized Marijuana should be fully able to use the banking system with out fear retribution, that's what Bernie Sanders and that's what happen.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because I think marijuana is a big topic because most people smoke it and most people love it that's why it's relevant.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I really don't care about this I don't smoke so this really don't matter to me.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this should be solved because everybody going to jail for that to.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it seemed important to me and I that's why I picked it.

  15. Source: (
    Article Title:(Republican debate: Winners and losers)
    Article Date:Thu October 29, 2015
    Who: The Republican candidates
    Where: Washington
    When 10/28/15
    What happened: Presidential debate
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because one of these candidates might be our next president
    Reaction: I think donald Trump was a loser in my point because from what we saw i did not like the things he was saying.
    Opinion: I think that John Kasich and Marco Rubio might have won they said a lot i things that i like.
    Connection: I chose this article because i'm very interested in who’s going to be our next president and who the media thinks won the debate.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Marijuana Advocates Expect Big Things From Bernie Sanders After Debate
    Article Date:October 14,2015
    Who:Bernie Sanders, Advocates
    Where:Las Vegas
    When: Tuesday
    What happened:On the first democratic debate Bernie Sanders admitted that he would probably vote to legalize weed. By hime saying that advocates says that he made history. "This is the first time we've seen a major candidate for president say he would probably vote to legalize marijuana if given the chance" Tom Angell says to BuzzFeed. On stage Sanders supported his answer on legalizing weed. "I would vote yes because I am seeing in this country to many lives being destroyed from nonviolent offenses" he says. After the debate some advocates said its time for Bernie Sanders to be the face of legalizing weed. His campaign is taking things slowly however.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because alot of people especially teenagers smoke weed and alot of them would be very happy to see a president legalizing it and so many teenagers wouldnt get locked up for having it on them.
    Reaction: My reaction to this was that i was surprised to hear this because although i dont smoke i know people who do and they would be happy to hear this.
    Opinion: My opinion on this is that its a good thing but also a bad thing because alot of people wouldnt get in trouble but weed also has ways of messing up peoples lives and more lives might get messed up if weed is legalized.
    Connection: i chose this article because this is something that can affect someone daily life especially a life of a teenager.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.


  18. Source:
    Article Title:Could Adopt Automatic Voter Registration Next?
    Article Date: OCTOBER 22, 2015
    Who: Americans and officials who are in charge of the voting process
    Where: The United States
    What happened: Basically the government is trying to set up a new voting registration system. They want to make is so that when you renew a drivers licenses or a state identification which everyone is suppose to do you will automatically be registered to vote. They believe that this will allow the Americans who are able to vote but are not registered yet to be out on the voting rolls.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because as studies show a lot of Americans can vote but majority of them don't. Some are lazy ,too busy, forgetful ect and registering is just a inconvenience for them. That's why if this falls into place it will make it one less thing people have to worry about an it would be more likely that they will vote.
    Reaction: I feel happy about this because if they go through with this plan it should be affective by the time I am able to vote.
    Opinion : I think they should give the automatic registration a try. I think if they do this the amount of Americans that vote will increase.
    Connection: I chose this article because I think this could really be a good plan. Especially because this Idea is pro Americans. This will really make it easy for every one. They will be able to kill two birds in one stone. Meaning they could accomplish two things at once which is good for everyone.

  19. Source:
    Article Title: Thousands of Philly Students Still Without Permanent Teachers
    Article Date: October 19, 2015
    Who: Philadelphia School Kids
    Where: Philadelphia
    When: Several weeks into the school year
    What Happened: Several weeks into the school year, and thousands of school kids still do not have permanent teachers. Some students do not have a permanent teacher in four out of five of their major subjects. In some schools such as Mastbaum, there are several classes with 55 students because of there not being enough teachers.
    Why Relevant: This article is relevant because many people don't realize that kids aren't getting the proper education they need.
    Reaction: I feel concerned for the Philadelphia school system. I'm concerned because education is really important and in crowded classrooms, students can't get what they need.
    Opinion: I think this is a serious problem, and something should be done ASAP! I feel like the government should try to hire more teachers as soon as they're able to.
    Connection: I am interested in this article because I kind of feel like I can connect with some of the students that are in this situation. I may be able to connect because I'm sure a few of them are growing up just like me in the same kind of neighborhoods.

    -Maryam Abdulmatin

  20. Zaynab Harris


    Article Title: New Jersey Man Who Tired to Help Organize 'Small Army' of ISIS Fighters Pleads Guilty

    Article Date: October 29, 2015

    Who: Alaa Saadeh is the 24 year old, New Jersey man that is involved.

    Where: New Jersey, and New York.

    When: This incident was discovered on Monday, August 10, 2015.

    What happened: Ultimately, Alaa tried to build a small army of fighters for ISIS in New Jersey and New York. He contributed to the extremist group by sending them money for traveling expenses to Syria and other equipment to support ISIS. He was appealed as guilty for those actions and is faced and sentenced with up to 15 years in prison.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because incidents like this frequently surface in the media, due to the heinous crimes ISIS does. It has been said from the FBI that in the past year their has been 7 arrests of men from New York and New Jersey that have been in contact with this terrorist establishment.

    Reaction: After reading this article I feel threatened, and unstable. Ultimately, I feel this way because you never know who may be in contact with this terrorist group and who will participate in their wrong doings.

    Opinion: I think this man should be faced with up to 15 or more years in jail, mainly because he is putting the lives of Americans at risk, as a result of his actions.

    Connection: I can connect with this article because I have heard about another incident with someone being discovered by the police, that was a member of ISIS, living in America. In that case, she was a woman living in Pennsylvania who planned on donating money to the organization and vowed on dying for the cause.

  21. Source:

    Article Title:China to allow all couples two children to counter aging population
    Article Date: October 29,2015
    Who: Chinese Government
    When:11 hours ago
    What happened: Government is now allowing parents to have 2 children
    Why this event is relevant: Because they have been known to only allow one child to be born for each family to lower down the population.
    Reaction: I think that this a huge Breakthrough for families everywhere in china because even though the law changed to have just one plus child, it gives families a bit of relief and allows them to feel a bit more free.
    Opinion: I think that as the population becomes less and less dense they should slowly increase the number of children allowed to have in the country every 3-5 years.
    Connection: This makes me think of my life here in America and how grateful I am because I have 2 other siblings so if that law had ran in America then only one of us would've been born. I think that this can also relate to how some laws in America not having to do with limited child birth but laws that restrict us in other ways. China is just a sign that its time to change and both look forward to and properly plan for the future.

  22. Source:
    Article Title: Is the U.S. Military Strong Enough? As We Fight Terrorism, Our Military Isn’t What It Was in the Cold War
    Article date: October 29, 2015
    Who: U.S Military
    Where: America
    When: 2015
    What happened: Because of the recent wars and the fighting in the middle East, especially Iran, the U.S military is having a very hard time maintaining its stance from financial issues. Because of America’s military is slowly dwindling, people in the U.S are worried if their country is safe or not. And the whole reason why the U.S military is weakening, is from the billions of dollars intervening in other countries' affairs and the spending on America's defense to protect the country.
    Why is this relevant: The reason why this is relevant is because by intervening in foreign affairs the U.S can prevent countries like, Iran from damaging the U.S and other countries. Intervening is basically protecting the U.S from any harm.
    Reaction: When I saw this article I wasn't surprised, I was sort of worried because fighting in the middle east, restocking on necessary materials, and maintaining almost since the cold war is going to be a lot of money. And I was worried because what if the U.S military really backs off and has to face a situation a lot worse than 9/11 one day, makes me feel somewhat unsafe.
    Opinion: I think it would best for the U.S military to keep a internationalism stance so it can protect the U.S from foreign threats. If the U.S suddenly one day doesn’t have enough money, then I think it would best to protect the U.S.
    Connections: I chose this article because in the summer I had on a debate on “If America should take a internationalism stance or not”, and I was on the yes part of the debate. So when I read this article I could see why maintaining U.S military is becoming harder because of facts I researched and facts that the opposite team said was always something about spending money and how untenable it is.

  23. Source:

    Article Title: Where are black children safe?

    Article Date:.October 29,2015
    Who: Black Vs White
    Where: United states of America
    When: Monday October 19 2015
    What happened: People question is black lives safe because every time things are going good another violent act or killing is happening. It seems like there no where where a black can be free of the crimes of a white man. Black people are killed and there is no justice for the crime. For years people ask why don't black people just do what they supposed to do. Black job on earth is to be human just like whites. A White sheriff's deputy was asked to come to the classroom of Spring Valley High School because a black child was being disobedient and was not giving her phone to the teacher. When the sheriff goes to the girl, she is sitting quietly. He quickly muscles her out of her seat and throws her across the room. This was not necessary. So the question still stands where are blacks safe at in America. Where is a safe place where you don't have to worry about being killed or hurt.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel like this is honestly ashame that a black girl can get throw across a room just because she didn't give up her phone.
    Opinion (I think..) I think he was wrong because what if that was his daughter and a black man threw her across the room because she would not give her teacher a phone. He would be mad because his daughter would come home with bruises he would be pissed. I don't know what made him think that he was making a smart decision
    Connection (why you chose this article)
    You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum). I chose this article because I don't know why people are so racist. I see no point in it because we are all the same besides our skin color. Everybody on this earth has a different shade of skin color and that shows how unique we are as a race. Other than that we all have feelings, hair, teeth and etc. We all get sick and go to the doctors. We all go to the dentist and also we all get old and grey when we get older. So what's so different about us. What a white person can do a Mexican can do. What a black person can do a African can do. What a Asia person can do a white person can also do. So people saying I don't like whites, Asia's, Russians it's like so you don't like they skin color.

  24. Source:
    Article Title:China Ends One-Child Policy
    Article Date: october 29
    Who: People in China
    When: Thursday
    What happened: China put an end to its one child policy. Now people in China can have two kids.
    Why this event is relevant: People in China didn't have the right to have more than one child.
    Reaction: I feel bad about the situation. Why can't they have more than two kids?
    Opinion: I feel as though people should be able to have as many kids as they want. It's a natural right. There should be no law saying otherwise.
    Connection: I chose this article because it was interesting. Once I read the title I thought that it would be a good article to do a current event on.

    Joe Biden will not be running for president this year because of the death of his son Beau. His son died from cancer and that has affected his life in a large way. Biden believes that Clinton or Trump will not fit as a good president but he does want whoever wins the election to find a cure for cancer. I think if he doesn't win then Trump or Clinton will and the society will not result in a good way. I think this is relevant because Biden would fit as a good president and he would be a better president then Hillary and Donald. I don't really have a reaction because I can relate to his situation but I can't imagine myself in that position. Biden is doing the right thing but then again he is risking protecting and serving as president of our country. I respect his decision and everyone should have some type of sympathy for Biden. As much as he wants to run for president, he won't because the death of his son will affect his life during the term. I hope someone does find a cure for cancer because that has been the cause of deaths recently. In my opinion, I think Biden should run for president but he isn't quite comfortable with the position now but in future elections, I hope to see him run.

  26. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:U.S. to send Special Operations forces to Syria
    Article Date: Fri October 30,
    Who:U.S. Special Operations forces
    Where:northern Syria
    When: thurs October 29,
    What happened:The United States is set to deploy troops on the ground in Syria for the first time to advise and assist rebel forces combating ISIS, multiple officials said Friday.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this means the u.s is getting involved in the war in syria, this is also very dangerous for are solders.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Why must we have war all the time?
    Opinion (I think..) i think that we should find a better way to salve this then war.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because my cousin in a solder and i seen that they where going over there to fight.

  27. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Syria:Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS
    Article Date:October 30,2015
    Who:Barack Obama, Syria, U.S troops
    Where:Syria in ISIS controlled territory
    When:Friday October 30, 2015
    What happened:Barack Obama has officially declared that he will be sending less than 50 U.S Special Ops Forces to an area controlled by Kurdish and Arab fighters in northern Syria. The forces in the north have been the most effective when confronting the ISIS fighters so our troops will be stationed there so we can help coordinate local ground forces.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because our troops are risking their lives for a war we should really not be fighting. It's also relevant because we aren't sending 1,000 soldiers, we are only sending around 40.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel as if our troops shouldn't be over in Syria fighting because to me this war really seems pointless.
    Opinion (I think..)I think the U.S is making the wrong decision to deploy anyone of our troops to Syria.
    Connection (why you chose this article)i chose this article because it was interesting, a very hot topic right now, and it could possible effect us in the future


  28. Source:
    Article Date: October 23, 2015
    Who: Mayor Shelly Vana
    Where: Florida
    When: October 25, 2015
    What happened: Another innocent African American male is shot and killed after minding his own business and loving his daily life problem free and worried free.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because on February 26,2012 another innocent young African American male from the same state of Florida was racially attacked by a cop and was killed after going to the store buying skittles and Arizona.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) this makes me very angry because I'm sick of my people getting killed everyday and although it would sound nice that I say "We should stand up and do something about this" but in reality it feels like it doesn't work because it happens over and over again.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that my country is a bad place. I feel like I have to watch my back everytime I pass a cop car. I feel like this world has no place for a young black man besides sports and entertainment. I think a change should be made but I don't know if that change is going to come.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I hope whoever is reading this really takes note and listens that this isn't new. This has been happening for years and we're lucky to even be able to see this article, because there is young innocent black men killed every day that don't even make it on to the news.

    1. The conversation is ongoing. This is the first time I can recall that we have been building a consistent dialogue on race relations. This is our new Civil Rights Movement- just like back then, it takes time and persistence in the face of immense challenges.

  29. Source:
    Article Title: Outrage as US school security officer attacks girl in classroom
    Article Date: October 27, 2015
    Where: Spring Valley High School, Columbia, South Carolina
    When: October 27, 2015
    What happened: A girl at Spring Valley High School was in class and was reportedly asked to put her phone away multiple times. After she refused, a school security guard was asked to remove her from the class. A video is shown of the security guard violently throwing the student to the ground and dragging her across and out of the classroom.
    Why this event is relevant: This issue is relevant because this occurring of police brutality is going on way to often. Also, it is happening more and more in schools. School is a place where you should feel safe, and with this going on students will start to feel less safe while in school.
    Reaction: My reaction to this is that it should not be happening at all especially not in schools.
    Opinion: The security staff should find a better way to escort unruly students to a place where they are not a distraction in a more safe and non disruptive way.
    Connection: I can make a connection to the student who was using the phone because maybe they knew something the teacher didn't know which is sometimes the case and also why they didn't want to exit the classroom.

  30. Source:
    Article Title:Syria: Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS

    Article Date: 2:53 PM ET, Fri October 30, 2015
    Who: CNN, Jason Earnest, Obama, ISIS
    What happened: The White House sent less than 50 Special OPs forces in northern Syria. They will help Arabia and Kurdish fight ISIS. Sending the Special OPs is the most improvement in the fight with ISIS.
    Why this event is relevant: This is helping people get their homes back and show that they aren’t as weak people may think they are.
    Reaction I think it is a somewhat good thing that they are helping them out. But we have already been working on the ISIS problem for a while but it is nice
    Opinion I think it will be that type of thing that will have them help us in the end or near future.
    Connection Because people are always trying to fix thing but never do or slowly working to it and this is it
