Sunday, October 25, 2015

5th period, Week of 10/26-10/30

Due by 3:30 pm on10/30

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs

(10 sentences)

Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.



Source: (entire website address)
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant:
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Isaiah Exum-Lee
    Article Title: Obama Administration Calls for Limits on Testing in Schools.
    Article Date: Saturday, October 24th 2015
    Who: Shelley Westmen, Public Schools, Students.
    Where: Attendees at the NYU-Polytechnic School of Engineering Career Discovery in Cybersecurity.
    When: Around the month of October.
    What happened: The Obama Administration program laid out that schools need to make fewer exams with more meaning to them. Rather than bombarding students with overwhelming amounts that may not do so well at helping the process of learning or seeing what they have learned.
    Why this event is relevant: Because it speaks on the most important aspect of education.
    Reaction: When they stated that there was to be a cap placed on schools where there will be no more than 2% of a child's entire school year spent taking exams, it was definable eye opening. Tests are the perfect 'weapon' in finding what the children understand.
    Opinion: In my opinion I would have to say I agree for the most part with this. Not to be biased, but simply because it is true from my experience. Students receive assessments almost weekly, giving us subpar time to truly develop an understanding of the material or deeper meaning.
    Connection: This article really connects to me seeing as I am a student myself. Every now and then I do get the feeling of being overwhelmed with exams and assessments, which is why this really spoke out to me.

  2. Include:

    Article Title:In 1983 War Scare Soviet Leadership Feared Nuclear Suprise Attack By U.S.
    Article Date:October 24, at 9:05 amET
    Who:David E Hoffman
    Where:Red Square
    When:May Day Parade 1983
    What happened:Soviet military got attacked by the United States military. White House wanted to fix some of the straggles between these two Unions. Soviet Job was to control any strikes that would pass by. NATO offense was in charge of the denefences between the attack and misleading purposes.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is revelant because it explains how war can have a negative impact towards other countries. President Ronald Regan in 1983 wasn't making any Changes towards new conceptions.
    Reaction my reaction towards this article is dissapointing because it's making the United States look bad sending troops. Other countries are doing that to others to.
    Opinion (I think.. This article can benefit the relations towards United States military offense.
    Connection ( This reminds me of the civil war.

    “Why the government allows this dangerous sport once a year”
    Fri October 23, 2015
    People from all over the globe gather to Fayetteville, West Virginia once a year. Everyone gathers because every third saturday of October the government allows base jumping from the New River Gorge Bridge. Everyday of the year it is illegal to even walk across the bridge, nevertheless base jump from it, except for 6 hours on that saturday. The government decided to legalize it in the 80’s. People were jumping from it before it was approved. This was very dangerous because there was no officials at the top of bridge and no authorities at the bottom to make sure you landed safely. So the government made it legal during the day of the festival celebrating the bridge. It is much safer that way because officials can monitor the dangerous activity. This is relevant because this shows that the government can make compromises so everyone is satisfied. If they can do that with this activity then imagine what compromises they can make with bigger issues like gun laws, taxes, education. I personally found this to be crazy to do, but if people are so devoted to this sport to have the government make it legal for at least 6 hours then it must be something amazing. I think that the government should do the same with other issues in the U.S and make everyone satisfied. I also think that if Bernie Sanders were there he would base jump because he is awesome and does things outside the box(had to add Sanders in here somewhere). I connect this with the purge. It is something that is insane and is allowed once a year, but everyone doesn’t go on a killing spree, they just jump from a bridge.
    -Kadrisse Mcintosh

  4. Source:

    Article Title: Joe Biden Took Bernie Sanders’ Side On College Tuition

    Article Date: Oct. 21, 2015

    Who: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton

    Where:White House Rose Garden

    When: This past week

    What happened: Bernie Sanders wants to raise billions of tax money on Wall Street and use it to make public colleges and universities tuition free for everyone. While
    Mr.Biden backs him up stating that we should "make the same commitment to a college education today that we made to a high school education 100 years ago.” Hillary Clinton thinks this idea is wasteful because it funds wealthy families who already can afford college.

    Why this event is relevant: I believe this is relevant because this is a topic that has been coming up a lot. Plus a lot of students who go to college are always in debt for years because funding is so difficult. It effects majority of the United States and it prohibits some people from going to college (unless they go to a community college).

    Reaction: I believe this is a good idea because I feel like education should be free for all. A lot of people don't come from a wealthy households but wants to make a change for their family. So making college free could benefit everyone including myself in the next two years.

    Opinion: I think this idea should go into full effect 100% because it won't have many kids in debt. Students would only have to pay for is supplies and housing. It would bring the cost down and maybe more kids would go to college and make a change in their life and other people's lives.

    Connection: I choose this article because this could be effecting me soon. In the next year, I will be having to make decisions on where i'm going to college. Plus the majority of my colleges i want to go to are pretty expensive. If this were to happen it would make life for myself and other future college student's easier.

  5. Source
    Article Title:Donald Trump Gets Prickly Over Ben Carson, Iowa Poll Numbers
    Article Date: Oct 26, 2015
    Who: This article is about Donald Trump and Ben Carson.
    Where: This takes place in Iowa and New Hampshire.
    When: This article took place today !
    What happened: What happened was Donald trump came at Ben because he was being beat in the polls in Iowa.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because someone else is finally leading in polls. It also shows how petty Donald Trump can really be.
    Reaction my reaction is funny. Because i think this is so petty. Donald Trump just cant take a lose and has to try and bring people down for nothing. You cant win everything.
    Opinion I think that Donald should just grown up and take this lose.
    Connection I choose this articular because Donald Trump Interests me.

  6. Source:
    Article Title:White House, GOP near 2-year budget deal
    Article Date:10/26/2015
    Who: GOP, Senior White House officials, congressional leaders, White House budget director Shaun Donovan, legislative affairs director Katie Beirne Fallon.
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: 2016-2017
    What happened: Senior White House officials and congressional leaders are nearing a deal to raise the debt limit. The agreement is not yet final, as negotiators still need to settle a dispute over controversial policy riders. Legislation to raise the debt ceiling and fund the government is central to the deal. Members have been battling over how to fund the government and provide relief from a separate 2011 deal that created budget ceilings known as the sequester. Staving off the increases is expected to cost about $7.5 billion, and Democratic aides have said Pelosi's office was quietly negotiating with Boehner on the offsets.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the set of this budget can effect schools social security of elders.
    Reaction: I feel like this budget is really important and it should not be limited and it should cover expenses for education and welfare and all the important needs of the people.
    Opinion: I think that the people in charge of this budget might budge on it and there is not going to be enough money for the education and the needs of the people.
    Connection: I choose this particular article because this budget is important because the school system is debt because there is not much money for education so they take out loans just for education of the young people and i fell like it shouldn't be like that.

  7. Source: (
    Article Title:Deaths, damage reported in powerful Afghanistan quake
    Article Date:Mon October 26, 2015
    Who: 12 schoolgirls, Abdul Khalil Asir, Jammu, Kashmir, Masoud Popalzai and the victims of the earthquake.
    When: October 26, 2015
    What happened:What had happened was it was a terrible earthquake in Afghanistan. Killed 12 schoolgirls when they were being dismissed out of school. Also 146 deaths occurred during the earthquake. And at least 34 deaths in the northeast.
    This is relevant because it evolves multiple people lives. It affected the world rather you know it or not. It also made a big impact on people lives. In a positive way and a negative way.
    Reaction; Well my reaction toward this whole thing is its sad. I feel this way because parents lost their children. Friends lost their bestfriends. Its a terrible thing to ever go through and I wouldn't want to.
    Opinion: I think that this earthquake is a bad natural disaster but things happen so what u have to do is overcome it and power through it with your family.
    Connection: One connection is when I dad had a heart failure and the only thing i could do was be there by his side and make sure hes okay. When he became better make sure I tell him I love him everyday because at that moment no one knew what was going to happen.

  8. Donald Trump on father's 'small' $1 million loan -
    10-26-2015.       National.
    Donald Trump, his supporters, and undecided voters was involved.
    This event took place at Atkinson, New Hampshire.
    This event took place in October of 2015.

         In this article Trump is trying to persuade the undecided republican voters to vote for him. These voters asked him questions on how he is going to better this country. Trump as usual is boasting a little about his money, talks about immigration and talks about trying to produce jobs and making deals. He is not pointing out exactly what kinds of deals, but the trade deals thats about it. He also want voters to vote for him because of his name.
    This is relevant because the country do not want a President to be in charge of this country if his or her plans are not clear to the people. I personally feel that voters should think twice about voting for him because he just want the rich to get richer and poorer to get poorer. He isn't looking out for anyone else interest but his own. I tnink that he would make this country sink into the ground and cause even more trouble with countries that we are trying to negotiate with. I hope he does not become President. I am interested to hear what he has to say if he even do make it farther in the election.

  9. Mamadu Barry

    I found this source at The article title is Mark Cuban: I'm not running for president. It was published Monday, 14 Sep 2015. The people involved are Mark Cuban, Donald Trump, and Hilary Clinton. This event took place in the United States on September.This article is basically talking about Mark Cuban saying why he can not run for president. Also, his reflections on the presidential race. How he would have "crushed" Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump if he had join the presidential race. This event is relevant because inform people on Mark Cuban and why he dropped out of the race. This guy is so confident about how he was going to win the race. But ended up dropping out, which doesn't makes no sense to me. I think he should just shut up about what he was going to do and what he'll do in the future. I chose this article because It looked interesting to read and it's a popular topic in the national news.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: October 24, 2015
    Who:FBI, U.S., Mexico
    Where: U.S. & Mexico
    When: 2015
    What: The Federal investigation Bureau discovered what they call a "super tunnel". This super tunnel is 800 yards long with preventions from cave-ins, lighting, and even electricity. Drugs were being imported to and from the U.S. without authorities having any knowledge what was going occurring. What followed the discovery of tunnel was the uncovering of 6 million dollars worth of marijuana and the arrests of 22 people involved with the super tunnel. This interesting tunnel was helped put into place by an undercover agent who suggested to transport and store the drugs. This is not the first of drug smuggling tunnels. It is actually 1 of 75. This event is relevant because drugs have a huge impact on our country and others surrounding the U.S., some medical purposes but in this case it's not medical. I was initially surprised but at the same time I thought that there had to be multiple ways that those who were involved with the drug cartel had access to and from point A to point B. I think that the FBI has a lot of work to do when it comes to illegal drugs and how we receive them. I chose this article because once again our country is affected by drugs in many negative ways. For example deaths, incarcerations, and even violence.

  11. Source:
    Article Title:U.S. jets intercept Russian planes near aircraft carrier
    Article Date:October 29,2015
    Who:The US Navy and Ronald Reagan and Russian
    Where: Off the Coast of California and Alaska
    When: July 4 2015
    What happened: The US Navy sent four armed fighter jets to intercept two Russian aircraft. They were flying over the Pacific Ocean to close to the aircraft that was carrying USS Ronald Reagan. The Russian aircraft wasn't even worried about USS and that they were in a training exercise with South Korean. But the USS planes followed standard operation procedures and escorted the Russian aircraft. The US ship followed the Russian aircraft until they were long gone from Reagan.
    Why:This is important because anything could have happen. We cant trust anyone. Also, say if we wasn't looking out Russian could have attacked. Then the US and Russian would have been at war.
    Reaction: I understand the Russian were training with South Korea or whatever the case may be they had no reason to be that close at all. They were flying 500 ft altitude and 100,000 ton warship now tell me I would have thought they were up to something.
    Opinion I think to avoid things like this from happening is each country aircraft's should keep there distant no matter what the circumstances make be. If you flying just stay away from other aircraft's, because the US could have started shooting them down because they looked suspects and as a threat.
    Connection: This very interesting to me, I love reading things like this.

  12. Source:
    Article Title:China ends one child policy
    Article Date:October 29,2015
    Who:China citizens
    What:China finally announced the one child policy is being changed to two.This happened on thursday.This was deciding in Bejiing over a four day meeting.The one child law happened around the 1970s.The reason for that law was to lower the polulation growth becasue it was already too big.I personally was shocked by this.It shouldnt have taken this long.The sad part about this is that it only went up to two.In my opinion everyone should have the freedom to get as many children as they want.This isntt a good way to solve the population growth issue.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Rough Arrest Highlights How School Police Officers Are and Aren't Trained for Kids
    Article Date: October 28, 2015
    Who: Police Officer and Student in Spring Valley High School
    Where: Carolina
    When: Earlier this week
    What happened: Earlier this week in Spring Valley High School, a female student was asked by teachers and administrators to put her phone away. After countless attempts to stop her, they brought in the security officer to handle the situation. The security officer used brutal force to stop the student from using her phone in class. After which, he dragged her out. A student recorded the whole incident and it went viral later this week. On Wednesday, he got fired.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this like many others like this have been popping up more frequently now. Police brutality has been a growing issue recently and should be handled soon.
    Reaction: I was shocked at this article. Especially the video, I cringed a bit looking at it. Seeing this made me questioned on why the police officer used brutal tactics to subdue the student. He could've simply took the phone away from her.
    Opinion: I think the staff shouldn't even have brought in the security officer. They themselves should've taken the phone. Everything about this was messed up and it didn't need to happen in the first place if the staff simply took her phone.
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel like these issues have been frequently happening more often now and it's starting to get my attention more.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: Paul Ryan Elected for Speaker if the House
    Article Date: October 29, 2015
    Who: Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: From Oct. 1-29

    What happened: Today, Paul Ryan was elected for Speaker of the House. One nominee that was second after Ryan was Kevin McCarthy, who was apparently guaranteed the spot of becoming Speaker of the House, but soon after dropping out the competition when Paul Ryan was voted more likely to become the Speaker of the House. After the former Speaker of the House, John Boehner, shocked everyone by revealing that he was resigning, the White House decided to put up nominations for who should become the next speaker of the house. Paul Ryan accepted the position by 236 votes.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because now we have to get used to the new Speaker of the House. Because He was more talked about than the other nominees, it could be believed that he had a higher chance of becoming speaker. He said that the house was broken and he thinks he is able to change the way the congress can bring the two political parties together on subjects like tax reforms, poverty, the U.S. Debt.

    Reaction: After watching a few news reports before the permanent election, and some had said that some of his requests were having the weekends off, making much harder for people to have food stamps, etc. Some feelings towards this is how being Speaker of the House is a hard job, which he needs to be serious about.

    Opinion: What I think is that, for me, it's a new thing to get used because I am now getting to know the understanding of the government and the basics of how it runs. I also think it's a different thing to think about how Paul Ryan will either succeed or fail handling the position.

    Connection: I chose this article simply because I have never worried about speaker of the house until this year, hearing about how he would always mess things up with bills to pass. This could be a new step for congress on actually being smart on how and when they pass specific bills.

  15. Source: (entire website address) Title: The title of this article is "Barack Obama says death penalty 'deeply troubling'"
    Article Date: The date of this article is October 23 2015.
    Who: Barack Obama is involved in this article.
    Where: This takes place in the United States.
    When: Thiis happened on October 23 2015.
    What happened: Obama said that wrongful sentencing and rascism have made him second guess about if the death penalty is reasonable.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people are suffering slow deaths due to death penalty malfunctions and being killed for crimes they didn't commit.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) The death penalty shouldn't be a thing at all. You're punishing a murderer by committed murder yourself . It's hypocritical.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this penalty is inhumane and Obama should ban it. No one's life should be in the hands of someone equal to them.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because My grandfather is in jail for attempted murder and if he would've been charged with murder , there's a possibly he could get the death penalty. I have family members incarcerated and the death penalty is something that shouldn't be used at all.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Florida newspaper: Marco Rubio should show up or resign
    Article Date: Wed October 28, 2015
    Who: Sen. Marco Rubio, people of Florida,Sen. Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders
    Where: United States (state of Florida)
    When: Recently
    What happened: The senator that the people of Florida picked in 2010 has been slacking in his position as Senator. Floridians are outraged that the senator has missed votes and has not been showing up to do his job as representative. The Sun Sentinel who choose Rubio said he gets paid $174,000 for doing nothing, taking from taxpayer money. Many are trying to force him to resign so they can elect a new person. His rival Jeb Bush even threw shots at him for not doing his job, to which he fired back in retaliation.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is a problem that must be resolved right away for the justice of the people. He's taking from the state and is not doing his best to give back to the people in return. This is unfair to those who worked hard for their earnings.
    Reaction: This is rather outlandish for a person in his position to be pulling. It'd be shocking if he actually finish his 6 year term.
    Opinion: I think he knows he'll lose this election, so he doesn't bother to even show up now. So he'll try to take advantage of his position for as long as he can before people pick a new senator.
    Connection:I chose this article because it kind of related to the inequality if the U.S., the economy is in bad shape at the moment. People want what they pay for, a senator who will work to serve them and bring them what they deserve.

  17. Source:
    Article Title:Florida newspaper: Marco Rubio should show up or resign
    Article Date: Wed October 28, 2015
    Who: Sen. Marco Rubio, people of Florida,Sen. Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders
    Where: United States (state of Florida)
    When: Recently
    What happened: The senator that the people of Florida picked in 2010 has been slacking in his position as Senator. Floridians are outraged that the senator has missed votes and has not been showing up to do his job as representative. The Sun Sentinel who choose Rubio said he gets paid $174,000 for doing nothing, taking from taxpayer money. Many are trying to force him to resign so they can elect a new person. His rival Jeb Bush even threw shots at him for not doing his job, to which he fired back in retaliation.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is a problem that must be resolved right away for the justice of the people. He's taking from the state and is not doing his best to give back to the people in return. This is unfair to those who worked hard for their earnings.
    Reaction: This is rather outlandish for a person in his position to be pulling. It'd be shocking if he actually finish his 6 year term.
    Opinion: I think he knows he'll lose this election, so he doesn't bother to even show up now. So he'll try to take advantage of his position for as long as he can before people pick a new senator.
    Connection:I chose this article because it kind of related to the inequality if the U.S., the economy is in bad shape at the moment. People want what they pay for, a senator who will work to serve them and bring them what they deserve.

  18. Gary Lonon
    October 30,2015
    Article Title:Political Prediction Market: Jeb Bush drops post-debate
    Article Date: October 29,2015
    Who: Jeb Bush
    Where: The United States
    When: October 29,2015
    What: This article is focusing on Jeb Bush and why he dropped out of the election. He drop out because he notice a significant drop in poll numbers. Basically saying that he realized that it was useless to keep running because he was not going to win the election, let along make it out the first round of voting. As of that point he was at 8% in the polls. But a 5% point drop was shown prior to the debate. This event is relevant to current events because this has to do with who will running our country for the next few years. This effects the poll standings and force those that were going to vote for Jeb Bush to sway their idea on who they are voting for in a different direction. In my opinion, I agree with what Jeb did. Running for president is a lot of hard work and a lot of money. Why continue to put out money for something you know you will not win. I look at it as there are plenty more chances, just try again. I picked this because this has to do with who will be running our country. This effects everyone.

  19. Source:
    Article Title:The title of this article is called Trump attacks force Jeb Bush out of his malaise
    Article Date:This event happened on October 21, 2015
    Who: The people mentioned in this article were Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, and George W. Bush,
    Where:This article is located in the US
    When: This event occured in 2015
    What happened: What happened was that after constant ridicule and disrespect from Donald Trump, Jeb Bush finally came out of his shell and was aggressive and right back at trump.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because a lot of people thought that Jeb Bush was just passive and could not stand up for himself.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings towards this article is that i was happy. I was happy because Donald Trump is obnoxious and does not know what he is talking about half of the time.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that these two presidential candidates will keep going back and forth with each other until someone finally gives up and drops out of the race.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because we have been watching the presidential debates in class and now for the first time I am interested in politics. For future references I will choose articles where these presidential candidates debate on other issues in America

  20. Source:

    Article Title:
    Syria: Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS

    Article Date: 10-29-15

    Who: Obama, US Troops, ISIS

    Where: Syria

    When: 10/29/15

    What happened: President Obama authorized troops to move into Syria to help fight ISIS

    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because yet another wave of US citizens are going to be fighting on the front lines in the middle east.

    Reaction: I am really surprises that president Obama is makibg this move. With the Russians moving in and that fact that this is not our war to fight, we definitely do not need to send anynore troops over there.

    Opinion: I think we should consider removing troops from the middle east. It was once Obamas plan to and he totally neglects the fact that we do not need to be there in the first place.

    Connection: I chose this article because I feel strongly about the way President Obama is handling things regarding ISIS. I personally feel like this is a bad move on his part and he needs to reconsider his decisions. If Russia wants to throw their people into the middle east we can use this as an opportunity to withdraw our troops out so that no more casualties will be attained.
