Sunday, September 29, 2013

P. 3, Week of 9/29-10/4

Current Event for Week 6: 9/29-10/4

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:
    Article Title: Harry Reid Spokesman Says Senate Will Reject House Bill
    Article Date: 09/29/2013
    Who: Senate
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: September 29, 2013
    What happened: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that the Senate will reject the House bill to avoid government shutdown. They also decided to delay the implementation of Obamacare.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if the government was to shut down, which presently is, that would affect the citizens of the U.S badly. Shutting down the government will lead to more people losing their job, which leads to an increase in rural areas and families. A lot city workers would most likely be fired, counselor's fired, school staff's, schools closing, and community centers, libraries, and more public goods would close down. It's like a domino effect. One thing will lead into another and the country will become in a greater deficit than we are now. Delaying the implementation of Obamacare is relevant because Obamacare helps the low standard families everyday living. Obamacare's goal is give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance and to reduce the growth in health care spending in the U.S. Also, to offer a number of new benefits, rights and protections including the requirement that all new health insurance plans cover services and provide new essential health benefits. Over 100 million Americans have already benefited from the new health care law. Obamacare is one of the most helpful plans the country has ever provided.
    Reaction: It makes me feel disgusted that I can't rely on my government to handle this country as it should be handled.
    Opinion: I think we shouldn't be in the predicaments we are presently in.
    Connection: I chose this article because I watched our president speech on the Senate decision.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: U.S. begins government as budget deadline passes
    Article Date: October1, 2013
    who: The Government
    Where: The senate, in Washington
    When: The government decided to shut down October1, 2013
    what happened: The government is shutting down. The U.S. government started a partial shutdown after the fact that the two houses of congress failed to agree to a new budget.
    Why this event is relevant: By the government shutting down national parks are being closed and some government employees were furlough, but the arm forces will still get they pay.
    Opinion: I think the government shouldn’t close. The reason is because it takes away the nations confidence in their government.
    Connection: I chose this article because it can affect the way I’m living. It can it can affect me economically and financially.

    1. Alyssa, you need to add 3 more sentences. This post does not currently meet the length requirement.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Government shutdown 'extremely damaging' to U.S. intelligence operations

    Article Date: Oct. 2nd, 2013

    Who: US Government, US Gov. Employees, Americans

    Where: United States of America

    When: Oct. 1, 2013

    What happened: Politicians and the US intelligent argue that the Shut down is causing less safety for America. It's an opportunity toward terrorists. They think the government is making a huge mistake and they argue that they're not doing their job.

    Why this event is relevant: This is important because this is between Republicans and Obama(our president). They aren't for Obama Care and are taking high risks for it to be stopped/

    Reaction I'm very frightened by this, anything could happen in the next few hours, minutes, or even days. We don't know what could happen! Whether its a terrorist or a weather destruction like in Colorado. It makes me angry and scary. Our governent is supposed to do the best for us. Not the worst.

    Opinion: I think our house should be re-elected, what they're doing is way to personal and it's reckless. They're only hurting themselves even more. The government should re open and the republicans in the house should be IMPEACHED!

    Connection: This connects to me because this is my safety. If anything were to happen it would be because of congress! It's unjust. If I or anyone is hurt by this, it is a crisis situation.

  4. Source:

    Article Title:Wild car chase ends with gunfire near U.S. Capitol

    Article Date:October 3, 2013

    Who: An unidentified woman, a baby and police

    Where: Washington, DC

    When: October 3, 2013

    What happened: A woman in a black car got into a verbal altercation with some officers at a security checkpoint near the white house. As soon as backup arrived, the woman sped of towards the direction of the Capitol Building. Police caught up to the driver with guns drawn, but the driver put the car in reverse and took off and that's when shots were fired at her, hitting her in the back. Police later found out that there was a child riding in the passenger seat of the car. The people are confused as to why police shot at her when the woman was found to be unarmed. The capitol was in lock down for a while but it was later lifted and the President was later briefed on the situation.

    Why this event is relevant: It goes to show that not everywhere is safe, things can happen at anytime of any day without warning.

    Reaction: My reaction is that the driver could of prevented all of the days events by just talking it out.

    Opinion: Its a shame that the end result is what it is, but she kind of asked for it.

    Connection: This connects to me because like i said, you never know what could happen in a matter of seconds in life!

  5. Source:

    Article title: COUNTDOWN TO SHUTDOWN House advances ObamaCare offer

    Article date: Sep 30, 2013 8:04 PM

    Who: •the house,
    •the Republican Party,
    •the Obama administration,
    •the Democratic Party.

    Where: DC, (the House of Representatives)

    When: it doesn't say.

    What happened? The Obama is trying to pass or sustain "Obama care" and the Republican Party dose not want to agree or move forward with this process so they are trying political games & tricks to not get it to pass and as a result less and less things are getting done so now it's either one side wins, they come to an agreement or the government will be shut down until further notice.

    Why is this relevant?

    Reaction: this change would mean some uncomfortable changes for certain parties so those parties are doing what anyone who does not want change to occur does they try to stall until they can find a way for the change not to affect them or stop the change completely.

    Connection: I connect with this article because I like it's problems everyday, everyone wants something exactly how they want it & no one wants to give or take so in the end some one will loose out or both parties will agree or nothing will happen at all.

  6. Source:

    Article Title:Government shutdown won’t shut down NSA spying

    Article Date:September 30,2013


    Where:Washington D.C

    When: September 30,2013 ; 12:00 midnight

    What happened:Unless the congress can agree on a new budget , the federal government will be shut down. The shutdown would effect many different peoples jobs. Even more than half of the White House staff would be sent home. Even if there was a shutdown if the congress can not agree on a new budget a shutdown would be unlikely to affect core NSA operations also essential duties of the Defense Department – including recruitment, operations of mortuary facilities for fallen service members and medical care for veterans – would carry on.

    Why this event is relevant: Because the possible government shutdown would affect bureaucrats, park rangers and countless other government employees and contractors across the country. Even three-quarters of the White House staff would be sent home.

    Reaction:This is bad because if the government shuts down many people will end up loosing their jobs.

    Opinion:I think the government should hurry to make an agreement on a new budget so people can keep their jobs.

    Connection:I chose this article because people already are losing their jobs for other reasons , but if this happens many more people will lose their jobs and it is already hard for people now a days.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:Amanda Knox retrial over killing of Meredith Kercher begins in Italy
    Article Date: September 30, 2013
    Who: Amanda Knox
    Where:Florance Italy
    What Happened: Amanda Knox who was convitced of killing her roommate while studying abroad in Italy is going back to trail because of the jury's lack of evidence. Amanda Knox was acquitted of all of her charges and people believe that the jury decision was wrong. Amanda returned back to America after being acquitted of the charges. She is in bad shape and really torn up about the situation.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this happened recently and is was all over the news once ago and is national news.
    Reaction: I was surprised when I read this article because I thought the trail was over and she was let go. I would never thought she would be put through this again just because of the stress it caused her.
    Opinion: I don't think Amanda committed the murder so I feel bad for her and that she is going through this because she dosnt seem like the type that is capable of this but i could be wrong.
    Connection: I made a connection because I watch the movie about her story on lifetime and i really got an overview of what had happened. I think if you didnt see the movie you should watch it and you will understand the case more.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: House Republicans in last-ditch effort to avert shutdown, Reid says GOP 'playing games'
    Article Date: September 30, 2013
    Who: The house party , Obama , Senate Majority leader Henry Reid's
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: September 29, 2013 , Sunday Morning
    What Happened: The House approved a bill that would fund the government passed Monday while delaying Obama Care by a year. Reid stated " he will not accept any measures that undermine the healthcare low as part of the budget bill. Reid rejected the bill.
    Why This Event Is Relevant: This is relevant because with out the Obama Care some people my not have healthcare the it means some people might die faster.
    Reaction: I Feel That This Is A Great Thing Because its helping people in need.
    Opinion: I think that this is bad because the people will be sick and not get any help .
    Connection: I can connect to this because my grandpa has Obama Care and if they take that away who knows how he will get medical help.

  9. Source :

    Article Title : Hundreds feared dead in Italy shipwreck

    Article Date : October 3, 2013

    Who : African migrants

    Where : Italy

    When : More than a week ago ; September 26, 2013

    What happened ? African American Migrants were in a boat in Italy when the boat started to sink. Most of the people were from Eritrea and Somalia. The boat was carrying up to 500 people at a time. More than 150 of the migrants have been rescued but at least 130 of them have died and many are still missing. There was a fire on the boat in one spot but it started to spread over the boat which made it sink. People think that someone set the fire. They estimated that only six of the hundred women on board survived. They were unable to swim. They are still bringing them out.

    Reaction : I am shocked that somebody will set a fire on a boat because not only are they killing themselves but they are killing other people and they should know that they will be hurting a lot of families doing that and I think that they will suffer at the end.

    Opinion : I think that someone did that on purpose and they wanted to get back at somebody and they just decided to kill everybody on the boat , I think that it was very wrong for the person to do that .

    Connection : I made a connection to this when I seen something on the news a while back about a boat sinking and I think that somebody did that on purpose to and they should be locked away for taking other people lives.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:GOP legislator: Boehner won't let government default on its debt
    Article Date:October 3, 2013
    Who: This article has to do with Republicans and democrats
    Where:Washington DC
    When: This event happened today
    What happened: With the United states in dept, house speaker John Boehner, reports that the Republicans will only get a chance to vote if they are backed up by majority of their caucus. He also stated that Democrats will be who they will rely on to pass a measure to raise the nations debt limit. Both parties are still very undecided on whether or not to agree or disagree with this new news. Its kind of a toss up between the two because some support it and others don't. If congress doesn't come to a agreement very soon then the government will run out of money to cover its 16.7 trillion dollar debt.
    Why this event is relevant: This is very relevant because this can heavily effect the nation and can impact the citizens of the world
    Reaction : This is crazy and they really need to come up with a agreement very soon.
    Opinion I think that the government needs to stop thinking about their selves and really think about how the citizens in the world feel
    Connection i can connect this to somebody owing somebody money but spending it on something else to the point that when its time to pay for what they owe they cant.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Latest House bid fails as bitter back-and-forth over government shutdown rages
    Article Date:Thursday October 3, 2013
    Who: Republicans, Obama, federal workers and the government are all involved.
    Where: This event took place in Washington, D.C
    When: The government shutdown happened on September 31st, Tuesay night.
    What happened: The deadlock between the republicans and the government had soon come to an end when the government shutdown. This is the first shutdown in 18 years, but the last shutdown lasted for 21 days. Republicans opposed Obamacare, a law that would provide health insurance to 15% of the U.S. population that doesn't have coverage to get healthcare. But they refused to fund the government unless we defunded or dismantled the Affordable Care Act. The shutdown is only a way to delay or eliminate the obamacare plan. republicans insist that new spending plans are against Obamacare. The shutdown could cost the U.S economy about $1 billion a week, Not only did the government shutdown up to 800,000 federal workers have been laid off and did not get a paycheck. However, the current congress members, the president and the military will still get paid.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this effects the economy, jobs and the health uninsured people.
    Reaction: My reaction to this story is that i'm disgusted and angry because how could republicans be that selfish to shutdown the whole government only because they don't want Obama healthcare plan for people who need healthcare to work.
    Opinion: I think Obama should keep fighting to get this plan and Republicans are self centered people who only care about themselves.
    Connection: I choose this article because when I found out that the government shutdown I was scared because I didn't know what that meant, I thought it would be so much more than what it is. Even though it doesn't affect me, it effects others around me so I wanted to find out what it was.

  12. Source:
    Article title:government postpone jobs report amid shutdown .
    Article date:10/02/13
    Who: government
    Where:New York
    What:the government had done another shut down on jobs report just like they did in 1996. Stephan Barr says that the government don't know when the report will come back out .The job report is needed to show people how good and bad the economy is. Economists use the report to compare data and to make a new prediction about it.People will have to get their data now from the ADP firm until further notice .
    Why is this relevant : This is relevant because the US is in a recession and it us important for us to keep up with the data to see if the recession is getting worst or better.
    Reaction: my reaction was shocked because the last time the government had shut down the job listings was in 1996. This was really a long time ago and now here it happen again. Nobody probably would it would never happen again 16years later.
    Opinion: I think the government need to hurry up and put back out there the job listing because everybody will like to know wats going on,especially the people that is unemployed.
    Connection: I actually know people that is out of work and they are currently having issues getting a jo.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Source:
    Article Title : House weighs new ObamaCare delay, Obama hopes for 11th hour solution
    Article Date : This article was written on September 30, 2013
    Who : President Obama and Democratics are tryng to avoid the Republicans shutting the government down.
    When : The government all throughout the year have been trying to get Obama out of office and shut the government down, mainly the republicans are in agreement with this. Politics are trying to come up with a solution because some don't agree with Obama's Health Care Plan. So if the two sides didn't come to an agreement by midnight the government would be shut down.
    Where : The White House in Washington, DC. is where this occurs.
    What happened : The two parties could not come to agreements with certain issues. Democrats have already labeled this a "Republican government shutdown."
    Why relevant : This is re revel ant because people that work for the government and city are out of a job right now because the two parties couldn't come to a decision fast enough.
    Opinion : The dispute between the two parties are ridiculously that they don't want Obama in office that bad that they couldn't agree on a plan that would work I believe.
    Reaction : I'm upset with the way the government is going about this situation and think they need to resolve this quickly.
    Connection : This current event connects to me because my aunt works for the city here in Philadelphia and she is out of a job right now because of the shutdown in government.

  15. source:
    article title:UN rights office calls on EU to strengthen efforts to prevent repeat of Lampedusa incident
    article date :10/4/13
    who: European Union, UN refugee agency, Italian authorities and the international community
    where: coast of Lampedusa shelter in an area of the tiny island's port
    when: October 4,2013
    what: there was a boat sinking carrying many African immigrants and not many survived and not many were even found. The boat, which originated from Libya, caught fire half a mile from the coast. Media reports suggest there are still some 200 passengers that are unaccounted for. so the board came together to figure out a way to prevent this from happening again.
    According to the Italian authorities and the international community, to strengthen their efforts to prevent a repeat of the boat situation. States should also ensure that they are honouring their commitments under international refugee law,” said by by the united nations human rights.of the estimated 500 passengers on the boat, believed to be Eritreans. Mr. Colville noted the day of mourning declared by the Government and the minute of silence that will be held in all Italian schools today.
    why is this relevant? this article is relevant because incidents like this don't just effect one part of the world it effects everybody. and it didn't happen in the united states but it easily could so this should tell our government that we should start making plans and some type of ways to deal with incidents such as this if we were to have this situation happen in the united states.
    reaction:my reaction to the article was sad because a lot of people lost their lives but the nation is atleast trying to discuss the problems and better ways to deal with incidents such as this
    opinion: I think that it is very sad that many people were lost and died and that some bodys couldn't even be found. and that there should be more ways of securing boats and having back up boats for when things like this happen.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:Reid gives Senate lecture on civility
    Article Date:October 4th,2013
    Who:Senate Majority Harry Reid,Senate,and the House of Representatives
    Where:United States
    When: October 4th,2013
    What happened:Senate Majority Harry Reid lectured the Senate about politeness in our government.He also tells them that it creates a more civil comity with the government.In addition,he says to the Senate that they can't do the basic jobs of government because John Boehner is afraid to stand up to a small group of anarchists.
    Why this event is relevant: This is involving the government shutdown they are currently under right now and Senator Reid is giving the Senate a speech about common courtesy because within the government,there is the lack of courtesy.
    Reaction I feel that Senator Reid isn't telling lies here because everyone in our government should have politeness in their hearts so they can get things done more peacefully.
    Opinion I think that the Senate should really listen to what Harry Reid is reminding them of because there shouldn't be no lack of politeness anywhere in the world.It's just not civilized to not do so.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This article connects to little brothers and sisters being mean to their older siblings.The younger siblings are not being polite to their family that they love so much..

  17. The blog for this week is now closed.
