Sunday, September 1, 2013

Period 1- Week 9/1-9/6

Current event for week 2: September 1- September 6 at 3:30 pm.
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply. COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source: (website)

    Article Title:House leaders back Obama on Syria

    Article Date:updated 12:21 PM EDT, Tue September 3, 2013

    Who: president Barrack Obama and The leaders of both parties in the House of Representatives d

    Where:White House

    When: Tue September 3, 2013

    What happened:The leaders of both parties in the House of Representatives came to the White House for a meeting Today to support President Barack Obama's call for American strikes against government forces in Syria's civil war.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this means that the U.S maybe going to war in Syria soon if house of represenitives agree with the president

    (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am alittle angry because we should not go into another country go fight them

    Opinion (I think..)I think we had enough wars , but this is for a meaningful reason so I understand as long as there is no draft

    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I choose this article because I think it is very important and because it was the most current

  2. Source:

    Article Title: Syria crisis: Obama wins backing for military strike

    Article Date: 3 September 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama; US political figures

    Where: Syria

    When: This past week

    What happened: President Barack Obama got his decision supported from American political figures to conduct a military strike on Syria.

    Why this event is relevant: Over 100,000 people are said to have been killed since the uprising against the Syrian President Assad started in March 2011. It's said that these deaths were inflicted by President Assad's orders to the Syrian military, in order to control the rebellion.

    Reaction: I was shocked because I didn't think America would react in this way because of how small Syria is. I don't think a full fledged attack against such a small country is in order.

    Opinion: I don't think President Obama really wants to have war with Syria because he can probably predict the outcome, which makes it unnecessary. I think that as a result of how much heat he's been taking lately, he just gave the solution he thought everyone would agree with, just to get everyone off his back for a while.

    Connection: I chose this article because I found it to be amazing how fast politicians agreed with President Obama, considering that they never agree with anything he does.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Sarin traces found in Syria chemical weapons attack, British government says....

    Article Date: Thu September 5, 2013

    Who: President Obama and the British Government

    Where: Britian

    When: today

    What Happened: British military scientists found some traces of sarin gas in clothes and soil samples that was taken from a patient treated for apparent chemical weapons exposure near syria

    Why Is This Event Relevant: This event is relevant because now the president knows that there was some type of bomb used for sure. He also can get the chemical tested to figure out what exactly was used to put in the bomb.

    Reaction: I was shocked because i saw on the news that a lot of innocent children had gotten hurt in the bombing. I feel like that is not fair to children and people that didn't do anything, but are still being harmed. The ones who should be harmed are the ones that did it.

    Opinion: I think that President Obama should send troops over there and try to find out who is responsible for these terrible actions. Then again he should do what he feels as tho is right an not have other people in the government pressuring him to do other things about this situation.

    Connection: I chose this article because it amazed me how people that are rarely there for him in other situations have a lot to do or say about this one.

  4. Source:

    Article Title: Draft resolution on Syria would limit strike to 60 days

    Article Date: September 4th , 2013

    Who: The U.S Military plans to attack Syria because of the poison gas attack in August near Damascus.

    Where: In Syria but as of now the US are not allowed to send armed forces over there .

    When: In 60 days or an additional 30 days if it necessary.

    What happened: Assad regime's used chemical weapons against the Syrian people, and now the US wants to send armed forces over there . But has gotten put on hold because of a bill that recently passed.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because innocent people are being killed by their own people . Also the US are partially afraid that since they are chemical weapons they can easily attack the US.

    My reaction to these past few weeks of events has left me in awl. I feel bad for all the families of the people lost so far. This also shows me how capable other countries are of manipulating the US, and partially forcing them to get involved so they can have a valid reason of attacking us.

    I think that eventually the US are going to back out of this and the situation will slowly die down like most event like this . I also think that Obama is afraid of starting another war or deploying troops . Since his goal was to get the troops home.

    I chose this article because it reminded me of , when Egypt had that outbreak but sooner or later thing died down , and or nothing was happening to catch the media's eye. Another reason why i chose it is because i wanted to read about how Barack Obama was reacting to this .

  5. Source:

    Article Title:Obama's OFA won't likely enter Syria debate

    Article Date: September 5, 2013

    Who: OFA (Obama's Organization for Action

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: Some time in September 2013

    What happened: The white house is trying to get congress to pass authorization to send the military over to Syria but the OFA doesn't want to be apart of this project. They do not want to get involved

    Why this event is relevant: Syria has a big war going on and they need all the help they can get so the U.S. is trying to pitch in but they are being held back

    Reaction My reaction to this was very disappointed because if the U.S. was i trouble and needed help everyone would basically beg for it but here i see the OFA being really selfish and that is not right

    Opinion I think the OFA should get involved because it is the right thing to do.

    Connection This seemed interesting and it is current plus it shows how the government is just like you and I, we are selfish and stubborn and close-minded sometimes also.

  6. source:

    article title: breaking up is hard to do: the Obama-Putin relationship

    article date:september4,2013

    who: Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin

    where: Washington D.C

    when: this September in 2013

    what happened: Obama is trying to squash all of the problems and issues with Russia that the two countries had in the past. they were mainly because of former president George w. Bush. Putin as well as Obama are on good terms and they both are figuring out the problem about Syria.

    why this event is relevant: as an American, we don't want to have any problems or "beef" with Russia or any country in that case. we also don't want the situations to get worse and end up in war.

    reaction: my reaction is concerned because I don't want this problem to get worse but I am sure we can handle this.

    opinion: I think we should keep negotiating the problem and also find a solution to the problem with Syria

    connection: this could and does effect me later on if this problem grows into a war situation I might get drafted

  7. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Obama to address syria next week.amid struggle to gain support.

    Article Date: Sep 06, 2013 10:16 am EDT

    Who: Obama, Biden, The house of Reps. Nancy Pelosi

    Where: Russia

    When: September

    What happened:While in Russia talking to Russia's president Vladimir Putin he tries to convince them not to persue Syria. Obama is also trying to convice the United States Allies to help us if we decided to engage in Syria's war.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because as a United States. citizen I should kno what happens and occurs in my country.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) Honestly i believe that we should enter Syria's war , it makes me feel that we are sometimes over baring in other countries , we sometimes persue things vand situations that does not consist of us .

    Opinion (I think..) Ithink it's overwhelming to us as United States citizens it puts us as americans at danger to reactions of other. countries which couls result in a bigger war

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this artical because when I sat in US history class i remember telling Mr.Brian that the United States persue other countries lives tht puts americans in danger and this totally reminds me of that.


  8. Source: (website)

    Article Title: U.S. will 'definitely suffer' if it leads strike on Syria.

    Article Date:September 6, 2013

    Who:Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Syria, and U.S. government

    Where:Iran, Syria, and America.

    When: Yesterday September 5, 2013

    What happened: Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is pretty much telling the United States that if they attack Syria than Iran would consider that as an act of terrorism and the United States should expect retaliation. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Said things like "Americans are committing a folly and mistake in Syria and will, accordingly, take the blow and definitely suffer."

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if the United States decides to strike on Syria, and another country strikes back it could potentially become a tragedy like a 9/11 or Boston Marathon for Americans.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel as though this is between Syria and the United States and that Iran should mind its own business.

    Opinion (I think..)I think that the United States should not attack Syria. This is because, if we do they will retaliate and then two nations will be going through tragedies, when we could have avoided this by easily not attacking them in the first place.

    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because the Syria and U.S. situation is the biggest political problem in America right now.

  9. Source: (website)

    Article Title:House leaders back Obama on Syria

    Article Date:updated 12:21 PM EDT, Tue September 3, 2013

    Who: president Barrack Obama and The leaders of both parties in the House of Representatives

    Where:White House

    When: Tue September 3, 2013

    What happened:The leaders of both parties in the House of Representatives came to the White House for a meeting Today to support President Barack Obama's call for American strikes against government forces in Syria's civil war.

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this means that the United States will potentially go to war with the approval of the congress

    (describe your feelings or attitudes) I do not agree with going to war or attacking Syria at this time. We have problems of our own here in America and we should let them handle theirs.

    Opinion (I think..)I think we should stay out of this conflict and use the money for war for college education around the country.

    Connection (why you chose this article)
    I choose this article because every time i watch the news, this is the most relevant topic.


  10. I read the CNN in article on Governments titled, “Egypt rethinking who it’s ‘real friends’ are, Interim President Adly Mansour says”. This Article was published by Jethro Mullen and Mohammed Tawfeeq on Wednesday September 4th, 2013. This event happened in Egypt, North of Africa. This article was about Egypt rethinking about who they really considered as being an alliance with other countries that haven’t been supportive of the government that the military installed after ousting the country’s first Democratic President. Adly Mansour’s first televised interview since Egypt’s powerful generals put him in office; he singled out Turkey and Qatar for criticism both regional’s condemned a crackdown last month by Egyptian Authorities on supporters on the ousted Mohammed Morsy that left hundreds of people to death. “Our patience is running out regarding the Qatari stance,” Mansour, 67, said in the interview aired by state television Tuesday. The Turkish people responded to Mansour and said, “The Turkish reaction has reflected short-sightedness and personal interest, not realizing the amount of cooperation between the two countries,” Mansour said according to an account of the interview published by state-run media out-let AI-Ahram. Also Mansour denied that the overthrow of Morsy in July had put Egypt on a path back towards the police state seen under former ruler Hosni Mubarak, who lost his grip on power amid widespread protest in early 2011. I believe this event is irrelevant because we went through a similar situation with another country, who seen us as an allied then an enemy the next day (figurative of speech) so we can kind of relate towards the attitude of Egypt towards Turkey and Qatar. I believe Egypt is doing the right thing on letting his neighboring allies go because they will never know who will trade on them unless they find a loyal allied country. I chose this article because this happened to me not to long ago. I had two friends (Turkey and Qatar) that I been friends with for a while, but one day the halls were talking (the region’s) and that’s when it occurred to me I need to know who to trust before I gather so that’s when I had to unchained them and break it for good, no more alliances with them two.

  11. source :

    Article Title:Why Syria matters to oil markets

    Article Date:September 5, 2013, 9:00 p.m.


    Where: Syria

    When:it doesnt say

    What happen:Syria gets the least amount of oil each day. The U.S. raises its oil to $5.

    Why is this event relevant? The possibility of these counties becoming engulfed in the war is remote, which is why U.S. oil prices rose only $5 a barrel following the news of an apparent chemical weapon attack. Call it the Syria risk premium.

    I am confused on the u.s. part.
    I think we should stop this
    I chose this article to get a better understanding of what is really going on

  12. Source: ( )

    Article Title: Too Late ? Obama sets national address on Syria as lawmakers peel off

    Article Date: 9.6.13
    Who: President Obama , Congress , John Boehner , Putin and etc
    Where: White House
    When: September 2013

    What happen : President Obama wants to get a national address pass to take military action in Syria . Obama thinks that military response is necessary because the Assad regime's "supposed" use of chemical weapons is a treat to global peace and security . But the Republicans and even some of his own chair men are resisting this decision . So Obama's next action will be to take the voting of this decision to the public . After losing hope for getting support through the United Nations Security Council . Obama started focusing more on U.S lawmakers and voters . Obama states , " I knew this was going to be a heavy lift," considering the pass decades of war .
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because this means that many American can die if we enter a war not of our own .
    Reaction - confused because I am unsure or what side I agree with .

    Opinion - I'm undecided about Obama's decision because I think that taking military action in Syria is a good idea b/c when the Assad started using chemical weapons they began putting other countries in danger but is it worth the death of our American troops ?

    Connection - I choose this article because its is important & it reminds me of the Korean War we joined and LOST.

  13. Source:

    Title: Small choices, saved lives:Near misses of 9/11

    Date: September 5,2011 11:13 a.m. EDT

    Who: Millions of people who were outside and or people who were inside the towers. The people around it.

    Where:New York City

    When: September 9

    What Happened: There was a terrorist attack on the two Twin Towers. About 20 minutes before 9 a.m., one of her buddies called. "How about getting a cigarette?" He wanted to talk about an upcoming work meeting. It was a calm day with clear blue skies -- the most beautiful day she had ever seen from her view from the World Trade Center. Epstein figured why not.
    While riding down the elevator, she felt a jolt, but ignored it since the elevators had always acted strangely. When she stepped outside to light up her Benson & Hedges, she saw people frozen in place, their eyes fixed to the sky. Paper rained down like chaotic confetti. As she stared at the fire and smoke billowing from a hole in the North Tower, she wondered: "How do they fix something like that?"That's when a plane flew through her office in the South Tower.
    A cigarette break saved her life.
    Ten years later, some survivors are still haunted by their near misses. They've wept and wondered, "Why me?" They've felt pressure to be a better person, to make something amazing of this gift.

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant to civics because it is involving the lives of humans beings. People's lives are in danger because of this attack. You have to be aware of who your around now.

    Reaction/Opinion/Connection : My reaction to this particular situation is sad but frustrated also. The reason for me being frustrated is because of the fact that somebody has the audacity to want to kill all those innocent people that have done nothing wrong. It's very sad because Alot of people have lost loved ones in that accident. And it's even more frustrated because the terrorist that were flying the plains died during the attack. It's really an eye opener because it makes you very very aware of who is around you. I also read and my grandmother told me that for a while after the situation had happen people were scared to fly on plains at the airport if Muslims were onboard. It kind if made people's judgements towards Muslims different because they didn't know what could happen. A movie I once saw called "Mooz-lem" Is the perfect example if how people reacted to the situation. In the movie it was about a boy named Tyreek that was Muslim and a college student around the time the Twin Towers had fallen down and the other students wanted to beat Tyreek and all his Muslim friends up because of the simple fact that Muslims were the ones that were flying the plains.

  14. Source:

    The title of this article was “US Employers Add 169K Jobs, Rates Fall to 7.3 Percent”. The article was published September 06, 2013. The people involved in the article mainly are US Employers and unemployed Americans. Over the past month, this has been occurring all over the US. Basically what happened was that US employers added 169,000 jobs in August and much less in July than formerly thought. Hiring has reduced from the start of the year and could muddle the Federal Reserve's decision later this month on whether to reduce its bond purchases. On Friday, The Labor Department stated that the unemployment rate dropped to nearly 7.3 percent, which is the lowest it’s been in years. But it fell because more Americans stopped looking for work and were no longer considered unemployed. The amount of Americans working or looking for work fell to its lowest level in 35 years. This article is relevant because as American citizens and future adults, we must take an interest in the economy. Without it we would not be able to understand the impact of the development in business, society, and the world economy. I feel that it’s quite sad knowing that this is the lowest it has been in years. The economy nowadays is so busted. I think something crucial must be done about this. I chose this article because economics is something that really sparks my interests.

    1. Great post, Terrell. You may find that this publication will satisfy your economic interests:

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Putin, Obama unlikely to budge on Syria after talks in Russia
    Article Date: September 6, 2013.
    Who: Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama
    Where: Russia
    When: September 6, Friday
    What happened: Obama flew over to Russia to discuss with Vladimir Putin ( the President of Russia) his plan of approach towards the big chemical problem with Syria. Putin says that he doesn't want to get involved, like most of the smart world leaders, but Obama pushes on. Obama brings up the fact that the use of chemical weapons is strictly forbidden worldwide and that one of the nuclear attacks that occured in Syria killed 1,200 people, including 400 children. It's a valid point to bring up. But nontheless Putin stands firm in his belief to stay out of it. So it's brought to a vote, and more people end up being undecided than for or against.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant to me because I am sick and tired of America going into the middle east and taking innocent lives. Remember when Bush sent his troops into Iran because it was believed they had a dangerous secret weapon, coincidentally after 9/11? And did they find anything? No. Did he apologize? No. Did it change the fact that hundreds and thousand of lives: children, women, elderly, sons, daughters, grandchildren had died? No.

    Reaction: It breaks my heart to hear these kinds of things, and it's not just because they're Muslim. It's because they are human. Humans who did nothing wrong, but got caught up in a web of lies and misunderstandings.
    Opinion: I think what happens in Syria, happens in Syria. They're not threatening to attack the US, so let them be and focus on your own problems. Like the economy, gun violence and the unemployment rate.
    Connection: I chose this article because it makes me get all emotional when I think of all those rough times the people in the middle east go through...

    1. Nawal, Bush sent troops to Iraq, not Iran. Great post. How do we (US) provide humanitarian aid in a more peaceful manner and ensure lasting peace in those countries?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Title: "Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro dead: commits suicide in prison"
    Ariel Castro, the man who kidnapped, raped, held three women captive for at least a decade and killed the children he had with them, was found dead of an apparent suicide. He hung himself with his bed sheet in Franklin County, OH in his prison cell on Wednesday, September 4,2013 at 10:52pm. This event is relevant because what he did to those three women was such a hard hitting and emotional story that angered and shook America. When he was convicted and was sentenced to 1,000 years plus in prison, people finally thought that he was getting back what he deserved, but no one expected this.

    I am very angry at the fact that Ariel Castro decided to commit suicide as an easy way out of this situation. When I heard of what he originally did I wanted him to suffer and to really think about what he did and possibly karma would get him.
    I feel like he was coward for doing what he did to those women and an even bigger coward for killing himself to get out of it.I chose this article because it is one of some articles that really anger me and has been on my mind.

    1. I enjoyed reading your thoughts, Brielle. In court, Ariel Castro asked for prison as that's what he deserved. Do you think maybe he planned to commit suicide?
