Sunday, September 8, 2013

Period 3 Week of 9/9-9/13

Current event for week 3: September 8-September 13 at 3:30 pm 
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply. COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Boston Marathon Terror Attack

    Article Date: April 22,2013

    Who :Victims of the bombing,Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 29, and 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

    Where :Boston, Ma

    When: April 15, 2013

    What happened: Two bombs went off during the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring dozens. Two men were seen carrying a big backpack. One of the men places an object near the finish line with people watching the race. The man is seen talking of the phone for at least 18 seconds and within seconds of him ending the phone call, the first bomb goes off. Within Seconds, the second bomb goes off a block away from the first bomb explosion. The suspects get into a shootout with the officers about 3 days later when they are seen in a stolen car. They throw more bombs and let off 100 shots in a 10-minute period and the younger brother drives off but is caught inside a boat in a woman's backyard. One brother was pronounced dead at a hospital due to the exspolsives her was wearing.In need of medical care, the younger Tsarnaev is taken to Beth-Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because it proves that there are still people like that out in the world who are just waiting to attack us in someway shape or form. The sad part is, it can be you or the next guy, the don't wear a stamp on there forehead.

    Reaction: I am very saddend by this article, I can only send my prayers out to the people who lost their family and friends. I am lost for words.

    Opinion: I Think that this is an important day in history and should be talked about more often.

    Connection: I chose this article because things like this can happen at any minute and you can't stop it because you don't know when it will happen. It is a little bit like 9/11, but it always remind of it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Source:
    Article Title:Ban welcomes ‘serious international discussions’ on Syria’s chemical weapons
    Article Date:September 11th, 2013
    Who:United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,the UN Security Council and Syria are included
    Where:The event took place at the United Nations.
    When:This event happened on September 11th,2013
    What happened:Since Syria's chemical weapons are coming a threat to the U.S. and the United Nations,United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has considered serious international dicussions that can reach a compromise on looking for and demolishing the deadly chemical weapons of Syria.
    Why this event is relevant: This event shows the issues our government faces with other countries.Syria has become an enemie to the United States so the political figure Ban inside of the States have highly considered in saving our people by reaching compromises with the UN Security Council.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I feel compelled to learn more of news of Syria because Syria must have forgotten that we are tough rough necks.This kind of news makes me feel curious to see what our nation is going to do about Syria's weapons.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that we can just drop everything and just hit Syria as hard as their chemical weapons are going to hit us.
    Connection (why you chose this article)This connects to politcs because the government is showing off their toughness against enemie attacks for their society's safety.Politically speaking,the U.S should take out the opposition that tries any funny to them that could harm them.

  4. Source:

    Article title: RUSSIAN WARNING Putin uses New York Times op-ed to slam US Syria plan

    Article date: Sep 11, 2013 10:49

    Who:Russian President , John Kerry , Obama administration

    Where: Syria

    When: it rages from 2011 to 2013

    What happened? Russian President Vladimir Putin is stepping up his pressure on the Obama administration to abandon the threat of military action against Syria, taking to the pages of The New York Times to suggest such a move would be 'pointless' -- as Secretary of State John Kerry prepared to meet his Russian counterpart to discuss a diplomatic option.

    Why is this relevant? Because the more we as a country let things such as thing "boil & boil" the closer we may come to going to war or dropping bombs on another area of the world & vise-versa on our part.

    Reaction: I think that if push comes to shove we could go to war and win against Syria but I think it would make the US out to be more like international bullies

    Connection: I can understand where syria is coming from because Iv'e seen how It can feel to be the under dog.

  5. Soruce:

    Article title :Syria talks bring 'hope for peace'

    Article Date :Sep 12 ,2013

    Who :John Kerry , Sergei Lavrov , US foreign ministers

    Where : Syria

    When :It started around 2011 to now

    What happened :They have received documents on Syria saying they are joining the chemical weapons conventions and the president from Syria has summited this information after signing one month before. Russia put out they were involved in this earlier in the week.

    Why is this relevant : It relevant because I think that even if we don't live I Syria we still should know what's going on over there or any where in the world , we should be learning about all the new things that are happening in the world today.

    Reaction : My reaction for this is why are they doing this to them I really feel bad for Syria because I wouldn't want that to happened anyone that's over here were we live .

    Connection : Being traded on like that I can really understand where Syria is because I have been in situations where I have been traded on before and its not fun at all.

  6. Source: (
    Article Title:4 Philadelphia schools saved, 23 closing after SRC vote
    Article Date: Thursday, March 07, 2013
    Who: The Philadelphia Public Schools
    Where: Philadelphia
    When: March 7, 2013
    What happened: On March 7, 2013 the School Reform Commission voted to close 23 public schools in Philadelphia County because of lack of money to pay staff and provide supplies. The school district would save about 24.5 million anually. These 23 schools were chosen because of the lack of attendance among students.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because if a student the public schools can not turn any kids away and if there is no school in their area they may have to travel far and it could be in a dangerous neighborhood. Unlike charter schools, public schools have to enroll students.
    Reaction My feelings are that all schools should be privately owned charted to get a more secure education.
    Opinion (I think that there is money for the schools but they give it to the prison system.)
    Connection (I chose this article because it is sad that schools primary purpose of educating has ceased.)

  7. Source:

    Article Title: India Delhi gang rape four to be sentenced

    Article Date: Sept. 12, 2013

    Who: Judge, Mukesh Singh, Vinay Sharma, Akshay Thakur and Pawan Gupta

    Where: Delhi, India

    When: December

    What happened: Apparently, on a public transit she was gang raped and beaten and died from trauma two weeks later. These men have been sentenced to prison. But people in India are protesting, saying it's an unfair sentence. They deserve the death penalty.
    But the judge refuses to re-sentence.

    Why this event is relevant: This is a political article because the people of India are protesting against a sentence! The judge couldn't sentence much anyway because the laws in India aren't as strict when it comes to rape.

    Reaction At first I was surprised and upset. It made me feel frustrated and confused. It was completely unfair to me as well. I felt the same as the people of India.

    Opinion: I am honestly happy the men were simply punished. In jail, the other birds will really show them a "good time." But as a christian, I don't believe the death penalty is the answer to punishment. I think torture is a lot better. But, for the woman to have died of trauma, the men do need a more servere penalty. Even if that means the death penalty. I would feel that way if it were my mom or sisters or even myself. So I think they do need a better punishment then just jail.

    Connection: I chose this article because I know there has been a lot of violence/rapes in our country. But, I never considered it happening so often(or as bad) in other countries. So learning about things like this in other countries shows me how other people interact in other countries.

  8. Source:

    Article Title: George Zimmerman will ask state to cover $200k-$300k of his legal bills.

    Article Date: August 26, 2013

    Who:George Zimmerman

    Where: Florida State


    What Happen: George Zimmerman who killed Trayvon Martin wants to ask the state of Florida to pay his legal bills cost. He believes because he was acquitted the state have to pay his bills, which the law does require Florida to pay all his legal cost. The cost are all for witnesses, photocopies, depositions, travel, and the video that was showed to jurors. Zimmerman was found not guilty of manslaughter by a six member Seminole country jury for shooting Trayvon. Trayvon was unarmed black high school junior. Zimmerman was in hiding up until his trail. He had no job and lived off donation from his defense fund. The money for Zimmerman's legal bills would come from the Judicial Administrative commission. Zimmerman bill rate was $400 a hour, O'mara worked on the case for 40 hours a week for sixteen months. He would be owned more than one million not including any of the work done by co-counsel Don West, who bills $350 an hour.

    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because it proves that there isn't enough justice. People might think things like this is okay because Zimmerman got away with it.

    Reaction:I don't understand why they should have to pay for Zimmerman's bills just because he was proven not guilty. This is unfair to me and very frustrating.

    Opinion: I think the state of Florida shouldn't have to pay for Zimmerman's billing cost. I also believe he was in the wrong for not just shooting Trayvon but saying anything to him.

    Connection: I chose this article because its been a lot of killing in my city done by black man or white man killing people over dumb reasons that's put in jail, so why is it different for Zimmerman who killed a teenage boy walking down the street ?

  9. Source:
    Article Title:Immigration protest outside Capitol leads to over 100 arrests
    Article Date:9/12/2013
    Who: a group of undocumented women
    When: Thursday morning
    What happened: The women were protesting what they call the House of Representatives' inaction on immigration reform. Because of the protest over 100 people got arrested. They all wanted to get reformed that treated women and children fairly.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because these women want equality even though they are undocumented immigrants and they want the house of representatives to take action
    Reaction: They shouldn't have been arrested because they didn't do anything to hurt anybody.
    Opinion I think they should of done this because they are trying to be equal, they just want to get in the system.
    Connection: I choose this article because I work with some body from Mexico and that made me think about what they had to go through to get to America and how hard it was. America should treat immigrants fairly.

    1. Justin,
      This does not meet the minimum length requirements.
      Ms. Rachael

  10. Website:
    Who: US Consulate and Attackers
    When:6 o'clock in the morning Local time
    Where: Kabul , Afghanistan
    What happened: The United States consulate got attacked.
    Why this event is relevant: Its relevant it is apart of the U.S. government.
    Reaction : My Reaction to the text was shocked that the attackers came out of nowhere and started attacking the afghan security. I can imagine how they were shocked and how people were killed.
    Opinion : I think the government is going to be more aware of people around the U.S. consulate and have higher security so nothing like this will happen again.
    Connection: I chose this article because it reminded be of September 11 and the World Trade Center getting attacked. I was curious of what happened and why it happened.

    1. Cyanna,
      This does not meet the minimum length requirements. Expand the section titled, What Happened. That should be your longest section. You need a minimum of 10 sentences.
      Ms. Rachael


    Article Title: U.S consulate in Afghanistan attacked
    Article date: September 13, 2013
    Who: U.S consulate
    Where: Afghanistan
    What happened: In the morning there were 7 attackers who drove in cars. They shot at the building and had a battle against the Afghan secruity forces. During the attack a truck exploded which caused damage to the consulate. There were a total of six who died and twenty were injured.
    Why this is relevent: This event is relevant because it has to do with the U.S and we need to know what is going on with our country. We were attacked by the Afghanistan and it is important for us to know.
    Reaction: When I first read the title of the article I felt a little threatened that the U.S consulate was attacked and I wanted to read more on it.
    Opinion: I think everyone should know what is going on around our world because sometimes in the end we can be affected by it.
    Connection: Their is no connection I can make with this article but I did really find it interesting to know about.

  12. Source:
    Title: al Qaeda & 9/11
    Date: September 11th, 2013
    Who: Obama , Al Qaeda
    Where: Al Qaeda & United States
    What happened: since the fall of Osama bin Laden, Al -Zawahiri has lead Al Qaeda and they have claimed victory before in Irag & Afgahnistan . The leader claims to continue the war on American soil . He says the Boston Marathon bombing is an example of how the suprise would be .
    Reaction: middle-eastern civilians are very bold for their decision. They also didn't think their plan out well enough.
    Opinion: I believe that they think America is weak due to the victories on their soil , but coming over here would be a whole nother outcome. I don't blame them for their choice though, I've been waiting for someone to stand up to this corrupted government. If I am killed doing so, they better win the war!

    1. Khalil- change your name on your Google account!

  13. markeeta
    title: Syria civil war:5 things to pay attention to today
    article date: 9/13/13
    who: John Kerry,Sergey lavrov, william cohen, Valdmir Puttin
    where: Geneva.Switzerland
    what happen: Kerry and Lavrov is having a second meeting about how to destroy Syria chemical weapons. united nations has to get involved. if Lavrov and kerry do not come to some type of conclusion then the united nations opinion will be taken into consideration. also, in this article, its talks about Russia presiden valdmir puttin opinion about the military interventions made a lot of people voice their opionion and thats why Puttin is not united states citizens favorite right now.finally this article talks about a lot of people ding in the battle at Syria .
    Reaction:my reaction was me being a little sad because people are ding.
    Opinion: i hope that Syria kerry and the other man come to some type of conclusion so the Syria can be at some type of peace.

  14. Blog is closed for this week. Great job, ladies and gentlemen!
    Ms. Rachael
