Saturday, September 21, 2013

Period 1 Week: 9/22-9/27

Current Event for Week 5: 9/22-9/27

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy!


  1. Source:

    Article Title:Nairobi attack: Kenya's President Kenyatta says siege over
    Article Date: September 24th, 2013
    Who: Somali Islamist group al-Shabab and the Kenyan Army

    Where: In Nairobi , which is a city inside in Kenya which also is part of Africa

    When: The invasion started Saturday and just ended Monday . Totaling in a three day fight.

    What happened: Islamist group al-Shabab sent military forces to invade Nairobi , specifically a mall there . They sent them there because of a Kenyan army operations in Somalia. Somalia has been trying to create an Islamic state , which was being lead by the al-Shabab. Several bodies are still left that went unaccounted for due to the collapsing of the three story mall .

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because its is a fight going on in Kenya , which caused the United States president to speak out about it , and express his opinion. Also it could lead possibly lead to US involvement depending on how the al-Shabab’s take his words.

    Reaction : I feel as though this fight was really is going to tear down many other parts of kenya. I also feel for all the people in critical condition or that lost their lives in this tragic event.

    Opinion : I think the fight will continue , just because of how the attacked their city and their people . In which they did so , they had no regards to anyone killing kids and elders. I absolutely think that in a year or two we will hear about Kenya attacking Somali .

    Connection: This article relates to a lot . As you can see people are dying and a civil war is going on in a Kenya . I chose this article to bring it to the attention of my fellow classmates because with events like this they tend not to stay in public eye for too long . For Example when that mass murder of those kids at the school Sandy Hook Elementary .

  2. Source:
    Article title: Iran ready for nuclear talks
    Article date: September 24, 2013
    Who: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
    Where : New York
    When: September 24, 2013
    What happened: Hassan Rouhani is prepared to engage in "time-bound and results-oriented" talks on his country's nuclear programme. They met in New York to think of ways to get the chemical and destroy it.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because the chemical needs to be found and destroyed. It needs to be caught before other people get hurt, and that's not the best thing. Innocent people is getting hurt an the people that is doing it seems not to care.
    Reaction: This is a good idea. I say this because getting the chemical and getting rid of it would be for the best. A lot of lives could be saved an people could live there happy lives. People was getting killed for nothing, and that was so sad.
    Opinion:I think that the people that caused this should be caught an jailed. They should be put to shame for what they did an they should not do it again. Also I think that the way they are approaching it is a good way to do it. Tell how it is then if someone knows something they could speak up and say it.
    Connection: I connected to this because I thought of the bomb that went off when the people were racing. It killed a lot of innocent people for no reason. They did not do anything to anybody, but they were hurt in the end. I do not think that is fair.

  3. Source:

    Article Title:Debt ceiling crunch no later than Oct. 17

    Article Date:September 25, 2013: 4:01 PM ET

    Who:Treasury Secretary Jack Lew

    Where:Congress/Washington D.C.

    When: September 2013

    What happened:Treasury Lew explains that the country will be in debt sooner than they think. He thinks that we will be in debt by mid-October. Instead of the $50 billion he estimated a few weeks ago, he now thinks the cash balance will be closer to $30 billion. If America have insufficient money, then for the first time in history we will not be able to meet our obligations. By mid-October, if Congress hasn't raised the borrowing limit, Treasury will only be able to pay the bills that come in with the cash it has on hand plus whatever revenue comes in.

    Why this event is relevant: It has to do with our country and money pays for everything. If our bill is not paid, then America will be in debt. If America is in debt then more people become unemployed. If more people become unemployed then everybody will be homeless. We might even become a developing country. And we don't want a developing country.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think that it is crazy how much debt that we are in. But, we can also change on what we are doing. Congress is just acting stupid.
    Opinion (I think..) We should do better than what we are doing. I think that we should to get out of debt. Find a method.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I know some people who were in debt and found a method to get out of it.

  4. Source:
    Article Title:Deadly Kenyan Mall Attack, 22 Dead
    Article Date:Posted: Sep 21, 2013 10:43 AM EDT
    Who:Kenya And Somalia
    When: September 21,2013
    What happened:There was an terrorist attack in the Westgate Mall in Kenya.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people were killed for just shopping at the mall. People children were killed and wounded by two gunmen wearing black turbans.The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave and that they were safe , but anyone who was a non-muslim would be targeted.
    They began shooting shortly after.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings toward this are upset because why were these innocent people killed? for nothing really.What really upset me was that only non-muslims were going to be targeted. I'm not muslim and feel some type of way about that. If the terrorist were going to go and attack mall they shouldn't single out people who does not share their religion. If they were really shooting to kill they would have just killed everyone at and in the mall.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is crazy because in the U.S.we have people living here from those countries who are currently beefing. So, I think when I see foreigners that they're terrorists. I shouldn't think like that but it's the way they make it seem like everyone is a terrorist that's from another country in my eyes. That's prejudice but they are viewed on t'v, in the newspaper, anywhere as terrorists.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because for men from another country to just kill innocent people should be known. It should be known everywhere in school, and jobs, in stores. If it makes breaking news it should be KNOWN.

  5. Source: Source:

    Article Title:No escape for Hillary on 2016 hints

    Article Date:september26,2013
    Who :Hillary Clinton and Malala Yousafzai

    Where :UNKNOWN

    When: this week

    What happened: Hillary Clinton was found ay Malala speech and was having a conversation about being president and who she was running against and comments were made about women being president and who we need as president come 2016. Hillary Clinton was afford a movie part in a movie by Ben Affleck , but declined because she is busy running things. lastly comments about Hillary was running against was made which is vice president Joe Biden

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this could be our next president . I believe our next president is a very important matter.

    Reaction: my reaction is this is a very good idea and a very good presidential races and it makes me realize that is is president Obamas last term

    (I think..) that Hillary will be a very good president and I like the fact that she went to Malala speech to support the young women than is doing what she is doing just is a more dramatic way and for a very different reason.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I saw the title and it made me want to read it and when I found out that Malala was mentioned in this article I had to read it because I just heard of Malala in English 3

  6. Source:

    Article Title:Mayor Nutter Rejects Councilman’s Plea To End Relationship With Anti-Gay City In Russia

    Article Date: September 11, 2013

    Who:Mayor Nutter

    Where: Philadelphia

    When: within the past month

    What happened: a city councilman’s wants to end Philadelphia's “sister city” relationship with a Russian city which has enacted an anti-gay law.But Mayor Nutter rejects it. City councilman Kenney said its not right to have an "sister city" relationship with a city that cant accept them for them. Why have a sister "sister city" relationship with a city that discriminates against them. Mayor Nutter wants to keep the "sister city" relationship going, so Philadelphia can send a message over to Russia.

    Why this event is relevant This event is relevant because we have been in a sister city relationship with them and they want to end it just because of a discrimination problem. This is not a good reason to want to end that, one should just except people as they are and not discriminate.

    Reaction This made me feel surprised that they wanted to end the sister city relationship, but then again, i would want to end it to, if you cant accept me for me, then don't accept me at all.

    Opinion I think that if the city councilsman wants to end the sister city relationship, then Mayor Nutter should just agree and end it.

    Connection I choose this current event because i know alot of people that are gay and alot of people do not accept them.

  7. Source:http:/

    Artice Title:US and Russia agree Syrian UN Draft

    Article Date:september 26,2013

    Who:Us and Russia

    Where:New York

    When:20:00 local time in New York

    What Happened: The US & Russian agreed that Syria would disarm chemical weapons that they on tbeir people . Also, the US was the only ones really planning on attacking Syria, no one else was really their to back them up. Also, they thought that the agreement that they decided upon was binding and forceful. Some argued it was and some didnt. Also because Syria did use chemical weapons it made some of the citizens move. But now since they will sign this agreement and stop using chemical weapons, the US will not consider an attack on Syria.

    Why I chose this event: I chose this because i been following up on the whole situation. So i decided to read this article.

    Reaction:I think this is a good agreement because was not necessary. Especially since we have other causes to worry about and we didnt have nobody to back us up. Also, we really can't afford war. So by them making this agreement is making things better .
    Opinion:I think Russia made a good choice because war is not an option now. There was never a need for war, we just needed an agreement .
    Connection:I chose this because i am interested on following the situation.& it follow up on all my other current event .

  8. source:

    title: Work it out: Main Street fed up over shutdown

    date: September 24 2013

    who: the congress and, the people in New York

    where : main street, New York

    when: September of this week

    what happened: Main street is a very busy street in New York and has a lot companies and parks. there is a budget on what they have that congress needs to meet every year. if they don't, then all of the companies get shut down. this means that jobs will be forced to close which effect the people who work on main street. this also means that parks will be shut down for that time period. the yearly budget is around 3 million dollars. this goes toward maintenance and to take care of it.

    how this is relevant: this is relevant because it just happened and it show everyone how to budget or manage money. we have these problems similar to this one now.

    opinion: I think this a lesson that I and others can learn in how to manage our money and also to be smart with it.

    connection: I remember I took a trip to New York and was walking near main street but I didn't know the importance of it then.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: House voted to Keep Government Running, Stop Obam aCare; Now #SenateMustAct

    Article Date: This event happened on September 21, 2013.

    Who: The House of Representatives and Americans are included.

    Where: This article is located in Washington, DC.

    When: 2013 is when the event occured.

    What happened: The House of Representatives voted to keep the government open and ensure that it remains open. The House voted to fund basic services essential to millions of Americans . At the same time, they want to defund the president's health care.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this is my government and country that are making decisions and getting decisions made for it! Also, these changes being made could hurt some people in my country, including me.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): My reaction to this article was that this is just another way to try and stop Obama from what he is doing. Personally, I do not understand so it doesn't really affect me, I don't know how to feel about it.

    Opinion (I think..): I do think this article is important though, but I think if it needs to be done, theb so be it.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because there was a question about this on the unit 1 test. Also, I heard my mother mention this issue.


    Article title: Security Council nearing deal on Syria

    Article date: September 26, 2013

    Who: Syria, Russia, and U.S

    Where: Syria

    When: August 21 to present 2013

    What happened: Russian government have agreed to support a strong, binding and enforceable resolution that unites the pressure and focus of the international community on the Syrian regime to ensure the elimination of Syria's chemical weapons. The Russians finally agree that chemical weapons should be eliminated from Syria.

    Why this is relevant: This is relevant because we made ourselves the center piece in the war against Chemical warfare. If the United States by any chance end up going to war with Syria, this can cause a major problem with the economy and United states civil government.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article was gratitude. It's good that Russia finally agrees with chemical weapons being bad. Russia is one of the biggest threat to the untied states if not the largest when it comes to war. We wouldn't want to fight with them.

    Opinion: My opinion is that The Untied states should have been backed out, but we are too deep into it now.

    Connection: I connect this event to everyday life and how people get themselves into unnecessary drama. I feel as though it is unnecessary for the united states to be in the predicament there in now.

  11. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title: Militants 'hired Kenyan mall shop'

    Article Date: September 27, 2013

    Who: Kenyan militants and civilians

    Where: Westgate shopping centre in Kenya

    When: Monday

    What happened: What had happened was in Kenya some group that is apart of Al Queda had went into a shopping mall and started killing people. There are sixty seven people who have died and another sixty one people are have said to be missing.
    The killers got into the mall because someone had told them to rent a store. They also would have needed fake identification from corrupt government officials. The gunmen had heavy duty machine guns and should not have had access to these type of guns let alone any.

    Why this event is relevant: THis event is relevant because there are corrupt government officials out there willing to assist people in carrying out these kind of cruel acts.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though they should have not even had accsess to these type of weapons. I know that they are in a different country but but regardless no civilian should be able to get heavy duty machine guns.

    Opinion (I think..) I think they should have not even had access to these type of weapons. I know that they are in a different country but but regardless no civilian should be able to get heavy duty machine guns.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was the top story on all of the websites i have went on.

  12. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:The title of my article is U.S.:Syrian CW list is encouraging.

    Article Date:this article date is 2:14 PM EDT 9.21.13.

    Who: The countries involved are United States, Syria, U.N.

    Where: This happen in syria.

    When:This happened in september.

    What happened:The US is trying to stop and prevent Al-Assad to stop allowing the chemical weapons . Also the US and other western countries believes it is the regimes fault for any attacks. the United States also threatened force to stop Assad's right to carry out chemical weapons attacks. And because of that Russia and the United States decided Syria's stockpile under international control.
    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because its seems that this is finally trying to come to an end.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)This makes me feel happy that we are actually persuding and stopin so much violence in other countries.

    Opinion (I think..) This is good we are bettering ourself as a nation.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this because even r
    though its old i wanna see how things actually pinn out wit syria.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: Social media outcry over China vendor execution
    Article Date: 25 September 2013
    Who: Xia Junfeng
    Where: China
    When: September 25 2013
    What happened: On September 25, 2013 street vendor Xia Junfeng was executed for stabbing 2 security officials. He was selling kebabs on the street with his wife when they had come for him. The reason they tried to apprehend him was because he didn't have a license to sell what he was selling. They beat him up very badly, and in an attempt to fight back he pulled out his knife ( from work) and stabbed them. He was then persecuted as a criminal. And later, executed.
    Why this event is relevant: This event in relevant because if this were to happen here, he probably would have been let off with self defense. There must be wrong with the court systems there....
    Reaction: My heart goes out to the family: Wife and son of Xia Junfeng. It must have been horrible being there as it happened.
    Opinion : I think he shouldn't have been killed. Yes, he didn't have a license to sell meat, but he could have been detained. And they didn't have to beat him! It was only self defense!
    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me. And it sounded very unusual

  14. And by " they " I meant to say 2 security officials, sent on behalf of the government

  15. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Saudi women's new campaign to end driving ban
    Article Date:September 26, 2013
    Who: Women of Saudi Arabia
    Where:Saudi Arabia
    When: October 26
    What happened: Women who want the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to lift a ban that prohibits them from driving launched an online campaign urging Saudi females to stage a demonstration by driving cars on October 26. No traffic law really prohibits females from driving in Saudi Arabia, but religious views and laws there are often interpreted to mean women are not allowed to drive cars or anything else.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this is an example of rights not being met across the world. Women and men should be given the same opportunities. things such as driving and working should be available to everyone.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This doesn't make me feel any specific way because I am not muslim nor am i a woman in Saudi arabia.
    Opinion (I think..) I still think that women in Saudi Arabia should be able to drive. Eventhough the religion inputs that they shouldn't, i still believe that they should be able to drive.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it related to one of the five ideals of America. This is an example of rights and opportunity not being evenly distributed.

  16. Source:http: //
    Article title: US braces for possible government shutdownArticle Date:
    Article date: 27 September 2013
    Who: US government
    Where: Washington D.C.
    When: 27 September 2013
    What happened:The US government is bracing for a possible shutdown, as Republicans and Democrats in Congress remain deadlocked on a budget to continue its funding.
    Why this event is relevant: Because we are being governed by the government
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am a little mad because they are about to shutdown the government because they can't come to an agreement on a budget
    Opinion (I think..) That they should just come to a agreement because there is on telling what will happen if they shut it down.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because we just finished a unit on government.

  17. Source:

    Article Title: Herman Wallace released after 40 years in solitary

    Article Date: October 2nd 2013

    Who: Herman Wallace

    Where: Louisiana

    When: Does not say when

    What happened: This article is about Judge Brian Jackson ruled Herman Wallace's 1974 conviction was unconstitutional and ordered him freed.Wallace, 71, was diagnosed with liver cancer this year and has weeks more like days to live. He was one of three men convicted of the 1972 murder of a prison guard.
    One of the three, Robert King, was released in 2001. Wallace and another man, Albert Woodfox, have remained in jail , in tiny jail cells and is only allowed out to shower one hour pre day. When a federal court has came to their seances of there unfairness on this case. But this sadly too late.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because, this is unfair and needed to be addressed.

    Reaction: My reactions to this was unexplainable! Once I stated reading this I didn't want to stop. This is incredibly sad.

    Opinion: My opinion is that the courts should look over this case.

    Connection( why you chose this): i have no connections. I just was looking for a new website to do since I always do cnn and I came across this
