Sunday, September 1, 2013

Period 3- Week 9/1-9/6

Current event for week 2: September 1- September 6 at 3:30 pm. 
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply. COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Title: House leaders back Obama on Syria
    Article date: September 1, 2013
    Involved: The leaders of the house of representatives.
    Where: Syria
    When: September 1, 2013
    What happened: the house of Representative supported Obama's call for America to strike Syria for it's chemical attacks.
    Why this event is relevant: Because it will affect the people in Syria
    Reaction: Few American citizens thought that we should not get involved with Syria.
    Opinion: I think that we should strike because they should not be using chemical warfare.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.

  2. Source: (website)

    Article Title:Syria crisis: Obama wins backing for military strike

    Article Date:September 3rd,2013
    Who:President Barack Obama,U.S. Republicans,and President Bashar al-Assad
    When:September 3rd,2013
    What happened:President Obama wins the vote for a military strike against Syria.
    Why this event is relevant: The article talks about the govenment that Obama is protecting by sending a military strike on Syria for sending a military strike to them first.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)I felt angry that Syria came at us,knowing they don't stand a chance against our strong defense army against anyone that comes at us.The U.S. is not a country to mess with.
    Opinion (I think..)I think that Obama should've already have the decision with him.He should have hit Syria already instead of winning the vote for it to happen.He's protecting our gov't by doing that so in my mind is a smart decision just by him making it with no help.
    Connection (why you chose this article)This article was chosen by me because it interested me to learn more about Obama and how other countries besides the U.S. is always getting a hit over us.This article shows how Obama should send back the message that they receive from Syria,considering that Syria is terrorist country.Syria had also indicated a direct threat to the U.S. for a long while.

  3. Source: (
    Article Title:Israeli sources on Obama's Syria approach: 'Not how a superpower acts'
    Article Date:September 03, 2013
    Who: President Obama,Israeli officials, Foreign Policy Analysts
    When: September 03, 2013
    What happened: President Obama asks Congress to approve a strike on Syria.
    Why this event is relevant: The article talks about the government and how Obama wants get a military to strike on Syria.
    Reaction: I feel that it is pointless for Syria to even try to fight the U.S when they already know they don't have a chance to win what so ever.
    Opinion: I think Obama shouldn't even waste his time on Syria. I'm sure that he knows they don't stand a chance against our military.
    Connection: This article caught my attention because I always like to know what is going on with the president of my country.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.

  4. Source:

    Article Title: Obama: It's the world's 'red line' on Syria; Senate panel backs military strike plan

    Article Date:September 4, 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama, U.S. Military, Syria

    Where: Washington

    When: August 2013

    What Happened: President Obama wanted to put an end to chemical weapons in the U.S. and Syria.

    Why is this relevant: I think this is relevant because war could be an option in this event and people need to be aware.

    Reaction: You can react to this event in many ways and have different but I support the president and I think he should put a stop to the weapons

    Opinion: I think we should send a letter through the secretary of defense because I think they have to get to the bottom of the problem because they're obvisouly not on the same page so therefore send a letter.

    Connection: I chose this article because I think this is an event or problem that needs to be solve and that Obama needs the U.S. to back him up.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement.

    articletitle-Police:Missouri man exposes 300plus to hiv
    article date- 8\29\13
    who-david mangum
    when-2003 to 2013
    where Missouri
    What happen -dav

    s had over 300 sexual partners ans carries rhe HIV virus and has unprotected sex.

    Why is this relevant- this is relevant because in the state Missouri it is a felony to spread HIV and sentence to 15 years in prison if caught .
    reaction- this is a court case because he admitted to a police officer of his crime. My reaction was why did he just admitt to this 10 years later after exposing 300 plus women to it.
    opinion- I am very shocked.why would this mean what to do things like this reading a virus.
    Connection- I chose this article because it is veryfor women around the united stateto know that they could be in danger of the HIV virus

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Iran foreign minister Zarif tweets happy Jewish new year

    Article Date: Sept. 6th, 2013

    Who: (forgive me if I spell this wrong) UN's Iranian envoy Mohammad Javad Zarif, President Hassan Rouhani, and Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives Christine Pelos

    Where: Twitter

    When: Just Thursday

    What happened: Apparently, Zarif had tweeted "Happy Rosh Hashana." Sending a little controversy to the world because the former president believed the Holocaust was a "lie." But, Zarif claims that it wasn't Iran who thought it was a lie because some people there are actually Jewish. It was just what one man thought. Even the new president tweeted the same thing. They both say it was for their people.
    Why this event is relevant: It changes a bit of history for Iran which was thought to be anti-Jew.

    Reaction The title caught my attention quickly because I was surprised at the idea of sending such a tweet. I also thought the
    Iranians were anti-Jew. So I felt a little relieved to see that the leaders meant no harm.

    Opinion: I think this will change how we view Iran. We mostly see war and lots of controversy with Russia and what not. But I think this is one step to show how we can change our views with Iran.
    Connection I chose this article because I wanted to know more about Iran besides war and secretive plans. Like they say, "Peace in the middle east." I'd like to see some peace and even this tiny gesture is a weight of my mind

  7. Source: Http://

    Article title: understanding the crisis in Syria.

    Article date: September 5th 2013, (international)

    Who: president of Syrian (Bashar al-Assad) and the president Obama.

    Where: Syria.

    When: the crisis ranges from 2011 to 2013.

    What happened? Syria’s military allegedly used chemical weapons on August 21 and that set in motion the current crisis in the international community. The problem has been proving beyond doubt who actually fired the chemical weapons as some have claimed the rebels may have done it to provoke action against al-Assad.

    Why is this relevant? While the United States does not make up the entire population of the international community, as a superpower it is our duty to not only protect our allies but the general population of civilians.

    Reaction: I don't really like the fact that the US inserts it's self in places where it may not necessarily be needed its almost like we're the international bully sometimes but maybe the saying "great power comes with great responsibility" so maybe we're responsibly for keeping everyone else on track in some way.

    Connection: I picked this article because I can relate to the real life concept of a bully, while he/she is the biggest and most feared and cause of this may be looked at badly or maybe even act badly it is better to have one bully keeping everyone in check, than a whole international community of bullies beating on one another.

  8. Title : Obama vs. Syria

    Since the past month or so, the United State's government has been spectating Syria and their government. They say to have found lethal fluids within the Syrian people. The U.S claims that the Syria government is intoxicating the citizens of the country. Obama states that this is an oppurtunity for them to start a military war with their government. The news keeps us updated almost daily, or weekly on the next moves that are taking place.

    Truthfully, I believe its a bunch of false information. By our government getting us to feed into the lies then they can raise taxes to pay for military supplies. Although, buying "military supplies" means more money. Only way to make more money is to start a war. Right now, America has too much power , so why not pick on smaller countries to make money? It gets even bigger than that. U.O.E.N.O !

  9. Source:
    Article Title:War of Words between Russia, U.S. heats up
    Article Date:9-6-13
    Who:Russia and the U.S
    What happened: The president of Russia and president Obama is stuck on what to do with Syria. There was an attack outside Damascus that tested positive for signatures of sarin gas.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because they are attacking and killing their own people. The U.S does not like that exspecially if they are using chemicals.
    Reaction:Why would they do something like that? what did they do wrong that they deserve that?
    Opinion:I think the U.S and Russia should hurry up and come to a decesion so people can stop dying.
    Connection:We should help those in need like we been doing. Like when we went to go help in Iraq.

  10. Source:
    Title: Too Late ? Obama sets national address on Syria, as law makers peel off
    Date: Sep. 6, 2013
    Who: President Obama , republicans , officials in Syria
    Where: Syria
    When : Friday
    What happened : President Obama announced Fridays that he'll make his case to the American people next week for military action in Syria but lawmakers think that Tuesday would be to late. Most lawmakers against the law say that this could endanger the U.S. Obama says that he was elected to prevent wars not start them.
    Why this event is relevant : This is relevant because this would prevent or stop the U.S from not fighting with Syria which is very dangerous for men at war and at the home front.
    Reaction: I feel as though President Obama needs to put some peep in his step to prevent us from war. Also, if we do go to war that's bad for us because they have nuclear stuff over there.
    Opinion : I think we shouldn't go to war because the nation is already in debt and getting into another war or fight would put us even more in debt.
    Connection: I can connect to this article because just the other day my sisters & cousin & I were talking about how our nation would be getting into a fight with Syria & they were saying how we would lose because Syria has a lot of weapons & things that the U.S does not have.

    1. Semijah, you posted under the wrong class period.

  11. Markeeta h.
    Obama to meet Russuan gay rights advocates
    9/6/13 international
    President Obama ,Russia social activist groups and gay people
    President Obama had went to Russia ti met and talk to Russia's social activist group about gay rights. In Russia, there are laws that limits gay people rights and the conversation of gay people. President Obama doesnt agree with these laws and thats why United states is not gettung along with Russia.

    This event is revelent because thus us one of the reasons why the United States may go to war with Russia.

    My reaction to this is nothing. I feel that everyone should be with anyone that they want to be with.
    I think Russis and the U.S. should not go to war because a situation like this can be sloved.
    I chose this because this situation can take us to war
    I chose th

  12. Where:This event occurred in Russia

    When: Thu September 12, 2013

    What happened: The Russian President said that the US was suppose to act as global cops when they are needed.
    Why this event is relevant: Because if the US don't listen to the other nations then we will think we have too much power over the world.

    Reaction: I was mostly shocked that the US would go against the United Nations.

    Opinion: I think they should listen to the United Nation in the future
