Sunday, September 15, 2013

Period 4 Week of 9/16-9/20

Current event for week 4: September 16-September 20 

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:

    Article Title:Shooting reopens stalled debate over access to guns for mentally ill

    Article Date:September 17, 2013

    Who:former reservist,President Obama, National Conference of State Legislatures

    Where: Washington D.C.


    What Happened:A former reservist who was mentally ill conducted a mass shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C. President Obama and others are having a debate on whether mentally ill patients should have access to guns.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because one of society's own people is killing off a mass of others.

    Reaction:This is sad and scary.

    Opinion: I think all gun laws should had included mentally ill people because this is a result to their madness.

    Connection:Columbine High School Massacre

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement. You must have a minimum of 10 complete sentences.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Political Gun Debate Starts Anew after Navy Yard rampage
    Article Date: September 16, 2013
    Who: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Aaron Alexis, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Joe Manchin
    Where: Washington navy yard, Washington D.C
    When: N/A, some day in September 2013
    What happened: A debate occurred in the navy yard about gun control. A man took matters into his own hands and decided to kill twelve people that were a part of the navy. The weapons that were used were an AR-1, a shot gun, and a semiautomatic pistol. This started a big revolution or debate about who should be able to have control of guns.
    Why Relevant is: This is relevant because who controls guns is very important. Based on the fact that anyone who holds a gun in their hand can do whatever they please with it. Based on these factors I think it is very important to make sure guns are in the proper hands and being used for only what they need to be used for.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article was, wow! Because I didn’t believe that someone who was on the army would do something like this and to that exist and to that many people. Also I thought this event was sort of scary in a way because if a navy person would just turn and do this how will know a cop won’t do the same and cops are everywhere.
    Opinion: I feel that gun control should be stricter and should have many limits and many boundaries, so that the people of America can feel safe.
    Connection: I choose this article because gun control is determines my safety. Also I choose this article because I feel that not everyone deserves to get a license to own a gun, because not everyone has ligament reasons. Some people’s intent on having guns is to hurt or harm another person. This is why I feel that gun control should be stricter and there should be more laws based upon it.

    1. This is posted in the wrong class period.

    2. Not this week. Next week, any post not in the correct class period will not earn credit.

  4. Source: (website)
    Article Title: Montgomery county to appeal same sex marriages to a halt.
    Article Date: 9/17/13
    Who: Same sex marriages
    Where: Montgomery country
    When: 9/17/13
    What happened: Sames sex marriages were getting married by a guy named Ray McGarry all Montgomery county. That is in PA.
    Why this event is relevant: The reason why this relevant because The PA state government is telling me who you can and can not get married to.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings are are just plain old shocked in a way. I do not know why but I read this I was made and sad at the time.
    Opinion (I think..) My opinion is you should marry the person you love. You should not get turned down of who you love because of what other people say. Love is a good thing in life.
    Connection (why you chose this article) The reason why I choose the article because it really spoke to me in many ways. In middle school I had a friend who was gay when I was the 8th grade. He told that he wanted to marry him when he got married to him after high school. He told him and I have been to gather for a very long time. A reason why I choose the article.

  5. > Source:
    > Article Title: Did military gun rules help Navy yard shooter?
    > Article Date: published September 18, 2013
    > Who: Aaron Alexis and 12 innocent civilians
    > Where: U.S Military facility
    > When: Monday September 12, 2013
    > What happened: Apparently Mr. Alexis was mentally ill because he opened fire on innocent people in this building and then turned the gun on himself. the army wants to strengthen their gin laws so that this doesn't happen again because it happened before with the Sam amount of people.
    > Why this event is relevant: it's about our military men and women part of our future I'd theyv all die who will protect or country, this is eleventh because it's in the need and its not about some kids that just graduated or are graduating.
    > Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I just don't like when I own a newspaper and I hear about someone killing innocent people and especially committing suicide.
    > Opinion (I think..) the army should do what they are suing and yes stop and be silent for those that died but get back at what's right and make it so that you won't have to think in memory of others that will in turn make you think I'd the first two batches of people that died .
    > Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article really because the ones I wanted to do wouldn't load and it looked interesting.

  6. Source:
    Article Title: Pa. man charged in threat to Obama had guns, ammo
    Article Date: September 14th, 2013
    Who: Pennsylvania Resident, President Obama
    Where: Scranton. Pennsylvania
    When: August 24th, 2013
    What Happened: A 42 year old man named Nicholas Savino from Scranton, Pennsylvania, was charged for threatening the president of the United States. He loaded numerous amount of guns for this attack. Apparently, on August 16th, 2013, Savino sent a threatening letter (email) to the white house saying that President Obama is either going to leave his position for president, or if he doesn't, he's going to be shot down by him.
    Why Is This Event Relevant: This is relevant because this has to do with our president, and his safety. If our president died, in some type of way it will effect us Americans.
    Reaction: My reaction is that I'm shocked that someone would even sent a dangerous letter to the president, knowing there would be some major repercussions.
    Opinion: Personally, I think President Obama wasn't even worried about this threat. I think he looked at the situation serious, but he knew nothing wasn't going to happen to him.
    Connection: I chose this article because it just made me think of stupid people in the world who are upset with people for some reason, and they feel like they need to kill them to solve the problem.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:Montgomery County to appeal same-sex marriage halt
    Article Date:September 17,2013
    Who: Pennsylvania Supreme Court,
    When: September 17,2013
    What happened: In Pennsylvania they are still choosing not legalize gay marriage. They said it's against the law made in 1996. They do not recognize Same-sex marriages by couples that are married legally in other places that do allow it. A man was also gave out 174 license that allowed Same-sex marriages but he wasn't suppose to.
    Why this event is relevant:It has to do with rights it is or should be a right to marry who you want it also is a type of discrimination
    Reaction I feel neutral
    Opinion (I think..) I think that everyone should be able to marry any person they want, I understand sometimes it is against religion, but at the same time you're not suppose to mix church with Government and not allowing it is wrong
    Connection This is like law saying no interracial marriages in the past

  8. Source: (website)
    Article Title:Obama: US ideals, security at stake in Syria
    Article Date:This event article took place on September 10,2013.
    Who: This article involves president Obama speaking of Syria.
    Where: This speech happened in Washington, DC.
    When: This speech just so happen to take place on September 11, 2013.
    What happened: President Barack Obama speaks of the ban on chemical weapons by Syria. He says that he will ensure us that the worst weapons, such as chemicals will not be used.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant to anyone in the United States because it would be our battle and war to fight. We also need to be alert on what President Obama's next move is because we need to be aware on if it will affect us any type of way.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I honestly feel as though we as the United States need to stay out of this. I feel like we do not need another war to start.
    Opinion (I think..) I think we should find a way to be cool with Syria instead of trying to destroy them. We also do not know what Syria is capable of doing to us after this attack.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because I want to keep an update on what is going on with President Obama. Also because I need to be alert just in case something does happen I will not be that surprised but I can somehow be prepared.

  9. Source:
    Article Title:North Caucasus insurgency threatens Russian Olympic security
    Article Date:June-11-2013
    Who:Russian government
    Where:North Caucasus mountains
    When: Winter games of 2014
    What happened:Russia plans to host the winter Olympic games and the problem with this is the location happens to be within a guerrilla war zone.
    Why this event is relevant:It seems that the United States are not the only ones to battle terrorism. It feels nice to have people help us in our conflict against them.
    Reaction I am just glad the Russians would help us on the war on terrorism. Unlike in some fictional realities
    Opinion I think Russia should host said games near the capital instead of a war zone.
    Connection (why you chose this article)

    1. Fadi,
      You need a minimum of 10 sentences. You have until Friday at 3:30 to edit this.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:Pentagon proposes training moderate Syrian rebels
    Article Date:September 19, 2013
    Who:Syrian rebels, pentagon
    When: September 19, 2013
    What happened: what happened the pentagon is planning to send an envision force into Syrian. To train select members of the rebels and equip them with weapons. this idea came to pass after biochemical bombing by the Syrian government in august. which the U.S holds the regime accountable for the hundreds of deaths. but recently the training has run into trouble because the matter has turned from militarily to diplomatic response.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because if this matter is not solved it could lead into a greater war then Iran.
    Reaction: I am very shocked that the world is not backing up- the united states in this situation because it violates the Ganiva convention.
    Opinion. My thought is that we should train more men to fight.
    Connection: I chose this article because the problems in Syria effect us all.

  11. Source:

    Article Title:25-year sentence in Family Research Council shooting

    Article Date: Sept.19 2013
    Who: Floyd Corkins, David Bos,
    Where: Washington
    When: Sept.19 2013
    What happened: Floyd Corkins has been sentenced to 25 years in jail for doing a shooting. He had disagree with the Family Research Council because they are against gay marriage. Corkins had shot his lawyer Leo Johnson. David Bos wanted Corkin to be sentence 11 years in jail. Other lawyers wanted Corkin in jail for more years. So they reason him out and gave him 25 years.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because shows how people don't get away from anything. The have get their punishment.
    Reaction My reaction was that was shocking because he shot a innocent person that was trying to help him.
    Opinion I think he should of been sentenced to 45 years.
    Connection People are getting arrest for life for just because and he just getting a little bit of time.

  12. Source: (website)
    Article Title:American Graduate Week on WORLD
    Article Date:09/19/2013
    Who: children that are in school
    Where: high school
    When: September 23rd
    What happened: they are going to be showing the cost of being a drop out. they will be focusing on reform and special education. they are helping them strive for the better
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because there are a lot of drop out are happening and I think they are trying to show how hard it will be if you finish you education
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think its just about what goes on around the world that dropouts happen and they may not know the outcome of it
    Opinion (I think..) this would benefit a lot of people including myself that our vision should be in the right place instead of dropping out because things might get to complicated.
    Connection (why you chose this article)

    1. I chose this article because it let s be more a where to what it around. also it may put people as goal for them to be better and not give up. sometimes it just have to do with money and if you want money you have to work hard for it.

  13. Khaia,
    This sounds like a very interesting article. You need 10 complete sentences. Please expand on this article a little more.

    1. yeah I realize it after I put it up but ithink that should be good right

  14. Source: (website)

    Article Title: Syria moves chemical weapons again, motive unclear

    Article Date: September 19,2013

    Who: Syria, U.S., Obama, Bashar al-Assad, Russia

    Where: Syria

    When: September 19,2013

    What happened: The United States found out that Bashar al-Assad has moved his chemical weapons again. The United States do not know why he moved the weapons, but they are staying alert.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because there is a lot going on with Syria and the United States right now. Also, you should know what is going on in the world.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though the United States should keep a watch on al-Assad to make sure he does not try any terror attacks. They should keep all airports secured and make sure no planes get hijacked.

    Opinion (I think..) I think our lives are in the hands of the United States. I think we should be careful.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was interesting. I also thought it was good to know about what's going on with us and Syria.

  15. Source:

    Article Title: Obama urges military action in Syria

    Article Date: 8/31/13

    Who: Obama, Congress

    Where: Washington D.C

    When: Late August

    What happened: In Syria, they have a dictator that is mad with power. There are recent circulations of women, men and children being gassed and killed by order of their dictator. This had of course started a rebellion with the Syrian people. It has sparked world wide attention and other countries are deciding whether they should weigh in or not. Obama and his team are making a decision to weigh in or not because talk of chemical weapons of mass destruction in Syria.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant to the U.S because if those weapons were to turn on us then it would be another 9/11 and a great threat on national security. Obama has to make sure also that the Syrian people be free from tyranny and help them as a country. It is relevant to us because we need to be alerted on what's going on with the rest of the world to see how it shall effect us. Resources are also an issue because we may get things from them but we can't because of the chaos in Syria.

    Reaction : My feelings toward this has some concern because I wouldn't want this country in a war because taxes would go up and this country is all ready in debt and a war wouldn't help.

    Opinion : I never really understood politics so I don't understand why we have to step into a problem that isn't our business as a nation. I do see how it is important to help them because innocent people are being killed. I take into consideration the fact that the U.S is in debt.
    Connection: The connection I chose was the 9/11 attacks because If we don't be careful
    That could happen to us with talk of Syria's weapons. It could threaten us but we wouldn't be ready because we are not properly informed but we are trying to get informed now.

    1. Great post, Kaysi. Your writing is very thorough. Include the complete web address for full credit next time.

  16. Source: (website)
    Article Title:Tony Blair's daughter held at gun point
    Article Date:09.19.13
    Who: Kathryn Former British prime Minister Tony Blair's daughter.
    Where:In central London
    When: This week, police and Blair's office said Thursday.

    What happened:Police described the incident as an attempted robbery. Kathryn was with a group of friends, when the robbery happened but nothing was stolen and no one got hurt. But they were held at gun point. Another attempted robbery was reported 30 minutes before the other robbery occurred. Police happen to think it may have been the same person doing both robberies.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) :My feelings to this article is that they are lucky. They made it out alive and they were held at gunpoint.
    Opinion : I think that you should check your surroundings at all times because you never might really know whose paying attention to you when your not.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this Article because it's connects to a lot of things that happen in my everyday life around me. This article shows that some are lucky and others are not. You have to be a where of anything no matter where you are at.

  17. Source:

    Article Title: Syria moves chemical weapons again, motive unclear
    Article Date: This event happened September 19, 2013
    Who: The Syrian regime, the U.S. intelligence community, and the Obama administration officials.
    Where: This article was located in Washington DC
    When: This event occurred in Septemeber of 2013.
    What Happened: The U.S. intelligence community has noticed that the Syrian regime has been moving around stockpiles of its chemical weapons. The Obama administration officials found out there were chemical weapon storage sites and were wondering if the Syrian regime were leaving it there to give it up, or to keep it. Even though they were told that they were secure, the U.S. intelligence community still wanted to use satellite imagery to see what is going on.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because for one, there was a question whether the Syrian regime were storing the chemical weapons in a storage facility to conceal or to give it up. Another reason is that they U.S. intelligence community were unsure if the weapons were secure or not.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is confused. I say this because of predictions that were made by the Obama administration officials saying that they were concealing the weapons are leaving them there so the U.S. could get them.
    Opinion: I just think that after reading this article, the U.S. intelligence community and the Obama aidministration officials need to do a lot more thinking, making more observations and analyzations to figure out what the Syrian regime is trying to do.
    Connection: I chose this article because I feel that I should know more about what is going on in Syria and what Assad and his regime planning on doing.

  18. Source:

    Article Title:Sales Of Public Data To Marketers Can Mean Big $$ For Governments.

    Article Date:Posted on September 19, 2013

    Who:The Secretary of State, small business owners, innocent contest winners, home owners, college students, and more.

    Where: The problem was discovered in Denver’s Stapleton neighborhood but carried out through a small business in Colorado.

    When: Over the past year.

    What happened: The states government agencies are gaining money from small business by selling private information. Eric Meet was victim of this when he opened up his small business in Colorado. Meer started receiving emails and mail saying he had to pay fees that he had no idea about. This doesnt only have to business owners though. You can get yourself sucked into this by entering contest, resistering online, using shopping cards, subscribing to magazines and donating to charity. When you start receiving strange political mail ans emails you know something is wrong. Even college students suffer. Their families are victims, recieving misleading mail about owning homes. Also this governments are selling things from the SAT's and ACT's.

    Why this event is relevant: Its a secret about the government that certain people didn't know was happening.

    Reaction: this made me realize why I recieve so much spam and how slick the government can be. How can you take my money if I'm donating to a charity that's just wrong.

    Opinion: I think that a higher official in government needs to crack down on this and get a grip on what's going on.

    Connection: this article caught my attention because it was talking about SAT's and ACT's and those are something I should be concerned about.

    1. This was posted in the wrong class period. Starting next week, this post will not receive credit.

  19. Source: http:

    Article Title: Teen Convicted of Killing Baby Gets Life in Prison

    Article Date: September 12,2013

    Who: Georgia Teen, U.S. Supreme Court, Infant's mother

    Where: Brunswick, Georgia

    When: September 2013

    What happened: Georgia teen gets life in prison for killing an infant. The teen also gets sentenced for a additional 105 years in jail for other crimes. The other crimes he committed was attempted arm robbery, aggravated assault, and with 30 more years of shooting and wounding a pastor outside the church. The teen was supposed to get a death penalty but he was a few months too young. The teen was 17 when the death penalty allowed 18 years and up. There was another accomplice with the teen, younger though. Police found a .22-caliber in the pond and the teen's family has been charged and convicted for tampering with the evidence for disposing the gun and trying to avoid prosecution.

    Why this event is relevant: The Supreme courts are involved and killings of people

    Reaction: I was actually shocked as I was reading this because I couldn't believe a person would kill an innocent child.

    Opinion: I think that if the teen had more support in his life, then the infant would have lived and the mother wouldn't be traumatized for life.

    Connection: I chose this article because it caught my attention and the fact that a person could kill and infant that was just coming into life just makes me so mad and sad at the same time.

  20. Source:
    Article Title:Watchdog: Syria submits 'initial disclosure' of chemical weapons program
    Article Date:Fri September 20, 2013
    Who: Syria ab the untied states are involved in this situation.
    Where: This is taking place in Syria
    When: This is going on now as we speak and i don't believe that this will end any time soon.
    What happened:The are now disclosing Syria chemical weapons, because they are harming to many people an causing 100% way to much chaos.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because if this doesn't stop it could get into the hands of a really bad person an they could cause mass destruction to the world or human race.
    Reaction: i am really annoyed that people are making such things in our word today i just don't understand why.
    Opinion i think that this should be dealt with and show other countries that this is not the way to live.
    Connection: I belive what they are doing is the right thing.

  21. Source:
    Title: House GOP launches shutdown battle by voting to defund Obamacare
    Date: September 20, 2013
    Who: The House, Congress, Obama
    Where: In Politics (In the Senate and House
    When: 9/20
    What happened: On Friday, September 20, 2013 there was a vote in the House on the polarizing issue of "Obamacare" this vote proved against the policy by giving a vote tally of 230 to 189. The House, as we know, is Republican dominated sector of the government. The problem is, because the Constitution depends on a Separation of Power and because of this, the president had to get his laws and policies through this section of the government to become a legal and nationwide policy. This issue is different from others the president and the House disagrees on. This is because the Democrat dominated sector, The Senate, completely supports the the president and his policy of Obamacare. This large disagreement led to a huge deadlock of the government and if this situation continues, it could cause a catastrophic shutdown of the government.
    Why is this relevant: This issue is extremely important because if the government shuts down completely, the country shuts down completely and the nation will come to a halt in law, regulation and order.
    Reaction: I think that this is a stupid quarrel that is unwarranted and unneeded. This is because people should not vote because their party votes a certain way , but for the benifit of the benefit of the people and the betterment of the country.
    Opinion: Both sides should come together for the betterment of the country.
    Connection: This is because in CIVICS, we a talking about the importance of bipartisanship and the country.

  22. Source: http:/
    Article title: Obama Care Winners investors, lawyers, others make big gains from law
    Article date: September 4, 2013
    Who: This article includes Obama, lawyers, and other important people.
    Where: This happened in Washington D.C.
    When: It happened March 23.
    What Happened: A lot of jobs get money from this new law, Obama Care it is shown in the increase of companies since the law was established. Investor stocks have risen, doctor’s health care percentage, and the law is spreading throughout the country. Most people complain about the new law, but it has positively affected majority of the community of the United States.

    Why this event is relevant? This is relevant because the stocks and companies needed an energy boost, and this new law was like the energy boost for most companies, investors, etc. Also, besides the law bringing in new money it helps people that don’t have health insurance, so this a win win for most parents.

    Reaction: My reaction was neutral because I know it helped a majority of the population, but it affected that little percentage of population that didn’t really agree with law. But I think the law is positive and a smart idea from Obama.
    Connection: I chose this article because we read about this article because we just read an article about the house trying to impeach Obama over the law I just talked about. This is the reason I am neutral because most people are positively affected and the others that aren’t positively affected are taking major steps to get rid of this law.
