Sunday, September 8, 2013

Period 5 Week of 9/8-9/13

Current event for week 3: September 8-September 13 at 3:30 pm 
Current Event Content Requirements:
Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply. COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be two paragraphs in length (minimum).

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:
    Article Title: Disabled vet kicked off US Airways plane in service dog dispute
    Article Date: September 07, 2013
    Who: A Vietnam veteran was kicked off the plane.
    Where: He was kicked off the US Airways plane.
    When: It happened on September 07, 2013.
    What happened: A disabled Vietnam veteran was kicked off of the US Airways plane, because his service dog was sitting in an empty seat that was next to him, and the flight crew asked him to put his dog on the floor. He wouldn't listen and he told theem that he had a disability, and that is why his dog was sitting in the empty seat next to him. Finally, him and the flight crew had gotten into an argument and the US Airways plane kicked him off the plane.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant, because I knoww a lot of people that go through difficult things or have had things happen to them, and they feel like they are entitled to the certain right to do something.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is that, I think the man was wrong to have his pet on the seat. Just because you were veteran doesn't mean the rules don't apply to you. The rules apply to everyone.
    Opinion: I think that the veteran should have just put his dog on the floor just like everybody else. I feel bad that he is disabled, but he still has to follow the rules just like I do.
    Connection: I chose this article, because it reminds me of when I catch the trolley and I see people with their bookbags, and pocketbooks on the seats. I think that is very inconsiderate to other people, because old people that tired may want to sit down.
    -Dominique Frazier

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Early Turnout Strong in Colorado Recall Effort on Gun-Control Legislation
    Article Date: September 8, 2013

    After two mass shootings in 2012, the state of Colorado is now requesting the recall of two senators who supported stricter gun laws in their state, something they have been advocating for months. People that consider stricter gun laws as "a violation of the second Amendment" appear to be a majority, as those that have been trying their hardest to condemn the presence of guns appear to be running in place. Colorado has provided the state with polls that will determine if or if not stricter gun laws will be put into place. This comes as no surprise after the incidents of James Holmes and Adam Lanza.

    This article is relevant because this has been a nationwide epidemic. Mass shootings, or even small shootings, have not been limited to Colorado alone. President Obama himself has tried to pass a bill on stricter gun laws to no avail; perhaps this voting will affect the decisions of other states. I, personally, hope that Colorado will encourage stricter gun laws -- we cannot forget the Columbine High School shooting a few years ago. They have been plagued by this problem, and now is the time to take action. Out of respect, I will not connect this to anything. I have fortunately never been a part of something as crucial as this.

    1. Please provide the complete web address where your article can be found.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Doubts Linger Over Syria Gas Attack Responsibility
    Article Date: September, 8.2013
    Who: U.S Government, President Bashar, Barack Obama, Syrian Military and John Kerry were involved.
    Where: This attack took place in the Syria, Ghouta.
    When: It took place on August 21st.
    What happened: The U.S Government is insisting that President Basahar Assad of Syria is the reason for the deadly chemical attack that killed 1,429 people. The Obama administration is trying to prove that Assad is connected to the attack, but they have no communication from the Syrian military or satellite images to prove that.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant it makes you have empathy for people because this could of happened where I live or to anybody I know, so it made me sad and realize how malicious people can be.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this is sad that someone killed those people and no one has no proof on who did it that is ridiculous.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I Choose this article because I wanted to read about problems that are going on in other parts of the world and not just mines.

    1. This post does not meet the requirements. Please read the requirements listed in my blog post and correct.

    Title:George Zimmerman threatened wife, her dad, she tells 911
    Article Date:September 9,2013 National

    The killer of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman was detained earlier this week in Lake Mary Florida after his wife told 911 that he threatened her and her father with a weapon. His attorney claims that it was out of emotion because of the big divorce. This event is relevant to the topic because it is a big court case. This made me feel like they let a killer out on the streets, he should be detained. I think he needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars so he cant hurt again.
    I connected this to real life. Guilty people do bad things and still get to do what they want when they want.

    1. This post does not meet the requirements. Please read the requirements listed in my blog post and correct.


    3. Source:
      Title:George Zimmerman threatened wife, her dad, she tells 911
      Article Date:September 9,2013 National

      The killer of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman was detained earlier this week in Lake Mary Florida after his wife told 911 that he threatened her and her father with a weapon. His attorney claims that it was out of emotion because of the big divorce. This event is relevant to the topic because it is a big court case. This made me feel like they let a killer out on the streets, he should be detained. I think he needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars so he cant hurt again. I connected this to real life. Guilty people do bad things and still get to do what they want when they want. This is an extreme court case that's made national news. This man needs to be off the streets. He is a danger to society.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Libya: Blast hits Foreign Ministry in Benghazi
    Article Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013
    Who: The country of Libya
    Where: Tripoli, Libya
    When: Sept 2013
    What Happened: An major powerful explosion happened in Tripoli, Libya. The powerful explosion happened at Libya's Foreign Ministry building and they don't know how the explosion happened or whom may have caused it. The explosion also happened to damage the building next door. Only several people were injured.
    Why Is This Relevant: This is relevant because its another explosion happening in the world whereas the officials are not knowing what are causing this blasts. Also how it effects the people who live in this country.
    Reaction: My reaction is that my feelings are sad for the people who got injured, but also thankful that it did not happen to kill them. Also, I hope this blast was not so harmful.
    Opinion: I think maybe somebody probably caused this blast. The reason why is because there are sick people in the world who have no feelings towards others and probably wanted some attention of the destruction that they caused.
    Connection: I chose this article because it reminded me of the Boston Marathon blast. It made me think did somebody actually do this purposely or whether it was a natural cause.

    1. Great post, Terrell. The bombing with Libya is gaining attention because the general instability of the region has been news worthy for the last couple years. Last year, on the anniversary of 9/11, an American diplomat and many others were killed.
      Please post in your correct class period!

  6. Source: Metro Newspaper
    Article Title: Clinton bestowed honor at Constitution Center
    Article Date: Wednesday 11,2013
    Who:Hillary Clinton,Jeff Rosen
    What: Clinton made a 15 minutes speech about democracy and how America should be united and she received a Liberty medal at the constitution center.
    Where: At the constitution centet
    Why:This is relevant because Clinton is the former first lady and first former secretary and she is all about women power and how woman are created and they should be treated equal.
    Reaction:This is wonderful because she is former first lady and the the fact of the matter is she make women feel like they can be secretary of state or you can even run for government.
    Opinion: I love this article because it's all about women power and to just believe in yourself.
    Connection:I choose this article because it's about Hillary Clinton and how her hardwork has paid off.

    1. Kenesha, this does not meet the length requirement. However, this is an interesting article.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:State battles intensify on access to guns.
    Article Date: September 12 ,2013
    Who:President Barack Obama and six states.
    Where:This is a national issue but the states included in the article is Missouri , Iowa , Colorado , Texas , New York , and New,Town Connecticut.
    When: This issue happen within a whole year of 2013.
    What happened: There is a debate on gun control since the tragedy of New,Town Connecticut shooting. President Obama is trying to make new federal changes and each state has their own rule on gun control. In Texas lawmakers pushed a series of bills that would make it easier and cheaper to own and carry a gun in the state. In New York there the first in the nation to create laws imposing mental health regulations on owning guns. Connecticut passed new gun laws that are the toughest in the Country. They added 100 guns to the banned firearm list of assault weapons.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people lives get token everyday with guns and its important we have laws on guns and that they are strict laws.
    Reaction : I feel good to know lawmakers are taking this situation serious because it is a problem that can affect anyone in the world.
    Opinion : I think some states can have better laws like Texas because that's not safe enough.
    Connection : I picked this article because I feel like everyone is affected by guns because they are all around us. Innocent people die because of guns and better gun control can help that. Gun control is a issue all around the world.

    1. Great post, Tiffany. What kind of guns laws do you think are appropriate?

  8. Source:

    Article Title: The name of this article is Obama meets with Russian gay rights advocates

    Article Date: This event happened on September 6,2013

    Who: The people who are involved are President Barack Obama and Russia's social activist group.

    Where: This occurred on Russia

    When: This event happened on the Friday September 6th.

    What happened: What happened was the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, had a law passed that you could not talk bout gay rights or relationships. Since Obama felt most offended by this due to the fact that he supports gay rights and same-sex marriage he decided to reach out. On Thursday Obama had a meeting with Putin and the two shook hands on whatever agreement that was made. The officials and leaders said it could have been another long summit meeting but they made something like a trade off instead so it was never made.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the gay rights law has been token to the courts of government plenty of times, so this basically has something to do with politics.

    Reaction: I honestly don't like this plan at all, so if it is final I really hope someone fights for it to be undone because its really stupid to me.

    Opinion: I think this law should be disapproved because for one how can you be banned from talking bout gay rights and everyone has a freedom of speech. Or better yet it says " from where children can hear it ", but some children are gay.. Another reason is that they took the consequences way outta hand, there flamboyant. Someone can be filed or if your foreign you can be deported and that's just doesn't make sense, being charged with having a conversation of your willingness.

    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me and I thought it would be very interested and to find out it was because I got really into it for a moment.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Brunswick baby shooter gets life in prison
    Article Date: September 12, 2013
    Who: 18 year old Elkins, 13th month old baby & Mrs. West (mother of the baby)
    Where: Brunswick, Georgia
    When: August 30th
    When: Doesn’t say
    What Happened: 18 year old Elkin tried to rob Mrs. West but she didn’t have any money. So he said that If she didn’t give him any that he will kill her baby. But she didn’t have many so he shot her in the leg. He asked again but she still doesn’t have any money so he pointed to gun at the baby and fired. She tried to block her child but it was too late.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because this is something that can happen to anybody on the street. It threatens everyone’s safety because they are afraid to walk out there home without something happening.
    Opinion: My opinion is that im glad the boy got life plus 10 years in prison because what he did was very cruel. He didn’t have to murder the baby because the baby couldn’t defend himself.
    Connection: I chose this article because it touched me that a mother didn’t even have a chance to see her child grow up. Somebody took something special to her because I know how special I am to my mom so I kind of feel her pain.

    1. This is such a sad story. Great post, Saleemah.

  10. Source :
    Article Title : Republicans move to halt ObamaCare 'bailout ' for angry Unions
    Article Date : September 12,2013
    Who: Capital Hill Republicans are trying to end ObamaCare.
    Where : This takes place at the White House.
    When : The House voted on Thursday to stop all subsidies until the administration launches a system to verify recipients are eligible.
    What happened: The Republicans are trying to get rid of ObamaCare because they do not think it is necessary. They think that union workers should have help to pay for health insurance even if their job pays for it. The Republicans are limiting the people to receive ObamaCare.
    Why relevant : This is relevant because most people in the U.S relied on ObamaCare and now they are only trying to give it to certain people. ObamaCare helped a lot of people out and if they limit it to certain, the others will be affected. We need to know why the Republicans are trying to limit ObamaCare.
    Reaction : I feel really sorry for the people who relied on ObamaCare because now it is limited. It should not have to be limited to working people because other non worker Need health care because they have children.
    Opinion : I think everyone who needs ObamaCare should be intended to have it. Selecting certain people is not fair.
    Connection : I chose this article because I thought it was interesting to know that mort people did not find ObamaCare helpfull.

  11. Article Title: Clerk ordered to obey same-sex marriage ban

    Article Date: September 12,2012

    Who:A Pennsylvania judge ordered a clerk too comply with the area states same-sex marriage and stop issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.


    When: September 12, 2012

    What happened:The Department of health decided to sue D.Bruce Hanes for issuing 174 same-sex marriage licenses out to gay couples which breaks the 1996 state law. The Department of health saw this as if it could cause harm to the public. Hanes reviewed the states constitution as if the language about civil rights and happiness did not only apply to the opposites sex but also for same-sex marriages. After the judges ruling, Hanes was forced to stop issuing same-sex marriage licenses. Pennsylvania is one of the state's continuing in the fight for same-sex marriages. After being sued that are fighting against a big court case.

    Why this event is relevant:This is relevant because though Pennsylvania is involed right now ,there are many other states fighting for same-sex marriages. This involves the state's constitution ,civil rights for individuals. This is also relevant because this has to do with the pursuit of happiness and the freedom of speech for the people. This violates the equal rights of our people.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I feel as if confused about this whole same-sex situation. I feel like people should be able to marry who ever they want.
    Opinion (I think..): I think same-sex marriage is allowed then it could create problems. What if too many people choose same-sex ; how are we going to reproduce for the next generation? What if it gets out of hand and the government start choosing who people are too be married to? Then I think everyone should be equal no matter who you are.

    Connection: (why you chose this article)
    I chose this article because so felt like this was very interesting. This involves rights of people , equality and the happiness of individuals. I feel like this is important for what's a head in the future. Another reason for choosing this is because I thought this was different and something that you don't hear about often.

    1. Very interesting article, Lavita. I hadn't heard about this yet.

  12. Source:

    Article title: CIA-funded weapons reach Syrian rebels

    Article date: This event happened today, 9/12/13.

    Who: The CIA and Syria officials were involved.

    Where: This happened from the US to Syria.

    When: This has been happening since April and CIA officials are now speaking out.

    What happened: The CIA has funded weapons to Syrian rebels to assist them, and weapons have begin to reach them. While Syrian official said that they have not received any.

    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because in this situation we could make or brake our relationship with Syria. Since there isn't any inventory of each supply we sent wet don't have much evidence, this definitely make us look bad.

    Reaction: I always knew the government did things without telling us but in this case we would have found out when if they were charged with a war crime.

    Opinion: The CIA has to communicate with its citizens about donating weapons to other countries. Even if we were just donating canned food for families affected by this event.

    Connection: If our principle started donating our books and supplies to another school, we of course wouldn't know because the principle barley communicates with us already.

    1. Do you think the CIA is justified in sending weapons to Syrian rebels? Why would the CIA involve the US in a civil war in another country?

  13. Source: (website)
    Article Title:DNC head Wasserman Schultz blames Colorado loss on 'voter suppression'
    Article Date:September 12,2013
    Who:Debbie wasserman Schultz
    Where: Wahington
    When: Tuesday
    What happened: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said in a statement that the recall election was not fair for those who tried to mail in their ballout because of the many obstacles and confusion that they faced. She believes if those who support the democratic party would have received the proper instruction, they would have one.
    Why this event is relevant: This article discusses the results of past elections.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)This article was interesting.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the vote was accurate. if more people people agreed with her politics, they would have won the elections
    Connection (why you chose this article)This story reminds me of sports. In sports you sometimes do not want to admit that someone else is better than you, so begin to blame their the good performance on anything you can think of.
    -Antanique M.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirement. Also, you need the entire web address.

  14. Source:

    Article Title:Immigration protest outside Capitol leads to over 100 arrests

    Article Date: September 12th, 2013

    Who: This conflict involved a large group of women.

    Where:This occurred in Washington.

    When: This happened the morning of September 12th.

    What happened: This morning in Washington, DC, a group of women and others gathered together to protest against the inaction on immigration reform. This group of people consisted of many undocumented immigrants. They sat outside in front of the Capitol building. Over 100 people were arrested and charged with Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding under a DC Code.

    They already knew they were going to get in trouble. They wanted to call attention the unequal rights of being a immigrant. This mainly effects the women and children. Many more took part in the protest but avoided causing civil disobedience.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this has to do with unequal rights towards some of our people.

    Reaction: This makes me feel outraged because they're once again treating some of our women and children differently.

    Opinion: I think they should take a serious look at this problem and find some way to solve it.

    Connection: This caught my attention because it has to do with immigrant protest.

  15. Source:

    Article Title:Early turnout strong in Colorado recall effort on gun-control legislation

    Article Date: September 08, 2013

    Who:Colorado residents, Senate President John Morse, Senate Angela Giron, President Obama

    Where: Colorado poll locations

    When: Tuesday is when residents vote

    What happened: Gun laws are not being took serious enough for the people of Colorado. They are voting for a recall on the rules the Senate's Jhon Morse and Angela Giron who supported strict gun laws set after the two mass murders in 2012

    Why this event is relevant: Gun laws are important in every state. The senates are not doing there job well if the residents are trying to recall the laws they inforced. Stricter gun laws are approved through the government.

    Reaction: Gun Laws need to be HEAVILY enforced EVERYWHERE, I agree that if the Senate's are not doing their job then they should be overthrown and taken out of there. The gun laws need to be took serious and people with mental illnesses shouldnt have access to one.

    Opinion: Gun laws should definitely be stricter in Colorado after James Holmes and Adam Lanza commited a mass amount of murders in the same year.

    Connection: I choose this article because gun use is something I see a lot on tv and such things. Its striking and sad that people want to kill each other and how reaching for a gun to kill is as easy as picking up your pencil to write.

    1. Great post, Amber. Did the article mention the changes Colorado was hoping to make to current gun laws?

  16. Source:

    Article Title:Firefighters Battle 6-Alarm Boardwalk Blaze In Seaside Park, NJ

    Article Date:September 12, 2013

    Who: The population of New Jersey

    Where:Seaside Park, NJ

    When: September 12,2013

    What happened: The boardwalk in Sea Isle City caught on fire. It is a five alarm five. Officials say at least 32 businesses are destroyed on a six block stretch of the boardwalk, in a town that had to rebuild after Sandy. As of 10:30 pm the fire was 70 percent contained

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because people are just setting stuff on fire. For example houses, school, and now the boardwalk

    Reaction: My reaction to this article is that they cant win because between the hurricane and this they have to keep rebuilding the boardwalk.

    Opinion: I think they should just tear down the boardwalk and stop wasting money rebuilding it time and time again.

    Connection: I chose this article because I seen it on the news and wanted to share my opinion.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirements.

  17. Source:
    Tittle: Q&A: the lowdown on the shutdown, or why should you care about the CR
    Article Date: Thursday September 12,2013
    Who? The government
    Where: Washington
    When: N/A
    What happened: in less than a month the government may decide to they decided to look to a CR, CR is a continuing resolution designed to keep government running when the president and congress can’t keep it together. In the past year congress hasn’t passed any of the 12 different spending bills that fund the government. Including programs like education and transportation. So when congress doesn’t do their part that’s why CR comes about to fix everything. They have been used 154 times between 1977 and 2011.
    Why relevant: This event is relevant because the government helps fund the education bill and there are more than a million schools. Also the government is a big part of America and without it what would we do? How would we learn? How would we get around? This is why the government deciding to shutdown is relevant and a very bad idea.
    Reaction: A lot of people want answers as to what is going to be done? As to what are going to happen to their kids and the laws and politics they abided by? This has stricken up millions of people with the same questions. Why? And how can this be fixed?
    Opinion: in my opinion I think the need Cr`s help quick and they need it to work because having people thinking they’re going to lose their government, education and their transportation strike a very big crowed so the government and the congress need to come up with a solution and now.
    Connection: I feel this is connected to me in many ways one being I love school and I want to get very far in my life, and without government I won’t be able to do that and that saddens me. But this doesn’t only affect me it affects the millions of thousands of kids in schools who are trying to get somewhere. That why I picked this article.


    George Zimmerman surrenders to Lake Mary police

    September 10, 2013

    Who: Geroge Zimmerman

    Where: Spruce Rd , Florida

    When: Tuesday the 10th

    What happend: George Zimmerman, was arrested for threatening his wife as well as her father. Police say that he had a gin and punched her father in the face muptle times.

    Why is this realevant: this is relevant because his wife did not file charges. So yet again he is set free with something so stupid and senseless.

    I think that ... He should've gotten arrested he has not right to put his hands on anyone. I wonder if he gets arrested if the murder case will be added to this case. He needs to be behind bars. I also think that his wife is stupid. So your gonna let him beat on your dad,? Why isn't she filing charges ,?

    I chose this article because his business isn't private anymore, the government is watching Zimmerman, as a free man, us American should be mad, and hurt, that he's still free and threatening people.

  19. source:
    Title: Connecticut Slave Buried 215 Years After Death
    Date: September 13, 2013
    Who: An 18th century slave named Fortune.
    Where: In Hartford, Connecticut.
    What/why: After he died his wife and kids were split up and sold. His oowner at the time of his death, a physician, dissected his body and prepared his bones for anatomic study as a skeleton. His skeletal remains were passed down from generation to generation. Over 200 years later Fortune has recieved a funeral and proper burial at the church he was believed to had been baptized in.
    Opinion: I feel that this was in a way long overdue, but it is a great way of correcting the past mistakes of America.
    Connection: This was just very eye catching to me because like Fortune sadly there were many more like him whose remains are just thrown around in dirt or just gone. So for me it shows the tremendous progress that America has undergone and what we still have to achieve as a whole.
    Type: State/National

  20. source:
    title: Death Penalties For Delhi Gang Rape
    date: September 13,2013
    who:Mukesh Singh, Vinay Sharma, Akshay Thakur and Pawan Gupta and
    Judge Yogesh Khanna
    where: India , Delhi

    what?why? Four men Mukesh Singh, Vinay Sharma, Akshay Thakur and Pawan Gupta attacked a 23 year old women on the bus who was ganged raped and brutally beat. Her injuries were so bad that 2 weeks later she died. The had caused riots and protest all over India. The men were convicted and sentenced to the death penalty to be hanged. Leaving crowds of people cheering from the verdict.

    reaction: My reaction to this was a wow because unlike in the united states where people get life in jail or just a couple of years the four men were being sentenced to death to be hanged.

    opinion: I think that they got what they deserved they shouldn't have did what they did to that young women and she got the justice that she deserves.

    connection: I chose this article because I thought that it was sad but interesting to learn about what was happening in India and what India does with crimes like this. Considering that the news reporter said every 20 minutes a women is getting rapped in India. Also, how not just her family but India its self was involved and protested for justice for this women who had done nothing wrong and was brutally beat and ganged raped by four men.

    1. This article is relevant because it is involving a whole country. And is a crime that usually gets ignored or takes many years for the convicts to be convicted . But the victim got justice and the convicts were convicted and sentenced to death. And this case is being talked about all over the world.

  21. Source:
    Article Title:Court Rules Bruno May Face Fraud Charges
    Article Date:August 6, 2013
    Who:Joseph l Bruno
    Where:New york
    When: August 6, 2013
    What happened:State Senate majority leader, may be tried on two counts of mail fraud despite his claims that it would constitute double jeopardy, a federal appeals court said on Tuesday, clearing the way for a retrial.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction : he the leader of the state senate and he is choosing to steal money from fees and worthless racehorse in return for favors in the Legislature, it just makes me angry that he is just looking out for himself
    Opinion i think they should find a new replacement in congress who is wiling to actually try to help.
    Connection: because this is just like everyone else looking for themselves and not caring about others which i don't like.

  22. Blog is closed for this week. Great job, ladies and gentlemen!
    Ms. Rachael

  23. Source: (website)
    Article Title:Syria submits disclosure of their weapon program.
    Article Date:September 20,2013
    Who: Syria and the united states
    When: Saturday 15th
    What happened: Syria submitted an initial disclosure of it chemical weapons programs for the prohibition. a 60 day process for declaring arms is being expedited to 7 days because of the extraordinary considers about Syria weapons. The deal to destroy Syria's chemical weapons was forged lat week in Switzerland.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant has to do with the untied states an Syria
    Reaction: my reaction was that I was very happy they they where destroying the weapons.
    Opinion I that they where right to destroy weapons
    Connection i choose this because i believe that this is very important.

    Title: Strong quake rattles Pakistan, killing at least 45

    Article Date: Tue Sep 24, 2013

    Who: The people of Pakistan.

    Where: Northeast Pakistan

    When: Tue Sep 24,2013

    What Happened: Pakistan had a big earthquake that killed at least 45 people.

    Why this event is relevant: Damage ti a city can be costly. It can might even affect others around the world. Such as their government will have to pat for all the damage that was done. This can really sit them back, and unable to evolve.

    Reactions: My feelings towards tgis article was if we are allies with Pakistan then ee can suffer too.

    Opinion: I think that Pakistan's government should have connections to fix their country. But if not they should seek help from other allies and pay it back later.
