Sunday, September 15, 2013

Period 1 Week of 9/16-9/20

Current event for week 4: September 16-September 20 

Current Event Content Requirements:
You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. It should be a minimum of two paragraphs (10 sentences). Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.
Source: (website) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:

    Article title: Syrian official declares 'victory'

    Article date: September,15

    Who: Syria, Russia, and the U.S

    Where: Syria

    When: Sunday, September 15

    What happened: A Syrian minister told the world finally that they will not threat any country using the chemical weapons. With the the help of Russia and the U.S, they have agreed to destroy the weapons which also destroys the chance of a possible war. They all were happy to move out of the
    crisis and ready to move on.

    Why is this event relevant: this is relevant because we needed Syria to come to there senses and cut of those weapons because they could effect the world as a whole. Also we prevented a future war.

    Opinion: I think this was a huge act of bravery by all three countries. They showed patience and good communication which prevented a world crisis.

    Connection: this could've effected me and the whole world if this situation got bigger.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Source:

    Article Title:Hurricane Ingrid to Strike Storm-Battered Mexico

    Article Date: September 16, 2013

    Who: Mexico Being Hit With Huge Floods

    Where: On Mexico's Pacific and Eastern Coast

    When: On 16th of September

    What happened: Mexico,after being hit with a lot of heavy rain, landslides and floods sent people evacuating as Ingrid and remnants of what was once Tropical Storm Manuel tackle and destroyed Mexico on the Pacific and Gulf coasts, which caused the rivers to overflow, the flooding of many streets and knocking and destroying bridges. 11 of 21 deaths were in the Pacific resort of Acapulco, where water rose as high as three feet. This caused cars to be dragged along with house . then at end of it all left 20,000 people without power.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is showing how our neighboring country was destroyed in numerous ways . It is also important because lives were lost.

    My reaction to this is in shock to see how the water destroyed part of Mexico . Also it makes me think what if something like this was to happen to us sometime soon.
    I think that water is the most dangerous for on earth , its kills anything with no regard to anyones feelings. i also think that Mexico will recover from this very slow , just like all the other places on earth hit by natural disasters caused by water.

    This article is connected to other event that have happened , like hurricane sandy and hurricane katrina . Its connected because many lives were lost and people were left with no power for day .

    1. This event does not qualify. Your event must be about government.

  4. Source: (website)

    Article Title: Restrict dangerous people from having guns

    Article Date: Wed September 18, 2013

    Who: U.S government and its citizens

    Where:United States

    When: Monday

    What happened: As a result of the shooting at the Washington D.C. Naval Yard author Daniel Webster wonders why their are not stricter gun laws. The man who did the shooting Alexis Kelly had mental illnesses. Considering that he should have not be able to obtain a gun or a gun license. He got the gun from Virginia. In the article Webster says that states should absolutely have stricter guns laws where there are high incarceration rates. In those states without guns one third of crimes would not be committed.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because gun laws affect everyone because someone who lives on top of Freire could have a mental illness and access to a gun and could potentially harm us.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though people continue to die when there is a tragedy in the U.S.. Every time politicians and lawmakers argue about stricter gun laws for about two weeks than they stop. If they would have stopped it during columbine shooting than tragedies like Sandy Hooke, Virginia Tech and Washington Naval Yard could have been prevented. Will they change the law or continue to allow tragedies to happen?

    Opinion (I think..) I think gun laws should be stricter and not just in certain states but the whole country.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because i wanted to do something that had to do with the Naval Yard shooting.

  5. Source: htpp://

    Article Title: Russia will give UN 'proof' of Syria rebel chemical use

    Article Date: 18September,2013



    When: August 21

    What Happened: Russia tried to rebel against the fact that Syria was doing chemical use attacks. But what really happened was that Russia switched up the story of demacus who was trying to prove evidence about Syria doing chemical use attacks. The U.S. would try to remove the chemicals before they sent in the army to respond. After Demacus reported that he think Syria is using chemical weapons the Un went in to investigate, they then we go back to follow up on the investigation, the report back in October.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Barack Obama want to pass a bill but the congress doesn't agree with bill because they feel as though Syria and its Allies should be punish for their actions because they broke a law.

    Reaction: I think Russia should not intefare with the problem between Syria and the U.S. because Syria broke a law and the U.S. is the only one trying to punish them forbit. With them joining in the conflict will make the problem worst .

    Opinion: I think Syria should be punished for their action because they know they are wrond for using chemical weapons. They signed an agreement saying they would not use the chemical weapons but they did anyway. So they broke the agreement and therefore they should be punished for it.

    Connection: Today in class we were talking about The pros of Obamas plan and the Cons against it. This is why i thought this article would be interesting to read and write about. This is because its leads further into our class decussion.

  6. Source: (website)

    Article Title:Military chiefs warn forced budget cuts undermine security

    Article Date:september18,2013

    Who:Military chiefs

    Where: Washington

    When: Wednesday september18,2013

    What happened: Budget cuts are being talked about for the U.S army and many believe that this should not happen ,but it is looking like it will become a must that they cut some of the armies money off due to lack of money and or too much money being spent by the army, and if this happen about 18% of the Armies total forces will be cut over the next seven years. all this led to threats of a government shutdown in less than two weeks without a compromise.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because if the army is going through budget cuts and we are possibly going to are soon than that is a bad plan in the making

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My reaction to this was this is not possible , we need all the men we have to stay armed and ready for any possible attacks, and that the government should find another way to handle this money problem

    Opinion (I think.)I think that this will make a lot of people feel less safe. it is something that has to be done but I don't know if it is the right choice

    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article because of all the talk about Syria and possible war, and this is something that will play a part in the war

    1. Great post, Khyreese. It is a common trend for Democrats to reduce military spending and make cuts to military size. This fluctuates depending on the party in power. With Republicans controlling the House right now, this issue will be a battle.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: Nutter: City Will Borrow $50 Million So Schools Can Open On Time

    Article Date: August 15th,2012

    Who: Mayor Nutter

    Where: Philadelphia

    When: Summer of 2013

    What happened: A day before the deadline of the $50 million dollars, Mayor Nutter borrowed $50 million from the city so that schools could start safe and on time. Some asked if he was sure he wanted to borrow all of that money and he was.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because if the school district did not get that $50 million, alot of students would not be in school and they would not be getting an education.

    Reaction; It does not surprise me that Mayor Nutter borrowed the money. He wanted the children of Philadelphia to be able to get an education like other students that are not with the school district of Philadelphia.

    Opinion: I think it was an good idea, even though some kids might think it wasnt just because they wanted to stay out of school longer. Every kid needs an education and if Mayor Nutter did not do what he had done then it would be to many kids not getting education or help with what they need.

    Connection; I chose this article because i feel as though i can connect to it a little bit. I used to go to a public school and i liked it there, If i was still in a public school, i would be in the situation of not knowing if i will be going toschool or not. Other kids probably would have been happy if they didnt go back to school and had a longer summer break. But i would be upset because i want to get my education.

  8. Source:

    Article Title:
    Syria crisis: Minister says civil war has reached stalemate

    Article Date:
    September 19, 2013

    Syrian rebels and Syrian military


    This past week

    What happened:
    Syrian civil war is in a stalemate. Meaning no one is winning and it isn't going anywhere.

    Why this event is relevant:
    This is the war many countries, especially America, are debating whether to intervene or not.

    I am surprised that a government's military can't beat a bunch of untrained civilians.

    I think the Syrian government should negotiate with the civilians instead of killing them because they may accidentally kill some innocent civilians thinking that they're rebels.

    1. Nashid,
      This post is not long enough. You must have 10 complete sentences. Expand on what happened.

  9. Connection: I chose this article because this is one off my favorite events in this period of time. I like to read up on the progress of America's decision on whether to intervene or to stay out.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:Washington Navy Yard Shooting: 13 People Confirmed Dead, Including Shooter (LIVE UPDATES)
    Article Date:Posted: 09/16/2013 8:56 am EDT | Updated: 09/17/2013 8:35 am EDT
    Who:Aaron Alexis
    Where:Navy Yard, Washington,DC
    When:Monday, September 16,2013
    What happened:A deceased 34 year old man named Aaron Alexis committed a mass shooting in the Washington Navy Yard.He killed 13 people, who was innocent and at work at the time of the shooting. Aaron was said to be on medication and was hearing voices. First off he was also employed there at the navy yard as a contractor,and went to the hospital claiming to be hearing voices and paranoid. Why was he able to go back to work with a prescription and a follow up appointment?
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because lives of innocent working peoples lives was taken for no reason at all.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)It doesn't surprise me that someone did that it's been almost 20 mass shootings in the U.S. just 2013 alone. it's crazy because no one can just live without going somewhere and killings happening out of nowhere.
    Opinion (I think..) that people are in danger even when they think they are safe, at work,school, or even places like churches and other religious places. It's not fair when you didn't do anything but your life is risked, people don't watch their surroundings well enough apparently.
    Connection (why you chose this article)because I think the people saw this man should have called an emergency when they saw it looked like something was wrong suspicious looking. Also,because
    I think it's sad about what happened those people where human just like any other person. They were someones parents, someones daughters and sons, and people friends.Went to work, planned on having a great day yet it was cut short upon their deaths.

  11. Source:

    Aritcle Title: House bill would take 3.8 million off food stamps

    Article Date: September 19, 2013: 6:31 PM ET

    Who: Jennifer Liberto

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: September 2013

    What Happened: Congress is making a new bill which will cut $40 billion dollars from food stamps that will for 14 billion people from the program.It would tighten the rules for getting into the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which has seen enrollment soar with the struggling economy. 47.6 billion people get food stamps. back in 2007 it was only 26.3 billion people were getting food stamps. The Obama administration said Wednesday it would veto the bill that trims 5% from the budget of food stamps budge.

    Why this event is relevant: This article has to do with economy. And our economy is already struggling, that is why so many people are on food stamps. It seems like the government want just poor people and rich people. But people on food stamps is in that range of poor.

    Reaction:It does not suprise me on how the government treats us. We might have freedom of speech but who is really listening? The government knows that they control the money, so of course they are going to keep it to thereselves. They give their own self a raise probably. We try to help other countries , but we need to help ourselves.

    Opinion: I think that we need to stop helping other countries and just help our self first. Get America back together. Seems like we are falling apart. The government is becoming more greedy everyday.

    Connection: I think people need to know what is really goin on in the world. They need to know what's going on with their money and where it is going. Cutting people off on food stamps means we are building poverty.

    1. Kyhana,
      Excellent post. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on this issue. How would you solve this?
      Ms. Rachael

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Kerry pushes for urgent U.N action on Syria

    Article Date: This event happened on September 19, 2013.

    Who: The United Nations , John Kerry, and diplomats are included.

    Where: The article s located in Washington, D.C.

    When: 2013 is when the event occured.

    What happened: What happened is, Syria has been using chemical weapons, kiling their own people. Syria claimes that there are rebels using these weapons, but others think differently. Secretary of State, John Kerry, wants this debate to be over. The debate is rather the U.S. should intervene, but for now, they are trying to remove the weapons peacefully.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevent, because the decision that is made, effects Americans. If we were to intervene, then that might cause a war.

    Reaction: My reaction to this article is mixed feelings. On one hand, I would like for the U.S. to help the people of Syria. On the other hand, I just want the United States to mind their business.

    Opinion: I think this article is very important, and that the government needs to make a decision and fast!

    Connection: I chose this article because it was on the subject that we were talking about in class. Also, this problem is worldwide.

  13. Source: (website)

    Article Title: Restrict dangerous people from having guns

    Article Date: Wed September 18, 2013

    Who: U.S government and its citizens

    Where:United States

    When: 9/18/13

    What happened:Someone shot up the navy yard in Washington, DC. The man who did the shooting, named Alexis Kelly, had a mental illnesses, therefore he should have never been able to buy a weapon. In the article Webster says that states should absolutely have stricter guns laws where there are high incarceration rates. In those states without guns one third of crimes would not be committed.With laws like these, events like the one at the Navy yard, would be more difficult to occur.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this year alone, there have been numerous mass murders and multiple of these events, the person was mentally ill.

    Reaction:I honestly blame law makers for this tragedy. I don't see any reason at all that it should be legal to buy any gun of that caliber, being as though we aren't soldiers in war or anything like that.

    Opinion:I think gun laws should taken more seriously and made much more strictly.

    Connection: I chose this article because i think we focus to much on other country's problems and we have ones like this here at home.

  14. Source: (website)

    Article Title: Congress: will it be a government shutdown or budget compromise?

    Article Date: September 19,2013

    Who: The U.S. , Congress, U.S. citizens

    Where: United States

    When: September 30,2013

    What happened: Congress is thinking whether Obama care will be a shutdown or compromise. Some senators are trying to defund Obama care. Some senators said they will stand and oppose Obama care. Some other senators said they will remove provisions defunding Obama care.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people all around need health care and for senators to try and take that away is crazy.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though the senators need to mind their business.

    Opinion (I think..) I think Obama care should not get taken away because people need the health care. People are really sick and they might need the health care in case they have to go to the hospital. I think Obama care should continue.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was interesting.

  15. Source:

    Article Title: UN envoy urges Sierra Leoneans to work together to advance democracy, development

    Article Date: September 18, 2013

    Who: The UN and representative of the Secretary-General

    Where: Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone

    When: September 18, 2013

    What Happened: A senior United Nations official wanted all of the Sierra Leoneans to stop being so mean to each other and work together. Work together to advance economic development and democracy, as the world body prepares to be done with its mission there next year.

    Why This Event Is Relevant: This event is relevant because this has been going on for to long. The only way the world could run smoothly is if everybody works together. Instead of killing one another and not liking each other, we should all be able to get along. Not only for this country, but for any other country.

    Reaction: This would be a good idea. I say this because everybody should be able to get along, at least for a little while. They should get along until they could get even bigger things together. Instead of fighting with each other, they could probably get ideas from each other to get other things straight.

    Opinion: I think that would be a good thing. To stop bombs and chemicals from being exposed to young innocent children. Young lives being taken away for nothing, no reason at all. Probably because people want power an respect, but sometimes waiting is the best thing.

    Connection: i chose this article because i like learning an Syria and what Obama and all of the others involved plan on doing about this situation.

    1. Great post, Brittany. I really enjoyed reading about your article.

  16. Source:

    Article title: Obama urges action on immigration suggests more piecemeal approach

    Article date: 9/19/13 at 9:03

    Who: Obama, the republican party.


    When: it doesn't say.

    What happened? President Obama is trying to quickly get congress to get off it's own feel an start to help make change rather then the usually run around political talk because he feels as though he does not have the time to keep punishing at a bill and making no change while the nation in & of it's self have/has bigger problems to attend to

    Why is this relevant? Cause as political leader it's hard to find a common ground so it's not a repeating cycle of "you want something they want something, no one gives in so nothing gets done

    Reaction: I think the bill
    Should be passed but I also think we as a nation need a system that flows better so we can get more done.

    Connection: I can relate this to how teacher have to run what they want by the people in change of them while still keeping it interesting enough for the students

  17. Source:
    Article Title:Iran's president calls for 'constructive' dialogue, end to 'unhealthy' rivalries
    Article Date: September 20, 102
    Who: Hassan Rouhani, Iran and U.S.
    Where: Iran
    When: This week
    What happened: President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, tells the world his approach on the situation with Syria. He said "Rather than focusing on how to prevent things from getting worse, we need to think -- and talk -- about how to make things better." This means he is going to try and focus on how to negotiate with Syria and work out some kind of compromise, rather than just bomb them and threaten to take their weapons. He is even willing to come to America ( specifically New York ) to discuss this matter in a meeting about Syria interaction. He also plans to exchange letters with Obama later in the summer. Rouhani's message overall is that they need to unwind the unhealthy rivalries between countries before we start to do any kind of compromise.
    Why this event is relevant: This story is relevant to us now because Obama wants to get those weapons out of Syria. And since we're all living in America, it involves us somehow. I mean, the money for war doesn't just come out of nowhere. It comes out of the economies wallet, and essentially, our wallets. I personally don't want to waste money on a cause I don't believe in.
    Reaction Once again, I was thrilled to read about someone who had the courage to speak his mind about working things our slowly, like John Kelly. ALso, I admire Rouhani's courage to stand up facing the world and address this problem and how he disagrees with our approach. Many international countries don't agree with what Obama wants, but not all speak up to say it. Looks good on ya, Iran.
    Opinion I hope them the best of luck with their meeting, and I fully support working this thing out step by step.
    Connection I care about the safety of the world

  18. Source:
    Title: 4 Philadelphia Schools Saved, 23 Closing After SRC Vote
    Date: Thursday, March 07, 2013
    Who: The Philadelphia Public School System
    Where: Philadelphia, PA
    When: March 7th, 2013
    What happened: The School Reform Commission (SRC) voted to close 23 public schools in Philadelphia because of the lack of money to pay staff and provide supplies. The school district would save about 24.5 million anually. The 23 schools that were chosen were chosen becauseof the lack of attendance among students. The attentdence, grades, and test scores of the students was a huge factor in the selection.
    Relevance: Not only is this relevant because I am a citizen of Philadelphia, but because it indirectly effects me as well. Although I'm not in the Philadelphia School District, since there are so many schools closing, students have been entering other schools like mine. That causes over crowded.
    I think that the US is so corrupted. The US spends approximately 1500 times more on war, than they do on schools. That's horrible for today's youth.
