Sunday, November 10, 2013

1st period, Week of 11/10-11/15

Week Twelve: 11/10/13-11/15/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 



    House Dem accuses Issa of selectively leaking Obamacare document

    November 8th, 2013

    House of Democrats

    Washington D.C.

    November 2013

    The chairman for democrats blamed Issa for selectively leaking the Obamacare website for people to see. Rep. Cummings wants a hearing for Issa's testimony. Issa claim that the care stress test. He claims that only 60,000 people can see it. This situation was mostly a he said she said conflict. Cummings claimed that Issa was the only person that leaked it by himself. Issa claims that Cummings was his partner in crime and helped him out. That is why they are having a hearing to find out the story.

    The event is relevant because people do want to know what is going on their insurance. The care is mostly used by poor people.

    I think it is bad that somebody leaked it out.

    I think this article was good.

    Because I probably know somebody who is on Obamacare.


    Article Title: White house lowering Obama care expectations amid lackluster reports
    Article Date: November 12, 2013
    Where:Washington, D.C.
    When: In the month of November
    What happened: The administration is lowering expectations, because they think that numbers are going to be low. They blamed a website for interfering with people abilities of signing up for the exchanges. The number of people for Obama care fell short of its' expectations for the period. The low expectation has led to several other concerns and caused republicans to react. The federal online application process had been marked so far by serious technical problems with website. These are certain concerns the administration look upon.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because people need health care for medical problems.
    Reaction:Just because the numbers of applicants are low now, doesn't mean they won't grow. It takes time.
    Opinion: I think the government should give it more time for the number of applicants to progress before they state their opinions. Everything doesn't start out big.
    Connection: I choose this because many people in Philadelphia need health care to survive, especially people who are poor.

    1. Zahkeyah, you're right about the need for health care. Are you glad you live in a state that insures all children at least? Most states do not offer health insurance for every child like Pennsylvania does.

  3. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Toronto's Rob Ford says he bought drugs in last two years

    Article Date:13 November 2013

    Who: Toronto mayor

    Where: Canada

    When: occurred over the last two years

    What happened: After a video was made public the mayor of Toronto is being critized by the public. The mayor is being critized because he was in the video smoking crack cocaine. The mayor was seen on the video smiking this illegal substance out of a pipe. The mayor has admiited to smoking crack cocaine and drinking beer. During one of the mayor's drunken raids he threatened to kill an unarmed person. Many people voted that the mayor takes a leave of absence. The mayor says that he will not step down and plans to run for re election. Fellow coucilours voted that he should step down. The vote was unnamious as it was 41-2. The two people were the mayor himself and one other person.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because Canada cannot have people in positons of power who are struggling from substance abuses. This could affect America in a lot of ways.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though the mayor should suck it up and step down because he cannoot focus on the well being of Toronto because he has to many internal conflicts to fix first.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that the mayor should suck it up and step down because he cannoot focus on the well being of Toronto because he has to many internal conflicts to fix first.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was the only article that sounded like i would enjoy reading it.

    1. I am astonished that he is still in office. Do you think a government leader in America would still be in office after an incident like this?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Source: Title:
    Article Date:November 14, 2013
    Who:President Obama
    When:September-October 2013
    What happened:President Obama is offering administrative fixes for ObamaCare. This is for the people who loss their existing healthcare insurance because they thought ObamaCare would have been what they had now... but it's not now they have none.President Obama said anyone whose existing healthcare was cancelled can renew their policies within a year.If they don't renew their insurance within that year,it's back to spending what you've been. You'll probably be upset you didn't. Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because just last week Obama was saying he was sorry for anyone who loss their health insurance because they thought ObamaCare would be significally cheaper than what they have already. Citizens didn't know that you couldn't have both insurances, it was one or the other.
    Reaction- I feel as though Obama has thought it over about what he was doing. People were scared something might happen and they have no health insurance, thinking they would get it cheaper.
    Opinion - I think this is better now and people are somewhat relieved because you never know what could happen and you end up in the hospital.You should always have insurance, it's necessary. Connection- I chose this article because it was interesting considering, last week when my current event was on President Obama apologizing for misunderstandings in Obamacare.

  6. Source: Title: why should thousands prisoners die behind bars nonviolent crimes Date: November 14, 2013 Who: prisoners around the world Where: the U.S When: throughout time during jail's were established

    What: Many people get incarcerated or arrested in the United States for many different reasons. The problem occurring more often is that people doing non-violent crimes tend to stay in longer then people who do violent crimes. There were numerous accounts of prisoners being in jail for nonviolent crime staying in for more than 20 years. Many of these prisoners have died in the jail before getting out or seeing their family.

    Relevance : this is relevant because it is a problem that is still going on. Also, because their need to be better structure of the law today. There are laws that aren't realistic to the crimes.

    Opinion: I think something needs to change because their are people out here killing others, but don't go to jail for that long whereas people doing nonviolent crimes are harshly punished. Think about the family, and how they are affected everyday because they are in jail for something minor to other crimes.

    Connection: i remember watching a show where there was a single mother waiting to here a verdict of her boyfriend for a charge of "conspiracy" of selling drugs.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: Romney Health care law ‘rotting’ Obama's second term

    Article Date: November 3,2013.

    Who: Mitt Romney, President Obama and Obama Care.

    Where: United States.

    When: sunday November 3rd

    What happened: Mitt Romney talked about President Obama’s second term. Romney was angry from what I read and was saying that it is stained with the failure of Affordable Care Act. Mitt said that the president Obama will have to boost his popularity after this failure .

    Why is this relevant: it is because as you can see Mitt Romney is coming at President Obama saying a lot of bad things about his plans and how this second term or run for president some would say is going to ruin our government.

    Reaction: my reaction was that Mitt may have a few good points , but Obama is a good president and all presidents make mistakes it is not easy trying to run a whole country and try to make things fair for everyone

    Opinion: I believe this m article may cause a few problems, raise a few eye brows, but we all have to just wait and see how President Obama handles all of this

    Connection: people talk about me and say I will fail all the time and I prove them wrong and I am sure President Obama can do the same

  8. Source:

    Article Title: Obama tries to dig out of his Obamacare hole

    Article Date: November 14,2013

    Who: Barack Obama

    Where: Washington

    When: November 14,2013

    What Happended: Barack Obama announced an administrative fix to the Affordable Care Act. He took the blame for it. He said the start of Obamacare has been rough. He said the problems are on him. He also said that he is not a perfect president. He said "I feel deeply responsible for making it harder for them, rather than easier for them." Because insurance plans are being lost under Obamacare.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because alot of people do not have insurance and they need it. But with it messing up, people are not getting the care & stuff that they need.

    Reaction: Im suprised because i did not think this would get messed up. I thought it would go good and smoothly with no problems at all. But it made me feel good to know that our president can admit to his mistakes.

    Opinion: I think as long as Barack Obama tries to fix it then everything is good. He knows something is wrong and he will try to make it right.

    Connection: I can make a connection with this because i know alot of people who are trying to get Obamacare and to know Barack Obama is trying to fix it for them is good.


    Article Title: White house lowering Obama care expectations amid lackluster reports

    Article Date: November 12, 2013


    Where:Washington, D.C.

    When: November

    What happened: The administration has lowered the expected number of people joining the Obama Care site due to its past difficulties. The number has already fell beneath what was expected. This resulted in republicans firing back at Obama Care. The federal online application process had been marked so far by serious technical problems with website.

    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because Health Care is a serious concern in the country and it is important that people receive health care.

    Reaction: I am upset with the government and the leaders of this country. Not because there is problems with a website, but the fact that these problems can easily be resolved and these political children would rather get their way by any means.

    Opinion: I think it is more than just problems with the creators of the website, because how can people make websites like Facebook and twitter for social advantages but the government can't put together an essential website that will potentially help millions. There is something wrong with this picture in my eyes.

    Connection: I choose this because I feel as though the government is moving in the wrong direction as far as bettering the country, and I believe this can easily be resolved if the politicians we elect can mature and start caring about more than what political party they stand for.

  10. Source:

    Article Title: John King: For Obama, a bad turn or a tipping point?

    Article Date: Thu November 14, 2013

    Who: Barack Obama

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: November 14, 2013

    What Happened: Barack Obama is trying to figure out how to come back from his healthcare act that most people did not agree with. He tried to help not only himself, but other people around the world and others did not agree. He said himself that he is not a great president, but he will try to be. He is taking accountability for what he has done and wants to fix it. He will stop at nothing to make sure that everything is running smoothly again.

    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because what the president does effects not only himself, but everybody. He thought that the act would be a good thing for people and the community. Now that people do not agree with is, he has to fix it all.

    Reaction: I think that the act could have worked out better, but everything takes time. People are trying to rush things, but if somethings rushed it won't be great. Most people did not give the act enough times and just said he I'm done with it. They did not take the time to let it take happen.

    Opinion: Obama is doing what he has to do to get people what they need and when they need it. I also think that he is doing a good job as a president for trying to do something different and new.

    Connection: I connected to this story because what he is doing has a part in my life to. He is the president, and he controls everything.

  11. Source: (entire website address) :
    Article Title: John King: For Obama, a bad turn or a tipping point?
    Article Date: November 14, 2013
    Who: President Obama, House of Senate
    Where: Washington, D.C.
    When: November 14, 2013
    What happened: President Obama delivered a message for his health care fix. Democrats mixed the President's intentions with promises. The President promised to work hard for his term during 2014.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is about the president of the United States. This event is also relevant because it is important information we should know.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though the President is not doing anything wrong.
    Opinion (I think..) I think this article was a little confusing, but it was interesting because at first I thought the article was going to be about a new president coming in. I think President Obama is a great president, so he should run for another term.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was about the president and I should know what is going on. I also chose this article because I thought it was going to be about the U.S. getting a new president.

    Current Event Sources:

  12. Source:
    Article Title:President Obama announces health law fix
    Article Date:14 November 2013
    Where: Washington DC
    When: Since October 1st
    What happened:As a result of Obamacare's problems, insurance companies sent letters to their customers announcing the cancellation of coverage that does not meet the new requirements of the law. Many people are left without healthcare and insurance groups questions Obama's solution.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because this affects a lot of people.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)There is no one to blame. Obama couldn't have known that this would happen.
    Opinion (I think..) I think Obamahe did everything too soon. He should have waited to open the website.
    Connection (why you chose this article) Because Obamacare is a big issue and Obama has been pushing it for years

  13. Source:

    Article title: Sarah Palin: Hillary Clinton ill-suited for president

    Article date: September 23rd of 2013

    Who: Former Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton

    Where: In Washington

    When: In September

    What happened: Important man murdered . Sarah Palin starts to blame Hillary Clinton for this incident. Then she says Hilary should not run for office or be able to get elected in 2016 . After that she speaks out about how the men are in office and women are not . Hillary on the others hand has many other people supporting her . Thinking she will be a great candidate in the election .

    Why relevant: This is relevant because it starts to show how gender plays a big role on the way society is ran. Also is relevant because prepares women in America to fight hard for what they want .

    Reflection: This article made me more sure that men run the world . I fell even more strong about that idea because females are fighting for other females not to be in office . . This article also made me realize how important society sees the problem of sex.

    Opinion: I feel that all people should be forgiven. I also feel as if Ms. Sarah is beings biased but sexually . Ive witnessed many male politicians take part in actions that should've been in trouble . But they weren't and weren't even pointed out . But most of all it was suggested that they get kicked out the election .

    Connection: I chose this article because it reminded of something sexist I did . I didn't chose a girl to be on my team in gym but instead chose a person who wasn't as good as her . This also connects to history in how showing women were frowned upon as being authority figures.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: John King: For Obama, a bad turn or a tipping point?

    Article Date: November 14,2013


    Where:White House

    When: Present; 2013

    What happened: There is a debate on whether or not Obama is being a "productive president". Obama delivered his health care "fix it" message, but the challenge is getting back to being a productive president. Democrats that hope to be in Washington beyond 2016 will be less reluctant to trust their fate to his plans and instincts.

    Why this event is relevant: This has relevance, because it might shape how the next president will have to run things after Obama is out of office. It leaves Democrats in sort of a "bad head space" when they are trying to help the citizens, but there are many Republicans who are not for the compromises.

    Reaction: This is a little weird to me, because it seems like they are trying to say that Obama isn't trying hard enough. Saying maybe that his plans for Obamacare and other health cares, and different laws that he is trying to put into place aren't enough to suffice the citizens of America.

    Opinion: I think that since Obama is black, and he is a Democrat I think that the people in office, are trying to out rule him purposely and fight him. I think they are "fighting it", I don't think they want him to succeed. I think that he is trying and he is trying to do things for the people because he can relate to us and he knows our struggles, but the Republicans aren't having any of that because they see things from a different eye.

    Connection: I chose this article because it stood out to me, and I like to keep up with the president. I think I like the face that I can see and hear for myself how the government is being ran, and what kind of foolish things they are trying to put out there.

  15. Source:
    Article Title: Is it the end for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford?
    Article Date: November 15, 2013
    Who: Rob Ford, Toronto Mayor
    Where: Toronto, Canada
    When: Friday
    What happened: The council within Toronto have gathered and had come to a vote to push for giving Mayor Ford a leave of absence. Mayor Ford has been put under the searing spotlight for quite a bit for admitting to buying and using crack cocaine. And that's not all, he also admitted to abusing alcohol and was once seen with a female escort, that gave people the wrong idea. Thirthy-seven to 5 the majority of the council decided to usurp most of Mr. Ford's powers. And what's more, when interviewed, Mr. Ford said he wants his citizens to decide if he is worthy during his 2014 election. HA!
    Why this event is relevant: Well, though it's not happening in the states, it's a good example of how if you screw up in your personal life it can certainly affect your job. Also, I have a lot of cousins in Toronto, so why not?
    Reaction: I remember watching this on the news a couple of times. I was kinda shocked, and kinda not. What really got me was the Rob kept saying all this stuff in front of the rolling cameras, and then came back later to say he didn't mean a word. That it was all said due to the pressure of the paparazzi. Now, that sounds preposterous!
    Opinion: I think everyone makes bad choices in life, but I don't think the man deserves to lose his job because he did crack once. It's weird, I know. But I don't really like to mix personal lives of politicians with their work. I'm not gonna judge you by that, I'll judge you by the actions you make to better your section of the world, or the section you are in charge of governing.
    Connection: I'd seen it on the news and wanted to read the follow up. And I wanted to know if he got the boot.

  16. Terrell Wilson

    Article Title: Child Sex assault Against Former Priest Dropped
    Article Date: October 23, 2013
    Who: Priest Robert Brannen and Sean McIlmail
    Where: Northeast Church: resurrection of our lord parish
    When: the years of 1998 and 2001, but the boy died October 23, 2013
    What happened: A priest at a church in northeast, Robert Brennen was sexually assaulting the alter boy, Sean McIlmail, from the time of 1998 at the age of 11, till 2001. Sean spoke out and told his parents so the priest was charged with assault. But on October 23, 2013 Sean had a random death from drug overdose. Later the district attorney, Seth Williams dropped the charges of the priest because they said since the victim isn't hear it's hard to find evidence and keep the trial going.
    Why this event is relevant: this is irrelevant because kids are being sexually assaulted by step parents, teachers, and strangers and this kid Sean spoke up and I think some people are too scared to do that, but they shouldn't be.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think this article is up most disgusting, I think sexual assault is cruel but from a priest, I think that's such a contradiction because your suppose to do the best and you preach to everyone about being the best and your doing the nastiest thing in the world, and to a younger boy.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the priest should still be in jail, maybe Sean overdosed on drugs because of his childhood assaults, now they just have Robbert, the priest, living in Maryland with freedom a little. I think you never know what he could do out there.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it seemed the most interesting and shows that there are some sick adults out here.

  17. Source:

    Title: Obama personally apologizes for Americans losing health coverage
    Date: November 7 , 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama

    Where: This event happen in New York City.

    When: November 7 , 2013

    What happen: After Obama's statement about people not having to change their insurance if they liked it is now being misleading because people are now being forced to swipe their insurance to ones that meet the affordable care act . About 40 to 60 percent of 14 million people could lose their policies under the turnover in individual insurance markets . But the people who receive insurance through their employer , Medicare or Medicaid will he effected . Obama feels as though he didn't do a good job creating the law.Obama rearrange his promise, acknowledging that his plans have been greatly changed since passage of the law would no longer be grandfathered into acceptance by the ACA. "Frustration among even some Democrats supportive of the Obamacare bill boiled over this week as coverage of the dropped plans continued." ( Chuck Todd NBC news )

    Why is this event relevant: This event is relevant because it can effect many people in my family and me the most since I have a weak immune system and tend to get sick a lot and if they cancel my moms health care she will have to pay out of her pockets

    Reaction: my reaction was confused because he stated that people wouldn't have to change their insurance but when the act was passed about 14 million people will now have to find another one .

  18. Source:
    Article Title: Missing Mississippi Found Dead

    Article Date: November 5,2013

    Who: A Mississippi Family (Atira Hill, Laterry Smith and Jaidon Hill)

    Where: Copa County, Mississippi

    When: Tuesday, October 29,2013

    What happened: A mother, son and boyfriend are found dead when they are set on fire in a car. There are really no leads on why it happened and what they are doing to find out who did this. Although they have someone in custody they really dont have much on the suspect.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has to do with a family being killed. You don't hear in the news allot of family's getting killed especially like this.

    Reaction: I was surprised by reading this article because its in question why this whole family was killed. Its a little suspicison that they were set on fire and that people put a random person in custody with little evidence because he the person who called the police. I think the case is going to get bigger when they find out more information.

    Opinion I think they should look into the boyfriend more because it seems somewhat suspicious because the daughter told her mother that she was going to meet the boyfriends family and wands up dead hours later. I strongly believe he had something to do with it.

    Connection: I choose this article because things like this are interesting to me. I watch stuff on life time about suspicious deaths and I believe these deaths are truly suspicious

  19. Source:
    Article Title: What will Obamacare enrollment numbers tell us about its health?
    Article Date: November 12, 2013
    Who: The people who were enrolled in ObamaCare
    When: In the year 2023
    Where: At the White House
    What Happened: This week, the Department of Health will reveal the amount how many people purchased policies on the Obamacare website. This will tell people who were and were not accepted for ObamaCare health care. Also, the website will reveal the information of how difficult is it to get accepted for this health care and who will be benefit from it. Based on the information, at least 344,808 people had signed up for this insurance on November 11.
    Why relevant: This is relevant because a lot of people was hoping to get approved for ObamaCare because they were rejected by other health care providers. Most people need this care in order to be seen by a doctor or see any medical attention.
    Reaction: I feel as though people should be able to choose where they want to have health care for and should not wait to be seen by a doctor.
    Opinion: I think that the government should not turn down people that need help.
    Connection: I can relate to this because in movies it is hard to get health care from health care providers if someone is not working, which is it mainly hard for people who get laid off from work.

    Title: the fight over how to stop military sexual assault, explained
    Article Date: November 20, 2013
    Who: The Military
    Where: N/A
    What happened: the military sexual assault rate has increased in number. Members of the senate are doing things to change this problem. They are trying to make laws to prevent sexual crimes from happening.
    Why this is relevant: this event is relevant because this is a problem that is going on and it needs to be brought to
    Opinion (I think) I think it's a problem that need to be solved.
    Connection (why you chose this article) my grandpa was in the military and when I see I feel sick because what if that happen to him.
    Reaction (describe your feeling or attitudes) :I was Truly mad about this because this is a problem that occurred and people really haven't been doing things to change this problem.
