Saturday, November 2, 2013

4th Period, Week of 11/2-11/8

Week Eleven: 11/2/13-11/8/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:http:/
    Artile Title:What $36 means to a family on food stamps
    Article Date:November 1st, 2013
    Who:government/ citizens
    When:November 1st, 2013
    What happened:The government is making cuts to the SNAP program cause citizend to have to budget their meals more. Families will have to deal with less meals or find another source. Some people think that the decreasevin food stamps eill cause other problems such as obesity, which the U.S. is already facing. This is because they have to budget their food stamps and the healthy food is high. Also, some good organizations says that this budget is making it harder for them because more people are going to need food now.
    Why this event is relevant: This relevant because alot of families drpend on food stamps to survive.
     Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think the government is making a big mistake because many people need food stamps. They have no way to make money because they either doesn't have the skills or they are homeless. This means more people will struggle and the government is only making it worst.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the government is not being considerate of others needs. This is because they don't care. They will be making money, while others struggle and starve. The economy is getting worst and more people are becoming unempolyeed. The government' actions is not satisfying.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this because this will causr another struggle within citizens.

  2. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Xerox: Access restored for food stamp users
    Article Date:2/13/13
    Who: sixteen states were having problems with foodstamps cards provided by Xeron Access
    Where: sisxteen states
    When: 2/12/13
    What happened: The food stamp company had a compture shutdown. They were doing a compture clen up that caused the comptures to shutdown. The shutdown caused people who use the access card could only spend up to $50. The thing made people angery when they called the company up to see what was wrong thier card because they wanted thier food to eat so they will not go hungery.
    Why this event is relevant: The reason why this event is revlant because is the all time high for a couple of years. Many people are going hungery.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the company needs to have records both ways. Meaning computer and hand written. Just incause something happens like this again. little humans should not strave beacuse of a mistake.
    Connection (why you chose this article) The reason that I choose this article because I know somone on foodstamps. It was hard for her. The reason is she also had a daughter . Her husband left her and gave her abslouetly nothing.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: The Federal Government shuts down: so what?

    Article Date: This article was posted on, Thursday's Editorial — Posted on October 3, 2013

    Who: The people involved in this shenanigan are the State and local government.

    Where: this is currently observed or happening in Washington DC.

    When:This event is happening right now and won't stop happening for a while.

    What happened: The state and local government shut down. Apparently it somewhat has something to do with this unexpected twist. In the 1930s he fought the attempted nationalization of the nascent electric utility industry by the federal government.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant to me because this government is one of the worse things we let take over. It's about time something different happens.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) my reaction to this before was surprised and shocked but now it all makes sense

    Opinion (I think..) I think the federal govt. Will continue to be an ongoing thing until stated otherwise.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because there are a lot of psychotic things happening in this country. And if we don't know about them how are we supposed to stead clear.

    1. What happened: The state and local government shut down. It somewhat has something to do with this unprecedented turn. In the 1930s he fought the attempted group action of the emerging electric utility business by the federal government.

  4. Source:
    Article Title:Apple's Cook argues for workplace protections for gays
    Article Date:November 4
    Who:Apple CEO Tim Cook
    Where:Apple related work places
    When: November 2 2013
    What happened:Apple starts passing rules against discrimination of gays
    Why this event is relevant:Even this may be a topic not discussed much gays are being discriminated in many ways.
    Reaction yes go and imply said rules
    Opinion I don't these laws would be needed, this should be common sense, but if nobody choose to have common sense they yes place the laws in.
    Connection Discrimination is still high in a free society. Which is bad

    1. This is not long enough. You have until Friday at 3:30 to correct this. You must have 10 complete sentences to receive credit.

  5. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Is 2013 the 'Year of the Gay?'
    Article Date:March 28,2013
    Who:Same-Sex Couples, U.S. Supreme Court, Republicans, President Obama
    Where:U.S. Supreme Court
    When: 2012-2013
    What happened:The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing a case of a same-sex couple who wants to get married, but they can't because same-sex marriage is banned in their city. Will Cain and John Sutter are having a conversation about same- sex marriage.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because now there are a lot of same-sex couples. There is also a lot of same-sex couples trying to get married.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes). I feel as though you can't be told who you can marry. I feel as though you can marry whoever you want, as long as your happy.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the couple should be able to get married because obviously they are happy together. I think even if they can't get married, they can still be happy with each other.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was an interesting topic. I also chose this article because I know same-sex couples who want to get married.

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Student says New York university forced him to remove Confederate flag

    Article Date: October 27, 2013

    Who: Matthew Papay,a University of Rochester student, Dean of students

    Where: New York

    When: early October

    What happened: Matthew Papay hangs a Confederate flag in his dorm room window. Officials at the school had a problem, so they forced him to take it down. Now, he is putting forth that the University of Rochester is violating his First Amendment rights. One of the students, also known as the graduate house advisor sent Matthew an email, claiming the removal of the flag was due to the misconduct of a fire code. Oher people objected to it because they were also against the flag. Because of this, there was a discourse on Facebook about this topic and it sparked racial questions on the situation. According to Dean of students, there was a misunderstanding, and the flag could have stayed.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a lot of tention came about this matter and there were a lot of questions on the situation due to race.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): I was shocked about this. The fact that everyone had an opinion had really stood out to me.

    Opinion (I think..): I think what the graduate house advisor did was right. She seemed very professional about the situation. Although, i still do question the Dean of students, saying that he could of kept the flag up.

    Connection (why you chose this article): I chose this article because it reminded me of the Rosa Parks Story. Somehow, this story got across to me as a racial problem.

  7. Source:

    Article Title: On the American menu: Horsemeat?

    Article Date:Published November 04, 2013

    Who: slaughter plant owners, The  Department of Agriculture, The Humane Society of the United States, lawyers, judges, and many animal protection groups.

    Where: Horse slaughtering is happening in the US, New Mexico, Iowa, and Missouri.

    When: This is happening currently in many states but, plants for "natural" meat are opening as early as today.

    What happened: Many animal protection groups are fighting for slaughter houses to be shut down. They calm the horse meat is unsafe because of the travel conditions of the horses on the way to slaughter. The US has been practicing this trade with the horse meat industries for many years. The US says the horses we use are abandoned, starving or aging. Judges are not banning this practice and denying the law suits against them. Many people are on both sides of this argument. Some want horse meat and don't care about the horses being slaughtered and some are completely against it and want it banned. The American companies make a lot of money from these Industries.

    Why this event is relevant: This is a wake up call for everyone. This is a national problem and could potentially be dangerous and cause sickness.

    Reaction: I don't really know if I eat horse meat so, at first I was confused. Then I looked up what kind of foods contain horse meat. The internet said that certain frozen burger brands contain horse meat and meatballs from Ikea have it too. This made me scared because we eat burgers often. I don't like that judges are just dismissing these cases. I believe its because they like horse meat or they like the money the country makes for it.

    Opinion: I agree with the article though. People are saying that horses should get treated like chicken, pigs, and cows. I agree with this because its a great opinion. Why should we treat horses different? Because people are horse lovers? So I love pigs, are they going to stop slaughtering pigs now? NO.

    Connection: it caught my attention. I love to eat and I'm not vegan so I eat meat. If something is wrong with the meat I'm eating i want to know so i can decide if its worth the risks.

    1. I still do not think I will be eating horse meat anytime soon.

  8. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Librarian says she was fired after complaining of colleagues having sex in children's section
    Article Date: November 3, 2013
    Who: Joseph CampBell (attorney), Jaime Kurz (librarian), Mayor Sylvia Chavez
    Where: New Mexico (specifically a library)
    When: October 10, 2013
    What happened: In this article, it describes a librarian's struggle in New Mexico because she spoke out. A librarian named Jaime Kurz arrived at work one day and noticed something strange outside of her job, the Estancia Library; she reported that she saw the head librarian's car parked next to a car from the maintenance department. When she walked into her job, she heard weird noises coming from the childrens section of the library and that was when she found two employees having sexual intercourse on the floor. She complained about it to the Mayor but the Mayor just replied saying that it doesn't affect her work in any way.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it is just one example of how many times people get fired or even laid off by people with high authority for unjust reasons.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel as though people should fight against things like this that happen especially for a case like this which included the librarian actually just doing her job and reporting an inappropriate incident.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that this is a ridiculous issue to be debating in 2013. The librarian was obviously doing her job and handled he situation pretty good if you ask me. I think that people need to speak up if they are fired for something similar to this because jobs are really hard to come by already and it just is not fair. Why is it when someone gets killed that the killers are quickly let go sometimes, yet for a simple case like this thats pretty obvious who is at fault, it's overly debated?
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I honestly think that it is something that people can relate to just because I know there has to be a lot of cases like this where people are unjustly let go of their jobs for simply doing their job and abiding by the rules.

  9. Source:
    Article Title: Gas prices are falling across the region
    Article Date: November 4, 2013
    Who: Drivers in The Area
    Where: States of Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
    When: October-November 2013
    What Happened: Recently in the past week, in the Tri-State area, there have notice of gas prices decreasing. In the Philadelphia county, drivers usually pay around $3.38 per gallon in Regular to fill up their gas tanks. Now it has decreased $0.06 this week making it $3.32 per gallon. The same thing has happened in Delaware where as now people are paying $3.23 per gallon which is 6 cents cheaper than last week's price. However, still in New Jersey it remains the cheapest of the three at $3.12 per gallon which is 2 cents cheaper than last week's. Drivers see this has relief because higher gas prices to them makes them mad at the fact that they have to pay a high amount of gas per gallon which means more money to fill up their tanks.
    Reaction: To me, I think this is a good thing. Its glad to see that people are now finally not complaining about gas, which means less money to fill up their tanks. Hopefully, it will just continue to decrease over time and make people feel good about the prices they are paying.
    Opinion: Even though I am not a driver, I think the government should lower gas prices. What's the point of having people paying high gas prices per gallon? To me, I think the government is a rip-off. They people to pay an extra amount of money, to put more money in their pockets. Especially when they are not satisfying us with our needs.
    Connection: I chose this article because it reminded me when I was younger and I never used to hear people complain about gas prices. But now, I do. The prices were actually lower back then. I hear my mother and others complain about it, and in my head, I just wonder, will it be even higher by the time I'm an adult? So I'm just curious to know. Plus I know lot of people can relate to this topic.

    1. Could not find 2012, but found the monthly prices from April 2013 to September 2013.
      Months : Prices
      Apr - 98.85
      May - 99.35
      June - 99.74
      Jul - 105.21
      Aug - 108.86
      Sept - 108.78


  10. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Doctors Resisting ObamaCare
    Article Date: This article was published on November 4,2013.
    Who: This article involves doctors in hospitals.
    Where: This events are taken place in New York.
    When: The date of the article is also when people found out about wanting to go against Obamacare.
    What happened: Doctors in New York are now wanting to go against the new Healthcare system. These doctors are afraid of the outcome of this system. The do not know what they will paid and what doctors will be seeing all these people.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it shows how many people including doctors are having problems with Obamacare. This will become a big situation in the United States and in New York especially.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) This is crazy I believe that these doctors should not do this. I think that they should let things fall into place. More than likely people will get the right amount of money they deserve.
    Opinion (I think..) I think these doctors just do not want something different, they do not want to try something new. This also may lead to major job opportunities for other people. If so of the doctors decide to leave their jobs than more than likely their position will be filled.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this article as a continuation of my last few current events. This Obamacare system has mad a big impact on not only the people without health insurance but also the doctors. I am not sure how all of these doctors will get paid but they will certainly be busier than usual. This is also good because people who you would never think would get a job in these hospitals they will. This is definitely what makes me feel as though me and others of my generation will want to achieve high so we can become doctors, nurses and surgeons.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: UN, World Bank boost support for women’s health, girls’ education in Africa’s Sahel

    Article Date: Nov. 6, 2013

    Who:the United Nations, the World Bank, the African Union, the African Development Bank, and the European Union, women & girls

    Where: Niamey, Nigeria

    When: Nov. 6, 2013

    What happened: In this article, it is about regional leaders from around the world, trying to help finance the funding of women's reproductive health and girls' education. They have invested $200 million for the women's reproductive health project. They are also investing at least $150 million for maternal and child health programs. They want women and girls to have the ability to shape their own future. The types of programs involve the availability and affordability of reproductive health commodities, strengthen specialized training centers for rural-based midwifery/nursing services, and to pilot and share knowledge on adolescent girls’ initiatives. Basically, they want women to have equal rights as men too. Though, this task cannot be achieved by women alone, the UN wants men to help as well. They want women to not have the fear of physical violence and fear from the male and having man and wives makes the decision of how many children they can have. They know that educating girls and getting women their health care will improve the economy. Challenges that are represented are the rapid growth of youth in populations. Anyway, the government are trying all they can to help people from Africa.

    Why this event is relevant: Because there was always sexual inequality between men and women for centuries

    Reaction: I am actually happy for the women and girls finally getting what they need, it is about time

    Opinion: I think that if women are just as equal as men, instead of the false belief of being equal, then perhaps things will get better and new roles will appear for women, like becoming president

    Connection: I chose this article because it is relevant to our day to day lives, I always see women get disrespected by men either in movies or reality. It is just a shame that it happens so often

  12. Source:
    Article Title:FAA takes initial steps to introduce private drones in U.S. skies
    By Mike Ahlers, CNN
    Article Date:Thu November 7, 2013
    Who:The Federal Aviation Administration
    Where:this took place in the united states
    When: Thu November 7, 2013
    What happened: In this article the FAA is issuing documents. These documents are to in hopes to pave the way to get clearance to use drones in the field. Also in this article it tells that they also want to use remotely controlled vehicles. this rule will handle the use of all units of helicopters.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it will help limit the use of live people in the field
    Reaction My reaction to this is that it will help save lives.
    Opinion i have no other opinion for this article
    Connection:i have no connection to this event.

  13. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: First Thoughts: GOP rivals begin dishing on Christie
    Article Date:November 7, 2013
    Who:Chris Christie, sen. Marco Rubio, sen. Rand Paul,and sen. Ted Cruz.
    Where: New Jersey
    When: today November 7, 2013
    What happened: yesterday Christie was re-elected governor of New Jersey, a 22 point win, so his constituents were kind of upset and they were saying things about him, saying he's good at what he's doing but he's not good enough to be president they weren't saying he's not a republican but they were saying he was supporting things that republicans don't support,like gay marriage and Medicare by what they were saying wasn't affecting him he was just drinking in what they were saying.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because Chris Christie is trying to run for president in 2016, his cohorts don't think he is ready to have that much power, he isn't fit to be president yet or ever because of his emotions, they take control of him and the power could go to his head.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)Christie doesn't need to be president he needs to stick to governor and my grandmother thinks he shouldn't even be that again, so I think he should just stay what he is and be happy with that, that he can still be a part of the governmental system.
    Opinion (I think..) I think he should stick to what he does and be grateful. It seems to me that he is trying to take over because he is going from one party of the government to another.
    Connection (why you chose this article) when Tyrone ran for school president he ran again he didn't give up, but he didn't start small like Chrissie is doing he didn't rub for one thing then run for president he just ran for president, Christie wants to be governor again and then leave and try to Become president.

  14. source:
    article name:Toronto mayor's rant caught on video
    article date:7:13 PM EST, Thu November 7, 2013
    who: Toronto mayor
    where: Toronto , Canada
    when: November 6,2013
    what happened: the mayor is making violent threats to a unknown person. this was days after he has admitted to smoking crack cocaine. "I'm going to kill that (expletive) guy. I'm telling you it's first-degree murder. ... He dies or I die, brother," Ford is heard saying in the video.
    REACTION : it a shmed that this is a mayor and really he should not be doing this . although people do make mistakes it is hard to not lived that down when especially you at a high authority.
    opinion; I think that he mat need to get himself together and set down form his duties. maybe because he was under the influence was the reason why he was the way he was but how are adults suppose to set an example to us children.
    connection ; you have a lot of people that does the wrong thing and everybody does makes mistakes.

  15. Source:

    Article Title: Obama orders new plans to prepare for climate change
    Article Date: This event happened on November 1, 2013.
    Who: President Barack Obama, Republicans and other government officials.
    Where: This article is located in Washington DC.
    When: This event occurred in 2013.

    What happened: President Obama wanted federal agencies to make plans for the upcoming climate change; wanting communities to find it easier "to strengthen their resilience to extreme weather." Obama also wanted Americans to get a better understanding of climate change and land management policies protecting natural resources. But the congressional Republicans had opposed the combat of climate change and were often critical of the federal regulations.
    Why This Event is Relevant: This event is relevant because it is important to know the plans that Obama has for Americans so we could prepare ourselves for the climate change.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is relieved because we finally have some ideas from our president to help us get through and help us understand global warming.
    Opinion: I believe that President Obama should keep doind what he is doing to help us, regardless of what the Republicans might think.
    Connection: I chose this article because it relates to my chemistry class. I am doing a paper about global warming and I thought it would be interesting to know what our President thinks about it.

  16. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title: Gay rights bill moves forward as opposition silent
    Article Date: November 5, 2012
    Who: Republicans, Senators, and gays
    Where: Washington (AP)
    When: November 5, 2013
    What happened: In a meeting arguing them gay rights topic, the Declaration of Independence was brought up and was basically used to outlaw discrimination against gays in the workplace. The argument was breaking the fundamental fairness for all Americans in the Declaration of Independence. Republicans didn’t have anything to say, but they wrote that the bill would result in costly lawsuits and command federal law based on sexuality. By the end of the week, the work for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act should have vote’s in. this is an organization against gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. Also, Illinois became the 15th state to legalize gay marriage on Tuesday.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because the discrimination has to stop somewhere; first it was races, now its sexuality, eventually this hate against gays will have to die.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I think the 15 states who legalized gay marriage are awesome; I mean what do you have to lose when you do legalize it, absolutely nothing. The most difference you will see is a ring on a hand of a same sex couple walking down the street.
    Opinion (I think...) I think people blow the homosexuality thing out of proportion. I think that gays are already out and open now, so what’s the big difference about them getting a more official title of husband and husband or wife and wife. The only thing I agree with people against the homosexuals is the argument about them being in church, only because the bible does going against homosexuality, but god loves everybody.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I am completely pro-gay, I don’t understand why people care anyway. Also because we been talking about rights not being acknowledged and the declaration of independence has been brought up a lot.

  17. Source:

    Article Title:Obama apologizes to Americans who lost health plans

    Article Date:Published November 08, 2013

    Who:In this article the people involved include President Barack Obama and the citizens in the United States.

    Where:The United States

    When:Thursday November 7, 2013

    What happened: President Obama apologizes to any American citizen who lost their healthcare due to Obama Care in any way shape or form. He achieves this by saying to NBC, "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because Obama care
    eems to be doing the exact opposite effect of what it was intended to do, which is give more people healthcare not to take it away.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I honestly feel indifferent about this situation simply because this is not affecting me directly and call it selffish if you want but this is how I feel.

    Opinion (I think..) I think that nothing is perfect and everything, includeding bills, has its flaws. Now their is a problem with Obama making promises that he can not keep if he is not sure about how his plan or bill is going to turn out then he should not promise anything. The reason I think this is because if Obama can not keep his promises then, how can we the people trust him.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because it was about politics and I needed to get my homework done. Also, I saw Obama's name in the article which usally intriges me because I find our president Interesting.

  18. Source:
    Article Title: Obama Orders Goverments to Prepare for Impact of Global Warming
    Article date: November 1st
    Who: President Obama
    Where: U.S.
    When: Nov. 1, 2013
    What happened: Obama is discussing a speech about global warming. Federal agencies are trying to work against major storms. Increase of climate change could cause catastrophic damage to the nation. They are trying to prepare for the worst. Planning costs a lot, and it hurts the economy more when natural disasters occur. The White House are trying to set up a task force to offer advice to government leaders and officials from different parts of the world. now, they are trying to set up tougher regulations for the protection of the environment. Mr. Obama is now currently trying to take executive actions to require government and private industry to prepare for the effects of climate change.
    Why this event is relevant: It is relevant because global warming a\has been around for years and it is becoming worse
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I am feeling good about what is happening because they are taking actions to help their people and nature from the worsening effects of global warming.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that the earth could become a better place if they could have started earlier, to try and decrease the effects of global warming.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I chose this article because we did an essay fro chemistry about global warming and carbon dioxide and how it effects us

  19. Source:
    Article Title: US loses Unesco voting rights after failing to pay its dues
    Article Date: 8 Nov 2013
    Who: United States of America, UN agency (UNESCO)
    Where: International Curcit, Washington
    When N/a
    What happened: The United Nations's agency, UNESCO, repealed the right of the country of the United States to vote and make decisions at summits that impact the whole of the group. This ban of American voting was caused by a cease of the funding of the agency. Because the US is the largest contributor to the organization, this cease has greatly impacted it. It lost $80 million in the year the US stopped its funding. US stopped its contributions because the UN recognizes a Palestine state.
    Reaction: I think that this is an extremely stupid reason to halt funding to an organization that helps and contributes to the betterment of the whole world. It is not fail to allow the whole organization to suffer on the account of one bad political relationship.
    Connection: I chose this article because it reminded me of the days back in my prep school when I was learning all about the different organizations and their uses in the grand scheme of the world. I also chose it because it is a large issue that notonly affects the US, but the whole world.

  20. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title:U.N. climate change report points blame at humans
    Article Date: September 27, 2013
    Who: N/A scientist
    Where: U.N. but it effects everybody
    When: 2013, but it goes back in time to the 1900's and into the future
    What happened: this article talks about how world wide the climate has changed. Scientist found links between global warming and extreme weather worldwide. Scientist also found that the last 3 decades has been warmer than other decades since 1850. Finally, scientist states that we're too far gone to effect a change and even if we end carbon dioxide emissions today it will still take hundreds or thousands of years because certain changes may already be irreversible
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because, like i said before, global warming effects all of us. it effects all of us because we all live on earth. since we live on earth, anything that effects earth effects us.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes): this article made me think about my everyday life. it made me think of all of the things i use that can also pollute our air without doing so on purpose.
    Opinion (I think..) i think global warming should be taught in school and it should be posted world wide more. by saying it should be posted world wide, i mean that it should be protesters and people doing more things to stop or slow down pollution. i think someone should put facts about global warming on things people buy everyday so people can know the causes and effects global warming have on us.
    Connection (why you chose this article): i chose this article because it effects me, like any other thing that concerns people, but with this article i can do something. what i mean by do something is that i can help stop or slow down global warming.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Source:

    Article Title: Widespread devastation in Haiyan's wake

    Article Date: 11/8/13

    Who: Philippines

    Where: Central Philippines; coast of Samar

    When: Friday; 4:30 am

    What happened: A super typhoon named Haiyan barreled the central Philippines at 4:30 am on Friday. Dozens of natives were devastated and left without power and widespread flooding. So far the death count is up to 3 but there also also 7 reports of people hurt. Also about 150,000 people took shelter and dozens of flights were cancelled. Typhoon Hayian had 195 mph and winds as strong as 235 mph, Some say Haiyan may be the strongest tropical storm to hit land anywhere in recorded history

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because It has to do with history and it could be apart of history's record in the long run. It's relevant because another place is in need and it would look great on the U.S if we helped out other people in their time of need.

    Reaction: My reaction to this was shocked and empathetic. I did feel
    sad for the people that it happened to because if that ever happened here I would be devastated. This was a major storm and I just pray for the people that this happened to.

    Opinion: I think that the U.S should definitely help because if we were in the same position we would want help from whoever we can get. I think that the U.S should have kept this under their belts and when they definitely knew the severity of it, plan to help them

    Connection: My connection to this is Hurricane Katrina because of how powerful Katrina was and how it made people feel about it. The people of New Orleans did get help so I think that should happen with every major storm.
