Saturday, November 2, 2013

3rd Period, Week of 11/2-11/8

Week Eleven: 11/2/13-11/8/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:

    Article Title: Toronto mayor admits 'mistakes,' won't resign

    Article Date: November 3, 2013

    Who: Mayor Of Toronto Rob Ford

    Where: Toronto, Canada

    When: November 3, 2013

    What happened: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is accused of smoking a crack pipe and allegedly the police have video of him using it but this will not force the Toronto native to resign as Mayor of the city. The Mayor is quoted as saying
    "Friends, I'm the first one to admit I am not perfect. I have made mistakes. I have made mistakes, and all I can do right now is apologize for the mistakes," Ford said during an appearance on Toronto radio station CFRB."I want to move forward, but I also know to move forward I have to make changes in my life, which I can assure you that I will do," he added. "I love the work I do, and I'm going to keep doing it." He has admitted to being drunk in public and has apologized for the wrongdoing. Many people that believe that he should resign while others think that he should be forgiven for his mistakes because nobody is perfect. They Mayor's friend was arrested after police suspected him of being a Drug Trafficking. Ford is ready to put this all behind him and move forward with his life and continue being the mayor of the great city of Toronto.

    Why this event is relevant: This does happen to often in our world, our politicians get away with sex scandals, drugs, etc. and they think they are above the law. Even though he was arrested, but at least it was investigated rather than brushed under the rug.

    Reaction: I am happy that this case is getting some attention. This case made me open my eyes and made me realize that these kind of cases get left alone way to often.

    Opinion: I like these kind of stories. Exposing people the truth but I understand that nobody is perfect.

    Connection: Bill Clinton was allegedly involved in a sex scandal with his servant back when he was in office. This is similar.

  2. Source:
    Article title: Official: LAX suspect shot TSA officer twic
    Article date: Updated 3:49 PM EST 11.03.13
    Who: Paul Ciancia(shooter), David Bowdich( FBI agent), and Gerardo Hernandez(TSA officer).
    Where: International Airport in Los Angeles "LAX".
    When: This event happen Frida 01,2013
    What happen: Ciancia went into LAX airport with a loaded assault rifle and walked up to the security checkpoint. TSA officer Hernandez was shot at point blank range and killed. He continued through the terminal and shot and wounded two other TSA officers. He was soon shot and neutralize. FBI agent David Bowdich released to the pressed that the suspect was unresponsive, so he was not listen to reason.
    Why is this event revenant: This event matter because these spring shooting are becoming to commen and comfortable. It would be a big help to have better understanding on why these people are doing and who these people are. How to help them and keep them safe for others safety.
    Reaction: My reaction to this concern.because these shooting are happen to much in the passed two years.
    Opinion: In my opinion I an tired of hearing of spring shootings.
    Connection: I choose this article because I wanted to learn more bout this event.

  3. Article Title: 10 more secrets from campaign 2012

    Article Date: November 4, 2013

    Who: The ones involved in this event are President Obama, Mitt Romney, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Chris Christie, and the political media.

    Where: This event occurred in the Washington Post in Washington.

    When:This event occurred on the fourth of November, 2013.

    What happened: The Washington Post was telling the secret methods politicians use to gain public support. One is when Obama killed Bin Laden and showed the people how productive he was. Another reason is when Chris Christie humiliated his opponent
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
    Opinion (I think..)
    Connection (why you chose this article)

  4. Article Title: 10 more secrets from campaign 2012

    Article Date: November 4, 2013

    Who: The ones involved in this event are President Obama, Mitt Romney, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Chris Christie, and the political media.

    Where: This event occurred in the Washington Post in Washington.

    When:This event occurred on the fourth of November, 2013.

    What happened: The Washington Post was telling the secret methods politicians use to gain public support. One is when Obama killed Bin Laden and showed the people how productive he was. Another reason is when Chris Christie humiliated his opponent

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because politicians use these methods to gain public support
    Reaction: The people normally react the way they politicians want them to act.

    Opinion I feel indifferent about how the they gain public support.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Missing Mississippi Found Dead
    Article Date: November 5,2013
    Who: A Mississippi Family (Atira Hill, Laterry Smith and Jaidon Hill)
    Where: Copa County, Mississippi
    When: Tuesday, October 29,2013
    What happened: A mother, son and boyfriend are found dead when they are set on fire in a car. There are really no leads on why it happened and what they are doing to find out who did this. Although they have someone in custody they really dont have much on the suspect.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it has to do with a family being killed. You don't hear in the news allot of family's getting killed especially like this.
    Reaction: I was surprised by reading this article because its in question why this whole family was killed. Its a little suspicison that they were set on fire and that people put a random person in custody with little evidence because he the person who called the police. I think the case is going to get bigger when they find out more information.
    Opinion I think they should look into the boyfriend more because it seems somewhat suspicious because the daughter told her mother that she was going to meet the boyfriends family and wands up dead hours later. I strongly believe he had something to do with it.
    Connection: I choose this article because things like this are interesting to me. I watch stuff on life time about suspicious deaths and I believe these deaths are truly suspicious

  6. Source:

    Article Title: Obama, Biden meet with senate democrats

    Article Date: November 6

    Who: President Obama, Joe Biden , and senate democrats

    Where: Washington DC.

    When: Today

    What happened: There was a group of 15 senates up for re-election and they all met up with President Obama and Joe Biden. They were their to talk about the progress that was made with healthcare. The conversation was really a debate of mixed emotions and opinions coming from different people to determine a better/ more effective way to deal with healthcare.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this could affect many people's life and actually could make their life better. This is a crucial decision that will take great thought and patience to thoroughly come up with the best way to organize a great health care organization.

    Reaction : I think that health care is good and they should continue to make it better

    Opinion : I feel as though this is good that they took time out to sit down and try to make changes to health care.

    Connection : I can connect this to any organization that tries to make changes to make it better.

  7. Source: (

    Article Title:Chuck Schumer endorses Hillary Clinton for President in 2016

    Article Date:, November 3, 2013

    Who:Hillary Clinton

    Where:Washington D.C.

    When: 2016(in the future)

    What happened:Hillary Clinton might become president in 2016

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant beacuse they are giving us a heads up on who might become our president in 2016.

    Reaction: I am excited because she is the first democrat women to run for president.

    Opinion:I think there is nothing wrong with Hilarry Clinton being our president. I don't think she will lead us wrong. Therefore it she should go for it. She would be the first women president so i think that will be good if she was president.

    Connection: I chose this aritcle because the title makes it seem interesting by letting us know who will be president in the future.

    1. This post does not meet the length requirements. Your post must be at least 10 complete sentences. The "What happened" section should generally be the longest section, with 4-5 sentences.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations
    Article Date: November.7.2013
    Who: President Obama, Republicans and Americans who can't afford Healthcare are involved.
    Where: Washington D.C
    When: This event took place on Thursday November, 7th.
    What happened: On Thursday Obama announced that Obamacare is no longer going to happen . He apologized for the insurance cancellations to the Americans whose insurance plans are being cancelled due to the Federal Health Law. He repeatedly assured Americans that they would be able to keep their plans under the Affordable Care Act. Millions of people have received cancellation notices from insurance companies.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because those who need healthcare won't be able to get it because Obamcare is no longer going to happen.
    Reaction: It makes me feel bad for these people and I'm angry because Republicans are so selfish and self centered.
    Opinion: I think Obama tried his best to get this law in effect, it's not his fault.
    Connection: I choose this article because I've been following this story for awhile and to see this not happen angers me. This doesn't affect me but it might affect people I know and my family because they can't get healthcare.

  9. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:Fort Hood massacre site to be torn down
    Article Date:11.07.13
    Who:Nidal Hasan
    Where:Fort Hood, Texas
    When: four years ago
    What happened:Nidal Hasan killed 13 people and injured 32 four years ago will be put to an end , the place where the shootings took place had been blocked off noting that there has been a crime scene. For awhile now that Hasan has been put in Jail they will tear it down.
    Hassan shot officers at the center on November 5th after all the jury advocate he to the death penalty .

    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because it shows you how crazy some people can be and that you always you be aware of things.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My feelings where people give bad names for Muslims because the things some people do.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that they should have told Hassan's reasons on why he did this.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I chose this article because I found it to be very interesting.

  10. Source:
    Article Title: After Chernobyl, they refused to leave
    Article Date: November 7th,2013
    Who: The remaining old women of the Chernobyl accident
    Where: Ukraine
    When: November 7th,2013
    What happened:The Chernobyl incident at Ukraine from April 6th,1986 left people for dead once the radiation from the nuclear fire erupted 400 times as much as the dropped Hiroshima bombing.1,600 of the people stayed at the Exclusion Zone.The men died off from overuses of alcohol and cigarettes.There were only women in their 70s and 80s who are still living in the Zone.They defied the law and remained sanctuary there.
    Why this event is relevant: This event goes back to Civics class when it talks about how big and historic the Chernobyl accident to be, killing people behind it.
    Reaction: I feel upset whn I read this because the Chernobyl incident was basically coming from human error.The authorities of the plant were testing its cooling capability which wreak havoc onc human error was upon it.
    Opinion: I think that it's illogfical of the remaining old women to stay in the Zone because the Zone is quarantined and is callled "no man's land" for a reason:no man must enter the dangerous "Zone".
    Connection: This connects to History classes because it will go down in history as the world'sw most radioactive incident to date.

    1. Wow- pretty incredible these women are still alive. I don't think I'd like to live anywhere close to there.

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Gas prices are falling across the region
    Article Date: The article date is on the 4th of November.
    Who: People who drive in the tri-state region are involved.
    Where: This event occured in the tri-state are which are all across New Jersey, Deleware, and Philadelphia.
    When: Happened all throughtout October and November.
    What Happened: Lately, in the PA, NJ, and DE region, the tri-state area gas prices has decreased making drivers a little happy. Deleware and Philadelphia have both went down by six cents. Philadelphia is still a little higher though being $3.32 per gallon of gas. New Jersey still being the cheapest on gas per gallon at a rate of $3.12. This has made a buzz all over the tri-state.
    Reaction: In my eyes decreasing gas prices by several cents is a great way of progressing and make gas prices suitable for drivers.
    Opinion: I agree with the governments decision because I drive and when I get the car from time to time I don't have to empty out my pockets paying for gas.
    Connection: This event was relatable because I could connect to what was going on because I understand how the prices have been going up and how some drivers think they are ridiculous and know where near where they use to be.

  12. Source:
    Article Title: U.S. Trashes, Sells Its Unwanted Gear in Afghanistan
    Article Date: Nov. 06, 2013
    Who: U.S. military
    Where: In Afghanistan
    When: Today
    What happened: The U.S. military is destroying most of the equipment it is leaving behind in Afghanistan and deciding to sell the parts and make millions of dollars.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the U.S has been loosing money for consecutive years. We been in a recession for a long time and we can use all the money we can make. Although we still owe China a lot of money, it's a huge help. These millions of dollars could help our country move one step closer to fixing our financial problems. We can be at a better place than we are today.
    Also, the recent shutdown by our government has affected our country badly. Many public goods was shut down. Such as libraries, community centers, after school programs, etc .... That makes more money loss for us. That also add on to our recession. This idea to sell these parts and make that much money is brilliant.
    Reaction I really hope this plan goes well.
    Opinion I think this is a big step to rebuild our nation.
    Connection I chose this article because it's apart of me.

  13. Source:
    Article Title:After Chernobyl, they refused to leave
    Article Date: November 7,2013
    Who: people of the Chernobyl
    When: April 26, 1986
    What happened: on April 26, 1986 the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant's reactor No. 4 blew up after a cooling capability test, and the resulting nuclear fire lasted 10 days, spewing 400 times as much radiation as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. To date, it's the world's worst nuclear accident. The area is still contaminated to this day and has the most radiation levels in the world. But their are 130 people still living their that didn't want to leave who are mostly all women in their 70's and 80's because most of all the men died from the use of cigarettes and alcohol.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the area is very contaminated and the women that stay there what if the were to try and come to the united states and it starts to effect others. This could cause a big problem if these women decide to do so.

    Reaction I was surprised of this article because I dint think this was really true even though I saw the movie of this. And I am surprised that people are really still living their after what happened and I wonder how it is affecting their health.

    Opinion I think they should just have that whole part of where ever Chernobyl is at and be blocked off so no one can get in or out.

    Connection my connection to this article was the movie that I recently washed about people who went there and bad things had happened to them.

    Article Title : Pakistan Taliban warns government of revenge attacks after leader's killing.
    Article Date :November 8, 2013
    Who : Taliban and the government
    Where : Pakistan
    When : November 1, 2013 (last week)
    What Happened : The Pakistani Taliban is informing the national government of attacks because their Taliban leader was killed in a U.S. drone strike . The new leader of the Taliban made a warning video to the government and says that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif tried to turn Pakistan into a colony of the United States . This new leader , Maulana Fazlullah, is said to be one of the people involved in the shooting of Malala Yousafzai as well .

    Why Is This Event Relevant : This event or information is relevant because Maulana Fazlullah, along with others, are trying to attack the government of Pakistan and the U.S. If he does this , this can affect the U.S. in a negative way .

    Reaction : My reaction to reading and watching about this event was shocking and i was also worried about the people in Pakistan , the people in the U.S. and myself . I am hoping that Maulana Fazlullah is not serious about this .

    Opinion : My opinion is that Maulana Fazlullah shouldn't not take action on this , and that the Taliban and himself should keep to themselves .

    Connection : My connection is that Maulana Fazlullah has something to do with Malala Yousafzai shooting , and in English we had to read and write a paragraph about Malala Yousafzai .

  15. Source: (

    Article Title:Obama apologizes to Americans who lost health plans

    Article Date:Published November 08, 2013

    Who:President Obama

    Where:Washington D.C.

    When: Thursday , November 7,2013

    What happened:President Obama says "Sorry" to Americans who lost their health care. To those who lost their health insurance plans, Obama told NBC News, "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this.”
    Why this event is relevant: Because there are thousands of people who need that health care because of their current conditions or illnesses.

    Reaction:I feel bad because I know how many people are probably struggling because they no longer have their Heath insurence.

    Opinion: I think everyone will eventually get their health care back but right now it's going to take some time for President Obama to make it happen.
    Connection: I know people are probably struggling because I saw a movie before and there was a mom and she was cut from her health insurence and she had no way to pay for meds or anything.

  16. Source:
    Article Title:FBI: Serial killer Keyes may have killed missing New Jersey woman
    Article Date:November 14th, 2013
    Who: FBI, Serial Killer, NJ woman
    Where: New Jersey, Haversack
    When: April 9, 2009
    What happened: Serial killer Issac Keyes is the suspect in the investigation about a woman who was abducted years ago when he admitted to abducting a woman from the east coast and driving her through New york years ago. Keyes is a murderer who is a suspect in many females deaths and kidnappings.
    Why this event is relevant: The event is relevant because this is happening in the US and this serial killer has kjilled many woman.
    Reaction: Im surprised by this because of how has this man killed so many people and has not put in the situation where as he can never be free again. If this lady was abducted years ago why has he just been put as a suspect if he admitted to abducting a woman from the east coast years ago.
    Opinion: I think he is guilty and something needs to be done to him for what he has done to all these girls. I think its something should be done about men like him that continue to do things to females without consequences.
    Connection: I can make a connection because of movies that I have seen of Lifetime about woman getting abducted from their homes. Serial killers kill people for years and never get caught.
