Saturday, November 2, 2013

5th Period, week of 11/2-11/8

Week Eleven: 11/2/13-11/8/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:
    Article Tittle: Colorado rural countries to vote: Should we stay or should we go?
    Article Date: November 4,2013
    Who: The U.S. Congress and Colorado.
    Where: This is a national issue.
    When: This is happening during this month.
    What happened: Colorado's rural counties are deciding if they should stay or break away. In the article it says Coloradans felt they were not heard when the state passed a strict gun control law. The govern says no one wants their state to break up. The article explains how the govern feels and how he can't imagine Colorado without it's eastern plains. It explains how Colorado is very diverse within communities which could be part of the issue.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because a state in America is trying to break up because of disagreements.
    Reaction: When I read this article I was shocked because the does not seem normal for a state trying to break apart.
    Opinion: I think this article is interesting and I learned some new things about Colorado.
    Connection: This article reminds me of something I learned in history class.


    Three killed' in Norway bus hijack
    4 November 2013

    A man wielding a knife hijacked a bus in western Norway and killed three people on board.The attack took place on a remote mountain road near Ardal.135 miles north-west of Oslo. The attack took place around 5:30.Police said the fire department responded to the incident on Monday at first. They thought it was a traffic accident.But, it was a 50 year old man hijacking a bus. The man was overpowered by firefighters at the scene. The identity of the suspect, who was injured. According to Norwegian media, as well as the motives for the attack were not immediately clear.The long-distance bus was driving on the route between the Valdres region.. It was hijacked between the towns of Ardal and Fjordane county. This event made national news. This really shocked me because its so realistic. I catch the bus everyday and it can easily happen to me. I think their should be more police officers and cops around public transportation. I chose this article because its rare. Its not often that a 50 year olds hijacks busses.

  3. Source:
    Article Title: Romney: Health care law ‘rotting’ Obama's second term
    Article Date: This article was written November 3,2013.
    Who: This article involves Mitt Romney and Obama Care.
    Where: This event took place in the United States.
    When: This event happened on Sunday.
    What happened: Romney made a statement about Obama’s second term. He said that it is stained with the failure of Affordable Care Act. He says that the president will have to make a big jump in popularity after this failure.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because us as citizens are going to see Obama in a different way because of this. His goals are gonna be hindered by the fact that his accomplishments are failing.
    Reaction: I feel that yes running a country is hard, but it is possible. When you fail, we’re stuck with the damages until the next election, and that problem becomes someone else’s problem.
    Opinion: Romney points out the flaws, but doesn’t realize that he had a chance, but he didn’t make the cut. It’s easy to sit back and complain and point out the obvious, it takes a lot more to actually fix the problem.
    Connection: This event reminds me of how Pro Sport team reacts to failure. If you fail once when the team relied on you, most likely, they will not give you anymore big roles.

  4. Source:
    Article: That's a Big "if" Mr. President
    Article Date: November 5,2013
    Who: This article is about President Barack Obama.
    Where: This article takes place in the White House.
    When: This story was released on November 5,2013.
    What happened:President Obama says that he never promised voters they could keep their health insurance plans, “period." What Obama said was, "You could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed."Obama’s promise priorities are expected to result in the cancellation of some 3.5 million Americans’ policies.
    Why relevant: This is relevant because we, the people, need to know what Obama is trying to do with ObamaCare. He is now claiming that he did not say people could keep their same health insurance. People depend on their health and now that the rules are changing, they might cannot keep them.
    Reaction: I feel bad for the people that depend on health insurance because they might cannot have them anymore. They might have to re apply for health insurance which could take months.
    Opinion: I think that Obama is scared to face his people. He tries to make everybody happy such as Congress and still the citizens of the U.S. Obama is trying to stay strong and keep his job.
    Connection: I can relate to this because I try to make everybody happy as Obama is doing. I try to avoid problems by trying to make everybody happy. I want to comprise with everybody so that everybody's requirements are met.

  5. Source:
    Article Title: Police arrest 2 armed juveniles who broke into Denver middle school
    Article Date: November 05, 2013
    Who: Two 15 year-old boys broke into a middle school carrying BB guns.
    Where: This event took place at Denver middle school.
    When:This event happened on November 5th.
    What happened: Two teenagers with BB guns broke into Denver middle school and was about to commit theft, because the police found some items that did not belong to them in their bags.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because when people have guns, they automatically think that they have all the power, and control.
    Reaction: I don't really have a reaction to this, becaus ethis is the type of stuff we see on the news everyday. Teenagers who don't care or who does not have any guidance in their lives.
    Opinion: In my opinion, this is another reason wy there should be harsher gun control laws. People use guns to bully, scare or even just to get aaway with certain things, because they know that they can.
    Connection: This article reminds me of one of my old friends from middle school, when he took a gun to school, because he was tired of being bullied. He ended up getting expelled from the school, but a year later he died.
    -Dominique Frazier

  6. Article Source:
    Article Title: "Newt Gingrich: Christie 'one of the top contenders' in 2016"
    Article Date: November 5, 2013

    One of Newt Gingrich's most notable ventures was campaigning against Mitt Romney, amongst other Republican representatives, for the opportunity to then campaign against Barack Obama for the position of President in 2012. Today, he has claimed that Chris Christie, one of the most well known governors in the United States, is one of the main contenders to fill in Obama's current position as President in 2016. Christie has had his fair share of circumstances to encounter, and most recently, he was forced into the complete reconstruction blueprint of New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. Christie has made tremendous progress, and one must admit, despite their own personal political views, that Christie would most likely shine in the position of President. Of course, one state's problems don't begin to compare to the problems of the entire country, but Christie obviously knows how to work under pressure. Gingrich even went as far as to make no mention of other top contenders including Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio.

    This is relevant because in 2016, Obama will no longer be President and will never have the opportunity to become President again after eight years in office. America will be put back into the position of choosing an entirely new President, and that choice could determine the future of our country. If Chris Christie became President, he would have the power to change policies and laws that Obama has made that could easily trickle down into our own homes. We must consider the future of America.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:Senate Passes Gay-Rights Bill
    Article Date: 11-7-13
    Who: The Senate
    Where: Washington
    When: 11-7-13
    What happened: The Senate passed a bill saying that people can not discriminate against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans genders in a work environment.
    Why this event is relevant: This article is relevant because people have been fighting for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans genders to be treated equal in a work environment for the longest. for the Senate to pass a bill saying that people can not do that is a great sense of accomplishment.
    Reaction I feel as though the Senate did the right thing and it will help co-workers get along better with each other.
    Opinion I think this article was good and people should not discriminate against anyone for any reason.
    Connection I choose this article because people really don't like gays and I am one person that's do.

  8. Source: http:

    Article Title: Family Wants Answers After Boy, 10, Beaten, Bloodied On School Bus

    Article Date: November 6, 2013

    Who: A little boy

    Where: KENNEDALE

    When: October, 2013

    What happened: In this article a little boy named Tristian Davis was bully on the school bus. Before he boarded the bus he dropped his book bag. This caused the students to be mad. So after he got on, another kid started hitting him until his nose bled. The bus driver didn't take any action during this and continued driving.

    He bled until he got off and got to the stop sign. His mother questions what happened and she got no response. The school received no report of the incident. When she questioned the bus service they didn't apologize or show any evidence of the incident. Ever since then there was no sign of that bus driver and the child has rode the bus since.

    Why this event is relevant: This situation is an example of injustice.

    Reaction: Makes me mad that something like this is going unnoticed.

    Opinion : I think that she should sue.

    Connection: I chose this article because it has to do with bully.

  9. Source :

    Article Title: Nigeria pirate attack: US sailors seized

    Article Date: October 24 2013

    Who: United States and Nigeria

    Where: On the coast of Nigeria

    When: The end of October

    What Happened: Nigerian pirates invaded an American ship carrying oil . The pirates were stealing oil very often . In this year about forty maritime crimes have been reported. Since 2010 there has been about 100 million dollars in oil stolen by many people but mainly the Nigerians . These are acts of piracy and theft . The Nigerians are being to become more and more rich as the invasion happen .

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because since oil is being stolen it makes it easier for gas prices to go up . Also will start to take away money from American oil industry . Now sailors are starting to be afraid that their ship may be next . This is also relevant because in a time like this where American is in debt we can't afford to be losing millions of dollars .

    Reaction: This article made me feel as though the sailors are not fighting hard enough . Or maybe that the coastal guard is not doing such a good job . I also was surprised because I did not know pirates really existed .

    Opinion: I think will end this problem along with all the other problems happening in the United States. I also feel as though this should not be happening because those boats are huge and it should be obvious when people are hijacking your boat . Maybe people on the ships recently hit were apart of it because they are stealing so much oil .

    Connection: I chose this article because my sister just got a new car and I do not want her having to pay $5 or $6 for gas because of this foolishness . Also I chose this article because it is something different still focused on politics but not specifically the president or senate .

  10. Title:
    Article: ObamaCare website could only handle 1,100 users a day before launch, docs show
    Article Date: Published November 07, 2013
    Where: Texas
    When: October 6
    What happened: President Obama faces backlash because of the crash of his website that was suppose to provide medical care for 60,000 Americans but crashed. Reports say the website due to the amount of people who attempted to sign up for Obama care. The website received 250,000 visitors on the first day, causing the website to suffer problems and malfunction. Obama encourages Americans to just hold tight and await the revised version of the website and ensures that it will be worth the wait.
    Why this event is relevant: this article has to do with every American that does not have medical care or those who tried to signed up for ObamaCare.
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) my initial reaction to this article was Pitt for President Obama. While many people are praying for his downfall, he is continuously working to improve the lives of every American.
    Opinion (I think..) ObamaCare will benefit many Americans.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This is similar to the rule of car insurance.
    -Antanique Merritt

  11. Source:
    Article Title: Student Loan Servicing Beset By Problems Faces Call For Overhaul
    Article Date: This article was posted October 22, 2013.
    Who: The Consumer Finanacial Protection Bureau is involved.
    Where: This happening every where in the US.
    When: It is happening in the year 2013.
    What happened: Industries and companies are being questioned that they collect payments on private student loans by was not guaranteed by tax payers.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because companies and industries are getting money off of student loans that the tax payers haven't even certified. " A generation of college graduates with a lack of expendable income could negatively impact the overall economy for years to come, " the bankers to the fed.
    Reaction: The companies and industries shouldn't be doing this anyway.
    Opinion: The companies are getting way too much money.
    Connection: It's hard to connect to this article but I just think companies and industries are being unfair.

  12. Article Title: Missing Mississippi Found Dead

    Article Date: November 5,2013

    Who: A Family In Mississippi

    Where: Copa County, Mississippi

    When: Tuesday, October 29,2013

    What happened: A mother, her son and her boyfriend was found dead because they were set on fire while they were in a car. No one knows who started it or how it happen but they have someone in custody they really dont have much on the suspect.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because this story is about a family who were killed and set on fire for no apparent reason. If that was my family I would of went crazy.

    Reaction: I was furious and kind of interested while I was reading this story because I wouldn't want they to happen to my faily and Its a little weird how they were set on fire and that people put a random person in custody with little evidence because he the person who called the police. I think the case is going to get bigger when they find out more information.

    Opinion I think theyshould such the area and ask if people seen something because I knew people saw what happened they just want to keep their mouth shut .

    Connection: I choose this article because things like this are interesting to me. I watch criminal minds and other tv shows such as this and I like finding out who did it and why they choose to do it .


    Article:Pakistan Taliban warns of of revenge attacks

    Date:November 8, 2013

    Who:United States and Pakistan

    Where:US and Pakistan


    What happened:The Pakistan warned and let us know how they are going to attack after getting a new leader.

    Why is this event relevant:This is relevant because we as citizens should know what is going on around us. This effects us because we as citizens should be aware of what is going on around us and know that they are planning to attack.

    Reaction:My reaction to this is that it scares me a little because they could very well plan attack and kill me, loved ones or even people around me.

    Opinion:My opinion is that this is wrong and we should take the attack serious and be aware.

    Connection:A connection that can be made is how they attacked us before and many people have died like in 9/11.

  14. Source: Title: Ellen gives $10K to NH waitress for soldiers' tabArticle Date: October 19, 2013Who: Sarah Hoidahl, a waitress in Concord, N.H, EllenWhere: N.H.When: OCTOBER 19, 2013What happened: A waitress from New Hampshire named Sarah Hoidahl, paid the $27.75 lunch tab of two National Guard soldiers affected by the federal government's shutdown.Ellen DeGeneres heard about the story so she gave them $27.75 in cash plus a $10,000 check to the waitress. Why Is This Relevant: This is relevant because the two soldiers were affected by the government shut down. Their operations and agencieswere not funding because of the H.O.R's plans to dismiss Obamacare. Basically this all has to do with American politics.Reaction: My reaction is that the lady must be a nice person who has a genuine spirit. Most people would not had paid for the two soldiers and would had to continued doing their job. But it was nice to see there reaction too.Opinion: I really think celebrities give money to people who do just the little nicest things, when they could be giving money to people in the world who really need it. If the lady was poor, then it would be a whole different situation but it was never mentioned that she wasbut it can be just for fame too.Connection: I chose this article because it made me think of an comparison to Oprah. And how Oprah is the on to help out. Lastly, it shows the affected by the government shutdown.

  15. Http://
    Title: TSA plans to stop staffing exit lanes causes clash with airports
    Date: November 8, 2013
    Who?: Transportation Security Administration, airports across the United States
    Type: National
    When: affective starting in 2014
    Where: the United States
    What's happening?: Well starting in 2014, the TSA has decided to stop staffing exit lanes at airport security checkpoints by the end of the year because the agency does not consider exit lane part of its screening function.
    Relevance: This is a relevant subject because just last week there was a shooting in LAX Airport and it is believed that the man responsible might of entered the security area of the airport through a gateway normally used by people when they are leaving the terminal.
    Reaction: I do not understand why they would get rid of the workers that help to protect the people who travel everyday. And since the events that occurred last week could happen again, I don't know why they would do this.
    Opinion: My opinion is that the TSA needs to reinforce the rules and reconsider who they have working for them because they are just not thinking in their right minds.
    Connection: I have never traveled by plane before, but just knowing that there could be a threat of someone not being there to protect me when I arrive or depart is just ridiculous. So by them just making the airport responsible for that it makes me wonder exactly how safe myself and other travelers would be if someone decided to enter the airport through the exit lane to cause harm to others. If someone does take advantage of this opportunity who will be held responsible?

  16. /Georgia -gym-mat-death/
    Article title;coroner slams handling of Kendrick Johnson case
    Article date -November 7,2013
    Who:U.s attorney office,lawyers,jim Elliott,Michael Moore
    When:January 2013
    What happened:a Georgia teen was found dead in a gym room folded up in a mat. They believe that this was an accident,in the article it says"authorities says Kendrick Johnson fell into the mat and suffocated while trying to retrieve a sneaker." as this statement being made the parents have a different view in which they think the 17 year old was murdered and the evidence was covered up with a detail being left behind. Which is the body being moved in a different position.and because of this little detail the investigation has been reopened last week to find out the truth because a accident is what the parents know isn't the truth.
    This is relevant because it has to do with justice and our laws. If our laws was more strict then less killings will be done and they wouldn't be just reopening a death investigation that happened almost a year ago this would have been done and felt with.
    My reaction to this was wow why would someone. Ever do such a harsh thing and have it out in open such as a gym room another thing that court my attention was the date difference because this happened in January of 2013 and it is November of 2013 and they are just reopening the case to investigate,that doesn't make any sense at all.
    Opinion: I think this was not an accident and that they should have been investigated further because knowing the body was moved should be able to tell you that this was not an accident another thing is that the report was made late.
    I can connect to this because my cousin was seriously hurt ND didn't get justice and investigation wasn't even helpful so I wish the parents of Kendrick the best of luck and hoping they get justice.

    Article Title: Lead author of Obamacare law criticizes administration over the troubled roll out.
    Article Date:11/8/13
    Who: Senior Democratic Senator, Max Baucus, and Kathleen Sebelius.
    Where: The White House
    When: Thursday, November 7,2013
    What: Senior Democratic sentor says that administration failed to alert lawmakers that the program(obamacare) was messed up. Also the administration was asked if they saw any problems with obamacare and they said no but it really was problems with obamacare.
    Why:This is revelant because if people have obamacare then something could be wrong with their health insurance. Also because people need health insurance just so their families are okay in the end.
    Reaction: I think that this is sad because alot of people health insutance is is on the line . Also I think that this sad because alot of people shouldn't have to go through this. For example,"When we asked for updates in the market place, the responses we got were totally unsatisfactory. We heard multiple times that everything was on track. We now know that was not the case". This means that when they came to see if everytging was alright with obamacare the administration said yes but they were actually wrong because they had several problems with obamacare.
    Opinion: I would be very upset because the administration is playing with my health insurance and someday I might need that.
    Connection: I choose this article because I wanted to know what was going with obamacare.

  18. Source: (entire website address)
    Article Title:wide spread in Haiyans wake
    Article Date:November 11,2013
    Who:super storrm typhoon Haiyan
    Where:Philippian islands
    When: Friday 1 2013
    What happened:Super storm Typhoon Haiyan which is the strongest storm ever to hit. It hit mainly in the central Philippian islands. 3 people were killed and seven was hurt. It flooded,streets,knocked out power and barreled across five other Philippians.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because this effected the central part the world and killed a couple of people.Also because it could have hit anywhere in the world.
    Reaction: I feel a little upset because this could have hit in north America.
    Opinion (I think..). I think that the cause of think that this could be a sign of global warming because when the ocean gets warm and hit cold spots it causes a big storm like this one.
    Connection I chose this article because it connects with global warming I believe. Also because I just got done learning about global warming and it'd effe

  19. Source:
    Article Title:Girl accused of cyberbullying is arrested
    Article Date:11/7/13
    Who: A young girl that is not allowed to be named because shes a minor
    Where: Petersburg, Florida
    When: 11/6/13
    What happened: A girl has been harrasing another young girl because they were no longer friends. And now they are pressing charged
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because bullying is a big problem in our scociety and is causing alot of suicides
    Reaction : I was extremely shocked becuae i hate bullies
    Opinion : Im glad they pressed chargea because she deserved it
    Connection : i cant really make a connection but i heard alot of stories and bullying

    1. This post is not long enough. Posts must be at least 10 complete sentences. The "What happened" section should easily be 4-5 sentences.

  20. Source:
    Article Title: Texas and 5 others states processing Benefits for Gay Couples.
    Article Date: November 10,2013
    Who: Alicia Butler & Judith Chedville
    Where: In Texas
    When: September 3, 2013
    What happened: The gay couple to Austin's camp Mabry so Ms. Butler could get a military spouse identification card and register for the same federal marriage benefits provided to wives and husbands of heterosexual service members. The two women showed their marriage license, than she called her boss, who told the couple that they would have to travel to a federal military base like Fort Hood, 70 miles to the north. The reason for this is that Texas is one of the six states refusing to comply with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's order that gay spouses of National Guard members be given the same federal marriage benefits as heterosexual spouses. While a majority of states ban same sex marriages. Officially in the six states say they are not preventing same sex spouses from getting benefits those couples can register and receive ID's through federal bases.
    Why this event is relevant: I think this is relevant because it shows how different states look at same sex marriages and how some people discriminate it in different states.
    Reaction: My reactions were disturbed. I think everyone have the right to be happy with the person they love.
    Opinion: I think that same sex marriages should be acceptable as any other marriage in the states that don't approve it.
    Connection: Starting next month they are allowing same sex marriages in Hawaii.
