Sunday, November 17, 2013

Period 3, 11/17-11/22

Week Thirteen: 11/17/13-11/22/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.

MISSING ANY REQUIREMENTS WILL RESULT IN A ZERO. Plagiarism is a serious offense- earns you a zero and a write up, just don't do it.   **MUST BE AT LEAST 10 SENTENCES**

Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Source:

    Article Title:Clyburn: Obama failed to explain health care promise

    Article Date:November 17th, 2013

    Who: President Barack Obama

    Where: Washington , DC

    When: November 17th, 2013

    What happened: Obama failed to explain health care promise. People of the US are outraged that their health care insurance was cancelled. The president failed to explain the reasoning behind the health care being cancelled, which is the most likely reason that 39 democrats who voted for Obama care went on the republican side because the American people were thrown off the health care insurance. Obama relied too heavily on a sound bite-friendly selling point, rather than spelling out that he was only referring to plans in place before the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010 and hadn't changed since. Sen. John Barraso says that the health care is totally flawed and that it is just time to start over. Ultimately, Obama destroyed a good health care law in the years that he ha been the President of the United States. He failed to give the people health insurance. The President admitted that he expects to be held responsible for regaining the Americans' trust, and I think he will.

    Why this event is relevant: People needed health insurance, they relied on the President to give them it, and he failed. Obama Care is the presidents foundation to the America people.

    Reaction: It is sad that people traded on the president but I understand why.

    Opinion: The 39 democrats that went to the republic side are not loyal to the team. If you put your vote in, stand by it. and when Obamacare gets back on its feet, they probably will go back on the Presidents side. Obama just needs time to get it running.

    Connection: Obama Care is just like food stamp. Certain people need it to survive. You wont die if you don't have Obama care, but you still need it in your life if something happened to you.

  2. Source:

    Article Title: U.S., Afghanistan Reach Security Pact Through '2024 and beyond'

    Article Date: Nov. 20, 2013

    Who: US Military, South Asia, Afghanistan, and Afghanistan's government

    Where: Afrghanistan

    When: From 2001 to today

    What happened: Apparently, the US Security made a deal with the leaders of Afghanistan. This deal is that troops would remain on the south asian soil until 2024(and perhaps beyond). In return, the US would watch over Afgan while we stay on the soil to watch over Al Qaeda. This, is leading to some controversy about what President Obama said about the troops in the country leaving and coming back to America. There were also pros and cons to whether they should stay there or not. Including innocent kills and homes being destroyed by our army. Sadly, no one is really sure what's going to happen.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it involves our US troops safety and when they decide to bring them home or not.

    Reaction: This was a bit confusing reading this article, it seemed to jump from pros to cons of the US's decisions. I was a bit worried. What will we do?

    Opinion; I believe that the troops deserve to come home and get some rest. Al queda may be a threat but these troops deserve a break. And we've already cause enough trouble over there anyway for the past decade.

    Connection: I cannot connect to this. During the time, I was just a child. Also, I have no family who is in the army right now.

  3. Source:

    Article Title:California man pulled off plane in North Korea, detained, son says

    Article Date:This article was published on Thursday November 21, 2013.

    Who: The people involved with this event is an 85 year old war veteran, Jeff Newman, the US Ambassador, and the Chinese Ambassador.

    Where:This event occurred in Pyongyang, North Korea.

    When:This event happened on Wednesday November 20, 2013.

    What happened: While Merrill Newman, an 85 year old war veteran, was getting ready to depart from North Korea, he was arrested. Merrill's family was unable to contact him since October 26. Because of Merrill's arrest, the U.S can see that North Korea does not want a good relationship with them. And some people believed that Merrill's arrest was connected to him being a war veteran.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because if the U.S and North Korea keep such a strained relationship, then they will eventually go to war.

    Reaction I am outraged that an 85 year old man be arrested just for being a war veteran in another state.

    Opinion I think that Merrill should be released from prison and brought back to the U.S.

    Connection I can connect to this because my uncle was in the army when he was younger.

  4. Source:

    Article title: U.S.-Russia Relations

    Article date: Oct 22, 2013

    Who: Russian ambassadors , representation from: Syria, Iran & North Korea

    Where: Washington DC

    When: not listen

    What happened? Nations have come together to make not of things in Russia that are stating to either get out of hand or began to look funny such ass "arms control" and "international trade" these thing are of national interest to the whole world so they therefore have to speak on, discuss & if necessary change things happening in Russia they are also talking about the civics war in Syria and what actions or precautions need to be taken and also the problems that are between North Korea and Iran and what they look like.

    Why is this relevant? This is relevant because us (the US) as leaders need to make sure that everything is running smoothly at time so we maintain our leadership position and because of this when matters of national importance are being discussed then how to take action to not only but mainly keep the peace and secondly to keep as in charge but we must do with without becoming too much of a big brother and causing an uprising that may land us a nation out of power.

    Reaction: I thought this article was bad because of how Iran's and North Korea's nuclear activity but all and all I thought it was good because if they are with us talking about things then they still feel a accountable to us

    Connection: I can connect with this the way the us is like a father who keeps our friends happy like his wife & solves problems with the children who are not out enemies but need to be kept in check and then the father protect us from our actual enemies with the help of the family.

    1. Great post. Nice job on the "Why is this relevant" section.

  5. Source: (

    Article Title: Immigration Reform Bill 2013: Obama Says Piecemeal Is A Deal

    Article Date: November 20, 2013 6:30 AM by Laura Matthews

    Who: The article is about Illegal Immigrates.

    Where: Illegal immigrates in the living and working in the city’s of the USA.

    When: This happened on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

    What happened: The senate passed legislation for improvements for undocumented immigrants in the US but not all of congress is backing up the new legislations. The republicans are skeptical of passing this legislation because this one issue with one bill might be too much information to get the desired result deliver on. Obama and the Democrats do not care if the Republicans break it down in to smaller segments they just want all parts deliberated and passes.
    According to Matthews, 2013, there are a lot of undocumented immigrants in the US. If this bill is passed soon, the results of documenting these immigrants will help the economy. As of now, the House of Representatives is what is holding up the passing along with the republicans. Once this bill is passed it will strengthen the US economy and national security (Matthews, 2013).

    Why this event is relevant: The article is relevant because it will help our economy with more tax money and repair a broken system in which was implemented because the US is the home of the free and all of us were immigrants at one time or our families.

    Reaction (My reaction is that our government has so much trouble working together. We are a democratic nation and should congress should stand together and move forward with this issue in spite of their differences.)

    Opinion (In my opinion, I think the republicans are just trying to find another way to make Obama look bad in the eyes of the American People.)

    Connection (I chose this article because if the US has a way to receive more money than it could prevent another Government shutdown.)

  6. Source :

    Article : Obama approval rating sinks to new low in Cnn poll

    Article Date: November 21 2013

    Who: Obama and CNN poll

    Where: the White house

    When : It was released today

    What happened ? President Barack Obama's approval rating hits another all time low, 41% of Americans approve of the job the president's doing in the white house. The rating was between 40% and 42%. CBS news survey released Wednesday showed the president's approval rating at 37%. They have been struck in the mid-40's for several months in CNN polling. Obama's woes did not begin with the disastrous launch of the website in October Holland pointed out. The serious damaged came in June.

    Why Relevant? Because many people are very concerned about this situation and wants to find out why the rating is dropping so low from then to know.

    Reaction : My reaction to this is why are they dropping and why is the president keep messing up with things liked he messed up with the Obama care and now hundreds of people don't have insurance.

    Opinion : My opinion to this is President Obama need too get his stuff together because many people might change their view of him.

    Connection: I chose this because I think many people can relate to this because im sure that people have things and they lose their ratings and lose other things about them too.

  7. Source:
    Article Title:Mayor Nutter is headed to Panama City.
    Article Date:The article of this date is November 15,2013.
    Who:Mayor Nutter and Joe Biden are involved throughtout the event.
    Where: The event occured in Panama City.
    When: The event occured during the week of November 15th.
    What happened:Mayor Nutter is called to Panama because of Joe Biden who is the Vice President. Joe Biden hopes Mayor Nutter will help with the problems over there. The river is being dredged and cleaned to help people try to get more jobs and opportunities. Also they wanted to help handle bigger ships in Panama.
    Why this event is relevant:The event is relevant because it's going to help Philadelphia. Mayor Nutter and Joe Biden being in Panama will help people get more jobs and open up a lot more things.
    Reaction:I'm happy Joe Biden invited Mayor Nutter and that they are trying to handle this problem in Panama because it will open up more opportunities for people around the world.
    Opinion:I think Mayor Nutter is a good mayor it's just Philadelphia and other states are in a hole right now and he's trying to improve everything he can.
    Connection:I connected to this current event because over the summer when my aau basketball team that Coach Jb runs and coaches had a tournament in virginia that I couldn't go to because I didn't have the money at the time. So coach JB paid for me to go and I went down there and played good and a lot of opportunities opened up for me because coach paid for me to go.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: UK police arrest couple suspected of holding three women captive for 30 years
    Article Date: November 21st, 2013
    Who:United Kingdom police and suspected couple
    Where: London,England
    When: November 21st, 2013
    What happened: Police suspects a couple of holding 3 women captive for more than 30 years.One of the women contacted the police secretly while being held captive for more than 30 years and finally got the police to stand outside the house to arrest the couple and release the three women in October.
    Why this event is relevant: This event shows our government today and how dedicated it is into working with its citizens to save their lives from further harm by bad people in society.
    Reaction: I felt sad for the three women who were held captive for more than 30 years.That means that it all started in the 1980s.
    Opinion: I believe that the three women should have contacted the police sooner like the moment when the three women knew they were being held against their own will because while the women will locked away,they should have phoned the police and attemp to try and break free somehow.
    Connection: This event connects to Civics class because ever since the Constitution was ratified on March 4th,1789,our U.S government is fully obilgated to protecting its citizens and if the citizens are being held captive somewhere,then our government will not sleep until they know it citizens are safe and sound.

  9. Source:

    Article Title: U.S., Afghanistan reach security agreement

    Article Date: 11/20/13

    Who: United States and Afghanistan

    Where: Afghanistan

    When: this happened with in the past couple of days over a series of meetings.

    What happened: The U.S and Afghanistan reached an agreement of security. They decided to put aside their past and the U.S wants to respect their rules and laws and not put innocent civilians in danger anymore. Although the U.S didn't apologize for recent incidents , they still came to a full understanding of each other and plan to help each other for many years to come.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because in time of need , we would have help from Afghanistan. Making friends with other countries could help us a lot as far as war and goods. They look out for us and we look out for them and vice versa.

    Reaction: This makes me feel good knowing that they are one less country we have to worry about going to war with .

    Opinion: I feel as though America is making the right move in compromising with them. Besides the bad things, they could actually provide a lot of positive things to our country.

    Connection: I can connect this to two gangs in different parts of the city coming together compromising a plan that makes them both happy.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:JFK assassination a collective memory for American children
    Article Date:November 21,2013
    Who:memory experts,Derek L. Farthing
    Where:not an exact place
    When: november 21, 2013
    What happened:Cnn talks about the assassination of president Kennedy and how it was from a young boys point of view. It was said that Derek L. Farthing was in third grade in Jersey City, New Jersey, when the school's janitor came to tell his teacher, Ms. Melvin, the horrific news.
    "Her hands rose to cover her face and to still her ... shocked voice from raising our concerns," he told CNN iReport. "After composing herself, she turned to us and stated, 'The President, President Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas.'' it was also said that For many children of the '60s, the assassination was also the first national event played out on television, its scenes repeatedly flashing onscreen over several days. Even on this day 50 years later, the images remain instantly recognizable. Klemm said this repeating retrieval of a memory only strengthens it in the brain. these were the accounts of Kenndys death.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because he once was the president of this country.

    Reaction my reaction to this film was shocking because i saw the actual video of him being shot and his brains being splattered everywhere. and his wife who was sitting next to him try to put his brain back together.

    Opinion i think that was the most depressing thing to watch and i feel really bad for his wife who was sitting directly near him when it happened.

    Connection my connection to this is i now know why the current president has to being different cars and has so many security.

  11. source:
    article title: Florida poll: Clinton, Bush neck and neck
    article date:11/22/13
    who; Bush and Clinton
    what happen: The poll has came out and Clinton and Bush is closely tide up with the votes because democratic likes Clinton and the republic like Bush. However, Clinton is two percentages higher than Bush. People in Florida has their eyes on Clinton. According, to the percentages Clinton is in head of the rest of the democratic runners.
    why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this about who is going to represent us the best way possible.
    Reaction: This makes me nervous because democratic should represent of because they will think about the low income people.
    opinion: I feel although that Clinton should win because she is a women and women do know what they are doing. I believe Clinton will do things that will benefit the people.
    Connection: I can connect this with when I was in the 3rd grade and I had a spelling bee. I was tied up with one other student but, unfortunately had lost.

  12. Source: (entire website address):
    Article Title:Texas and 5 Other States Resist Processing Benefits for Gay Couples

    Article Date:Published: November 10, 2013

    Who:Alicia Butler and her wife, Judith Chedville

    When:September 3rd

    What happened: Two women handed their papers in stating their 2008 California marriage license. The lady at the desk looked at the documents and said “It’s one of those.” then which she told her boss to come over and look at it. Then the boss said they to go to the federal military base which is far away to look at the license. They said if they permitted same sex IDs it will cross the line.

    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because it shows how the world may be so divers.
    Reaction (describe your feeling or attitudes) My feelings was just shocking because I have some homosexual friends and they want to work in the army but based on their sexuality they can not and that's just so crazy to me.
    Opinion (I think..) I think that it really shouldn't matter on you what sexuality you are to be judge, you should be able to work anywhere you like.
    Connection (why you chose this article) I choose this Article because I saw it posted on twitter and I wanted to read more about this because it seemed very interesting and it really was.

  13. Source:
    Article Title: I was a modern-day slave in America
    Article Date: November,21.2013
    Who: It involves a woman name Ima Matul.
    Where: This event takes place in the United States.
    When: it happened on Thursday, November 21st.
    What happened: Ima Matul came to the untied states because she was offered a job as a nanny. At the time it was a great idea, until she was held captive For three years and forced to work as a domestic slave. The $150 a month she'd been promised never she never got. When she got to the United States the woman who she'd be working for confiscated her passport, so that if she ran away the police will arrests her because she didn't have a passport. She worked seven days a week with no pay. She was the victim of various threats and assaults. She managed to learn enough English to write a letter and gave it to a nearby nanny that said "please help me."
    Why this event is relevant: this event is relevant because an estimated 20 to 30 million people worldwide currently being held as modern-day slaves.
    Reaction I feel sympathy for her and all the others that get held captive. No one should get held against there will.
    Opinion: I think it's cruel to do this to people. This is depriving people of their rights. Working people without pay and taking away peoples right to freedom.
    Connection I choose the article because it was interesting to read to know that slavery is still going on in a way.

    1. This is unbelievable that something like this would happen here.
