Sunday, November 10, 2013

5th period, Week of 11/10-11/15

Week Twelve: 11/10/13-11/15/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. source:
    Article title:Gold Star kids: Remembering the children of the fallen
    Article date:November 11th, 2013
    who:Cierra Becker,Staff Sargent Shane Becker,director Mitty Griffis Mirrer, Gold Star Children, T.A.P.S
    where:untied states
    when:April 2007
    what happened: A young girl by the name of cerria`s father has been killed in a war and this happens to many children they are losing their parents to war. many kids pretend that their parents are still around and others just don't know what they should do, many of these children struggle losing a family member and sometimes dont have anyone to talk about it with, some kids don't even sometimes what to ask where their parent is because their afraid they will upset one of their parents. so they have created a program for young children to be able to talk about their feeling and what they are going through. over 20,000 kids lose their parents and america wants to do something about it. they want to be supportive to these children at their time of need. these children have been given a name the Gold Star Children meaning when their parents die their parents recieve a gold star and these children are now labeled as Gold stars because their parents are now gone.
    why relevant: this is revleant because this should speak to the people, the government who decideds to take things this farr and commit to war. they dont relize that in all actuality that if these soilders dont come back that they have now destroied a family and a childs hope and dreams by taking away their parents even though they dont mean to they just want to slove their problems using violence.
    reaction: when i read this i began to really think and have simpathy for these children and their loss.
    opinion: in my opinion i think the government needs to really over think and look at the bigger picture and the families involved before they deicdid to start a war.
    connection: i cant really connect to this event because no one in my family is involved in the war or has ever been,m so all i can really say is these children are beyond mentally strong they are emotionally strong and i feel that they should keep pushing on.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: What will Obamacare enrollment numbers tell us about its health?
    Article Date: Tuesday November 12, 2013
    Who: This article is about how many people enrolled in Obamacare.
    When: The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 24 million people will purchase insurance through an exchange by 2023.
    Where: This has been established in the White House.
    What Happened: This week, the Department of Health will reveal how many people purchased policies on the federal Obamacare exchange website. There are numbers that are will established the people that will receive ObamaCare. It talks about that there several steps in order to apply for Obamacare and most people do not go through the that process. According to CNN's data, at least 344,808 people had signed up for new private insurance on state based exchanges as of November 11.
    Why relevant: This is relevant because we need to know if people are eligible for Obamacare. Most people need this care in order to survive and now they might have to wait because so many people have signed up for it.
    Reaction: I feel as though that people should not have to wait a long time for something that they need. Obamacare was mainly the only thing that was saving people in need.
    Opinion: I think that everyone should have the right to Obamacare. It should not be taking away from them because most people do not like it.
    Connection: I can relate to this because when I have to wait for something I can mad when I have to wait for a long time.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Poll: Obama approval ratings drop, Americans say he’s not trustworthy

    Article Date:Posted at 5:49 pm  

    Who:President Barack Obama, The Obama Administration, and voters at Quinnipiac.

    Where: Quinnipiac voting polls.

    When:  during the polls as recent as last week.

    What happened: Obama's is not leading up to be what the people believed in. They feel Obama has let them down and its showing in the polls. The number of people who trusted Obama had went sown drastically."39% of voters approve how he is handling his job, while 54% disapprove." These numbers go along with the other poll numbers about how trustworthy and reliable the president is. "52%, say the President is not honest and trustworthy, compared to 44% " basically the people are not happy about the way Obama Is handling his duties as president. He told the people they could keep their healthcare plans now its something different.

    Why this event is relevant: it involves the government and the president vs the people.

    Reaction: I  automatically agreed with the people. If Obama isn't doing his job and keeping his word then the poll percentages should be going down. I just was shocked. I thought Obama was the best president all for the people. Turns out he letting the people down with false statements.

    Opinion: I think.. Obama needs to get on his Job and keep his promises. Its not reason people shouldnt trust the man in charge of everything. They make it seem like the only good thing Obama did was stop the government shut down and kill bin laden.

    Connection: I chose this article cause I like to read up on interesting political debates and I favor Obama.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. **Many grammar mistakes, had to start over

    Article Source:
    Article Title: "Clinton: Obama should ‘honor commitment’ on keeping health plans"
    Article Date: November 12, 2013

    Despite his fair share of controversies, Bill Clinton can lay claim to having a great presidency during his time in office, and his words of advice to Obama concerning the Affordable Care Act stem from experience. Clinton says that the Americans that lost their health benefits after the overhaul in 2010 should be returned those benefits as Obama promised them. It's no secret that a large majority of Americans are not in favor of the Affordable Care Act, claiming that it was a fixing of something that simply was not broken. Obama has agreed with Clinton's statements, and says he will meet with advisers to try to find solutions to the problems regarding this act. Nonetheless, Clinton supports the Affordable Care Act.

    However, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has recently brought up a great point. In 2008, during the primary presidential race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton hammered the idea of the Affordable Care Act. How is it that now that his wife has already lost, Clinton has suddenly found the diamond in the rough that is the Affordable Care Act? It seems as if Clinton is conforming to the current circumstance.

    This article is relevant because the Affordable Care Act is something that has affected every single American. Every American is insured by this act, and not every citizen enjoys the notion of this act. Obama has taken serious backlash for the overhaul of health care in 2010 and, though I do not agree with those who don't fancy the act, they deserve to have their voices heard as it says in the Declaration of Independence - "the consent of the governed."

    State battles intensify on access to guns.
    Article Date: November 12 ,2013
    Who:President Barack Obama and six states.
    Where:This is a national issue but the states included in the article is Missouri , Iowa , Colorado , Texas , New York , and New,Town Connecticut.
    When: This issue happen within a whole year of 2013.
    What happened: There is a debate on gun control since the tragedy of New,Town Connecticut shooting. President Obama is trying to make new federal changes and each state has their own rule on gun control. In Texas lawmakers pushed a series of bills that would make it easier and cheaper to own and carry a gun in the state. In New York there the first in the nation to create laws imposing mental health regulations on owning guns. Connecticut passed new gun laws that are the toughest in the Country. They added 100 guns to the banned firearm list of assault weapons. This event is relevant because people lives get token everyday with guns and its important we have laws on guns and that they are strict laws.I feel good to know lawmakers are taking this situation serious because it is a problem that can affect anyone in the world.I think some states can have better laws like Texas because that's not safe enough.I picked this article because I feel like everyone is affected by guns because they are all around us. Innocent people die because of guns and better gun control can help that. Gun control is a issue all around the world.

    Article Title:.Connecticut adds $16 million to boost school security.
    Article Date: November 13,2013
    Who: Gov. Daniel Malloy
    Where: In Connecticut
    When: Wednesday, November 13,2013
    What: The state government of Connecticut is getting more money to help keep school safe. Also the reason why gov. Daniel Molley is doing this because he doesn't want the Sandy Hook situation to happen again.
    Why: This is relevant because we need more securities in our school and we need the securities to protect the kids. Also this is relevant because if we have more securities in out school then alot of students wouldn't get hurt and you can alsi monitor whats going on inside of these schools.
    Reaction: My feelings are good because it shows that the government really cares about the students that are in these schools. Also because they state is really just trying protect people and their kids.
    Opinion: I think that is good idea to get more security in Connecticut because people are crazy anf they do some weird stuff. For example,"We must do everything possible to ensure that our students and teachers are safe". This means that Connecticut is trying to keep everyone safe by hiring more security.
    Connection: I choose this article because I wanted to see why Connecticut was getting all of this money.

  8. Source:
    Article Title: Mayor gunned down, 24 others killed across Iraq.
    Article Date: November 13, 2013
    Who: The mayor of the Iraqi city.
    Where: Iraq, city of Falluja.
    When: This happened recently.
    What happened: The mayor of the Iraqi city was killed when visiting a sewage. There is no known reason for this attack. In the article it explains how Iraq is in a bad state because of all the violence. The article explains houses are collapsing because their weak and the bullets make it worst. It also talks about American soldiers leaving Iraq and how the state of Iraq has not changed.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because people in Iraq are losing their lives over senseless violence and that is not fair to children and people who want to stay away from violence.
    Reaction: When I read this article I felt upset because their is a lot of violence going on and it is important to know what is going on in the world.
    Opinion : I think this article shows what things are like in Iraq with the violence and people dying for senseless reasons.
    Connection: I choose this article because American soldiers just left Iraq and reading the article kind of gave me a idea of the state they were in and all the violence they had to witness.

    Article Title: Authority say 6 in custody after 3 shot outside Pittsburgh high school
    Article Date: November 13, 2013
    Who: Three people were shot were shot in a cross fire outside of their high school.
    Where: This occurred at Brashear high school in Pittsburgh.
    When: This event happened on Wednesday, in the afternoon.
    What happened: Three teenagers were shot in a cross fire but only two teenagers were injured. The police say that the shooting may have been about something drug-related.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant, because there seems to be a lot of gun violence in American just as a general statement. Guns are very easy to get especially in the southern states of the United States.
    Reaction: My reaction to this article is that I think in today's time, nowhere is really safe and you can never let your guard down.
    Opinion: I think this article proves that anything can happen anywhere. This could have happened at my school. I could have been one of those teenagers that had gotten shot. This is why we should count all the blessings that we have, because you will never know what could happen next.
    Connection: This article reminds me of my neighborhood high school. The police were all around the high school, because somebody was carrying a gun that went to that school. They ended up arresting the boy who carried the weapon.
    -Dominique Frazier

    1. Wow! I didn't hear about this. Please include the ENTIRE web address for your current event.

  10. Source:
    Article Title:4marines killed at camp Pendleton
    Article Date: November 13,2013
    Where: Pittsburgh
    When: November of 2013
    What happened:this article talk about four Marines killed during a range maintenance operation at camp Pendleton it also talk about the incident that happened before which dealt with the Marines being killed in a midair collision between two helicopters along the Arizona border which took place during the year of February 2012 and all they could do was try to support the families the best way they could' this article they talk about a name that is considered death during the jobs that took place and the name is Zulu black. As for the Pendleton camp this was considered one of the deadliest.
    Why this event is relevant: this event is revelant because it has something to do with law and justice. I say law because they should have law that says that there is a limit to things that Marines do due to the fact that they are basically helping us also already putting their self in danger which is not right for them or their families they have home.and justice I mean someone speaking out on what is right and making a law of this so our Marines can actually be helped and families will not get affected
    Reaction I felt upset because this isn't right to them or the families these Marines have back at home that care about them.
    Opinion: I think that they should be more careful of our Marines treat them like their pride and joy also make sure that death don't happen in the ways that they did before basically repeating or making it worse.
    Connection I chose this article because it court my attention and I actually have a cousin thats in the navy that has seen similar situations and have been on his worksite and got hurt and these kind of things I really don't. Support because its sad and I hate to see people that put their life on the line for people that don't appreciate it.

    1. I'm glad you chose this article. This was such a sad story.

  11. Source:

    Article Title: Congress gets paid; but who is keeping their paychecks?

    Article Date: October 3, 2013

    Who: Congress, workers, and government
    Where: In the states

    When: this week

    What Happened: The people in the Senators feel they money should go to charities.
    Why is this revenant: People are not getting paid. But they still have to go to work for no paycheck. But the congress are not affected.
    Reaction: People are very heated about this. They want equality.Opinion: I think that everyone should be equal. Is one is not getting paid for the work week then none of them should be getting paid.
    Connections: This reminds me of the revolutions of how they didn't live up to all the ideals. Which is not fair to all other people.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Vigil held for 15-year-old student dead after assault

    Article Date: November 14, 2013

    Who: 15 year old boy

    Where: Canyon High School

    When: Fight occurred last Tuesday and he died this morning.

    What happened: In this article is describes how a young boy was in a fight and eventually lost his life. The boy attended Canyon High School. The boy and boy he was fighting were in the same class. After the bell rang He walked out to see the offender waiting to fight him. The boy was knocked unconscious and bleeding from his face after being hit in the face twice.
    The boy was found in the hallway by emergency responders. His body was received late Wednesday evening and he passed away this morning. His offender was charged with aggravated assault and is being detained a juvenile detention center. Superintendent Kim stated that it's shocking that no one sensed tension between the two at all. There was a candle light for the boy earlier today at 7 pm.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it is an example of justice.
    Reaction: This makes me upset because he passed away.

    Opinion : I think the parent should report something about the school. It makes me mad that there were NO teachers present during the fight. This could been prevented if teachers paid MORE attention. Now another child lost his life because of careless decisions.

    Connection: I chose this because I think that stuff like this should get recognized more. Recently kids have been dying because of teacher's careless mistakes. The law should take more action towards this.

  13. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:Dr. Manny: President’s speech puts more Americans at risk

    Article Date: This happened on November 14, 2013

    Who: This event talks about Dr. Manny Alvarez and his opinion on what Obama's decisions was about the Obama Care.

    Where: This article didn't have a location.

    When: This happened on November 14th, 2013

    What happened: Dr. Manny had voiced his opinion on what Obama is doing dealing with the situation of Obama Care. He had said that Obama isn't dealing with it the Obama Care wrong because he didn't take accountability for it ,but instead he made the bad guy in the situation the health insurance industry. Now that he sees that he also compared him to the tale "Emperor’s New Clothes," which is a tale about how a king was tricked into walking through the streets ,but none of his helpers dared to tell him. By saying that he is saying Obama is walking around naked but the Americans don't want to tell him because it will make him look stupid and probably not president.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it tells us as readers about what Obama is doing in rough situations and whats other peoples opinions.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) My attitude and feeling towards this was kind of confused and shocked.

    Opinion (I think..) its really up to is the result and solution to the problem with the Obama Care.

    Connection (why you chose this article) I connect to this article by thinking of how I my opinion in English class about the Europeans invading the Natives and it made me think about my ancestors on my mother's side of the family.

  14. Source:
    Article Title: Colley Lane school in Halesowen bans Black Country dialect
    Article Date: This article was posted November 14, 2013.
    Who: Colley Lane school was involved.
    Where: This is happening in Halesowen.
    When: This is happening now in 2013.
    What happened: Students at a West Midlands school have been banned from talking and writing in their Black Country dialects. Staff at the schools were criticized for trying to keep the Black Country heritage.
    Why this event is relevant : This event is relevant because schools are not letting kids talk or write their own heritage.
    Reaction: Schools shouldn't be able to do this. What does the government think about it?
    Opinion: These schools are being racist and not giving kids their rights.
    Connection: I can't really connect to this article but I would feel disgraced if the school I go to wouldn't let me talk about my heritage.

  15. Article Title :House Dem accuses Issa of selectively leaking Obamacare document

    Article Date :November 8th, 2013

    Who : House of Democrats

    Where : Washington D.C.

    When : In the month of November 2013

    What Happened :The chairman for democrats blamed Issa for selectively leaking the Obamacare website for people to see. Rep. Cummings wants a hearing for Issa's testimony. Issa claim that the care stress test. He claims that only 60,000 people can see it. This situation was mostly a he said she said conflict. Cummings claimed that Issa was the only person that leaked it by himself. Issa claims that Cummings was his partner in crime and helped him out. That is why they are having a hearing to find out the story.

    Why this event is relevant : The event is relevant because people need to know what's going on with their insurance. The care is mostly used by lower class people.

    Reaction : I think it's a problem because it was sent out to the public.

    Opinion :I think this article was good and interesting to read, it taught me a little bit of information.

    Connection :Obamacare came in handy for a lot of family who was in need of certain things.

  16. Source: (entire website address)

    Article Title:John King: Crucial time for Obama

    Article Date:11/14/13

    Who:John King, CNN Chief National Correspondent

    Where: Washington

    When: 11/14/13

    What happened: The President is apologizing for the failing of the ObamaCare. He recognizes that his plan has fumbled and he is ready to get back to being a productive president.

    Why this event is relevant: This arrival gives an update on success of the Medicare. In this case, the failure of it.

    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I feel bad for everyone who lost there health insurance due to ObamaCare.
    Opinion (I think..) I think politicians should not hold this over Obama's head because he tried his best to help everything, it just so happened that the people left in charge of this project fell short.
    Connection (why you chose this article) This article was picked because u had high hopes for ObamaCare. It was extremely controversial so I wanted it to be successful.

  17. Source:
    Article Title: Is it the end for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford?
    Article Date: November 15, 2013
    Who: Rob Ford, Toronto Mayor
    Where: Toronto, Canada
    When: Friday
    What happened: The council within Toronto have gathered and had come to a vote to push for giving Mayor Ford a leave of absence. Mayor Ford has been put under the searing spotlight for quite a bit for admitting to buying and using crack cocaine. And that's not all, he also admitted to abusing alcohol and was once seen with a female escort, that gave people the wrong idea. Thirthy-seven to 5 the majority of the council decided to usurp most of Mr. Ford's powers. And what's more, when interviewed, Mr. Ford said he wants his citizens to decide if he is worthy during his 2014 election. HA!
    Why this event is relevant: Well, though it's not happening in the states, it's a good example of how if you screw up in your personal life it can certainly affect your job. Also, I have a lot of cousins in Toronto, so why not?
    Reaction: I remember watching this on the news a couple of times. I was kinda shocked, and kinda not. What really got me was the Rob kept saying all this stuff in front of the rolling cameras, and then came back later to say he didn't mean a word. That it was all said due to the pressure of the paparazzi. Now, that sounds preposterous!
    Opinion: I think everyone makes bad choices in life, but I don't think the man deserves to lose his job because he did crack once. It's weird, I know. But I don't really like to mix personal lives of politicians with their work. I'm not gonna judge you by that, I'll judge you by the actions you make to better your section of the world, or the section you are in charge of governing.
    Connection: I'd seen it on the news and wanted to read the follow up. And I wanted to know if he got the boot.

  18. Source :
    Article Title : Chris Brown out if Rehab but Legal was Loom
    Article Date : 11/14/13
    Who : Chris Brown
    Where : Los Angeles
    When : October 27th
    What Happened : Chris went to a rehabilitation center for anger management, After going to jail for assult against a 20 yearold male
    Why is this event relevant : This is relevant because Chris Brown was still on probation for beating up his ex-girlfriend rihanna in 2009.
    Reaction : I was shocked because when he went to rehab for anger. I felt as if it wasnt that serious.
    Opinion : I feel like everyone is judging him because of his past. I think the whole this is just uneccesary & that people need to get over it. People just need to let him live his life
    Connection : This reminds me f my sister because she also has a very bad temper which i think she needs help with.

  19. Source:
    Article Title:Official: Hackers tried repeatedly to attack Obamacare website
    Article Date: This event happened on November 13, 2013.
    Who: Unanimous hackers were the main peoole involved.
    Where: This happened on the Obamacare website.
    When: This has been happening eversince the creation of the website, if not the creation of the Internet.
    What happened: Many hackwrs have tried to hack the Obamacare website, and many have failed. It's now that admins if the website have begun to question how secure rhe website is.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because uf someone was to successfully hack the website, they had access to all of its information. That person could also nake changes to the database and stop the flow of Obamacare. Just last month upto 160,000 people signed up for Obamacare. Imagine if those people's accounts were removed ina matter of milliseconds.
    Reaction: I feel that there are more important things that someone could hack, but I'm not a supporter of hacking. If that person was caught, they would be hatshly punished. When people get caught hacking video games, they get banned for a few days. Just imagine what the government could do to you hacking one of their websites.
    Opinion: We have had computers for a while. The fact that we can't have a website that can aviod being hacked, what makes us so sure that banks are a safe place to store our money. Since basically everything is done by computer, who's stop someone from deleting all the money in you account.
    Connection: This reminds of when PSN was successfully hacked 3 years ago. Their servers were down for several weeks. Everybody was upset at SONY because they are a large company that is based on electronics. They can't take the time to spend some of their bilions of dollars to get a few people to secure their software.

  20. Source:http:/

    Artile Title: "What $36 Means to a Family on Food Stamps"

    Article Date: November 1st, 2013

    Who: The U.S people and U.S government

    Where:In Washington,DC

    When: The first day of November in 2013

    What happened: Our government is beginning to make cuts to the SNAP (Food Stamps) program because they had to find a way budget their money more. Citizens in the SNAP program are forced to look for another way if finance for food. This is because the decrease in amount of money given to each member monthly . Other organization that help distribute food , saw this as a problem because it will make it harder to feed the larger amount of people soon to be applying .

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because now people will starve and this will cause another epidemic . Also is relevant because the SNAP program helped feed millions. Usually for people in need of financial help.

    Reaction : I feel as though the government did not fully considered all the problems this could cause .This article startled me because this is the second time something has happened food stamps with in the last few months.

    Opinion : I think the urban community will most be affected by this . This is because many people in the SNAP are of the Urban community . The government just provide to be an example of having to overcome an obstacle while your already down . The people who do started to succeed and prosper will be the ones the work hard to feed their families or themselves . The governments actions were not appropriate from my stand point .

    Connection : I choose this because this personally affected somebody I know . Their funding in food stamps decreased now being the second time . Making the mom of the family to have to work harder and begin to budget better . This article also caught my attention because it just shows how each and everyday the urban people ( low class) are brought down even farther .

  21. Source:
    Article Title:Death toll rises to 3,621 as more bodies turn up in the Philippines
    Article Date:updated 9:37 AM EST, Fri November 15, 2013
    Who: Philippinesines
    When: November 12,2013
    What happened: After the typhoon officals say that the death rate is becoming higher and higher, when finding new bodies everyday.The number of injured stood at 12,165, state news agency PNA reported, after the storm ripped up a group of the nation's islands with winds stronger than those of Hurricane Katrina. At least 1,140 are missing.
    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because America is doing a good job at making sure that every one is ok and that we are watching over our friends that we trade with
    Reaction: I was shocked to know that it was that many people that died. I wasn't even sure what a typhoon is, but I think its crazy to know that it is worse that a hurricane.
    Opinion : I think that we should raise money to send over ,or have some kind of fundraising.
    Connection: I chose this article because, America is known for helping out other countries when their in danger

  22. Source:
    Article Title:Taxes
    Article Date: 11 12 13
    Who: Texas Tennese IRS Philidelphia
    When: 11 12 13
    What happened:Nebraska, your tax dollars at work: Promoting a new outlet mall
    Why this event is relevant: it showing that people are finally understanding of who needs taxes and who don't
    Reaction just annoyed that it still taking more time for people to underrstand taxes fraud
    people should are the one that will pay taxes
    to show how taxes are being taken for grantedConnection


    Article:Obama offers fix for canceled plans

    Date:November 14, 2013

    Who:Obama and American Citizens

    Where:United States


    What happened:Obama apologizes to those who were effected by the changes of the healthcare. People were promised to have healthcare but because the changes some people received notices that they could no longer receive it. Also they were having problems with the website such as glitches and when people tried to sign up they had problems.

    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because it effects people in our community today and even people we know.

    Reaction:My reaction to this is surprising because it can really hurt a lot of people who will no longer receive healthcare.

    Opinion:My opinion to this is that the people that are being effected by this should act now and try to do something about it because they were promised healthcare but were eventually cut off and that is not fair.

    Connection:My connection to this is the way that they were promised something and it was eventually taken away. It makes you feel disappointed and I know the feeling of being let down.
