Sunday, November 10, 2013

3rd period, Week of 11/10-11/15

Week Twelve: 11/10/13-11/15/13
Current Event Content Requirements:

  1. You should summarize the event IN YOUR OWN WORDS and explain why this is important. 
  2. It should be a minimum of 10 COMPLETE sentences. 
  3. Your chosen current event must involve the government in some way. For example, you may use any news story about the president, Congress, elections, court cases, legal debates, military, taxes, government policies and/or reforms. If you question whether your news story qualifies, ask Ms. Rachael BEFORE blogging. You may copy and paste the requirements below in your blog reply.


Source: (entire website address) 
Article Title:
Article Date:
What happened:
Why this event is relevant: 
Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes)
Opinion (I think..)
Connection (why you chose this article)

Current Event Sources:
Helpful Hint: follow news sources on Twitter so the news appears in your feed. Easy! 


  1. Soruce:
    Article title: Sea World Challenges Whale-trainer contact ban
    Article date: Updated 8:10 PM EST 11.12.13
    Who: federal three-judge panel, Tilikum the orca, Dawn Brancheau, Eugene Scalia Antoni(former solicitor of the U.S. department of labor.
    Where: Location is unknown.
    When: 11/12/13
    What happen: This article is about the argument on weather or not the workers should be allowed to work with the orcas. Due the tragedy event when veteran trainer Dawn Brancheau was pull in the water and kill by Tilikum the orca.
    Why is this relevant: This is relevant because Sea World wouldn't be the same and people who don't know of this would fill angery when they go and no one getting in with animals.
    Reaction: I reacted to this article like this is a serious issue because there is no sure fire way to determine how they will react to workers.
    Opinion: I think that they should have a better way to handle these animals in this type of environment.
    Connection: I chose this article because when go to Sea World I want it be fun and see some people dancing on the nose of a orca.

    1. How does this article relate to government? Remember, each post must relate to government in order to receive credit.

  2. Source:
    Article Title: Three Students Shot Near Pittsburgh High School
    Article Date: Nov. 13, 2013
    Who: US Students
    Where: Pittsburgh; Brashear High School
    When: Nov. 13, 2013
    What happened: Three male students was shot near a Pittsburgh high school earlier in the afternoon.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because the government use to much money on incrimination. They shut down public goods and schools to open more jails. They focus on the criminals and do whatever they can to make sure the criminals face consequences for their illegal actions. When our government seem to lose focus on the things that are necessary. For example, spending money to hire security at schools. Being as though we are in a recession, we don't need security at every school. The top academic and non violent schools, such as Freire Charter School, SLA, Masterman, don't need security to be safe because they are already in a safe environment where they can learn.
    Also, our government spend lots of money on war when our President of the United States, Barack Obama, promised that he will get ours troops to come home. Troops being back home will create a decrease in money used for war which is what we need. They'll make more money to help get security at schools where the environment isn't a safe environment where students can learn.
    Reaction: I feel as though it's sad that we focus on the negative and lose focus on the more important things such as making sure each kid gets an education and that involves with being safe. And we are suppose to fit the ideal of democracy ... Haa !
    Opinion I think the government can do better.
    Connection Know people who died at crossfires at schools.

  3. Source:

    Article Title: Official: Hackers Tried Repeatedly to Hack ObamaCare website

    Article Date: November 13th, 2013

    Who: Cybersecurity and Communications, DDOS(Destroy Obama Care), and US Citizens

    Where: Obamacare website

    When: November 8th

    What happened: Apparently, there had been several attempts to destroy the new obamacare website;however, no one has found who did it yet nor has it been damaged by the hackers. Lots of people are against Obama Care because they'll lose money and business. There's even a group known as DDOS who was discovered on a webpage just discussing things. It's really starting to discourage lots of US Citizens. The website already had lots of malfunctions and now it's not protected?

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because it aids citizens around the US to receive health care or better ones.

    Reaction: I was a little angry at the people who were trying to destroy something so important over money.

    Opinion: I think they should rebuild the website from scratch for better protection and better usage. This is honestly one of the moments where I think Americans should really rebel and show the government how unfair/greedy it's being. But, of course we remain silent...

    Connection: This article, I can relate to because Healthcare is expensive. Even in my condition it is. Medicines, check ups, ERs, surgery, etc. It's all really high and Obama is trying to help with that. It's ashame how greedy and evil our government can be

  4. Source:
    Article Title: Mayor is gunned down and 24 others are killed all across Iraq.
    Article Date:The date of this article is on the 13th of November.
    Who:Iraq mayor is involved in this current event.
    Where:Occured in the city of Falluja in Iraq.
    When:This happened this week.
    What happened:There is no exact reason for the attack on the mayor. However, the mayor of Iraq was murdered when visiting a sewage. Iraq has a lot going on with its violence and are in a devastating crisis as of now. House even collapsed because of the violent shooting causing people homeless.
    Why this event is relevant:This event is relevant because the mayor of Iraq was gunned down which means their government is in a crisis right now. Also others were killed along with the mayor forcing children parent less.
    Reaction: When I read this article I gained a sense of empathy for the Iraq, but then again I did not because Iraq bombed on the US. Now Iraq could see the pain and suffering the US went through when they bombed on New York in 2001.
    Opinion : I think that article showed the violence all across the nation and how worst things are getting with countries.
    Connection:I choose this article because I read articles and books about 9/11 when it was a serious problem and it connected because someone went and shot up Iraq and killed the mayor.

  5. Source:

    Article title: U.S. Senator Calls Robot Projects Wasteful

    Article date: JUN 17, 2011 03:00 AM

    Who: Senator Tom Coburn
    Author Erico Guizzo University of California Berkeley University of California Davis Rowan University Glassboro, N.J.

    Where: Washington D.C.

    When: not listed.

    What happened? The scientists working on a certain type of robotic project need money, tax dollars to be exact and the people sponsoring the scientists projects and testing's are feeling as though the money they are spending and continuing to give to the scientists is being wasted when it could be spent in other ways on over types of things but the scientists feel like they are not being fairly treated and not getting enough of a chance to do what they need to do.

    Why is this relevant? This is relevant because the money they are using for funding and spending on tests and other things to continue with their robotic experiments is coming directly out of the pockets of the everyday person and as we are paying for it we should know that our money is being used correctly

    Reaction: i think that they should have worked out what the time line and money line would be in place before anything was started so no one would have had anything to say when things worked themselves out.

    Connection: I can connect to this because I see both sides, one believes that they could do what they are being asked but only of they had more time and the other believes that they have had their time but they overused it and now it needs to be over.

  6. Source :

    Article : Obama offer fix for canceled plans

    Date: November 14, 2013

    Who : Obama and many Americans

    Where: White House

    When: Couple weeks ago until now

    What happened? The cancellations has ensured the white house for weeks. Obama's previous promise that people who likes their insurance plans can keep them . The administration is not requiring insures or state insurances commissioners to extend the existing plans , but instead is letting them offer an additional year of coverage. Many companies must inform people that additional policies are available on the exchanges and the subsides may be available to those who qualify.

    Why? This is happening because Obama is cutting many people off of their insurance but he did not mean to cut people off it was by mistake and he is very sorry.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is who was the person who shut it down because many people are very sick and need insurance bad .

    Opinion : I believe that he don't mean this and he wants everybody to have insurance because he has experience with his own family not being able to afford insurance.

    Connection : I can connect to this because they cut somebody off in my family and they need the insurance so they have to try and find a way to get some insurance.

  7. Source:http:/
    Article Title:What $36 means to a family on food stamps

    Article Date:November 1st 2013
    Who: The government and the people

    Where: Washington,DC
    When:November 1st, 2013
    What happened: Families who rely on food stamps will be cut in funding for the SNAP. A lot of people will be hurt by this 47 million people to be exact. The have will to make do with the amount of money they are giving them to buy food for their households. Some say the cuts that affect some households will take dramatic effect on them and their bodies some might become obese with them lack of healthy food they buy because healthy food usually is higher then junk food the lack of money they have they will tend to buy cheeper products.

    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because alot of families rely on food stamps!
    Reaction (describe your feelings or attitudes) I believe that the government is being unrealistic because they know that , that is not enough money to stack your house up with food for you kids. many people need food stamps they have no other way to get food without them.
    Opinion (I think..) I think the government is truly unfair and it's not because they don't have the money because they do I think they like seeing African Americans struggle with in their life and that is terrible. They government puts out money to a lot of different unimportant things but they can't help people in need.
    Connection (why you chose this article)I choose this because this will its a lot going on today and the struggle is something real a lot of people can't feed their family just because they are not getting paid enough so they really depend on these food stamps.

  8. Source:

    Article Title: Obama tries to dig out of his Obamacare hole

    Article Date: 11/14/13

    Who: Obama

    Where: Washington, D.C.

    When: today

    What happened: Obama held a meeting today that talked about how he is planning to fix Obama care. Within a few minutes his speech quickly begin to sound more like an apology then it sound like a speech. He then took full responsibility for everything that went wrong and also took ownership for the democrats and the wrong doing that was done to them.

    Why this event is relevant: This is relevant because Obamecate has a big affect on citizens in the United States and could make a huge impact on their life.

    Reaction: I feel as though Obama owned up to his mistakes like a man and had the heart to come out and talk to people about his mistakes and how he plans to fix them.

    Opinion: I think that people should respect Obama for doing something very courages and to really listen to him when he talks about making

    Connection: I connect this article to real life situations that take place around us all the time but nobody ever has the heart to own up to what they really did .

  9. Source:

    Article Title:Toronto mayor apologizes for lewd remark, gets TV show

    Article Date: November 14, 2013

    Who: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

    Where: Toronto, CA

    When: Thursday Morning (November 14, 2013)

    What happened: Another day, here we go with the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Apologizing for comments about oral sex he made Thursday morning. He has admitted to using smoking a crack pipe, buying illegal drugs while in office and now denies allegations of seeking out oral sex with a female staffer but the way he went about this situation is all wrong, using graphic language of his own, stunning the reporters who surrounded him. Later he apologized to the reporters saying that he was under heavy, heavy stress over the past couple weeks and that his remarks were said after acting on impulse after they attacked his integrity as a father and as a husband. Even though he did not say what is causing the stress, he states that he is supports from "a team of health care professionals". The Mayor responded Thursday morning by threatening legal action against former staffers who claimed the mayor brought a woman appearing to be an escort to his office and drank alcohol while driving. His own brother and other members of city council are urging him to take leave. His whole team is being investigated by the police for drug trafficking and buying alcohol for the Mayor. Ford is tired of all the allegations and just wants to put it behind him.

    Why this event is relevant: People do stuff all the time and are exposed, the higher ranking people always get away with stuff, its about time the shoe is on the other foot.

    Reaction: I do feel for the mayor, but he should of never started down this path.

    Opinion: He deserves everything coming to him. You rolled the dice, now you have to play the game.

    Connection: Nathan Grellner, pictured, the mayor of Valley Park, Missouri, has been exposed as a meth addict.

  10. Source: ([TnCBtn,2])

    Article Title: Only 106,000 Pick Health Insurance Plans in First Month

    Article Date: This article was published November13,2013

    Who This article is about the 106,000 people and the republicans and the democrats.

    Where: This happened in the federal and the state run marketplaces.

    When: The count happened from September-present.

    What happened: The amount of people that signed up for the Affordable Care Act was 106,000 people. One fourth of Americans signed up for the health plan under the federal marketplace and the other three fourths signed under the state marketplace. The republicans they felt embarrassed about the amount of people who signed up. The Democrats are coming up with a new law that will increase the count of applicants. It was estimated by the secretary of Medicaid and Medicare that almost 500,000 people would of signed up by November of 2013.

    Why this event is relevant: The article is relevant because it shows how affective the Affordable Care Act is.

    Reaction (My reaction to this article was agreeable with the law that everybody should have health care no matter how many people signed up).

    Opinion (I think that they did right by making people purchase health care because it is helpful to the people and the United States economy.

    Connection (I chose this article because the title interest me and made me want to read about it.)

  11. Source:
    Article Title: China to ease one-child policy
    Article Date: November, 15.2013
    Who: This event is about China.
    Where: This takes place in China.
    When: It has been a debate for months, recently announced it on Friday November, 8th.
    What happened: For decades China enforced a one-child policy. China's family planning laws require families to have one child. China has recently announced that is will relax on the law and abolish labor camps. They want to improve human rights. Currently, only way you could have more than one child is if both parents must be sole children in order to be eligible for the second child. Now couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was an only child.
    Why this event is relevant: This event is relevant because it's good to know that people are getting the rights they deserve.
    Reaction: After reading this I felt really happy for the people in China.
    Opinion: I think this is a good thing because now Chinese people can have bigger families and child labor will no longer be allowed.
    Connection: I choose this article because it always amazed me that people in China could on have one child, so this is really something I was interested in reading.

  12. Source:

    Article Title: Texas and 5 Other States Resist Processing Benefits for Gay Couples

    Article Date: November 10, 2013

    Who: Alicia Butler and her wife Judith Chedville

    Where: Texas

    When: November 10, 2013

    What happened: Judith is a National Guard officer, along with her wife went to the Austin’s Camp Mabry to that Alicia could get a military identification spoise card. Which basically was saying it is approved her her marriage to Judith who is a National Guard. Long story short, they were rejected because of Texas's refusal to pass the gay rights law.

    Why this event is relevant: The rage of the the gay rights campaign is a huge debate. This event is extremely relevant to now, the modern day. As long as this debate has been going on, there are many states refusing to pass the right.

    Reaction: My reaction was " typical America" of course they would be the biggest hyprocrites of them all. I was shocked to read the turned them around at the camp basically, and they already have their marriage certificate. It is not like they are just dating.

    Opinion: I personally don't understand why people's personal intrest is so relevant to the government. It should be none of one's buisness who and why they would want to marry a person. It is a form of discrimination, and it's down right wrong a disrespectful.

    Connection: I have no personal connection to this cause, but I do know people who are strongly against the refusal of congress, the goverment, etc. decisions to propose the right of gay marriage. Homosexual or Heterosexual, people, as well as I feel like it's people own right and choice to be with whom they please. Why should it matter what gender? Me being a African American knows what it feels like to be discriminated by, it hurts and it's very disrespectful. It is a childish play.

  13. Source:
    Article Title:China reforms: One-child policy to be relaxed
    Article Date: November 15 2013
    Who: china's people,governing Communist
    When: November 15 2013
    What happened: china is considering to let a parent have more then one child. they are now considering letting china's parents to have 2 children considering that before only each person could have one child. It was said in the article that The one-child policy would be "adjusted and improved step by step to promote 'long-term balanced development of the population in China'.In some cities, both parents must be only children in order to be allowed to have a second child.In the countryside, families are allowed to have two children if the first is a girl.Couples who flout the rules can face heavy fines, or possibly lose their property or their jobs.
    Why this event is relevant: this is relevant because this is happening around us.
    Reaction my reaction to this was shocked because I didn't know that in china you could only have 1 child.
    Opinion I think this is wrong and parents should be able to have as many children as they want why deny the right to have more children.
    Connection my connection to this is I saw a movie like this.

  14. Source: (
    Article Title:Philadelphia schools confront pension debt
    Article Date:November 14,2013
    Who:Philadelphia School District
    When: November 14,2013
    What happened: Philadelphia school district owe multi-million dollar debt so one set of Philadelphia teachers has agreed to make fundamental changes to their retirement plans.At the end of June there will be a freeze current defined benefit pension plans for teachers and other non-clergy employees. This plan contributes 7.5 percent of salaries with no employee contribution.
    Why this event is relevant:
    Reaction: This shocks me because I wonder if people are upset about this or not.
    Opinion: I think it's good but then I think so of the teachers are upset about this.
    Connection: I chose this article because I know how much of a hot topic the school district is in Philadelphia.


  15. Source:
    Article title: fbi chief on benghazi probe we will never stop
    Article date:11/14/13
    Who: James Comey
    Where: Eastern Libya and the U.S.
    When: from 2012 until now
    What: Last year 3 innocent Americans and ambassador Christopher Stevens was murder. The FBI has been working on this case for awhile now . The FBI feels that they need to seek justice. That's why they will not give up on this case. Comey wants to get the terrorist that done this. He has his whole support team help him out. This case is so important to Coney because something similar like this happen in Benghazi . He tried to avoid political fighting and to let it slide but he just couldn't.
    Why: Comey wants justice. He said to him own self that he will not give up until the terrorist is caught .
    Reaction: My reaction was shocked to still see police officer to still be working on a case that is a year old. By them still doing this \, shows to never give up on anything
    Opinion: I think Comey is doing the right thing by not giving up because them people that died was somebody family member and taking away people lives is just crucial.
    Connection: my connection is the same as my reaction . I see simpler situation on T.V. When the police officer work hard to serve justice.

  16. Source :

    Article : Obama offer fix for canceled plans

    Date: November 14, 2013

    Who : Obama and many Americans

    Where: White House

    When: Couple weeks ago until now

    What happened? The cancellations has ensured the white house for weeks. Obama's previous promise that people who likes their insurance plans can keep them . The administration is not requiring insures or state insurances commissioners to extend the existing plans , but instead is letting them offer an additional year of coverage. Many companies must inform people that additional policies are available on the exchanges and the subsides may be available to those who qualify.

    Why? This is happening because Obama is cutting many people off of their insurance but he did not mean to cut people off it was by mistake and he is very sorry.

    Reaction: My reaction to this is who was the person who shut it down because many people are very sick and need insurance bad .

    Opinion : I believe that he don't mean this and he wants everybody to have insurance because he has experience with his own family not being able to afford insurance.

    Connection : I can connect to this because they cut somebody off in my family and they need the insurance so they have to try and find a way to get some insurance.
